Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
History has never shown churches being forced to perform gay marriages. That history changes is indisputable. That history changes in the exact manner you're lamenting about is very much in dispute. As there's exactly nothing indicating it will.

You're simply offering us your imagination of some future event that may happen at some future time.....unless it doesn't. Because, you know, history.

That's silly. You're not predicting anything, you're offering us the likelihood of anything. You're simply verbalizing emotion.

History has shown that things people said would never change have.

There's no indication that history will change on this issue. You have nothing. No public support, no changes in the law, no credibly proposed changes, no history of this ever happening.

Your argument is quite literally 'because you can't prove it won't happen, it must happen'. That's not logical. As the former doesn't support the latter.

My argument is that things people said would never happen have and this is no different. There is history to prove that things change and this is as likely as anything else whether you agree or not. You agreement isn't necessary. All you need to do is accept that it can and be willing to admit you were wrong when it does.

The problem with your argument is that it doesn't demonstrate any particular future outcome. As things people said would never happen.....still haven't happened. So 'things people have said would never happen' isn't a predictive model. As it produces both results. With almost all of those results contradicting you.

So what evidence do you have that churches will be required to perform gay weddings? Show us, don't tell us.

A lot of things people said would never happen have and are somewhat related to what I say the peter puffers and carpet munchers will attempt. You're simply unwilling to acknowledge that is can, say now that this shouldn't, but will be right up front when it does claiming you supported it all the time.

A lot of people said things would never happen....that didn't happen. Your model predicts nothing. Yet you insist it *will* happen.

So what evidence do you have that churches will be forced to accommodate gay weddings?
Conservative, stop the silly argument that the sky might fall. Give us clear and concise proof that this is happening now or will happen soon.
You say the same thing people said 30 years ago, even 5 years ago, when people like me said federal judges will overstep their bounds and tell States they can't prohibit same sex marriages.

You're not simply claiming that churches MAY be forced to perform gay weddings in the future. You're insisting that churches WILL be forced to perform gay marriages in the future. And there's nothing that indicates that this is even likely. Let alone certain.

So what is your evidence that churches will be forced to perform gay weddings? Specifically.

That's what I've been saying and gave an example of how it would be approached when it does.

Unless it doesn't. Do you get that you imagining something happening in the future isn't actually evidence of happening? Or it being likely to happen?

There's no support for such changes, judicially, legislatively, or popularly. There's no laws that require it. All PA laws expressly forbid it. There's no credible proposals for changing those laws. There's simply no indication that churches will be forced to perform gay marriages.

That you imagine a scenario were it *could* happen doesn't mean that your imagination is even remotely likely TO happen?

Do you get the difference? Your imagination isn't evidence.

I also gave examples of situations where people said on other issues that "there's nothing that indicates that is even likely to happen" yet is has happened. You can't say the future is ever changing then claim that it does except on something you aren't willing to admit.

And I've given you examples of things that folks insisted would never happened.....that never happened. Demonstrating that 'things folks predicated would never happen' doesn't demonstrate they will.

You're predicting that a specific event is certain: that churches WILL be required to perform gay weddings. And you can provide with exactly dick by way of evidence that indicates as much. With your reasoning being that since we can't prove it *won't* happen, it must happen.

Um, that's illogical nonsense.

I'm claiming ti will happen and how I think it will come about. Will you, when it does, be man enough to admit you're wrong? Doubt it.

And if it doesn't happen, what then?
Conservative, stop the silly argument that the sky might fall. Give us clear and concise proof that this is happening now or will happen soon.
You say the same thing people said 30 years ago, even 5 years ago, when people like me said federal judges will overstep their bounds and tell States they can't prohibit same sex marriages.

You're not simply claiming that churches MAY be forced to perform gay weddings in the future. You're insisting that churches WILL be forced to perform gay marriages in the future. And there's nothing that indicates that this is even likely. Let alone certain.

So what is your evidence that churches will be forced to perform gay weddings? Specifically.

That's what I've been saying and gave an example of how it would be approached when it does.

