Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Laws can change.

Exactly- that is what I was pointing out.

If you don't like laws against discrimination you can fight them.

You could even fight to change the Constitution so that you could force Gays to wear pink armbands.

BUT under our current Consituttion- no church can or will or should- be forced to marry anyone- black, Jew, Armenian or homosexual that the Church does not want to marry.
They have a new game coming up, you have to be married by a civil authority, because the pastor won't sign your state license, and then you get "married" before God in a church. Go for it boys.
I am in support of equal marriage for same gender couples- BUT no Church should or will be forced to marry any couple that doesn't meet the Church's requirements....For instance- the Catholic Church would not allow my wife and I to get married in a Catholic Church....Jews can't insist that the Baptist Church marry them, Evangelicals can't insist that a rabbi marry them and gay's cannot force any church to marry them if that is against church doctrine.

So then you're against christian bakers or photographers having to provide services for gay weddings as well?

LOL....oh Silhouette- what would you do if you could not lie in a post?

IF the law says that business's have to provide services to the public regardless of their race, religion, national origin or gender- then those business's cannot refuse service to someone because owner is a Muslim who thinks his religious beliefs say he cannot sell to a Christian.

IF the law says that business's have to provide services to the public regardless of their sexual identity, then that business cannot refuse to service someone because the owner is a Christian who thinks his religious beliefs say he cannot sell to a Lesbian.

What is the recourse? Well just like gay couples who believed that anti-gay marriage laws were unconstiutional, that baker or photographer can attempt to change the law by:
a) going to court- like some gay couples have or
b) changing the law through the ballot or legislation- as other gay couples have.

Both are legitimate ways to change the law.

But a business is not a church.
A church is not a business.

No church should- or will- be forced to marry anyone- black, Jew, Christian, gay- against their will.

Well, then it appears that in these things that have been created and that are now being forced on us today, are simply in violation of the very constitution and things in which were believed in and/or has been honored and lived by for many years now. The majority of the people and our government has seen our religions and our many lifestyles that were found amongst the majority as being good (not evil) and they were instrumental at unifying the nation for the most part, and so we all have kept them sacred for the nation, and for those whom are amongst us that had agreed with these things in this way. Then they (the reps and the people together), had made laws that would protect these things in which they believed in, and so it was so, and so shall it be to this very day in America.

Of course corrections were made through out our history, and those corrections were agreed upon by a majority as well in the nation, and this had happened once we were all convinced properly of the wrong in which had been created by yes a minority of evil men who were amongst us at various times, and that had been amongst us through out the course of our history, and were causing bad things among the nation at various times in our history because we were duped by them.

They aren't done yet, so stay vigilant people always. They were very strong in their influence, just as at many given times they had shown through out our history to be so, but they were wrong headed and steered the nation into chaos many times by their wrong headed thinking, so "Thank God" we (the majority) knew how to over come them eventually. So it took a majority to do it, and not a minority to do it or it wouldn't have worked or it would have only worked for a short time if that had been the case. Now in the case of blacks in the nation, our government coupled with a silent majority had to help them overcome their oppressors, and that is what we did because we believed in the cause and agreed with their cause and struggle in life, so the government then did our works as it should have for us in that case. Of course the minority men who didn't see it that way, well they hated the situation, but was over come by the silent majority and the feds who were on the right side of history at that time.

Now you can't have freedom of religion in this country without it being accepted also outside of the church buildings as well, and the religion of a people is to be recognized by our government, and it is to be respected as such outside of those church buildings just as long as it remains peaceful, loving, caring and all within the context of, and it remains respectful of those who are around it all also. The Christians should not be forced into caving to others because the government says so, and especially without a majority consent in which it doesn't have or no where near does it have, and therefore it is best that the Christain person or Christian run business make known his or her beliefs and/or his or her purpose in life when asked, and this I think they should do if a non-Christian or other type walks into their business in life or should visit them in life (no surprises needed). They should live by their beliefs in that respect when doing anything from their charter or upon their religious views in which one would have in his or her life while out in the public square, and while doing business out in the public square.

Example: Gay guy walks into a cake bakery, but he see's a sign that say's it is a Christian bakery, then that should end it all right there, because the gay guy knows that his lifestyle is in contradiction of that establishment ownerships beliefs system as it is listed, so he then turns and leaves to find another bakery that may be neutral to his needs and wants as an American citizen who respects the freedom of religion in the nation as it reads in the constitution, and in which he or she is guided by, and therefore lives by also in the nation. No government intervention is needed and it shouldn't be asked for period.

Now we have to ask ourselves, did the government make moves in the past that are now endangering the very freedoms in which were laid out in the constitution for us all to live by, and isn't our Presidents to have sworn an oath to protect these very things in this country ? So it seems that we have conflicts of interest running wild in our government now and/or all over the place, where as it (the feds) has become a hit man for those who somehow convince it that the people are in favor of these things they bring forth today, when in fact the majority is not in favor of them at all. Has the government over stepped it's boundaries (become tyrannical in it's ways upon us over many issues), and has it created a one sided situation in which robs another of his or her's liberty and freedoms in this nation because of ? I'd say yes it has! They have done this in favor of a minority view that is based upon the lives of others as they would see it from a minority view, and this they have done instead of upholding the majority view on life as the majority thinks it ought to be while being in the majority, and also without being dictated to by the minority by way of the very government in which is supposed to remain neutral and fair on these issues that are found between the two.

