Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Anyone who wonders or who wants to measure the impact of if churches will be forced to perform gay marriages.

Sigh- more lies.

No churches will be forced to perform any marriages- not Jewish marriages, not Buddhist marriages, not African American marriages and not same gender marriages.

Just lies by anti-gay activists.
Not sure how true this is, but someone told me today that churches could lose their tax exempt status if they choose to discriminate by virtue of their religion or religious beliefs as found in the ways that they live by and believe as a religious people do upon the issues that are being debated in America today.

Oh I'm sure they are a target, just like so many other things have since become a target in this nation now by the feds. Will the feds gain total control over this nation soon, and if so who does that control ultimately affect in a negative way, and what effect will it ultimately have on the nation or it's people when all is said and done ? It appears that no stone will be missed, as all of them will be turned over in this new transformation or want to be utopic world in which is being envisioned now in America by a few, but not quite yet by the majority.

Wake us up when any of that happens.
Anyone who wonders or who wants to measure the impact of if churches will be forced to perform gay marriages.

Sigh- more lies.

No churches will be forced to perform any marriages- not Jewish marriages, not Buddhist marriages, not African American marriages and not same gender marriages.

Just lies by anti-gay activists.
Not sure how true this is, but someone told me today that churches could lose their tax exempt status if they choose to discriminate by virtue of their religion or religious beliefs as found in the ways that they live by and believe as a religious people do upon the issues that are being debated in America today.

Oh I'm sure they are a target, just like so many other things have since become a target in this nation now by the feds. Will the feds gain total control over this nation soon, and if so who does that control ultimately affect in a negative way, and what effect will it ultimately have on the nation or it's people when all is said and done ? It appears that no stone will be missed, as all of them will be turned over in this new transformation or want to be utopic world in which is being envisioned now in America by a few, but not quite yet by the majority.

Wake us up when any of that happens.

Well in reality it already has, where as the cake baker (lets say that he is a church in the singular, and he is this because in him lay the foundation of the church in which he believes in, and therefore he takes this belief with him every where that he goes in life), yet he lost badly over the issue not long ago, and why was this you suppose ? It was because the government figured it could attack ones beliefs and religion outside of the walls of a church building is why, but that's just it where as a church building is nothing but an empty building until the church is filled with believers, so why would the government think that it can attack a christian any where outside of a church building, when that christian is still a representative of the church anywhere he or she goes out in the public square ?

Of course the christian person can't go into the public square and declare a church out in the street or where ever he or she may be at any given time out in the public square, but in a place that belongs to them, and the public is then being invited into (like the bakery) or a church etc. then I say that the public is still on private property at that moment when they step into or onto such a property, and therefore the public who chooses to go freely into the place of a privately owned business or onto the privately owned property, well they have to abide by the rules and terms that are set forth by the property owner or business owner of that property or just leave if they won't. It's just that simple really.

The government is guilty of breaching the separation of church and state in many of these cases we see today, and there is no if and or but's about it if you ask me.
Anyone who wonders or who wants to measure the impact of if churches will be forced to perform gay marriages.

Sigh- more lies.

No churches will be forced to perform any marriages- not Jewish marriages, not Buddhist marriages, not African American marriages and not same gender marriages.

Just lies by anti-gay activists.
Not sure how true this is, but someone told me today that churches could lose their tax exempt status if they choose to discriminate by virtue of their religion or religious beliefs as found in the ways that they live by and believe as a religious people do upon the issues that are being debated in America today.

Oh I'm sure they are a target, just like so many other things have since become a target in this nation now by the feds. Will the feds gain total control over this nation soon, and if so who does that control ultimately affect in a negative way, and what effect will it ultimately have on the nation or it's people when all is said and done ? It appears that no stone will be missed, as all of them will be turned over in this new transformation or want to be utopic world in which is being envisioned now in America by a few, but not quite yet by the majority.