Unless it doesn't. Do you get that you imagining something happening in the future isn't actually evidence of happening? Or it being likely to happen?

There's no support for such changes, judicially, legislatively, or popularly. There's no laws that require it. All PA laws expressly forbid it. There's no credible proposals for changing those laws. There's simply no indication that churches will be forced to perform gay marriages.

That you imagine a scenario were it *could* happen doesn't mean that your imagination is even remotely likely TO happen?

Do you get the difference? Your imagination isn't evidence.

I also gave examples of situations where people said on other issues that "there's nothing that indicates that is even likely to happen" yet is has happened. You can't say the future is ever changing then claim that it does except on something you aren't willing to admit.

And I've given you examples of things that folks insisted would never happened.....that never happened. Demonstrating that 'things folks predicated would never happen' doesn't demonstrate they will.

You're predicting that a specific event is certain: that churches WILL be required to perform gay weddings. And you can provide with exactly dick by way of evidence that indicates as much. With your reasoning being that since we can't prove it *won't* happen, it must happen.

Um, that's illogical nonsense.

I'm claiming ti will happen and how I think it will come about. Will you, when it does, be man enough to admit you're wrong? Doubt it.

And if it doesn't happen, what then?

The laws forbid it now and you want to make it out as if it won't change. Laws prohibited same sex marriage in my State until some judge overruled them. If that can change, why do you not believe PA laws related to this can change.

I'm almost 50. Like I've said, it may be another 30 years or more before it does. I may not be around when it does.
The laws forbid it now and you want to make it out as if it won't change. Laws prohibited same sex marriage in my State until some judge overruled them. If that can change, why do you not believe PA laws related to this can change.

I'm almost 50. Like I've said, it may be another 30 years or more before it does. I may not be around when it does.

Reality check. You've already been around when it changed. A church is nothing more, legally speaking, than a congregation of individual christians. Individual christians have already been successfully sued as bakers/florists/photographers by the cult of LGBT. Their crusade has already forced the faithful to abdicate their core edicts and promote homosexual cultural spread forbidden to be done by them under punishment of eternal damnation as explained in Jude 1 of the New Testament. That's a done deal.

To make that leap to a congregation of individual christians (a church) is a matter of filing the paperwork. Within one calendar month of the LGBT cult gaining any federal mandate to change marriage from what it is now, a state-defined privelege/child formative environment incentive program into a "right" (alternative sexual lifestyles free-for-all...the kids be damned), you will see a lawsuit filed against a church, citing the lawsuits against individual christians as precedents, and you will see that lawsuit go to the Supreme Court in your lifetime. The Supreme Court will have a hellof a time saying no to something they've said "yes" to in the case they will be deciding this year. Ginsburg will be saying again something like gay marriage is like nonfat milk, it doesn't enjoy the richness of being allowed in churches!" And BINGO, christianity will be dead.

If a secular lifestyle cult can order the faithful to abandon their religion legally, then religion is dead unless the faithful practice civil disobedience. But if they do, they could lose everything they have and even wind up in jail. Yes, there will be a day if a church refuses to marry a gay "situation" (there will be gay polygamists by then..don't laugh...I actually know some...), the pastor or others involved in the refusal may even be sent to jail. That will be a long time off. But the lawsuits will come the day after the ink is dry on this year's Big Gay Decision.
The laws forbid it now and you want to make it out as if it won't change. Laws prohibited same sex marriage in my State until some judge overruled them. If that can change, why do you not believe PA laws related to this can change.

I'm almost 50. Like I've said, it may be another 30 years or more before it does. I may not be around when it does.

Reality check. You've already been around when it changed. A church is nothing more, legally speaking, than a congregation of individual christians. Individual christians have already been successfully sued as bakers/florists/photographers by the cult of LGBT. Their crusade has already forced the faithful to abdicate their core edicts and promote homosexual cultural spread forbidden to be done by them under punishment of eternal damnation as explained in Jude 1 of the New Testament. That's a done deal.