How can the tyranny of a minority therefore rule the masses in a nation that see's things otherwise for what it wants for their families and their children to grow up around in life now ? It's amazing really what is going on today. This flooding of the nation with those for whom they think would oppose all that I write here, is a tactic now going on in our government who is helping the minority to overcome (not find equality with) the majority, where as it thinks it can change the majority mindset in this way or destroy it in this way, so be aware America of these things, because they are real.
I am in support of equal marriage for same gender couples- BUT no Church should or will be forced to marry any couple that doesn't meet the Church's requirements....For instance- the Catholic Church would not allow my wife and I to get married in a Catholic Church....Jews can't insist that the Baptist Church marry them, Evangelicals can't insist that a rabbi marry them and gay's cannot force any church to marry them if that is against church doctrine.

So then you're against christian bakers or photographers having to provide services for gay weddings as well?

LOL....oh Silhouette- what would you do if you could not lie in a post?

IF the law says that business's have to provide services to the public regardless of their race, religion, national origin or gender- then those business's cannot refuse service to someone because owner is a Muslim who thinks his religious beliefs say he cannot sell to a Christian.

IF the law says that business's have to provide services to the public regardless of their sexual identity, then that business cannot refuse to service someone because the owner is a Christian who thinks his religious beliefs say he cannot sell to a Lesbian.

What is the recourse? Well just like gay couples who believed that anti-gay marriage laws were unconstiutional, that baker or photographer can attempt to change the law by:
a) going to court- like some gay couples have or
b) changing the law through the ballot or legislation- as other gay couples have.

Both are legitimate ways to change the law.

But a business is not a church.
A church is not a business.

No church should- or will- be forced to marry anyone- black, Jew, Christian, gay- against their will.

Well, then it appears that in these things that have been created and that are now being forced on us today, are simply in violation of the very constitution and things in which were believed in and/or has been honored and lived by for many years now. .

What 'things' are being forced on you today?

No one is forcing you to marry someone you don't want to marry.

If you believe a law is unconstitutional, then you have recourse to the same courts that the Lovings appealed to, and that gay couples are appealing to now.
LOL....oh Silhouette- what would you do if you could not lie in a post?

IF the law says that business's have to provide services to the public regardless of their race, religion, national origin or gender- then those business's cannot refuse service to someone because owner is a Muslim who thinks his religious beliefs say he cannot sell to a Christian.

IF the law says that business's have to provide services to the public regardless of their sexual identity, then that business cannot refuse to service someone because the owner is a Christian who thinks his religious beliefs say he cannot sell to a Lesbian.

What is "sexual identity"? Is that like "I am a bulimic-American"?.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the expanded Colorado
Anti-Discrimination Act now prohibit?

Places of public accommodation may not
deny any person participation, entry, or
services based upon the person’s sexual
orientation, including transgender status.

What is a “place of public accommodation”?

A public accommodation is any place of
business engaged in o!ering sales or
services of any kind to the public, as well
as any place o!ering facilities, privileges,
advantages or other accommodations to
the public. Typical examples of public
accommodations include, but are not
limited to, hotels, restaurants, stores,
hospitals, clinics, and health clubs.

Is any place of public accommodation
exempt from the law?

Yes. Churches, synagogues, mosques, and
other places used primarily for religious
purposes are exempt from the definition of
public accommodation.

If a business is labeled as a Christian business in example of, (The Glory Land recording Studio where we uplift the Lord through the Joy of music or Joey's Christian Bakery and services, where we like building our cakes from scratch or In "Light of Him" photography services, were we are made possible by the Good Lord who has given us the talent to serve him through you and your needs of the photography industry), and the list can go on in the millions of ones choosing in these regards. Then the government can not violate the separation of church and state clause, in which it swore to uphold in this nation period. If I open a Christian book store and call it that, then the government can not force me to sell porn literature or any other kind of anti-religious material to those who may want that from my store period. If it does then it is in violation of my religious rights and freedoms to own and operate a Christian book store that would serve my Christian brothers and sisters or to serve any other person who may want or have an interest in my materials that are sold in that store. A gay person would not be denied access into the store, nor would he or she be denied access to the materials that are sold in the store, so you see how that works ? Now if I am branded as a Christian business, and I do customized work there like painting portraits, baking customized cakes and such , and say a gay person walked in and asked if the store could paint a gay couple on a portrait, or bake a cake with a gay couple standing a top of it, then the store by it's branding could refuse services to the gay person based upon that branding in which told the gay person of what the store was in regards to it's business model and services it offers. No government official is able to do anything about that without being in violation of the Church and State clause. It's time for Christians to brand their businesses as to who they are, and to what their beliefs are, and also in regards to what they sell in which echoes those beliefs. This will end this tyranny that is against them now in America. I do blame the Christians for seeking to profit by not doing this, and therefore opening themselves up to attacks because they didn't dot their I's and cross their T's in life.

Just because a business brands themselves as being Christian based or Muslim religion based and/or etc.doesn't mean that they can't still provide services to anyone that they want or wish to for whom may walk in, but it will set up a store front where as anyone just can't walk in and demand of them anything that they want just for the Hell of it either. See how that works ?
If I open a Christian book store and call it that, then the government can not force me to sell porn literature or any other kind of anti-religious material to those who may want that from my store period.
No, but it can force you to serve all paying customers, regardless of their faith. See how that works?

