Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Actually thats me citing world history...

That's you citing yourself as world history, just as you've cited yourself as nature, as the creator, as God and as the law.

You're none of these things. Your empty appeals to authority demonstrate the weakness of your claims. As when the logic and reason of your accusations are tested, they fail. For example, you insist that there is only one valid basis of marriage: procreation. As the perfectly valid marriages of childless and infertile couples demonstrate, there is clearly more a valid basis of marriage that has nothing to do with children.

Verifably disproving the 'logic' of your argument. And proving the existence of a valid basis of marriage that has nothing to do with your 'only valid basis'. Killing your argument twice.
And with THAT... your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Summary declarations of victory are themselves a concession. As if your argument worked logically or factually, you wouldn't need them.

They're also quite irrelevant. As the overturn of gay marriage ban after gay marriage ban demonstrates. Reality doesn't change just because you pretend it doesn't exist.

One can't prevail where on deflects from their own argument... thus given that is what ya did... YOU CONCEDED.

That you're insufficiently bright to recognize that, is irrelevant.
Actually, I have lived through all this. Homosexuality is just a garden variety sexual perversion/dysfunction. The pity is, homosexuals have capital and this is a capitalist society, they are buying popular sentiment with Hollywood shows from Will and Grace to Philadelphia. I won't take this any were else, because just how jaded I will sound.

You're certainly welcome to your opinion. But the rights of gays and lesbians to same sex marriage ... .

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Says you, citing you. And you're nobody.
Actually, I have lived through all this. Homosexuality is just a garden variety sexual perversion/dysfunction. The pity is, homosexuals have capital and this is a capitalist society, they are buying popular sentiment with Hollywood shows from Will and Grace to Philadelphia. I won't take this any were else, because just how jaded I will sound.

You're certainly welcome to your opinion. But the rights of gays and lesbians to same sex marriage ... .

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Says you, citing you. And you're nobody.


Let me ask you this... on what basis are you resting this absurdity, which apparently holds that for reasoning to be valid, it must be claimed by someone who is NOT HERE?
And with THAT... your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Summary declarations of victory are themselves a concession. As if your argument worked logically or factually, you wouldn't need them.

They're also quite irrelevant. As the overturn of gay marriage ban after gay marriage ban demonstrates. Reality doesn't change just because you pretend it doesn't exist.

One can't prevail where on deflects from their own argument... thus given that is what ya did... YOU CONCEDED.

That you're insufficiently bright to recognize that, is irrelevant.

And once again, you throw up your white flag by summarily declaring 'victory'....and abandoning any attempt at defending the failed logic or reason of your argument. If your logic had merit, you wouldn't have been forced to abandon it. As it stands, you refuse to even discuss your 'one purpose of marriage' standard, treating it like the rhetorical garbage it is.

If even you are going to treat your claims like rhetorical flotsam to be tossed on the midden heap, surely you can understand when we treat your claims similarly.
Actually, I have lived through all this. Homosexuality is just a garden variety sexual perversion/dysfunction. The pity is, homosexuals have capital and this is a capitalist society, they are buying popular sentiment with Hollywood shows from Will and Grace to Philadelphia. I won't take this any were else, because just how jaded I will sound.

You're certainly welcome to your opinion. But the rights of gays and lesbians to same sex marriage ... .

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Says you, citing you. And you're nobody.


Let me ask you this... on what basis are you resting this absurdity, which apparently holds that for reasoning to be valid, it must be claimed by someone who is NOT HERE?

On the basis that same sex marriage exists in 31 of 50 states. You insist this can't be. Reality demonstrates it most certainly can.

Again, your denial of reality doesn't change it. The world doesn't disappear if you close your eyes. And the overwhelming evidence that contradicts you doesn't cease to exist just because you pretend it never existed.
And with THAT... your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Summary declarations of victory are themselves a concession. As if your argument worked logically or factually, you wouldn't need them.

They're also quite irrelevant. As the overturn of gay marriage ban after gay marriage ban demonstrates. Reality doesn't change just because you pretend it doesn't exist.

One can't prevail where on deflects from their own argument... thus given that is what ya did... YOU CONCEDED.

That you're insufficiently bright to recognize that, is irrelevant.

And once again, you throw up your white flag by summarily declaring 'victory'....and abandoning any attempt at defending the failed logic or reason of your argument. If your logic had merit, you wouldn't have been forced to abandon it. As it stands, you refuse to even discuss your 'one purpose of marriage' standard, treating it like the rhetorical garbage it is.

If even you are going to treat your claims like rhetorical flotsam to be tossed on the midden heap, surely you can understand when we treat your claims similarly.

So by noting that you first claimed that The Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality was Popular, therefore legitimate, then where that was refuted you then turned to claim that it was legit because an infinitesimal minority in the Judiciary OVERTURNED THE WILL OF THE MAJORITY... thus joining the opposition's argument, wherein, you literally conceded to your own argument.

THIS you claim demonstrates ME running from my own reasoning?


Obscurant... thus yields from the standing point, thus is YOU conceding to ME.

And with that, your most recent concession is again: DULY noted and summarily accepted.

