Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Well when you can scientifically prove you were born a homosexual perhaps your argument will be valid but since you can't, it isn't

Why does it have to be proven? My argument doesn't hinge on gay being a choice, yours does. The discrimination is the same whether orientation is chosen or not.

I know I didn't choose. Did you? The only ones it really matters to are the bigots and they don't believe the science anyway.

You don't choose to be normal, normal is normal. Your use of bigot and homophobic is childish and annoying, with that said good luck with your choice and have a great day

Normal is subjective. Red hair, green eyes and left handedness isn't "normal".

Unlike my sexuality, your bigotry is a choice.

You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

I could say the same thing about Catholics.

You Catholics let your choice of worship define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really, but all part of the disease.

But since I want to keep this thread on track- Catholics have every right to discriminate against homosexuals and women in their religion and church.

Well I am a Catholic and I take my faith very serious, with that said at least I didn't call you a bigoted religiphobe and demand you tolerate me or I will have the Catholicstapo come after you, eh?
Why does it have to be proven? My argument doesn't hinge on gay being a choice, yours does. The discrimination is the same whether orientation is chosen or not.

I know I didn't choose. Did you? The only ones it really matters to are the bigots and they don't believe the science anyway.

You don't choose to be normal, normal is normal. Your use of bigot and homophobic is childish and annoying, with that said good luck with your choice and have a great day

Normal is subjective. Red hair, green eyes and left handedness isn't "normal".

Unlike my sexuality, your bigotry is a choice.

You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

I could say the same thing about Catholics.

You Catholics let your choice of worship define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really, but all part of the disease.

But since I want to keep this thread on track- Catholics have every right to discriminate against homosexuals and women in their religion and church.

Well I am a Catholic and I take my faith very serious, with that said at least I didn't call you a bigoted religiphobe and demand you tolerate me or I will have the Catholicstapo come after you, eh?

And I didn't call you a bigoted homophobe, and demand that you 'tolerate' homosexuals, or I will have the 'homostap' come after you eh?

Here is what you did:
  • You jumped into a discussion about discrimination of homosexuals to complain that race is not the same thing as homosexuality- something no one ever claimed.
  • You base this upon your conviction that homosexuality is a 'choice' rather than genetic.
  • You then insulted all homosexuals with this comment
You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

And yes- I then threw a parody of your insult back at you- showing what it would be like for a group that was discriminated against for something that we know for certain is a personal choice.

I have nothing against Catholics- nor do I think its is okay to rationalize discriminating against Catholics or Jews or Buddhists etc because religion is a choice- not genetic.
You don't choose to be normal, normal is normal. Your use of bigot and homophobic is childish and annoying, with that said good luck with your choice and have a great day

Normal is subjective. Red hair, green eyes and left handedness isn't "normal".

Unlike my sexuality, your bigotry is a choice.

You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

I could say the same thing about Catholics.

You Catholics let your choice of worship define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really, but all part of the disease.

But since I want to keep this thread on track- Catholics have every right to discriminate against homosexuals and women in their religion and church.

Well I am a Catholic and I take my faith very serious, with that said at least I didn't call you a bigoted religiphobe and demand you tolerate me or I will have the Catholicstapo come after you, eh?

And I didn't call you a bigoted homophobe, and demand that you 'tolerate' homosexuals, or I will have the 'homostap' come after you eh?

Here is what you did:
  • You jumped into a discussion about discrimination of homosexuals to complain that race is not the same thing as homosexuality- something no one ever claimed.
  • You base this upon your conviction that homosexuality is a 'choice' rather than genetic.
  • You then insulted all homosexuals with this comment
You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

And yes- I then threw a parody of your insult back at you- showing what it would be like for a group that was discriminated against for something that we know for certain is a personal choice.

I have nothing against Catholics- nor do I think its is okay to rationalize discriminating against Catholics or Jews or Buddhists etc because religion is a choice- not genetic.