Don't confuse business with faith. The rules are not the same.
If I open a Christian book store and call it that, then the government can not force me to sell porn literature or any other kind of anti-religious material to those who may want that from my store period.
No, but it can force you to serve all paying customers, regardless of their faith. See how that works?

Don't confuse business with faith. The rules are not the same.
Says you, but that isn't the way the law is written in this nation. If you brand your business as one of being a Christian run Business, then like I said the government can not force you to engage in anti-Christian activity within that business. Now if you make no mention of your faith upon your label, then you are open to scrutiny and even fines by the feds if you choose to not sell your products to or give your services to someone as based upon their race, religion, their gender or possibly upon their demands upon you because they didn't realize that what they are demanding is not your desire to give to them, because it wasn't in your label as it should have been. It's time for Americans to start deciding what they are going to have as their business models in America, because religion and the freedom there of is still protected by the feds, and they ca not force religious people to go against their religion or faith in privacy there of or in business there of if they label themselves properly when engaging in these things. Chic-Filet made a statement there for giving their ideology behind their business model and workings within that business model, and they got in trouble for it by the government who criticized them for this, but let me tell you that they are tremendously popular afterwards, and they are tremendously profitable afterwards, because people who are Americans that agreed with this stance, are supporting this chain so much so, that you can't hardly get into the parking lot to get served. They are a top notch operation in every way, and it shows big time that sometimes standing up for what you believe has great rewards, even when you think it may not. Now they don't refuse services to anyone based upon their race, religion, gender or their faith, but when they were asked about their stance on gay marriage, then they answered truthfully about it.

Hey to the gay's and/or to any other out there, if you don't want to know, then don't ask and they won't tell, because if you ask them about the issues then they will tell, and if you don't like the answer then don't ask. That goes for those who tried to set up Duck Dynasty or any other militant who is out to push the Christians into the closet now, and all because they have since come out of it. People can exist here together, but it's only if people respect one another's positions on issues in which they hold dear unto themselves and their faith, along with the protection of their cultures in society that it will work out for all.

The government has become a hit man in all of this, and I think people know this now.
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If I open a Christian book store and call it that, then the government can not force me to sell porn literature or any other kind of anti-religious material to those who may want that from my store period.
No, but it can force you to serve all paying customers, regardless of their faith. See how that works?

Don't confuse business with faith. The rules are not the same.
Says you, but that isn't the way the law is written in this nation. If you brand your business as one of being a Christian run Business, then like I said the government can not force you to engage in anti-Christian activity within that business. Now if you make no mention of your faith upon your label, then you are open to scrutiny and even fines by the feds if you choose to not sell your products to or give your services to someone as based upon their race, religion, their gender or possibly upon their demands upon you because they didn't realize that what they are demanding is not your desire to give to them, because it wasn't in your label as it should have been. It's time for Americans to start deciding what they are going to have as their business models in America, because religion and the freedom there of is still protected by the feds, and they ca not force religious people to go against their religion or faith in privacy there of or in business there of if they label themselves properly when engaging in these things. Chic-Filet made a statement there for giving their ideology behind their business model and workings within that business model, and they got in trouble for it by the government who criticized them for this, but let me tell you that they are tremendously popular afterwards, and they are tremendously profitable afterwards, because people who are Americans that agreed with this stance, are supporting this chain so much so, that you can't hardly get into the parking lot to get served. They are a top notch operation in every way, and it shows big time that sometimes standing up for what you believe has great rewards, even when you think it may not. Now they don't refuse services to anyone based upon their race, religion, gender or their faith, but when they were asked about their stance on gay marriage, then they answered truthfully about it.

Hey to the gay's and/or to any other out there, if you don't want to know, then don't ask and they won't tell, because if you ask them about the issues then they will tell, and if you don't like the answer then don't ask. That goes for those who tried to set up Duck Dynasty or any other militant who is out to push the Christians into the closet now, and all because they have since come out of it. People can exist here together, but it's only if people respect one another's positions on issues in which they hold dear unto themselves and their faith, along with the protection of their cultures in society that it will work out for all.

The government has become a hit man in all of this, and I think people know this now.
By chance, have you heard of the word Verbose? Just curious.
LOL....oh Silhouette- what would you do if you could not lie in a post?

IF the law says that business's have to provide services to the public regardless of their race, religion, national origin or gender- then those business's cannot refuse service to someone because owner is a Muslim who thinks his religious beliefs say he cannot sell to a Christian.

IF the law says that business's have to provide services to the public regardless of their sexual identity, then that business cannot refuse to service someone because the owner is a Christian who thinks his religious beliefs say he cannot sell to a Lesbian.

What is "sexual identity"? Is that like "I am a bulimic-American"?.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the expanded Colorado
Anti-Discrimination Act now prohibit?

Places of public accommodation may not
deny any person participation, entry, or
services based upon the person’s sexual
orientation, including transgender status.

What is a “place of public accommodation”?

A public accommodation is any place of
business engaged in o!ering sales or
services of any kind to the public, as well
as any place o!ering facilities, privileges,
advantages or other accommodations to
the public. Typical examples of public
accommodations include, but are not
limited to, hotels, restaurants, stores,
hospitals, clinics, and health clubs.