Wake us up when any of that happens.

Well in reality it already has, where as the cake baker .

No- it hasn't.

Bakers are not churches.

Business's are not churches.

Churches are not business's and do not follow the same rules as business's
Anyone who wonders or who wants to measure the impact of if churches will be forced to perform gay marriages.

Sigh- more lies.

No churches will be forced to perform any marriages- not Jewish marriages, not Buddhist marriages, not African American marriages and not same gender marriages.

Just lies by anti-gay activists.
Not sure how true this is, but someone told me today that churches could lose their tax exempt status if they choose to discriminate by virtue of their religion or religious beliefs as found in the ways that they live by and believe as a religious people do upon the issues that are being debated in America today.

Oh I'm sure they are a target, just like so many other things have since become a target in this nation now by the feds. Will the feds gain total control over this nation soon, and if so who does that control ultimately affect in a negative way, and what effect will it ultimately have on the nation or it's people when all is said and done ? It appears that no stone will be missed, as all of them will be turned over in this new transformation or want to be utopic world in which is being envisioned now in America by a few, but not quite yet by the majority.

Wake us up when any of that happens.

Well in reality it already has, where as the cake baker .

No- it hasn't.

Bakers are not churches.

Business's are not churches.

Churches are not business's and do not follow the same rules as business's
I am a church, where as my skin surrounds my temple instead of wood and brick, but when I go about in the public square I have to abide by the public rules as set upon in the public square, and the same should apply to everyone else who goes about in the public square as well. The rules are neutral, and therefore respect of each other has kept us all in place while going through and fro within the public square freely.

Now if I own a business or a piece of property, and I set it up to invite the public who would want to come freely into my place of business or unto my property, then they will come there because of these things or because of the set up. Now once they enter into the business or property, I'd say that they are to abide by my rules or by my terms as legally set forth in my rules in which engulfs the entire establishment as to the ways in which I had set it all up, and for doing business in with those that are invited in by a sign in which would let them know what I do there and what type of business it is before entering in.

I guess what needs to happen now, is that people are going to have to post on the sign as to what type of business it is, and then list upon it their religious beliefs as well... Example - Joe's Christian Bakery, where our cakes are Heavenly delightful, and are being made from scratch.

It all should mean that they (the public having no illusions) are to respect the property in which they would then be standing upon, and to not destroy the property in which they would be standing upon, and to honor the owners standards as set forth in the business make up and the business model in spirit of, and to abide by the guidelines as set forth by the owner be it either written or verbally spoken unto them (or) they can just leave by their own free will, just like they had entered into the place by their own free will.

The only reason people stopped showing what kind of belief system they had in their business models over the years, is because they wanted to be open to all who shared their beliefs in their business model or would respect their beliefs even if they believed differently about them, and as well they didn't threaten the owners values or beliefs when doing business with them. Now people are threatening these places of business because of them being to open like they had become over the years. (sic). They just wanted to offer their products to all who would remain neutral and respectful when came into their business to purchase products that were available or were to be made by request of, but only if the owner didn't see it as a threat against his or his family values in life upon doing so.

I know about these things a little bit, because I have first hand knowledge of how wrong things can go sometimes when one has an open door policy in business. We opened a Christian recording studio once, and we were recording Christians and their music of course, but then we needed to also do other music in so that we could break more than just even as we were doing at the time.

OK, so we sort of began to look at the added music genres as being testimonial music when we would allow people to begin singing songs about their lives and such, and so it didn't necessarily have a Christian wording that would make it unmistakably a Christian song, but it had more of a testimonial song title instead. Then the next thing you know we had to allow all of the public to sing and record with us because of this move. Well here is how that all went down after it all got moving on down the line, because the next thing you know we had what was supposed to be Christian rappers coming in, but as time went by those rappers began singing the bad stuff, so my business partner was recording them, but we were instantly having to figure out how to end the scourge of rap music that had now engulfed the studio, and worse it had since ran other artist off.