I stated my opinion, if you don't like it then it's really too bad for you isn't it? Once again, there is NO scientific proof a homosexual is born a homosexual, none, nada, zilch. I don't want to hear about "scientist's consensus" or "peer reviewed studies" I want solid scientific proof and to date none has been offered up.

As for me being "insulted" at your jab at Catholics? I'm not a thin skinned cry baby, it's YOUR opinion, nothing more and nothing less.
You don't choose to be normal, normal is normal. Your use of bigot and homophobic is childish and annoying, with that said good luck with your choice and have a great day

Normal is subjective. Red hair, green eyes and left handedness isn't "normal".

Unlike my sexuality, your bigotry is a choice.

You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

We do? Describe that in an average persons day. What is your perception of what that looks like.

Do you know any gay people?

I know a few but I tend to let them do whatever it is they do and live my own life. But I do run into homosexuals on boards and comment sections and it's always the same, if you don't agree with me you're a homophobic bigot, blah blah blah. Once it starts I know any type of civility is hopeless.

Disagreeing and wishing to discriminate are not the same. If you want to deny gays and lesbians equal rights, you are a bigot.

You didn't answer the question. What does it look like in an average day when "you homosexuals" (gay is easier to type you know) "let your sexuality define and control you"? Describe a typical "homosexual day" won't you?
Equal rights to what, exactly?
Normal is subjective. Red hair, green eyes and left handedness isn't "normal".

Unlike my sexuality, your bigotry is a choice.

You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

I could say the same thing about Catholics.

You Catholics let your choice of worship define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really, but all part of the disease.

But since I want to keep this thread on track- Catholics have every right to discriminate against homosexuals and women in their religion and church.

Well I am a Catholic and I take my faith very serious, with that said at least I didn't call you a bigoted religiphobe and demand you tolerate me or I will have the Catholicstapo come after you, eh?

And I didn't call you a bigoted homophobe, and demand that you 'tolerate' homosexuals, or I will have the 'homostap' come after you eh?

Here is what you did:
  • You jumped into a discussion about discrimination of homosexuals to complain that race is not the same thing as homosexuality- something no one ever claimed.
  • You base this upon your conviction that homosexuality is a 'choice' rather than genetic.
  • You then insulted all homosexuals with this comment
You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

And yes- I then threw a parody of your insult back at you- showing what it would be like for a group that was discriminated against for something that we know for certain is a personal choice.

I have nothing against Catholics- nor do I think its is okay to rationalize discriminating against Catholics or Jews or Buddhists etc because religion is a choice- not genetic.

I stated my opinion, if you don't like it then it's really too bad for you isn't it? Once again, there is NO scientific proof a homosexual is born a homosexual, none, nada, zilch. I don't want to hear about "scientist's consensus" or "peer reviewed studies" I want solid scientific proof and to date none has been offered up.

As for me being "insulted" at your jab at Catholics? I'm not a thin skinned cry baby, it's YOUR opinion, nothing more and nothing less.

And there is no scientific proof that a Catholic is born a Catholic.

Why the hell are you even in this thread?

You have not addressed the topic of the thread even once- even while complaining to me that I was off topic.
You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

I could say the same thing about Catholics.

You Catholics let your choice of worship define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really, but all part of the disease.

But since I want to keep this thread on track- Catholics have every right to discriminate against homosexuals and women in their religion and church.

Well I am a Catholic and I take my faith very serious, with that said at least I didn't call you a bigoted religiphobe and demand you tolerate me or I will have the Catholicstapo come after you, eh?

And I didn't call you a bigoted homophobe, and demand that you 'tolerate' homosexuals, or I will have the 'homostap' come after you eh?