Is any place of public accommodation
exempt from the law?

Yes. Churches, synagogues, mosques, and
other places used primarily for religious
purposes are exempt from the definition of
public accommodation.

If a business is labeled as a Christian business in example of, (The Glory Land recording Studio where we uplift the Lord through the Joy of music or Joey's Christian Bakery and services, where we like building our cakes from scratch or In "Light of Him" photography services, were we are made possible by the Good Lord who has given us the talent to serve him through you and your needs of the photography industry), and the list can go on in the millions of ones choosing in these regards. Then the government can not violate the separation of church and state clause, in which it swore to uphold in this nation period. If I open a Christian book store and call it that, then the government can not force me to sell porn literature or any other kind of anti-religious material to those who may want that from my store period. If it does then it is in violation of my religious rights and freedoms to own and operate a Christian book store that would serve my Christian brothers and sisters or to serve any other person who may want or have an interest in my materials that are sold in that store. A gay person would not be denied access into the store, nor would he or she be denied access to the materials that are sold in the store, so you see how that works ? Now if I am branded as a Christian business, and I do customized work there like painting portraits, baking customized cakes and such , and say a gay person walked in and asked if the store could paint a gay couple on a portrait, or bake a cake with a gay couple standing a top of it, then the store by it's branding could refuse services to the gay person based upon that branding in which told the gay person of what the store was in regards to it's business model and services it offers. No government official is able to do anything about that without being in violation of the Church and State clause. It's time for Christians to brand their businesses as to who they are, and to what their beliefs are, and also in regards to what they sell in which echoes those beliefs. This will end this tyranny that is against them now in America. I do blame the Christians for seeking to profit by not doing this, and therefore opening themselves up to attacks because they didn't dot their I's and cross their T's in life.

Just because a business brands themselves as being Christian based or Muslim religion based and/or etc.doesn't mean that they can't still provide services to anyone that they want or wish to for whom may walk in, but it will set up a store front where as anyone just can't walk in and demand of them anything that they want just for the Hell of it either. See how that works ?

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the expanded Colorado
Anti-Discrimination Act now prohibit?

Places of public accommodation may not
deny any person participation, entry, or
services based upon the person’s sexual
orientation, including transgender status.

What is a “place of public accommodation”?

A public accommodation is any place of
business engaged in o!ering sales or
services of any kind to the public, as well
as any place o!ering facilities, privileges,
advantages or other accommodations to
the public. Typical examples of public
accommodations include, but are not
limited to, hotels, restaurants, stores,
hospitals, clinics, and health clubs.

Is any place of public accommodation
exempt from the law?

Yes. Churches, synagogues, mosques, and
other places used primarily for religious
purposes are exempt from the definition of
public accommodation.
LOL....oh Silhouette- what would you do if you could not lie in a post?

IF the law says that business's have to provide services to the public regardless of their race, religion, national origin or gender- then those business's cannot refuse service to someone because owner is a Muslim who thinks his religious beliefs say he cannot sell to a Christian.

IF the law says that business's have to provide services to the public regardless of their sexual identity, then that business cannot refuse to service someone because the owner is a Christian who thinks his religious beliefs say he cannot sell to a Lesbian.

What is "sexual identity"? Is that like "I am a bulimic-American"?.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the expanded Colorado
Anti-Discrimination Act now prohibit?

Places of public accommodation may not
deny any person participation, entry, or
services based upon the person’s sexual
orientation, including transgender status.

What is a “place of public accommodation”?

A public accommodation is any place of
business engaged in o!ering sales or
services of any kind to the public, as well
as any place o!ering facilities, privileges,
advantages or other accommodations to
the public. Typical examples of public
accommodations include, but are not
limited to, hotels, restaurants, stores,
hospitals, clinics, and health clubs.

Is any place of public accommodation
exempt from the law?

Yes. Churches, synagogues, mosques, and
other places used primarily for religious
purposes are exempt from the definition of
public accommodation.

If a business is labeled as a Christian business in example of, (The Glory Land recording Studio where we uplift the Lord through the Joy of music or Joey's Christian Bakery and services, where we like building our cakes from scratch or In "Light of Him" photography services, were we are made possible by the Good Lord who has given us the talent to serve him through you and your needs of the photography industry), and the list can go on in the millions of ones choosing in these regards. Then the government can not violate the separation of church and state clause, in which it swore to uphold in this nation period. If I open a Christian book store and call it that, then the government can not force me to sell porn literature or any other kind of anti-religious material to those who may want that from my store period. If it does then it is in violation of my religious rights and freedoms to own and operate a Christian book store that would serve my Christian brothers and sisters or to serve any other person who may want or have an interest in my materials that are sold in that store. A gay person would not be denied access into the store, nor would he or she be denied access to the materials that are sold in the store, so you see how that works ? Now if I am branded as a Christian business, and I do customized work there like painting portraits, baking customized cakes and such , and say a gay person walked in and asked if the store could paint a gay couple on a portrait, or bake a cake with a gay couple standing a top of it, then the store by it's branding could refuse services to the gay person based upon that branding in which told the gay person of what the store was in regards to it's business model and services it offers. No government official is able to do anything about that without being in violation of the Church and State clause. It's time for Christians to brand their businesses as to who they are, and to what their beliefs are, and also in regards to what they sell in which echoes those beliefs. This will end this tyranny that is against them now in America. I do blame the Christians for seeking to profit by not doing this, and therefore opening themselves up to attacks because they didn't dot their I's and cross their T's in life.

