Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
"I can't wait for singles to marry themselves now that the complimentary gendered parent as role model has been discarded to the winds." :cuckoo:
Sorry your life has turned out as it has.

But, Sil, the ultimate responsibility is yours to get better.

This is not the way.
Just don't let them divert you from your points. That's my point. :popcorn:

Right- follow Silhouette's lead and just make up crap and pretend like its points.

Hey...if we're lucky, Silo will make up yet another version of what Edith Windsor asked the courts to decide. I'm betting this next version will involve monosexuals!

Well since she has abandoned "the child being denied a blood parent 100% of time" hogwash, so my guess is some poppycock about complimentary gender roles.
Well since she has abandoned "the child being denied a blood parent 100% of time" hogwash, so my guess is some poppycock about complimentary gender roles.

That argument has not been abandoned.

Gay marraige, like single parent households, guarantee the children are missing one blood parent AND the complimentary gender as vital role model 100% of the time.
You asked me what I thought was bad behavior- and you said that everything described in the NT and OT as bad behavior is either believed or isn't- which is it?
It still comes down to what each of us deems as bad behavior now doesn't it ? So what do you think is bad behavior as is described in the books of the Bible pertaining to this conversation ? Then apply it to our conversation here if you will. Eating certain kinds of food (even though might be considered bad behavior in the old testament) is not the best example to fit with this conversation we are having wouldn't you say ?

That is not what you said before:

The new testemant and the old T has a list of what is deemed bad behavior, and the whole book is either believed or it isn't when reading it.

According to your own standards- you either believe what whole Old Testament says or you don't.

I don't consider homosexuality or unmarried sex bad behavior. I don't believe that celebrating the marriage of two people who are in love and want to commit to themselves for the rest of their lives is bad behavior. I do consider adultery by married people to be bad behavior because that is breaking promises to each other.

You appear to want to pick and choose which 'bad behavior' from the Bible you want to deem 'bad'- and ignore the others.
No I don't, but you want to interpret me as believing this way... What am I going to do with you..LOL
Well since she has abandoned "the child being denied a blood parent 100% of time" hogwash, so my guess is some poppycock about complimentary gender roles.

That argument has not been abandoned.

Gay marraige, like single parent households, guarantee the children are missing one blood parent AND the complimentary gender as vital role model 100% of the time.
The 'argument' should be abandoned, as it's devoid of merit.

Children thrive in homes where they are loved and cared for – that includes homes with same-sex parents and single parents.
The 'argument' should be abandoned, as it's devoid of merit.

Children thrive in homes where they are loved and cared for – that includes homes with same-sex parents and single parents.

Yes, but how much better they would thrive if single parents (monosexuals) and the more numerous polysexual parents had the same access for those kids that are in the same "immediate legal harm' as kids in homosexual households?

You can't make the argument that other sexual lifestyles are devoid of a newly-won right that is "other than" man/woman.. There is nothing exceptional or special about homosexual marriage that places it above mono or polysexual marriages, or incest marriage either. And if there is, do let us know.
Will Sil remain on the Board after SCOTUS rules for marriage equality?

Or Where R My Keys?

Hope they do. Fun to kick around.

You get pleasure in that sort of thing eh ? I think it pains them to do what they do here, but it is undoubtedly that they feel that they have a strong need to do what they do, and I guess it is that you have a strong need to counter them. Such is the history of this nation by all parties involved...
Will Sil remain on the Board after SCOTUS rules for marriage equality?

Or Where R My Keys?

Hope they do. Fun to kick around.

You get pleasure in that sort of thing eh ? I think it pains them to do what they do here, but it is undoubtedly that they feel that they have a strong need to do what they do, and I guess it is that you have a strong need to counter them. Such is the history of this nation by all parties involved...

beagle, I hit harder than I am hit as you have found out for some time. Be polite, and you will get it in return.

You folks are wrong, period. Marriage equality threatens no one, female vote threatens no one, minority voting threatens no one.

But the far social con right threatens all of American freedoms. And I will fight that to the utmost. I don't want heretics running this country.
Isn't accepting homosexuality all about NOT FORCING people to kowtow to other groups? Seems a tad bit...hypocritical. But what do I know? I always thought homosexuals were a bunch of prissy perverts with a persecution complex. And they dress well and can hire all those great lawyers, so that evens things out.
Well since she has abandoned "the child being denied a blood parent 100% of time" hogwash, so my guess is some poppycock about complimentary gender roles.

That argument has not been abandoned.

Gay marraige, like single parent households, guarantee the children are missing one blood parent AND the complimentary gender as vital role model 100% of the time.
So what? That isn't exactly a compelling enough argument to deny gays access to marriage. Besides, what about gay couples that do not have or want kids? And let's be honest, kids are nothing more then pawns in your anti-gay game of chess.
Will Sil remain on the Board after SCOTUS rules for marriage equality?

Or Where R My Keys?

Hope they do. Fun to kick around.

You get pleasure in that sort of thing eh ? I think it pains them to do what they do here, but it is undoubtedly that they feel that they have a strong need to do what they do, and I guess it is that you have a strong need to counter them. Such is the history of this nation by all parties involved...

beagle, I hit harder than I am hit as you have found out for some time. Be polite, and you will get it in return.

You folks are wrong, period. Marriage equality threatens no one, female vote threatens no one, minority voting threatens no one.