To make that leap to a congregation of individual christians (a church) is a matter of filing the paperwork. Within one calendar month of the LGBT cult gaining any federal mandate to change marriage from what it is now, a state-defined privelege/child formative environment incentive program into a "right" (alternative sexual lifestyles free-for-all...the kids be damned), you will see a lawsuit filed against a church, citing the lawsuits against individual christians as precedents, and you will see that lawsuit go to the Supreme Court in your lifetime. The Supreme Court will have a hellof a time saying no to something they've said "yes" to in the case they will be deciding this year. Ginsburg will be saying again something like gay marriage is like nonfat milk, it doesn't enjoy the richness of being allowed in churches!" And BINGO, christianity will be dead.

If a secular lifestyle cult can order the faithful to abandon their religion legally, then religion is dead unless the faithful practice civil disobedience. But if they do, they could lose everything they have and even wind up in jail. Yes, there will be a day if a church refuses to marry a gay "situation" (there will be gay polygamists by then..don't laugh...I actually know some...), the pastor or others involved in the refusal may even be sent to jail. That will be a long time off. But the lawsuits will come the day after the ink is dry on this year's Big Gay Decision.

People like Skylar don't seem to get that if other things change, so can laws that exempt churches. I'm not claiming that it is guaranteed. I'm claiming that if/when it happens, that's how it wil be approached.
I am quite sure about, and rwheathengamer does not understand that in the religious sphere, under our Constitution, the churches will easily withstand any assault trying to make them marry people they don't want to marry.
Well grab the brake lever on the run away train then, and slow that assault wagon down already, but you can't slow it down either can you, so just keep on jabbering like the rest of us I guess...LOL

Dude, what 'assault'? There are zero cases of churches ever being forced to perform a wedding they didn't want to.

You're fear mongering.
The assault on Christianity in this nation right ? Also the assaults on many other peoples wishes not to engage or participate in such things and/or to not support such things either directly or indirectly.

You know what ? The Church is a huge part of the belief system in which is under attack in this nation, and so why would you think that it is off limits to these which people have been experiencing and witnessing all over the place now ? The Church might be the last hold out (like the Alamo), and this being part of the whole war that is being waged against the morals and values once held dear to this nation, and in which was learned in a Church. So it may not be a matter of IF it will be attacked, but more so of a matter of when it finally will be attacked all be it directly or indirectly. I think it is the hopes of some that it will fall sooner if not later on the inside, and this over the outside pressures that are constantly being brought in and around it now.
I am quite sure about, and rwheathengamer does not understand that in the religious sphere, under our Constitution, the churches will easily withstand any assault trying to make them marry people they don't want to marry.
Well grab the brake lever on the run away train then, and slow that assault wagon down already, but you can't slow it down either can you, so just keep on jabbering like the rest of us I guess...LOL

Dude, what 'assault'? There are zero cases of churches ever being forced to perform a wedding they didn't want to.

You're fear mongering.
The assault on Christianity in this nation right ?

No. There is no assault on Christianity in this country. Nor is requiring someone to follow the same law that everyone else follows an attack, assault, rape, romp, ass kicking, or any other colorfully violent description you may wish to apply.

You're not David Bowie. This isn't the alamo. You're just being a little melodramatic.
The laws forbid it now and you want to make it out as if it won't change. Laws prohibited same sex marriage in my State until some judge overruled them. If that can change, why do you not believe PA laws related to this can change.

I'm almost 50. Like I've said, it may be another 30 years or more before it does. I may not be around when it does.

Reality check. You've already been around when it changed. A church is nothing more, legally speaking, than a congregation of individual christians. Individual christians have already been successfully sued as bakers/florists/photographers by the cult of LGBT. Their crusade has already forced the faithful to abdicate their core edicts and promote homosexual cultural spread forbidden to be done by them under punishment of eternal damnation as explained in Jude 1 of the New Testament. That's a done deal.