Just because a business brands themselves as being Christian based or Muslim religion based and/or etc.doesn't mean that they can't still provide services to anyone that they want or wish to for whom may walk in, but it will set up a store front where as anyone just can't walk in and demand of them anything that they want just for the Hell of it either. See how that works ?

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the expanded Colorado
Anti-Discrimination Act now prohibit?

Places of public accommodation may not
deny any person participation, entry, or
services based upon the person’s sexual
orientation, including transgender status.

What is a “place of public accommodation”?

A public accommodation is any place of
business engaged in o!ering sales or
services of any kind to the public, as well
as any place o!ering facilities, privileges,
advantages or other accommodations to
the public. Typical examples of public
accommodations include, but are not
limited to, hotels, restaurants, stores,
hospitals, clinics, and health clubs.

Is any place of public accommodation
exempt from the law?

Yes. Churches, synagogues, mosques, and
other places used primarily for religious
purposes are exempt from the definition of
public accommodation.

It sounds as if these public accommodation laws or their creation of, have either been highjacked or extended to mean far more than they were meant to be or that the constitution would allow them to be after their creation, so what happened ?

Now I know laws had to be created in order to force accommodation to the public as far as the use of public restrooms went and/or because of not allowing a race equal rights to all areas of the public square in which business was being conducted in, jobs were being accessed in or citizens would go about freely in their day to day activities.

Now if they were expanded beyond that to include sexual orientation, then what does someones sexual orientation have to do with anything in the public square or their access to it ? I mean are they thinking that someone may wear a Tu-Tu into the public square seeking a girls restroom when they are a boy in gender now, so the accommodation enforcement would include this action to be forced or allowed in the public square now, or from someone to seek a job in that outfit when the job may have a uniform requirement like steel toe boots and etc. so the accommodation laws would make a company give an exception to the worker who wants to wear what he or she wants to in that area as well or was it in fear that a person would be laughed at in the public square so they sought to suppress ones feelings about such things, and so the accommodation laws would force a person to not break a smile if saw a person running around in a TU-Tu on a winter day, while everyone else is wearing heavy clothes ? Did the laws being changed have the will of the people involved, or did the government get paid off to accommodate a group based upon their command of the feds in this way now ?

Like I said before, if I open up a Christian Book store in the public square, and it is labeled as this, then the government can not force me to sell porn materials or anything that a customer might wish that my services would include but they don't, because that would be illegal for the feds to do. Now you know I am right, and so you just go on and admit to it finally.
If I open a Christian book store and call it that, then the government can not force me to sell porn literature or any other kind of anti-religious material to those who may want that from my store period.
No, but it can force you to serve all paying customers, regardless of their faith. See how that works?

Don't confuse business with faith. The rules are not the same.
Says you, but that isn't the way the law is written in this nation. If you brand your business as one of being a Christian run Business, then like I said the government can not force you to engage in anti-Christian activity within that business. Now if you make no mention of your faith upon your label, then you are open to scrutiny and even fines by the feds if you choose to not sell your products to or give your services to someone as based upon their race, religion, their gender or possibly upon their demands upon you because they didn't realize that what they are demanding is not your desire to give to them, because it wasn't in your label as it should have been. It's time for Americans to start deciding what they are going to have as their business models in America, because religion and the freedom there of is still protected by the feds, and they ca not force religious people to go against their religion or faith in privacy there of or in business there of if they label themselves properly when engaging in these things. Chic-Filet made a statement there for giving their ideology behind their business model and workings within that business model, and they got in trouble for it by the government who criticized them for this, but let me tell you that they are tremendously popular afterwards, and they are tremendously profitable afterwards, because people who are Americans that agreed with this stance, are supporting this chain so much so, that you can't hardly get into the parking lot to get served. They are a top notch operation in every way, and it shows big time that sometimes standing up for what you believe has great rewards, even when you think it may not. Now they don't refuse services to anyone based upon their race, religion, gender or their faith, but when they were asked about their stance on gay marriage, then they answered truthfully about it.

Hey to the gay's and/or to any other out there, if you don't want to know, then don't ask and they won't tell, because if you ask them about the issues then they will tell, and if you don't like the answer then don't ask. That goes for those who tried to set up Duck Dynasty or any other militant who is out to push the Christians into the closet now, and all because they have since come out of it. People can exist here together, but it's only if people respect one another's positions on issues in which they hold dear unto themselves and their faith, along with the protection of their cultures in society that it will work out for all.

The government has become a hit man in all of this, and I think people know this now.
By chance, have you heard of the word Verbose? Just curious.
I know, I know ... LOL
LOL....oh Silhouette- what would you do if you could not lie in a post?

IF the law says that business's have to provide services to the public regardless of their race, religion, national origin or gender- then those business's cannot refuse service to someone because owner is a Muslim who thinks his religious beliefs say he cannot sell to a Christian.

IF the law says that business's have to provide services to the public regardless of their sexual identity, then that business cannot refuse to service someone because the owner is a Christian who thinks his religious beliefs say he cannot sell to a Lesbian.

What is "sexual identity"? Is that like "I am a bulimic-American"?.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the expanded Colorado
Anti-Discrimination Act now prohibit?