Here is what you did:
  • You jumped into a discussion about discrimination of homosexuals to complain that race is not the same thing as homosexuality- something no one ever claimed.
  • You base this upon your conviction that homosexuality is a 'choice' rather than genetic.
  • You then insulted all homosexuals with this comment
You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

And yes- I then threw a parody of your insult back at you- showing what it would be like for a group that was discriminated against for something that we know for certain is a personal choice.

I have nothing against Catholics- nor do I think its is okay to rationalize discriminating against Catholics or Jews or Buddhists etc because religion is a choice- not genetic.

I stated my opinion, if you don't like it then it's really too bad for you isn't it? Once again, there is NO scientific proof a homosexual is born a homosexual, none, nada, zilch. I don't want to hear about "scientist's consensus" or "peer reviewed studies" I want solid scientific proof and to date none has been offered up.

As for me being "insulted" at your jab at Catholics? I'm not a thin skinned cry baby, it's YOUR opinion, nothing more and nothing less.

And there is no scientific proof that a Catholic is born a Catholic.

Why the hell are you even in this thread?

You have not addressed the topic of the thread even once- even while complaining to me that I was off topic.

I never claimed a Catholic was born a Catholic.

I am here because I choose to be here and if it gives you gas I am here I will remain here.
I could say the same thing about Catholics.

You Catholics let your choice of worship define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really, but all part of the disease.

But since I want to keep this thread on track- Catholics have every right to discriminate against homosexuals and women in their religion and church.

Well I am a Catholic and I take my faith very serious, with that said at least I didn't call you a bigoted religiphobe and demand you tolerate me or I will have the Catholicstapo come after you, eh?

And I didn't call you a bigoted homophobe, and demand that you 'tolerate' homosexuals, or I will have the 'homostap' come after you eh?

Here is what you did:
  • You jumped into a discussion about discrimination of homosexuals to complain that race is not the same thing as homosexuality- something no one ever claimed.
  • You base this upon your conviction that homosexuality is a 'choice' rather than genetic.
  • You then insulted all homosexuals with this comment
You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

And yes- I then threw a parody of your insult back at you- showing what it would be like for a group that was discriminated against for something that we know for certain is a personal choice.

I have nothing against Catholics- nor do I think its is okay to rationalize discriminating against Catholics or Jews or Buddhists etc because religion is a choice- not genetic.

I stated my opinion, if you don't like it then it's really too bad for you isn't it? Once again, there is NO scientific proof a homosexual is born a homosexual, none, nada, zilch. I don't want to hear about "scientist's consensus" or "peer reviewed studies" I want solid scientific proof and to date none has been offered up.

As for me being "insulted" at your jab at Catholics? I'm not a thin skinned cry baby, it's YOUR opinion, nothing more and nothing less.

And there is no scientific proof that a Catholic is born a Catholic.

Why the hell are you even in this thread?

You have not addressed the topic of the thread even once- even while complaining to me that I was off topic.

I never claimed a Catholic was born a Catholic.

I am here because I choose to be here and if it gives you gas I am here I will remain here.

Well welcome to the show.

Let us know when you have anything to contribute.
Well I am a Catholic and I take my faith very serious, with that said at least I didn't call you a bigoted religiphobe and demand you tolerate me or I will have the Catholicstapo come after you, eh?

And I didn't call you a bigoted homophobe, and demand that you 'tolerate' homosexuals, or I will have the 'homostap' come after you eh?

Here is what you did:
  • You jumped into a discussion about discrimination of homosexuals to complain that race is not the same thing as homosexuality- something no one ever claimed.
  • You base this upon your conviction that homosexuality is a 'choice' rather than genetic.
  • You then insulted all homosexuals with this comment
You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

And yes- I then threw a parody of your insult back at you- showing what it would be like for a group that was discriminated against for something that we know for certain is a personal choice.

I have nothing against Catholics- nor do I think its is okay to rationalize discriminating against Catholics or Jews or Buddhists etc because religion is a choice- not genetic.