But the far social con right threatens all of American freedoms. And I will fight that to the utmost. I don't want heretics running this country.
If you all couldn't mix this issue in with other issues to somehow give it strength, then I don't think that you all think that the issue could actually stand on it's own merits without mixing it in with others. Now I ask, is this why we are always seeing the race card being thrown down or as is with you now (the women vote card being thrown), and/or etc. ? What card are you all a gonna throw down next I wonder ? LOL
Will Sil remain on the Board after SCOTUS rules for marriage equality?

Or Where R My Keys?

Hope they do. Fun to kick around.

You get pleasure in that sort of thing eh ? I think it pains them to do what they do here, but it is undoubtedly that they feel that they have a strong need to do what they do, and I guess it is that you have a strong need to counter them. Such is the history of this nation by all parties involved...

beagle, I hit harder than I am hit as you have found out for some time. Be polite, and you will get it in return.
Were you drunk when you wrote this ? LOL
It's the truth, beagle. The far right acts nasty, they get slammed down, and they always, always cry. Your drinking does not excuse that.

Be nice. Try it. Won't hurt, I promise you.
Aren't we all looking forward to seeing Silhouette leading the campaign for the right of a person to marry themselves?

So that when he dies he can inherit his own estate!

And visit himself in the hospital!

And file a joint return with himself!

Hmmm wouldn't marrying yourself be an particularly odd version of homosexuality? Not just attracted to your own gender- but exclusively to yourself?
Will Sil remain on the Board after SCOTUS rules for marriage equality?

Or Where R My Keys?

Hope they do. Fun to kick around.

Of course they will. But from silo, expect plenty of blather involving the words 'sedition', 'treason', 'coup', 'revolution' and 'traitor'.....if they don't rule exactly how Silo demands. Followed by another gloriously batshit conspiracy about how the courts *really* meant the exact opposite of what they ruled.

Some folks just don't know how to reason.
Well since she has abandoned "the child being denied a blood parent 100% of time" hogwash, so my guess is some poppycock about complimentary gender roles.

That argument has not been abandoned.

Gay marraige, like single parent households, guarantee the children are missing one blood parent AND the complimentary gender as vital role model 100% of the time.

Gay marriage does no such thing. Gay parents are having kids anyway. If they're married, if they're not married. Eliminating 'marriage' as the cause of your supposed 'effect'.

The only question remaining is, are those children better off if their parents are married, or not. And the courts have ruled that the children of same sex parents were harmed by the lack of recognition of the marriage of their parents.
You asked me what I thought was bad behavior- and you said that everything described in the NT and OT as bad behavior is either believed or isn't- which is it?
It still comes down to what each of us deems as bad behavior now doesn't it ? So what do you think is bad behavior as is described in the books of the Bible pertaining to this conversation ? Then apply it to our conversation here if you will. Eating certain kinds of food (even though might be considered bad behavior in the old testament) is not the best example to fit with this conversation we are having wouldn't you say ?

That is not what you said before:

The new testemant and the old T has a list of what is deemed bad behavior, and the whole book is either believed or it isn't when reading it.

According to your own standards- you either believe what whole Old Testament says or you don't.

I don't consider homosexuality or unmarried sex bad behavior. I don't believe that celebrating the marriage of two people who are in love and want to commit to themselves for the rest of their lives is bad behavior. I do consider adultery by married people to be bad behavior because that is breaking promises to each other.

You appear to want to pick and choose which 'bad behavior' from the Bible you want to deem 'bad'- and ignore the others.
No I don't, but you want to interpret me as believing this way... What am I going to do with you..LOL

So when you said that the whole book is either believed or it isn' didn't mean to be interpreted as meaning that the whole book is either believed or it isn't? seems you don't take your claims much more seriously than we do.
Aren't we all looking forward to seeing Silhouette leading the campaign for the right of a person to marry themselves? So that when he dies he can inherit his own estate! And visit himself in the hospital! And file a joint return with himself! Hmmm wouldn't marrying yourself be an particularly odd version of homosexuality? Not just attracted to your own gender- but exclusively to yourself?
Syriusly, aren't you the one who constantly keeps quoting Justice Kennedy's words that children currently being deprived of the benefits of marriage are in "immediate legal harm"? You would discard those tens of millions in single parent households? Why do you hate those kids?

Who are you to scoff at, judge and mock monosexual lifestlyes? Do they not also have children? Do they not also have rights? And polysexuals? Why is it love cannot be married just because your argument of convenience (and bigotry towards your sexual cousins) says "polygamy is too complicated"...

..Really? With today's swarms of lawyers? I think they could figure out a pre-nup for polygamists...

If you're going to gut the current state-granted privelege of marriage and turn it into a "lifestyle right" for all Americans, you cannot presume your sexual lifestyle is superior to others. In fact, a polysexual lifestyle offers up both genders to the children as role models at the very least, although diluted. So that way it is superior to homosexual marriage. We must argue first that the most beneficial lifestyle to kids in the "alternative" form to man/woman should go first, then homosexual, then monosexual, in the order of predictable deprivation to the wellbeing of kids.

One thing's for sure, with such a radical change to marriage to the detriment of childrens' formative environment, the state its happening in had better damn well retain the say of deliberation of its citizens instead of having it forced down their throats without the governed consent. Guess who is going to have to pick up the tab for indigency, elevated crime, prison rolls and mental institutions for the statistical product of homes that deprive children of vital role models?

That's right, it's the citizens of each state..
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