Places of public accommodation may not
deny any person participation, entry, or
services based upon the person’s sexual
orientation, including transgender status.

What is a “place of public accommodation”?

A public accommodation is any place of
business engaged in o!ering sales or
services of any kind to the public, as well
as any place o!ering facilities, privileges,
advantages or other accommodations to
the public. Typical examples of public
accommodations include, but are not
limited to, hotels, restaurants, stores,
hospitals, clinics, and health clubs.

Is any place of public accommodation
exempt from the law?

Yes. Churches, synagogues, mosques, and
other places used primarily for religious
purposes are exempt from the definition of
public accommodation.

If a business is labeled as a Christian business in example of, (The Glory Land recording Studio where we uplift the Lord through the Joy of music or Joey's Christian Bakery and services, where we like building our cakes from scratch or In "Light of Him" photography services, were we are made possible by the Good Lord who has given us the talent to serve him through you and your needs of the photography industry), and the list can go on in the millions of ones choosing in these regards. Then the government can not violate the separation of church and state clause, in which it swore to uphold in this nation period. If I open a Christian book store and call it that, then the government can not force me to sell porn literature or any other kind of anti-religious material to those who may want that from my store period. If it does then it is in violation of my religious rights and freedoms to own and operate a Christian book store that would serve my Christian brothers and sisters or to serve any other person who may want or have an interest in my materials that are sold in that store. A gay person would not be denied access into the store, nor would he or she be denied access to the materials that are sold in the store, so you see how that works ? Now if I am branded as a Christian business, and I do customized work there like painting portraits, baking customized cakes and such , and say a gay person walked in and asked if the store could paint a gay couple on a portrait, or bake a cake with a gay couple standing a top of it, then the store by it's branding could refuse services to the gay person based upon that branding in which told the gay person of what the store was in regards to it's business model and services it offers. No government official is able to do anything about that without being in violation of the Church and State clause. It's time for Christians to brand their businesses as to who they are, and to what their beliefs are, and also in regards to what they sell in which echoes those beliefs. This will end this tyranny that is against them now in America. I do blame the Christians for seeking to profit by not doing this, and therefore opening themselves up to attacks because they didn't dot their I's and cross their T's in life.

Just because a business brands themselves as being Christian based or Muslim religion based and/or etc.doesn't mean that they can't still provide services to anyone that they want or wish to for whom may walk in, but it will set up a store front where as anyone just can't walk in and demand of them anything that they want just for the Hell of it either. See how that works ?

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the expanded Colorado
Anti-Discrimination Act now prohibit?

Places of public accommodation may not
deny any person participation, entry, or
services based upon the person’s sexual
orientation, including transgender status.

What is a “place of public accommodation”?

A public accommodation is any place of
business engaged in o!ering sales or
services of any kind to the public, as well
as any place o!ering facilities, privileges,
advantages or other accommodations to
the public. Typical examples of public
accommodations include, but are not
limited to, hotels, restaurants, stores,
hospitals, clinics, and health clubs.

Is any place of public accommodation
exempt from the law?

Yes. Churches, synagogues, mosques, and
other places used primarily for religious
purposes are exempt from the definition of
public accommodation.

It sounds as if these public accommodation laws or their creation of, have either been highjacked or extended to mean far more than they were meant to be or that the constitution would allow them to be after their creation, so what happened ?

Now I know laws had to be created in order to force accommodation to the public as far as the use of public restrooms went and/or because of not allowing a race equal rights to all areas of the public square in which business was being conducted in, jobs were being accessed in or citizens would go about freely in their day to day activities.

Now if they were expanded beyond that to include sexual orientation, then what does someones sexual orientation have to do with anything in the public square or their access to it ? I mean are they thinking that someone may wear a Tu-Tu into the public square seeking a girls restroom when they are a boy in gender now, so the accommodation enforcement would include this action to be forced or allowed in the public square now, or from someone to seek a job in that outfit when the job may have a uniform requirement like steel toe boots and etc. so the accommodation laws would make a company give an exception to the worker who wants to wear what he or she wants to in that area as well or was it in fear that a person would be laughed at in the public square so they sought to suppress ones feelings about such things, and so the accommodation laws would force a person to not break a smile if saw a person running around in a TU-Tu on a winter day, while everyone else is wearing heavy clothes ? Did the laws being changed have the will of the people involved, or did the government get paid off to accommodate a group based upon their command of the feds in this way now ?

Like I said before, if I open up a Christian Book store in the public square, and it is labeled as this, then the government can not force me to sell porn materials or anything that a customer might wish that my services would include but they don't, because that would be illegal for the feds to do. Now you know I am right, and so you just go on and admit to it finally.

If you believe the law is unconstitutional- you can try to change the law.

That can be done through the courts- as homosexual couples have sought for protection or through legislation.
Example: Gay guy walks into a cake bakery, but he see's a sign that say's it is a Christian bakery, then that should end it all right there, because the gay guy knows that his lifestyle is in contradiction of that establishment ownerships beliefs system as it is listed, so he then turns and leaves to find another bakery that may be neutral to his needs and wants as an American citizen who respects the freedom of religion in the nation as it reads in the constitution, and in which he or she is guided by, and therefore lives by also in the nation. No government intervention is needed and it shouldn't be asked for period.

