Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
All it takes is one person to file a lawsuit. A church is merely a congregation of individuals of a faith. Look what has already been set as a precedent to the individual christian...bakers, florist, photographers...

Any idiot can file a lawsuit- but since churches are exempt from PA laws the idiots will of course lose.
This fight is so fucking over. Why are they even trying? Can they just not let go of the anchor?

Silhouette will still be predicting how the Supreme Court will decide, months after the decision is announced.
I fucking believe it. How long do the little morons have to bang their heads against the brick wall before a tiny little bit of reality sinks in and they realize, Fuck, nobody but a few dicks like me cares about this? It's like watching dogs chase parked cars.
Any idiot can file a lawsuit- but since churches are exempt from PA laws the idiots will of course lose.

You mean religions are exempt from PA laws, don't you? Are you aware that religion resides in the heart of a man and it is individuals who are protected as to religious freedoms under the 1st?

Nobody cares about this subject Paint? This is a thread with 55,000 views, 641 pages with the largest poll response ever on one of the most popular political websites on the internet. That poll result yielded 82% opposed to LGBT values being imposed upon the religious.

But one LGBT plaintiff will be enough to run with the baker/photographer/caterer/florist precedent imposed upon the church (the religion in the heart of one of the congregation). It will happen and there will be nothing stopping it when the cult of LGBT takes this crusade in the courts to its natural and final end.
If they're going to be tax exempt then they at least need to follow government rules. Yes. If a church doesn't want to perform a wedding for a gay couple then they need to have their exemption revoked.
Any idiot can file a lawsuit- but since churches are exempt from PA laws the idiots will of course lose.

You mean religions are exempt from PA laws, don't you?.

No I don't.

Look you are an idiot.

Here is an example of the language from Colorado's PA law

"Place of public accommodation" shall not include a church, synagogue, mosque, or other place that is principally used for religious purposes.

Not religions- facilities principally used for religious purposes.

Any idiot can file a lawsuit- but since churches are exempt from PA laws the idiots will of course lose.

You mean religions are exempt from PA laws, don't you? Are you aware that religion resides in the heart of a man and it is individuals who are protected as to religious freedoms under the 1st?

Nobody cares about this subject Paint? This is a thread with 55,000 views, 641 pages with the largest poll response ever on one of the most popular political websites on the internet. That poll result yielded 82% opposed to LGBT values being imposed upon the religious.

But one LGBT plaintiff will be enough to run with the baker/photographer/caterer/florist precedent imposed upon the church (the religion in the heart of one of the congregation)..

You are delusional.
You mean religions are exempt from PA laws, don't you? Are you aware that religion resides in the heart of a man and it is individuals who are protected as to religious freedoms under the 1st?
1. Private (churches, no ******* golf club)
2. Private open to the Public (Jack in the Box, Bob's Christian Book Store)
3. Public. (parks, rec centers, government buildings)

Three different locations that follow three different sets of rules. 1 is exempt, 2 and 3 aren't, and neither are the people who work there. Now you know.
"Place of public accommodation" shall not include a church, synagogue, mosque, or other place that is principally used for religious purposes.

Not religions- facilities principally used for religious purposes.

One of those places is a man's heart... For where else does religion and the freedom of it ultimately reside?
If they're going to be tax exempt then they at least need to follow government rules. Yes. If a church doesn't want to perform a wedding for a gay couple then they need to have their exemption revoked.
Ain't gonna happen. If you won't rent your church park to a gay couple but you do to the rest of the public, now your ass is grass.
"Place of public accommodation" shall not include a church, synagogue, mosque, or other place that is principally used for religious purposes.

Not religions- facilities principally used for religious purposes.

One of those places is a man's heart... For where else does religion and the freedom of it ultimately reside?
Saying the religion in my heart tells me to shoot ******* and fuck 12-year-olds isn't going to keep me out of jail. Just because you think God requires you to hate the faggots doesn't mean we have the let you get your way in all situations.
But if 82% would not go along with that plan (a number which surely includes homosexuals), then that's evidence churches WON'T be forced to do ceremonies they object to, not that they WILL be, isn't it?

No, unfortunately, no it isn't.

A majority in all the states currently believing erroneously that they must allow gay-lifestyle marraige against their will enacted laws limiting marriage to one man/one woman. And still they were legally-forced to accept (not that they have to) that which is repugnant to the majority.

The poll is still the kind of evidence I stated it was. A percentage of 82% saying "no" is evidence people won't force churches to do something churches don't want to do.

Your new evidence is that there are other people who would prefer equal marriage was not a legal reality, but this is irrelevant to what may actually happen with regards to religious freedom. You haven't even given evidence that a majority of people opposing equal marriage actually believe churches will be forced to conduct religious marriage ceremonies for same-sex partners, as you do. AND EVEN IF THEY DID, your position would still be no stronger than before. Evidence people are afraid something will happen is not evidence it will happen; if it were, wouldn't America have been ravaged by SARS, Avian influenza, swine flu, AND Ebola by now?
Heard the other day that in some state there is an army veteran from the Afghan conflict, who wanted a statue of a soldier kneeling down at a cross in a military or city/government run cemetery to now go, and why was this ? It was of course none other than it offended him (poor wittle tang), so next he and some organization sued the city over it for around 2 mil I think... I saw this report on Fox news the other day, so I just had to stop in front of the TV to listen up a sec. and just to hear another piece of Christianity being attacked yet again in this nation.