To make that leap to a congregation of individual christians (a church) is a matter of filing the paperwork. Within one calendar month of the LGBT cult gaining any federal mandate to change marriage from what it is now, a state-defined privelege/child formative environment incentive program into a "right" (alternative sexual lifestyles free-for-all...the kids be damned), you will see a lawsuit filed against a church, citing the lawsuits against individual christians as precedents, and you will see that lawsuit go to the Supreme Court in your lifetime. The Supreme Court will have a hellof a time saying no to something they've said "yes" to in the case they will be deciding this year. Ginsburg will be saying again something like gay marriage is like nonfat milk, it doesn't enjoy the richness of being allowed in churches!" And BINGO, christianity will be dead.

If a secular lifestyle cult can order the faithful to abandon their religion legally, then religion is dead unless the faithful practice civil disobedience. But if they do, they could lose everything they have and even wind up in jail. Yes, there will be a day if a church refuses to marry a gay "situation" (there will be gay polygamists by then..don't laugh...I actually know some...), the pastor or others involved in the refusal may even be sent to jail. That will be a long time off. But the lawsuits will come the day after the ink is dry on this year's Big Gay Decision.

People like Skylar don't seem to get that if other things change, so can laws that exempt churches. I'm not claiming that it is guaranteed. I'm claiming that if/when it happens, that's how it wil be approached.

Again, for 20th're claiming that churches most certainly WILL be required to accommodate gay weddings. Yet when I ask you for the evidence of this, the results are always the same:

Jack shit.
There is absolutely no evidence.

The shrill intensity and verbosity of the anti marriage equality folks merely demonstrates the growing awareness (and acceptance) they have lost.
Reality check. You've already been around when it changed. A church is nothing more, legally speaking, than a congregation of individual christians.

'Legally speaking'? Reality Check, Silo..... you don't know what you're talking about. Churches are explicitly exempted from PA laws. These laws only apply to businesses which churches aren't. The law couldn't be clearer.

Yet you ignore the law, imagine up your version, and then lament about your imagination.

Its like watching Ed Norton have a fist fight with Tyler Durden.

Their crusade has already forced the faithful to abdicate their core edicts and promote homosexual cultural spread forbidden to be done by them under punishment of eternal damnation as explained in Jude 1 of the New Testament. That's a done deal.

Where in Jude 1 is there a prohibition against selling cake? Because I'm pretty sure you just made that up.

To make that leap to a congregation of individual christians (a church) is a matter of filing the paperwork.

Save for the fact that PA laws explicitly exclude all churches. Again, don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. You're literally just making this shit up as you go along.

Within one calendar month of the LGBT cult gaining any federal mandate to change marriage from what it is now, a state-defined privelege/child formative environment incentive program into a "right" (alternative sexual lifestyles free-for-all...the kids be damned), you will see a lawsuit filed against a church, citing the lawsuits against individual christians as precedents, and you will see that lawsuit go to the Supreme Court in your lifetime.

A lawsuit is certainly possible. But it will be laughed out of court. As PA laws don't apply to churches. Churches are expressly, and explicitly exempt. You equate a person with a church. The law doesn't.

And remember, your 'timelines' are useless gibberish. We're 2 weeks into your claims that federal judges who overturned gay marriage bans will be 'impeached within 30 days'. Um, no. They won't. You're hopelessly clueless.

The Supreme Court will have a hellof a time saying no to something they've said "yes" to in the case they will be deciding this year. Ginsburg will be saying again something like gay marriage is like nonfat milk, it doesn't enjoy the richness of being allowed in churches!" And BINGO, christianity will be dead.

The USSC has never held that churches are subject to PA laws. And all PA laws explicit exempt churches.

Remember, you're just making this shit up as you go along. And you don't actually know what you're talking about.[/quote]
There is absolutely no evidence.

The shrill intensity and verbosity of the anti marriage equality folks merely demonstrates the growing awareness (and acceptance) they have lost.

You kinda get that vibe, dontcha? They're already preparing for what they imagine is the next fight, as they clearly didn't do so well in this one.