Also... accepted in that is your failure to sustain your now discredited premise that argument is only valid through the citation of another not present in the discussion.
So by noting that you first claimed that The Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality was Popular, therefore legitimate, then where that was refuted you then turned to claim that it was legit because an infinitesimal minority in the Judiciary OVERTURNED THE WILL OF THE MAJORITY... wherein you conceded to your own argument...

More accurately, I indicated that support for the legalization of gay marriage is strong. And you have yet to refute me. Or even disagree. You're facing a rather uphill battle. As unlike you, I'm not quoting myself. I'm quoting Gallup, one of the most respected polling organizations in the country.

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55%

Americans' support for the law recognizing same-sex marriages as legally valid has increased yet again, now at 55%. Marriage equality advocates have had a string of legal successes over the past year, most recently this week in Pennsylvania and Oregon where federal judges struck down bans on gay marriage....

Same Sex Marriage Should Be Valid: 55%
Same Sex Marriage Should not be Valid: 42%

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55

That's a margin of support of 13%. Falling nicely into the 12% to 19% margin of support I cited. Ignore as you will. Your willful ignorance has no impact on the outcome of this issue. Just as your feelings have no impact on the outcome.

And of course, gay marriage is now legal in 32 of 50 States. With the overwhelming majority of federal district court rulings upholding same sex marriage. And the USSC preserving every ruling that overturns gay marriage bans, without exception. While joining in and overturning key portions of DOMA defining marriage at the federal level.

See how little your willful ignorance actually matters?
On the basis that same sex marriage exists in 31 of 50 states.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Says you, citing yourself.

No... that is me citing NATURE.

Marriage is the joining of ONE man and ONE woman. Notice how it also precludes the acceptance of other facets of sexual abnormality. Specifically: Bestiality, Pedophilia, Polygamy, etc, etc... .

Ya see scamp, STANDARDS are SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO DISCRIMINATE. There is no other purpose for them.
All Americans have rights, left handed, blacks, women or whatever. A special interest group teases this out, finesses the point ridiculously, and suddenly a sexual dysfunctional group with deep pockets becomes a new group of humanity nobody ever noticed before? As opposed to a bunch of rich perverts that spout propaganda? I am not buying the poor gay shit. It's just so much spam.
MOST PEOPLE REJECT YOUR IDEAS... because your ideas rest in the perversion of human reasoning; deviant reasoning, which, by its very nature represents a threat to the very viability of the culture, itself.

Says you, citing yourself.

I'm citing the vast majority of the people, who elected the vast majority of representatives who passed the laws in the vast majority of the states which recognized the natural standards defining marriage.

You're citing election results from 2008 or earlier. I'm citing polling results from several months ago. The more recent polling samples demonstrate a much more accurate picture of support for the legality of gay marriage today....then do results from 6 years ago.

So it took six years to finally complete the brainwashing of the people ? There has been many tricks and tools used to carry this all out, and to make it all appear as the people are ready for it all now, but are they ? Time will tell I guess.

OK, so you say that the tyranny of the majority can't abuse the minority, but can't this work in the same way in reverse ? How about the tyranny of the minority, who coupled together with the feds help over time (making it all one sided), haven't they together since been reeking havoc on the majority in this nation now ? Now Is that fair or right in your mind also ? Can't the feds be fooled also ? I mean they do like to pay $600.00 dollars for a toilet seat, and award contracts to build bridges to no where until the watchdog's catch them in the act. They do like protecting their cronies and taking in bad monies without having any conscience on, and then luring victims to vote for them just so they can stay in office drawing their government paychecks yet for what ? What was the term being used again "Drain the Swamp" during the 2008 lying campaign ? Has the swamp been drained yet ?
On the basis that same sex marriage exists in 31 of 50 states.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Says you, citing yourself.

No... that is me citing NATURE.

No, that's you quoting yourself AS nature. Its the same appeal to authority that you've been relying on your entire debate. Which is an obtuse fallacy of logic. You yourself admitted that appeals to authority only work if the logic and reasoning behind them are valid. And yours isn't.

You've insisted that the only valid basis of marriage is procreation. But that's obviously not true, as the valid marriages of the infertile and childless demonstrate. There are valid bases of marriage that have nothing to do with children or the ability to have folks are married who have no children or lack the ability to have children.

Disproving your claim that there is only valid basis of marriage is procreation. Your logic and reasoning don't work. And with their failure, all you're left with is an empty appeal to authority, a classic fallacy of logic. If the logic and reasoning of your argument were valid, you wouldn't need your fallacy.
OK, so you say that the tyranny of the majority can't abuse the minority, but can't this work in the same way in reverse ?

How are gays 'abusing' the majority by being allowed to marry? How is your marriage effected in anyway by a gay person being allowed to marry? Your marriage is just as valid the day before gays are allowed to marry as the day after.

Recognizing the rights of gays and lesbians to marry 'abuses' no one. Unless you're planning on entering a same sex marriage, you're pretty much irrelevant to the process.
On the basis that same sex marriage exists in 31 of 50 states.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Says you, citing yourself.

No... that is me citing NATURE.

No, that's you quoting yourself AS nature.

False... that is me observing nature and recognizing how nature designed the species, and the purposes intrinsic to such. It's not particularly complex, just apparently beyond the means of the deviant mind to comprehend.
Which is yet ANOTHER clue on the downside to tolerating deviant reasoning.

So... while sound reasoning NEVER requires validation, it is always nice when such comes along.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

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