Well we couldn't let it down easily it seemed, so we shut it down completely. Trust me it is best to advertise as to exactly what you are and who you are when doing anything in life or business or you will face what I guess we had as well as the cake baker did face as a result of not branding the business with a name that reflects one values and business model to be found all in one sign.

Be not afraid people to be who you want to be in life, because if your product is good, then they will come, even if others don't want to come, and therefore they would rather go somewhere else instead. That's the greatness of our freedoms and system, is that there is something for everyone, and no one needs to abuse another ever in these things.
Nope. Nada, Nine, nyet. Forcing anyone to go against their will is way wrong, in America. Gays are a made minority group made up of sexual dysfunctionals that are well endowed (monetarily that is) and are manipulating popular opinion one way or the other...gays should know by now that forcing your will on others is wrong. It's called hypocrisy. In a Machiavellian cynical kind of way. And it will come back and bite them in the ass, in a non sexual way.
Nope. Nada, Nine, nyet. Forcing anyone to go against their will is way wrong, in America. Gays are a made minority group made up of sexual dysfunctionals that are well endowed (monetarily that is) and are manipulating popular opinion one way or the other...gays should know by now that forcing your will on others is wrong. It's called hypocrisy. In a Machiavellian cynical kind of way. And it will come back and bite them in the ass, in a non sexual way.
The feds will find this out also..
Nope. Nada, Nine, nyet. Forcing anyone to go against their will is way wrong, in America. Gays are a made minority group made up of sexual dysfunctionals that are well endowed (monetarily that is) and are manipulating popular opinion one way or the other...gays should know by now that forcing your will on others is wrong. It's called hypocrisy. In a Machiavellian cynical kind of way. And it will come back and bite them in the ass, in a non sexual way.

Yeah...more about that .... >> LGBT Election Victory Fund Fund Founding Member Arrested For Sex With Juvenile US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
This question can apply to all places of worship, so mosques, synagogues, hindu temples etc.

Should places or worship be forced to accommodate for gay weddings?

Hmmm, could you imagine the Westboro Baptist Church being forced to conduct a gay wedding? Might give Phelps an aneurysm...

Amusement value aside, it would nevertheless still be wrong.
Sigh- more lies.

No churches will be forced to perform any marriages- not Jewish marriages, not Buddhist marriages, not African American marriages and not same gender marriages.

Just lies by anti-gay activists.
Not sure how true this is, but someone told me today that churches could lose their tax exempt status if they choose to discriminate by virtue of their religion or religious beliefs as found in the ways that they live by and believe as a religious people do upon the issues that are being debated in America today.

Oh I'm sure they are a target, just like so many other things have since become a target in this nation now by the feds. Will the feds gain total control over this nation soon, and if so who does that control ultimately affect in a negative way, and what effect will it ultimately have on the nation or it's people when all is said and done ? It appears that no stone will be missed, as all of them will be turned over in this new transformation or want to be utopic world in which is being envisioned now in America by a few, but not quite yet by the majority.

Wake us up when any of that happens.

Well in reality it already has, where as the cake baker .

No- it hasn't.

Bakers are not churches.

Business's are not churches.

Churches are not business's and do not follow the same rules as business's
I am a church, where as my skin surrounds my temple .

Good for you. No one is going to force you to perform a marriage inside your skin.

Meanwhile- a business is not a church- a church is not a business.

As you pointed out- business's have to pay taxes- churches do not.

Business's have to follow laws regarding discrimination- churches do not.
Nope. Nada, Nine, nyet. Forcing anyone to go against their will is way wrong, in America. Gays are a made minority group made up of sexual dysfunctionals that are well endowed (monetarily that is) and are manipulating popular opinion one way or the other...gays should know by now that forcing your will on others is wrong. It's called hypocrisy. In a Machiavellian cynical kind of way. And it will come back and bite them in the ass, in a non sexual way.

