Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Saying marriage is between one man and one woman is legally incorrect. It's not wrong since the basics of right and wrong still apply. A legal edict cannot change wrong to right.

The basics of right and wrong....according to who?

(Appeal to Authority in 3....2.....1.....)
According to normal people. What happens when people can decide for themselves what right and wrong are. Then decide that burning gays alive is the right thing to do? Would that make it right? In Iran the law is that gays should be hanged. Is that right because it's lawful? Of course not. Legalizing same sex marriage is lawful. Not right.

'Normal people' according to who? See, defining a subjective term with another subjective term is just a delaying tactic. You'll eventually have to cite a source that isn't purely speculative.

And given that a strong majority of the nation supports gay marriage by margins of between 12 and 19 points, you may want to be careful how you subjectively define 'normal people'.

There is nothing subjective about normality... as that is established by no less an authority than Nature itself; !

There is something subjective about how humans treat 'normality'- and how they treat those who they view as 'not normal'.

You would prefer that those you consider 'not normal' be treated as second class citizens.

I would prefer we treat humans equally.

Yes the far left does not understand such words, but they love to post them..

So a woman is being raped kills the rapist in self defense, a rapist kills his victim and according to the far left the these two should be treated equally.

Yep! Proof that equality does not truly exist..
Yes I know when you called out for pushing an agenda..

Yes punish those churches it will make you feel so much better, go for that revenge..


Yes punish those churches!


Yes we know you far left posters are trolls.


Yes we know you are! Although keeping that far left propaganda not based in reality..
The basics of right and wrong....according to who?

(Appeal to Authority in 3....2.....1.....)
According to normal people. What happens when people can decide for themselves what right and wrong are. Then decide that burning gays alive is the right thing to do? Would that make it right? In Iran the law is that gays should be hanged. Is that right because it's lawful? Of course not. Legalizing same sex marriage is lawful. Not right.

'Normal people' according to who? See, defining a subjective term with another subjective term is just a delaying tactic. You'll eventually have to cite a source that isn't purely speculative.

And given that a strong majority of the nation supports gay marriage by margins of between 12 and 19 points, you may want to be careful how you subjectively define 'normal people'.

There is nothing subjective about normality... as that is established by no less an authority than Nature itself; !

There is something subjective about how humans treat 'normality'- and how they treat those who they view as 'not normal'.

You would prefer that those you consider 'not normal' be treated as second class citizens.

I would prefer we treat humans equally.

Yes the far left does not understand such words, but they love to post them..

So a woman is being raped kills the rapist in self defense, a rapist kills his victim and according to the far left the these two should be treated equally.

Yep! Proof that equality does not truly exist..

Equality does in fact exist... it simply exists ONLY within the scope of reality which the Relativists of the Ideological Left: REJECTS.

Human equality exists ONLY before God. No God, no potential for human equality.
The basics of right and wrong....according to who?

(Appeal to Authority in 3....2.....1.....)
According to normal people. What happens when people can decide for themselves what right and wrong are. Then decide that burning gays alive is the right thing to do? Would that make it right? In Iran the law is that gays should be hanged. Is that right because it's lawful? Of course not. Legalizing same sex marriage is lawful. Not right.

'Normal people' according to who? See, defining a subjective term with another subjective term is just a delaying tactic. You'll eventually have to cite a source that isn't purely speculative.

And given that a strong majority of the nation supports gay marriage by margins of between 12 and 19 points, you may want to be careful how you subjectively define 'normal people'.

There is nothing subjective about normality... as that is established by no less an authority than Nature itself; !

There is something subjective about how humans treat 'normality'- and how they treat those who they view as 'not normal'.

You would prefer that those you consider 'not normal' be treated as second class citizens.

I would prefer we treat humans equally.

Yes the far left does not understand such words, but they love to post them..

So a woman is being raped kills the rapist in self defense, a rapist kills his victim and according to the far left the these two should be treated equally.

Yep! Proof that equality does not truly exist..

Equality does in fact exist... it simply exists ONLY within the scope of reality which the Relativists of the Ideological Left: REJECTS.

Human equality exists ONLY before God. No God, no potential for human equality.

More accurately, I reject the idea that your personal opinion and subjective beliefs define 'reality'.
There is nothing subjective about normality... as that is established by no less an authority than Nature itself; who designed the human species, providing very specific and clearly defined genders, for very specifc and clearly defined purposes... those who comport themselves within that STANDARD, are: NORMAL.

Who defines what normal is? If the majority of the population supports gay marriage then wouldn't support for gay marriage be normal? If gay marriage is legal in a majority of states, wouldn't legal recognition of same sex marriage be 'normal'?

These are your standards, after all.
Those who do NOT comport themselves within that STANDARD, thus who DEVIATE from that STANDARD, are: DEVIANTS, OKA: ABNORMAL.

Since the majority of the nation supports gay marriage, does that mean your opposition makes you a deviant by your own standards?
There is nothing subjective about normality... as that is established by no less an authority than Nature itself; who designed the human species, providing very specific and clearly defined genders, for very specifc and clearly defined purposes... those who comport themselves within that STANDARD, are: NORMAL.