The obvious problem being......there prepping the ground in the wrong place.
The laws forbid it now and you want to make it out as if it won't change. Laws prohibited same sex marriage in my State until some judge overruled them. If that can change, why do you not believe PA laws related to this can change.

I'm almost 50. Like I've said, it may be another 30 years or more before it does. I may not be around when it does.

Reality check. You've already been around when it changed. A church is nothing more, legally speaking, than a congregation of individual christians. Individual christians have already been successfully sued as bakers/florists/photographers by the cult of LGBT. Their crusade has already forced the faithful to abdicate their core edicts and promote homosexual cultural spread forbidden to be done by them under punishment of eternal damnation as explained in Jude 1 of the New Testament. That's a done deal.

To make that leap to a congregation of individual christians (a church) is a matter of filing the paperwork. Within one calendar month of the LGBT cult gaining any federal mandate to change marriage from what it is now, a state-defined privelege/child formative environment incentive program into a "right" (alternative sexual lifestyles free-for-all...the kids be damned), you will see a lawsuit filed against a church, citing the lawsuits against individual christians as precedents, and you will see that lawsuit go to the Supreme Court in your lifetime. The Supreme Court will have a hellof a time saying no to something they've said "yes" to in the case they will be deciding this year. Ginsburg will be saying again something like gay marriage is like nonfat milk, it doesn't enjoy the richness of being allowed in churches!" And BINGO, christianity will be dead.

If a secular lifestyle cult can order the faithful to abandon their religion legally, then religion is dead unless the faithful practice civil disobedience. But if they do, they could lose everything they have and even wind up in jail. Yes, there will be a day if a church refuses to marry a gay "situation" (there will be gay polygamists by then..don't laugh...I actually know some...), the pastor or others involved in the refusal may even be sent to jail. That will be a long time off. But the lawsuits will come the day after the ink is dry on this year's Big Gay Decision.

People like Skylar don't seem to get that if other things change, so can laws that exempt churches. I'm not claiming that it is guaranteed. I'm claiming that if/when it happens, that's how it wil be approached.

Again, for 20th're claiming that churches most certainly WILL be required to accommodate gay weddings. Yet when I ask you for the evidence of this, the results are always the same:

Jack shit.

For the 20th time, I'm claiming that when it happens, that's how I say it wil come about.
There is absolutely no evidence.

The shrill intensity and verbosity of the anti marriage equality folks merely demonstrates the growing awareness (and acceptance) they have lost.

You kinda get that vibe, dontcha? They're already preparing for what they imagine is the next fight, as they clearly didn't do so well in this one.

The obvious problem being......there prepping the ground in the wrong place.

Since not a single marriage of two fags will ever be on the same level as mine, you can't lose to second class people.
There is absolutely no evidence.

The shrill intensity and verbosity of the anti marriage equality folks merely demonstrates the growing awareness (and acceptance) they have lost.

You kinda get that vibe, dontcha? They're already preparing for what they imagine is the next fight, as they clearly didn't do so well in this one.

The obvious problem being......there prepping the ground in the wrong place.

Since not a single marriage of two fags will ever be on the same level as mine, you can't lose to second class people.

And you feel free to believe that. No one really gives a shit. Gays and lesbians will continue to get married and enjoy the privileges and protections of the law, raise their families and go about their lives.

Sounds like a win-win to me.
The laws forbid it now and you want to make it out as if it won't change. Laws prohibited same sex marriage in my State until some judge overruled them. If that can change, why do you not believe PA laws related to this can change.

I'm almost 50. Like I've said, it may be another 30 years or more before it does. I may not be around when it does.

Reality check. You've already been around when it changed. A church is nothing more, legally speaking, than a congregation of individual christians. Individual christians have already been successfully sued as bakers/florists/photographers by the cult of LGBT. Their crusade has already forced the faithful to abdicate their core edicts and promote homosexual cultural spread forbidden to be done by them under punishment of eternal damnation as explained in Jude 1 of the New Testament. That's a done deal.