Well the Lovings forced the people of Virginia to accept mixed race marriage against their will, and that worked out just fine.

I see gay marriage working out the same way. Already most Americans accept gay marriage- it took 30 years for most Americans to accept mixed race marriages.
This question can apply to all places of worship, so mosques, synagogues, hindu temples etc.

Should places or worship be forced to accommodate for gay weddings?

Hmmm, could you imagine the Westboro Baptist Church being forced to conduct a gay wedding? Might give Phelps an aneurysm...

Amusement value aside, it would nevertheless still be wrong.
Oh, I agree that it would be wrong. Just thinking about the "God hates fags" idiots having to conduct a gay wedding seemed like poetic justice though.
Not sure how true this is, but someone told me today that churches could lose their tax exempt status if they choose to discriminate by virtue of their religion or religious beliefs as found in the ways that they live by and believe as a religious people do upon the issues that are being debated in America today.

Oh I'm sure they are a target, just like so many other things have since become a target in this nation now by the feds. Will the feds gain total control over this nation soon, and if so who does that control ultimately affect in a negative way, and what effect will it ultimately have on the nation or it's people when all is said and done ? It appears that no stone will be missed, as all of them will be turned over in this new transformation or want to be utopic world in which is being envisioned now in America by a few, but not quite yet by the majority.

Wake us up when any of that happens.

Well in reality it already has, where as the cake baker .

No- it hasn't.

Bakers are not churches.

Business's are not churches.

Churches are not business's and do not follow the same rules as business's
I am a church, where as my skin surrounds my temple .

Good for you. No one is going to force you to perform a marriage inside your skin.

Meanwhile- a business is not a church- a church is not a business.

As you pointed out- business's have to pay taxes- churches do not.

Business's have to follow laws regarding discrimination- churches do not.
The government should not be making people who are Christian business owners bake cakes for gay's against their will, and especially when there are many more cake bakers that would do such a thing willingly. You see if you are a Christian, Muslim, or whatever as a business owner, the federal government still has no business forcing you to go against your beliefs when the scales are already tipped or balanced in the arena of businesses offering their services to all walks of life now. I think the business and/or business owner was targeted just like Duck Dynasty was targeted, and now the Duggers are a target along with the newest target Sistina Restaurant in New York and etc. How about McDonald's who is hiring blacks in their restaurants in a discriminating manor towards whites and others, yet no one calls them out on it ? How come the government watch dogs are leaving them be on their practice of discrimination in this way ? I am witnessing this in my home town big time, and it has nothing to do with areas of town or such as being the excuse, because it is not viable in the situation. The government is cherry picking these issues, and it is leaning towards the highest bidder whether it is to attack or either leave it alone.

The government is the ultimate hypocrite on these issues, and it has become no more than a hired hit man for what ever group that has the most influence on them at any given time. The only thing I would say, is that business owners should place their religious label on their signage, even if it is in fine print in order to let the customer know that your beliefs are to be honored or respected when doing business with the business owner in that respect. Example, if you are a Christian artist operating in a kiosk in a mall, and your business is listed in that way, and you are painting or performing your work right in front of your customers or the public lets say, then should a person be able to walk up and ask you to paint an abortion being performed or two guy's kissing and etc.?????????? No they shouldn't, and the government should not be attempting to force a Christian artist to paint anything that goes against his religion or beliefs period or to bake a cake even, and as far as I know in the case of a painter there hasn't been an instance or case of this as of yet, but the same illegal attacks are being waged on other business owners by the government, and it is just plain wrong in our diverse environment in which we all live now.
Well the Lovings forced the people of Virginia to accept mixed race marriage against their will, and that worked out just fine.

I see gay marriage working out the same way. Already most Americans accept gay marriage- it took 30 years for most Americans to accept mixed race marriages.