Who defines what normal is? If the majority of the population supports gay marriage then wouldn't support for gay marriage be normal? If gay marriage is legal in a majority of states, wouldn't legal recognition of same sex marriage be 'normal'?

These are your standards, after all.
Those who do NOT comport themselves within that STANDARD, thus who DEVIATE from that STANDARD, are: DEVIANTS, OKA: ABNORMAL.

Since the majority of the nation supports gay marriage, does that mean your opposition makes you a deviant by your own standards?

If every human being on earth, BELIEVED to the core of their respective SOULS that sexual deviancy was PERFECTLY NORMAL... that popularly held sentiment would in no way alter the reality wherein sexual behavior which deviates from the biological standard, is deviant, thus abnormal behavior.

This would remain so, if every human being on earth was suddenly struck with the desire for sexual gratification through sexual behavior with people of their same gender.

Ya see, none of that changes the fact relevant to human physiology and the sexual standards intrinsic to such, therein.
Equality does in fact exist... it simply exists ONLY within the scope of reality which the Relativists of the Ideological Left: REJECTS.

Human equality exists ONLY before God. No God, no potential for human equality.

More accurately, I reject the idea that your personal opinion and subjective beliefs define 'reality'.

I personally just think it is more concise to call Keys posts bat guano craziness.
I think there is definitely a breach of church and state going on here, because most if not all in America viewed or have known marriage to be as a holy and religious ceremony that was recognized by the state as a good thing, and they have done this through out this nations founding. It has supported the church practice by joining in on the action with incentives to help it all along because it saw it as good. Now the gay's are wanting the state to change the definition of marriage, and that is an intrusion or breach of the Church and State clause in which we have lived by for so long, and has been a protection of our religious institutions from the state controlling them or destroying them, and this we have had in order to of course protect the freedom of religion in this nation for as long as it has been a part of this America. We now see the power of the state, and how it can destroy without this protection being used, so where are we going wrong here ?

So since you are all about the government recognizing a Churches position on same-sex marriage. Then can we assume that you advocate that the government should recognize same-sex holy matrimony performed by a religious organization? (Which includes Christian Churches, Jewish Synagogues, Hindu and Buddhist Temples, Wiccans, Native Amercian religious groups, etc.)

There is no such thing as same sex holy matrimony, so what's your point ? I mean people can do what ever they want, and they can call it what ever they want, but that doesn't make it right in the eyes of God or in the eyes of hundreds of thousands of American citizens now does it ? For the ones who want to live apart from such weird and strange things, then how do you suppose they do that without a voice or representation to do so ? This is why people elect people they want to represent them, and they expect results not a sell out to the highest bidder afterwards. To many lies are told, and to much fraud is going on in the electorate now, where as they will smile and tell you one thing, but then do another because of the pressure and corruption that is overwhelming when they reach the center of the rotten core finally.

As to the emphasized part above, are you saying there are not religious organizations (Churches, Synagogues, Temples, etc.) that are now providing religious marriage to same-sex couples?

The rest just seems to be a wall of text trying very hard not to answer the question that was asked.>>>>

They may be providing it, but it isn't HOLY I can garantee you that, and if they think that it is HOLY, then they are completely corrupted or brainwashed badly into thinking such. It isn't HOLY nor is it acknowledged in the eyes of GOD, except that he tells us that these things are sin..... Like I said they can call it what ever they want too, and they can carry on where ever it is that someone would except them as such, but HOLY is definitely something they are not, and this no matter how hard they try and hide behind such words because it isn't selling for most people who are members of the churches . Obama claimed he was a Christian at one point, but his actions spake otherwise.
Equality does in fact exist... it simply exists ONLY within the scope of reality which the Relativists of the Ideological Left: REJECTS.

Human equality exists ONLY before God. No God, no potential for human equality.

More accurately, I reject the idea that your personal opinion and subjective beliefs define 'reality'.

OH! And FWIW: Belief in God and the recognition of God's supreme authority is not only OBJECTIVE, it's the epitome of objectivity. (FYI: That means that it doesn't GET any more objective than THAT!)

“OH! And FWIW: Belief in God and the recognition of God's supreme authority is not only OBJECTIVE, it's the epitome of objectivity. (FYI: That means that it doesn't GET any more objective than THAT!)”

This is subjective, personal, and legally irrelevant, as is your belief in a 'god.'

“OH! And FWIW: Belief in God and the recognition of God's supreme authority is not only OBJECTIVE, it's the epitome of objectivity. (FYI: That means that it doesn't GET any more objective than THAT!)”

This is subjective, personal, and legally irrelevant, as is your belief in a 'god.'

Is it?

Belief in God is the epitome (look it up) of Objectivity.

And western Jurisprudence is founded directly upon the recognition of, respect for and adherence TO God and the laws he provided, by which humanity is governed.
Equality does in fact exist... it simply exists ONLY within the scope of reality which the Relativists of the Ideological Left: REJECTS.