Keyword: "lifestyle". Correct beagle9. Since LGBT is a cult of alternate lifestyles that are strictly forbidden (qualified as a mortal sin deserving of eternity in hell no less) in the christian church to promote in any way, shape or form (see Jude 1 and Romans 1 of the New Testament), their demanding that a christian baker participate in such an intimate and promotional way of a lifestyle that is forbidden for the baker to participate in at the core of his faith, the equivalent would be a christian walking up to an orthodox jewish caterer and demanding he handle and serve pork to be served at the wedding. And if he won't, suing him. Serving and eating pork isn't even a mortal sin in the jewish faith like promoting homosexuality is. Yet nobody would expect an orthodox jew to serve pork as a caterer.
Example: Gay guy walks into a cake bakery, but he see's a sign that say's it is a Christian bakery, then that should end it all right there, because the gay guy knows that his lifestyle is in contradiction of that establishment ownerships beliefs system as it is listed, so he then turns and leaves to find another bakery that may be neutral to his needs and wants as an American citizen who respects the freedom of religion in the nation as it reads in the constitution, and in which he or she is guided by, and therefore lives by also in the nation. No government intervention is needed and it shouldn't be asked for period.

Keyword: "lifestyle". Correct beagle9. Since LGBT is a cult of alternate lifestyles that are strictly forbidden (qualified as a mortal sin deserving of eternity in hell no less) in the christian church to promote in any way, shape or form (see Jude 1 and Romans 1 of the New Testament), their demanding that a christian baker participate in such an intimate and promotional way of a lifestyle that is forbidden for the baker to participate in at the core of his faith, the equivalent would be a christian walking up to an orthodox jewish caterer and demanding he handle and serve pork to be served at the wedding. And if he won't, suing him. Serving and eating pork isn't even a mortal sin in the jewish faith like promoting homosexuality is. Yet nobody would expect an orthodox jew to serve pork as a caterer.
If you don't serve pork, then don't. What you don't get to say is for you I serve pork but not for this other guy. If you bake weddings cakes for a living who is getting married is none of your fucking business. It's business, not faith. How long before you morons learn that?
Example: Gay guy walks into a cake bakery, but he see's a sign that say's it is a Christian bakery, then that should end it all right there, because the gay guy knows that his lifestyle is in contradiction of that establishment ownerships beliefs system as it is listed, so he then turns and leaves to find another bakery that may be neutral to his needs and wants as an American citizen who respects the freedom of religion in the nation as it reads in the constitution, and in which he or she is guided by, and therefore lives by also in the nation. No government intervention is needed and it shouldn't be asked for period.

Keyword: "lifestyle". Correct beagle9. Since LGBT is a cult of alternate lifestyles that are strictly forbidden (qualified as a mortal sin deserving of eternity in hell no less) in the christian church to promote in any way, shape or form (see Jude 1 and Romans 1 of the New Testament), their demanding that a christian baker participate in such an intimate and promotional way of a lifestyle that is forbidden for the baker to participate in at the core of his faith, the equivalent would be a christian walking up to an orthodox jewish caterer and demanding he handle and serve pork to be served at the wedding. And if he won't, suing him. Serving and eating pork isn't even a mortal sin in the jewish faith like promoting homosexuality is. Yet nobody would expect an orthodox jew to serve pork as a caterer.
If you don't serve pork, then don't. What you don't get to say is for you I serve pork but not for this other guy. If you bake weddings cakes for a living who is getting married is none of your fucking business. It's business, not faith. How long before you morons learn that?

Now just how do you separate ones faith from a person or the owners of a business? Just because the citizens might own and operate a business in America, doesn't mean one loses his faith in life all because of such a thing. You don't lose it, but the thing is this, the cake baker if wants to have his faith recognized in his business, then he or she needs to advertise in that way. That would be the best way to let people know that you can't engage in things that are contrary to your faith if asked while owning and operating your business. Once that is done then certain protections are available for the baker in which the public can't abuse or demand him or her to do if he or she doesn't want to.

The United States constitution recognizes religion, and so it is directed to protect the freedoms of religion and of the assembly there of, and that means where ever religion is in America it is protected, and where it is also excepted by the majority whom wants it there it should also be protected. Now the state also separates itself between the Church and the State in many ways and/or in various instances legally. So what it deems as being the State, then religion can't enforce itself upon it, nor can the state enforce itself upon what is considered as religious grounds outside of the state boundaries in which seem to shift or move a lot yet all depending. Now some intermingling has gone on to everyone's satisfaction over the years, but now that we have this militant group who wants to push everything apart, then the nation must figure out what to do again inlight of the current situation.
Now just how do you separate ones faith from a person or the owners of a business?
It's easy, you don't confuse business with faith. Baking cakes isn't serving God, and neither is filling gas tanks. If you want to serve God then do so, but running a business for profit isn't serving God and if you serve the public then you serve all of the public, not just the ones you personally approve of.
Example: Gay guy walks into a cake bakery, but he see's a sign that say's it is a Christian bakery, then that should end it all right there, because the gay guy knows that his lifestyle is in contradiction of that establishment ownerships beliefs system as it is listed, so he then turns and leaves to find another bakery that may be neutral to his needs and wants as an American citizen who respects the freedom of religion in the nation as it reads in the constitution, and in which he or she is guided by, and therefore lives by also in the nation. No government intervention is needed and it shouldn't be asked for period.