To make that leap to a congregation of individual christians (a church) is a matter of filing the paperwork. Within one calendar month of the LGBT cult gaining any federal mandate to change marriage from what it is now, a state-defined privelege/child formative environment incentive program into a "right" (alternative sexual lifestyles free-for-all...the kids be damned), you will see a lawsuit filed against a church, citing the lawsuits against individual christians as precedents, and you will see that lawsuit go to the Supreme Court in your lifetime. The Supreme Court will have a hellof a time saying no to something they've said "yes" to in the case they will be deciding this year. Ginsburg will be saying again something like gay marriage is like nonfat milk, it doesn't enjoy the richness of being allowed in churches!" And BINGO, christianity will be dead.

If a secular lifestyle cult can order the faithful to abandon their religion legally, then religion is dead unless the faithful practice civil disobedience. But if they do, they could lose everything they have and even wind up in jail. Yes, there will be a day if a church refuses to marry a gay "situation" (there will be gay polygamists by then..don't laugh...I actually know some...), the pastor or others involved in the refusal may even be sent to jail. That will be a long time off. But the lawsuits will come the day after the ink is dry on this year's Big Gay Decision.

People like Skylar don't seem to get that if other things change, so can laws that exempt churches. I'm not claiming that it is guaranteed. I'm claiming that if/when it happens, that's how it wil be approached.

Again, for 20th're claiming that churches most certainly WILL be required to accommodate gay weddings. Yet when I ask you for the evidence of this, the results are always the same:

Jack shit.

For the 20th time, I'm claiming that when it happens, that's how I say it wil come about.

You're assuming its going to happen. And you can't factually establish that it will, or even show us evidence that indicates its likely. You simply believe.

Um, so?
There is absolutely no evidence.

The shrill intensity and verbosity of the anti marriage equality folks merely demonstrates the growing awareness (and acceptance) they have lost.

You kinda get that vibe, dontcha? They're already preparing for what they imagine is the next fight, as they clearly didn't do so well in this one.

The obvious problem being......there prepping the ground in the wrong place.

Since not a single marriage of two fags will ever be on the same level as mine, you can't lose to second class people.

And you feel free to believe that. No one really gives a shit. Gays and lesbians will continue to get married and enjoy the privileges and protections of the law, raise their families and go about their lives.

Sounds like a win-win to me.

They will still be second class. Feel free to belive they won't but no one except faggots give a shit about what you think.
The laws forbid it now and you want to make it out as if it won't change. Laws prohibited same sex marriage in my State until some judge overruled them. If that can change, why do you not believe PA laws related to this can change.

I'm almost 50. Like I've said, it may be another 30 years or more before it does. I may not be around when it does.

Reality check. You've already been around when it changed. A church is nothing more, legally speaking, than a congregation of individual christians. Individual christians have already been successfully sued as bakers/florists/photographers by the cult of LGBT. Their crusade has already forced the faithful to abdicate their core edicts and promote homosexual cultural spread forbidden to be done by them under punishment of eternal damnation as explained in Jude 1 of the New Testament. That's a done deal.

To make that leap to a congregation of individual christians (a church) is a matter of filing the paperwork. Within one calendar month of the LGBT cult gaining any federal mandate to change marriage from what it is now, a state-defined privelege/child formative environment incentive program into a "right" (alternative sexual lifestyles free-for-all...the kids be damned), you will see a lawsuit filed against a church, citing the lawsuits against individual christians as precedents, and you will see that lawsuit go to the Supreme Court in your lifetime. The Supreme Court will have a hellof a time saying no to something they've said "yes" to in the case they will be deciding this year. Ginsburg will be saying again something like gay marriage is like nonfat milk, it doesn't enjoy the richness of being allowed in churches!" And BINGO, christianity will be dead.

If a secular lifestyle cult can order the faithful to abandon their religion legally, then religion is dead unless the faithful practice civil disobedience. But if they do, they could lose everything they have and even wind up in jail. Yes, there will be a day if a church refuses to marry a gay "situation" (there will be gay polygamists by then..don't laugh...I actually know some...), the pastor or others involved in the refusal may even be sent to jail. That will be a long time off. But the lawsuits will come the day after the ink is dry on this year's Big Gay Decision.