Human equality exists ONLY before God. No God, no potential for human equality.

More accurately, I reject the idea that your personal opinion and subjective beliefs define 'reality'.

OH! And FWIW: Belief in God and the recognition of God's supreme authority is not only OBJECTIVE, it's the epitome of objectivity. (FYI: That means that it doesn't GET any more objective than THAT!)

And 'objectively' what does God say on the matter of gays?

“Human equality exists ONLY before God. No God, no potential for human equality.”


Equality exists in spite of religion, as religion has long been a source of discrimination – that theists seek to deny gay Americans their civil rights 'justified' by their religious beliefs is evidence of that.
“I really do not see the government ever getting out marriage.”

Likely because the notion of government 'getting out of marriage' is nonsense.

Government and marriage contract law are one in the same; indeed, marriage contract law is written by the states and administered by state courts. Moreover, marriage contract law does not manifest as 'bloated government' or 'government overreach,' as marriage contract law is the sole purview of government.

Last, the 14th Amendment jurisprudence that compels the states to allow same-sex couples access to the marriage contract law they're eligible to participate in applies only to government, not private persons or private organizations, such as churches.

Clearly ignorance of the law needlessly clouds this issue as does the unwarranted hatred of theists.
“I really do not see the government ever getting out marriage.”

Likely because the notion of government 'getting out of marriage' is nonsense.

Government and marriage contract law are one in the same; indeed, marriage contract law is written by the states and administered by state courts. Moreover, marriage contract law does not manifest as 'bloated government' or 'government overreach,' as marriage contract law is the sole purview of government.

Last, the 14th Amendment jurisprudence that compels the states to allow same-sex couples access to the marriage contract law they're eligible to participate in applies only to government, not private persons or private organizations, such as churches.

Clearly ignorance of the law needlessly clouds this issue as does the unwarranted hatred of theists.
Listen to yourself, I mean here you are saying to us that this is allowed or that It was allowed or that it should be allowed, but I'll ask you this then, how come it wasn't allowed forever and a day under so many administrations in this nation ? How was it legal as you say, but it was not legal for hundreds of years here ? Are you saying that it took all these years for a generation to come along and tell everyone how wrong they were for hundreds of years now ? If so that is saying a lot, but what I think is that the government always worked for the majority of the American people in the past, but today not so much.
“I really do not see the government ever getting out marriage.”

Likely because the notion of government 'getting out of marriage' is nonsense.

Government and marriage contract law are one in the same; indeed, marriage contract law is written by the states and administered by state courts. Moreover, marriage contract law does not manifest as 'bloated government' or 'government overreach,' as marriage contract law is the sole purview of government.

Last, the 14th Amendment jurisprudence that compels the states to allow same-sex couples access to the marriage contract law they're eligible to participate in applies only to government, not private persons or private organizations, such as churches.

Clearly ignorance of the law needlessly clouds this issue as does the unwarranted hatred of theists.
Listen to yourself, I mean here you are saying to us that this is allowed or that It was allowed or that it should be allowed, but I'll ask you this then, how come it wasn't allowed forever and a day under so many administrations in this nation ? How was it legal as you say, but it was not legal for hundreds of years here ? Are you saying that it took all these years for a generation to come along and tell everyone how wrong they were for hundreds of years now ? If so that is saying a lot, but what I think is that the government always worked for the majority of the American people in the past, but today not so much.

Oh yeah? You "think" that do you? Well, you need to "think" a little deeper. Do you know what Loving v Virginia was? It was the SCOTUS case that ruled bans on interracial marriage as unconstitutional. They made the ruling in 1967. Here's what "the American people" thought about it.

“I really do not see the government ever getting out marriage.”

Likely because the notion of government 'getting out of marriage' is nonsense.

Government and marriage contract law are one in the same; indeed, marriage contract law is written by the states and administered by state courts. Moreover, marriage contract law does not manifest as 'bloated government' or 'government overreach,' as marriage contract law is the sole purview of government.

Last, the 14th Amendment jurisprudence that compels the states to allow same-sex couples access to the marriage contract law they're eligible to participate in applies only to government, not private persons or private organizations, such as churches.

Clearly ignorance of the law needlessly clouds this issue as does the unwarranted hatred of theists.
Listen to yourself, I mean here you are saying to us that this is allowed or that It was allowed or that it should be allowed, but I'll ask you this then, how come it wasn't allowed forever and a day under so many administrations in this nation ? How was it legal as you say, but it was not legal for hundreds of years here ? Are you saying that it took all these years for a generation to come along and tell everyone how wrong they were for hundreds of years now ? If so that is saying a lot, but what I think is that the government always worked for the majority of the American people in the past, but today not so much.

Oh yeah? You "think" that do you? Well, you need to "think" a little deeper. Do you know what Loving v Virginia was? It was the SCOTUS case that ruled bans on interracial marriage as unconstitutional. They made the ruling in 1967. Here's what "the American people" thought about it.


So, this gallup poll shows what you support. How about this Galup poll. Should not the will of the people rule the day here as well? Only 37% support it.



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