Keyword: "lifestyle". Correct beagle9. Since LGBT is a cult of alternate lifestyles that are strictly forbidden (qualified as a mortal sin deserving of eternity in hell no less) in the christian church to promote in any way, shape or form (see Jude 1 and Romans 1 of the New Testament), their demanding that a christian baker participate in such an intimate and promotional way of a lifestyle that is forbidden for the baker to participate in at the core of his faith, the equivalent would be a christian walking up to an orthodox jewish caterer and demanding he handle and serve pork to be served at the wedding. And if he won't, suing him. Serving and eating pork isn't even a mortal sin in the jewish faith like promoting homosexuality is. Yet nobody would expect an orthodox jew to serve pork as a caterer.
Just hasn't been challenged yet, so the caterer should take heed as to what is going on, because a re-branding of the business just might be at hand.
Now just how do you separate ones faith from a person or the owners of a business?
It's easy, you don't confuse business with faith. Baking cakes isn't serving God, and neither is filling gas tanks. If you want to serve God then do so, but running a business for profit isn't serving God and if you serve the public then you serve all of the public, not just the ones you personally approve of.
It's not about not serving all of the public, but it's about letting the public know who you are in so that it's not confused when asking about a service in which for example the baker doesn't engage in or shouldn't engage in as according to his or her faith. Now the baker will still serve the person by selling him a cake that he or she would like or to get someone he or she knows to decorate it for him or herself afterwards, but that doesn't suffice does it ? No it's as if people want to see that the baker is forced to go against his or her faith, just like a person standing there watching a person struggle under the oppression of a Nazi who would make a Jewish person wash his feet if he could, and that is the way that I see it in life when a person is forced to go against his or her faith in any thing that they do in life. America is not Nazi Germany, and it shouldn't become Nazi Germany, because there is something here for everbody.
Now just how do you separate ones faith from a person or the owners of a business?
It's easy, you don't confuse business with faith. Baking cakes isn't serving God, and neither is filling gas tanks. If you want to serve God then do so, but running a business for profit isn't serving God and if you serve the public then you serve all of the public, not just the ones you personally approve of.
It's not about not serving all of the public, but it's about letting the public know who you are in so that it's not confused when asking about a service in which for example the baker doesn't engage in or shouldn't engage in as according to his or her faith. Now the baker will still serve the person by selling him a cake that he or she would like or to get someone he or she knows to decorate it for him or herself afterwards, but that doesn't suffice does it ? No it's as if people want to see that the baker is forced to go against his or her faith, just like a person standing there watching a person struggle under the oppression of a Nazi who would make a Jewish person wash his feet if he could, and that is the way that I see it in life when a person is forced to go against his or her faith in any thing that they do in life. America is not Nazi Germany, and it shouldn't become Nazi Germany, because there is something here for everbody.
The way you see it matters not a damn. In faith you have a certain leeway, in business you follow our rules. Those are the rules. Grow up and deal with it.
Now just how do you separate ones faith from a person or the owners of a business?
It's easy, you don't confuse business with faith. Baking cakes isn't serving God, and neither is filling gas tanks. If you want to serve God then do so, but running a business for profit isn't serving God and if you serve the public then you serve all of the public, not just the ones you personally approve of.
It's not about not serving all of the public, but it's about letting the public know who you are in so that it's not confused when asking about a service in which for example the baker doesn't engage in or shouldn't engage in as according to his or her faith. Now the baker will still serve the person by selling him a cake that he or she would like or to get someone he or she knows to decorate it for him or herself afterwards, but that doesn't suffice does it ? No it's as if people want to see that the baker is forced to go against his or her faith, just like a person standing there watching a person struggle under the oppression of a Nazi who would make a Jewish person wash his feet if he could, and that is the way that I see it in life when a person is forced to go against his or her faith in any thing that they do in life. America is not Nazi Germany, and it shouldn't become Nazi Germany, because there is something here for everbody.

Luckily in the United States we have a Constitution.

And if a law is unconstitutional everyone has the right to go to court to try to get that law overturned.

If you believe the law to be unconstitutional, you have recourse.
Now just how do you separate ones faith from a person or the owners of a business? Just because the citizens might own and operate a business in America, doesn't mean one loses his faith in life all because of such a thing. You don't lose it, but the thing is this, the cake baker if wants to have his faith recognized in his business, then he or she needs to advertise in that way. That would be the best way to let people know that you can't engage in things that are contrary to your faith if asked while owning and operating your business. Once that is done then certain protections are available for the baker in which the public can't abuse or demand him or her to do if he or she doesn't want to.

That's an excellent compromise, providing LGBTs can hold onto the marriage experiment long enough for it to matter. SCOTUS may decide the states have the final say on alternative lifestyles-as-parents... for the sake of the children involved.

But if SCOTUS doesn't care that it is forcing the separate states to incentivize homes where children will be missing one of their blood parents or opposite gender-as-role-model 100% of the time, then yes, that's a good way of covering one's bases.

Nobody would sue an orthodox jewish caterer for not serving pork at their wedding. Likewise, nobody can sue a christian baker for refusing to participate in promoting the LGBT subculture by recognizing their "marriage" in any way, shape or form. That is forbidden to christians. Just like pork is forbidden to an orthodox jew.

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