Yes, but race and behavior/mental issues are two different things dear. Interracial couples don't deprive children of their natural blood parents. Gay marriage does to one of them 100% of the time. Children are the main focus of any state in incentivizing marriage. If they don't pay attention to the importance children hold in marriage, terrible things can happen..

Case in point:

The lesbian parents of an 11-year-old boy who is undergoing the process of becoming a girl last night defended the decision, claiming it was better for a child to have a sex change when young....Thomas Lobel, who now calls himself Tammy, is undergoing controversial hormone blocking treatment in Berkeley, California to stop him going through puberty as a boy...At age seven, after threatening genital mutilation on himself, psychiatrists diagnosed Thomas with gender identity disorder. By the age of eight, he began transitioning. ...The hormone-suppressant, implanted in his upper left arm, will postpone the 11-year-old developing broad shoulders, deep voice and facial hair. The California boy 11 who is undergoing hormone blocking treatment Daily Mail Online

Just after his first 6 formative years, this boy raised by two lesbians suddenly wants to femalize himself by genital mutilation. "Gender identity disorder" could also be called "my gender doesn't matter disorder" Remember "T" is a phenomenon LGBT cultees promote through their propaganda arm "The American Psychological Association". Straight society is not behind this bizarre and horrible abuse. The APA and AMA who do these operations are not part of the straight community. Any straight parents sucked into this practice are doing so because they percieve "medical doctors and the psychologists they consult are doing so from a scientific standpoint".

They're not. The APA replaced science with "CQR" which is a practice that discards data and facts in preference to "audited group think".
Was that poll taken at a blue light district? Were the responses strong, medium or weak? Look at the poll above. People came here voluntarily to show up at one of the most popular polls at USMB ever. Their response was not weak. It was "Hell No".

A USMB poll that never asks if same sex marraiges should be recognized by the law as valid.

Where the Gallup poll asks exactly that. you honestly think we're not going to check the USMB poll? Did you really think you could get that by us?

Yes. Yes, she does. Silly really is THAT delusional.
Yes. Yes, she does. Silly really is THAT delusional.
Another substanceless ad hominem from Jar Jar meant to divert the topic. Color me shocked.

How is it you haven't been banned here yet Jar Jar? Got an opinion on the facts or are you just merely an intractable troll?
I have posted my opinion many have ignored it (like you do with all opinions you disagree with). I now view your posts solely as a source of humor--watching the "thought" process of the mentally ill can be entertaining.
Nope. Nada, Nine, nyet. Forcing anyone to go against their will is way wrong, in America. Gays are a made minority group made up of sexual dysfunctionals that are well endowed (monetarily that is) and are manipulating popular opinion one way or the other...gays should know by now that forcing your will on others is wrong. It's called hypocrisy. In a Machiavellian cynical kind of way. And it will come back and bite them in the ass, in a non sexual way.

Well the Lovings forced the people of Virginia to accept mixed race marriage against their will, and that worked out just fine.

I see gay marriage working out the same way. Already most Americans accept gay marriage- it took 30 years for most Americans to accept mixed race marriages.
In five years all rational people will wonder what the big deal was. The kids already think that, and so goes the future.
Well the Lovings forced the people of Virginia to accept mixed race marriage against their will, and that worked out just fine.

I see gay marriage working out the same way. Already most Americans accept gay marriage- it took 30 years for most Americans to accept mixed race marriages.

Yes, but race and behavior/mental issues are two different things dear. ]

Dear? LOL.....

Marriage is a behavior.

The argument was made that the courts should not be used to force change because the voters disagree.

I was pointing out that was exactly what was done in Loving v. Virginia.

And for 30 years most people still believed mixed race marriage was wrong.

Just like for years most people believed that same gender marriage is wrong.

Just like the courts are being used to effect change now.

The difference is the attitude of people has already changed- and more support same gender marriage now than supported mixed race marriages in 1985.

Progress against bigotry is a beautiful thing.

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