People like Skylar don't seem to get that if other things change, so can laws that exempt churches. I'm not claiming that it is guaranteed. I'm claiming that if/when it happens, that's how it wil be approached.

Again, for 20th're claiming that churches most certainly WILL be required to accommodate gay weddings. Yet when I ask you for the evidence of this, the results are always the same:

Jack shit.

For the 20th time, I'm claiming that when it happens, that's how I say it wil come about.

You're assuming its going to happen. And you can't factually establish that it will, or even show us evidence that indicates its likely. You simply believe.

Um, so?

You seem to be saying it never will. The only thing that never will happen is fags being normal
I am quite sure about, and rwheathengamer does not understand that in the religious sphere, under our Constitution, the churches will easily withstand any assault trying to make them marry people they don't want to marry.
Well grab the brake lever on the run away train then, and slow that assault wagon down already, but you can't slow it down either can you, so just keep on jabbering like the rest of us I guess...LOL

Dude, what 'assault'? There are zero cases of churches ever being forced to perform a wedding they didn't want to.

You're fear mongering.
The assault on Christianity in this nation right ? Also the assaults on many other peoples wishes not to engage or participate in such things and/or to not support such things either directly or indirectly.

You know what ? The Church is a huge part of the belief system in which is under attack in this nation, and so why would you think that it is off limits to these which people have been experiencing and witnessing all over the place now ? The Church might be the last hold out (like the Alamo), and this being part of the whole war that is being waged against the morals and values once held dear to this nation, and in which was learned in a Church. So it may not be a matter of IF it will be attacked, but more so of a matter of when it finally will be attacked all be it directly or indirectly. I think it is the hopes of some that it will fall sooner if not later on the inside, and this over the outside pressures that are constantly being brought in and around it now.

Beagle means far right Christian denominations' assaults on the Constitution and the rights of other Americans.
There is absolutely no evidence.

The shrill intensity and verbosity of the anti marriage equality folks merely demonstrates the growing awareness (and acceptance) they have lost.

You kinda get that vibe, dontcha? They're already preparing for what they imagine is the next fight, as they clearly didn't do so well in this one.

The obvious problem being......there prepping the ground in the wrong place.

Since not a single marriage of two fags will ever be on the same level as mine, you can't lose to second class people.

And you feel free to believe that. No one really gives a shit. Gays and lesbians will continue to get married and enjoy the privileges and protections of the law, raise their families and go about their lives.

Sounds like a win-win to me.

They will still be second class. Feel free to belive they won't but no one except faggots give a shit about what you think.

Second class on to your far right social con ilk, a small minority in America now.

Keep it up, you will be second class to 250 million Americans.
I am quite sure about, and rwheathengamer does not understand that in the religious sphere, under our Constitution, the churches will easily withstand any assault trying to make them marry people they don't want to marry.
Well grab the brake lever on the run away train then, and slow that assault wagon down already, but you can't slow it down either can you, so just keep on jabbering like the rest of us I guess...LOL

Dude, what 'assault'? There are zero cases of churches ever being forced to perform a wedding they didn't want to.

You're fear mongering.
The assault on Christianity in this nation right ?

No. There is no assault on Christianity in this country. Nor is requiring someone to follow the same law that everyone else follows an attack, assault, rape, romp, ass kicking, or any other colorfully violent description you may wish to apply.

You're not David Bowie. This isn't the alamo. You're just being a little melodramatic.
Nobody is requiring anyone else to believe in and/or to abide by what one believes in, but that is the way you want to play it here. It really is a clever way in which you and others attack the Christians by the ways in which you use here, so let's chalk this one up as just another attack, but this time it was being conducted by you. I mean hey you just conducted yourself in a disingenuous manor, and we see right into the core of the machine in which you all are running now. Got anymore tactics to be exposed so easily ?

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