As Sil says over and over again that the LGBT is an organization/cult/activist group right ? Do you think that any of this stuff will stop just because you and a few others in here say so ? ROTFLMBO.
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"Place of public accommodation" shall not include a church, synagogue, mosque, or other place that is principally used for religious purposes.

Not religions- facilities principally used for religious purposes.

One of those places is a man's heart... For where else does religion and the freedom of it ultimately reside?
Saying the religion in my heart tells me to shoot ******* and fuck 12-year-olds isn't going to keep me out of jail. Just because you think God requires you to hate the faggots doesn't mean we have to let you get your way in all situations.
And just because there are those whom think that they can justify attacks on Christians and Christianity, and all because of a few fanatics or radicals who are amongst the many groups out there that do bad things, should realize that there are individuals who do dwell among all the groups that (heck yes ((do many bad things either in a groups name, or in it's religion's name or other)), but this won't allow us as Christians (who are balanced in life) to stay quiet when your ilk fires up the guns when it wants to, and if it wants to on the balanced and good Christians like you all have been doing lately.

You can't have it just one way in life, and you will never have it that way, so deal with it if you can, because Christians aren't backing down from what they live for and what they believe in their life. PERIOD! The Christians should be grandfathered in anyways in this nation by now, and otherwise they should always have their place within this nation in which is respected by others in the nation, and all this new stuff should have to prove itself first, and so far the track record isn't looking so good when one looks at the statistics, and at other things that go on among the groups who want something new to evolve in America. Disrespecting and attacking others or other groups isn't the way to get it done (IMHO), but it seems that the new groups and their leaderships having a so called cause now, do think that it is the way to get it done, and they are doing it in that way even if it causes backlashes to occur on their agenda, and/or upon their cause when it is implemented in the ways that they do so.
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Sil does not know what is in the heart of man.

A thread of 55000 views with 641 page celebrates 1st amendment for churches AND the marriage equality, which is not what Sil expected.

No LGBT complainant will ever win a case against a church for not marrying LGBT against its will.

That is the natural end of all of this.
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The First Amendment forbids public law from forcing anything on religious institutions, just as it forbids religious institutions from imposing their will on the public.

So churches should have the right to discriminate against homosexuals?

How about against racial minorities as well?

A church should have the right to the "free exercise" of it's beliefs. Take that how you will.
Sil does not know what is in the heart of man.

A thread of 55000 views with 641 page celebrates 1st amendment for churches AND the marriage equality, which is not what Sil expected.

No LGBT complainant will ever win a case against a church for not marrying LGBT against its will.

That is the natural end of all of this.

Don't be so sure and don't believe the sexually deviant crowd isn't looking for ways around it.
I am quite sure about, and rwheathengamer does not understand that in the religious sphere, under our Constitution, the churches will easily withstand any assault trying to make them marry people they don't want to marry.
If they're going to be tax exempt then they at least need to follow government rules. Yes. If a church doesn't want to perform a wedding for a gay couple then they need to have their exemption revoked.

I strongly disagree. I support the church's right to marry or not marry any couple as they see fit.
TSJohnson will have to get an amendment ratified because the courts will not invalidate the 1st's protections for churches. Most gays will sustain the 1st as well, very loudly.
"Place of public accommodation" shall not include a church, synagogue, mosque, or other place that is principally used for religious purposes.

Not religions- facilities principally used for religious purposes.

One of those places is a man's heart... For where else does religion and the freedom of it ultimately reside?
Saying the religion in my heart tells me to shoot ******* and fuck 12-year-olds isn't going to keep me out of jail. Just because you think God requires you to hate the faggots doesn't mean we have to let you get your way in all situations.
And just because there are those whom think that they can justify attacks on Christians and Christianity, and all because of a few fanatics or radicals who are amongst the many groups out there that do bad things, should realize that there are individuals who do dwell among all the groups that (heck yes ((do many bad things either in a groups name, or in it's religion's name or other)), but this won't allow us as Christians (who are balanced in life) to stay quiet when your ilk fires up the guns when it wants to, and if it wants to on the balanced and good Christians like you all have been doing lately.

Holding Christians to the same standards we do everyone else isn't 'attacking them'.

You can't have it just one way in life, and you will never have it that way, so deal with it if you can, because Christians aren't backing down from what they live for and what they believe in their life. PERIOD! The Christians should be grandfathered in anyways in this nation by now, and otherwise they should always have their place within this nation in which is respected by others in the nation, and all this new stuff should have to prove itself first, and so far the track record isn't looking so good when one looks at the statistics, and at other things that go on among the groups who want something new to evolve in America.

And what do you mean by 'grandfathered in' as it relates to Public Accommodation Laws? I know....specifics, your kryptonite. And its utterly futile to ask you to get specific about anything. But I want to be on record having tried.

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