I stated my opinion, if you don't like it then it's really too bad for you isn't it? Once again, there is NO scientific proof a homosexual is born a homosexual, none, nada, zilch. I don't want to hear about "scientist's consensus" or "peer reviewed studies" I want solid scientific proof and to date none has been offered up.

As for me being "insulted" at your jab at Catholics? I'm not a thin skinned cry baby, it's YOUR opinion, nothing more and nothing less.

And there is no scientific proof that a Catholic is born a Catholic.

Why the hell are you even in this thread?

You have not addressed the topic of the thread even once- even while complaining to me that I was off topic.

I never claimed a Catholic was born a Catholic.

I am here because I choose to be here and if it gives you gas I am here I will remain here.

Well welcome to the show.

Let us know when you have anything to contribute.

I did contribute, you were at a loss as to how to respond. :)
Normal is subjective. Red hair, green eyes and left handedness isn't "normal".

Unlike my sexuality, your bigotry is a choice.

You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

I could say the same thing about Catholics.

You Catholics let your choice of worship define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really, but all part of the disease.

But since I want to keep this thread on track- Catholics have every right to discriminate against homosexuals and women in their religion and church.

Well I am a Catholic and I take my faith very serious, with that said at least I didn't call you a bigoted religiphobe and demand you tolerate me or I will have the Catholicstapo come after you, eh?

And I didn't call you a bigoted homophobe, and demand that you 'tolerate' homosexuals, or I will have the 'homostap' come after you eh?

Here is what you did:
  • You jumped into a discussion about discrimination of homosexuals to complain that race is not the same thing as homosexuality- something no one ever claimed.
  • You base this upon your conviction that homosexuality is a 'choice' rather than genetic.
  • You then insulted all homosexuals with this comment
You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

And yes- I then threw a parody of your insult back at you- showing what it would be like for a group that was discriminated against for something that we know for certain is a personal choice.

I have nothing against Catholics- nor do I think its is okay to rationalize discriminating against Catholics or Jews or Buddhists etc because religion is a choice- not genetic.

I stated my opinion, if you don't like it then it's really too bad for you isn't it? Once again, there is NO scientific proof a homosexual is born a homosexual, none, nada, zilch. I don't want to hear about "scientist's consensus" or "peer reviewed studies" I want solid scientific proof and to date none has been offered up.

As for me being "insulted" at your jab at Catholics? I'm not a thin skinned cry baby, it's YOUR opinion, nothing more and nothing less.
And you're entitled to your opinion, with the understanding that it's legally irrelevant.

Whether homosexuality manifest as a consequence of birth or choice, it makes no difference, as gay Americans are entitled to the protected liberty to make that choice absent unwarranted interference by the state – and denying same-sex couples access to marriage law is unwarranted, un-Constitutional interference.
You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

I could say the same thing about Catholics.

You Catholics let your choice of worship define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really, but all part of the disease.

But since I want to keep this thread on track- Catholics have every right to discriminate against homosexuals and women in their religion and church.

Well I am a Catholic and I take my faith very serious, with that said at least I didn't call you a bigoted religiphobe and demand you tolerate me or I will have the Catholicstapo come after you, eh?

And I didn't call you a bigoted homophobe, and demand that you 'tolerate' homosexuals, or I will have the 'homostap' come after you eh?

Here is what you did:
  • You jumped into a discussion about discrimination of homosexuals to complain that race is not the same thing as homosexuality- something no one ever claimed.
  • You base this upon your conviction that homosexuality is a 'choice' rather than genetic.
  • You then insulted all homosexuals with this comment
You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

And yes- I then threw a parody of your insult back at you- showing what it would be like for a group that was discriminated against for something that we know for certain is a personal choice.

I have nothing against Catholics- nor do I think its is okay to rationalize discriminating against Catholics or Jews or Buddhists etc because religion is a choice- not genetic.

I stated my opinion, if you don't like it then it's really too bad for you isn't it? Once again, there is NO scientific proof a homosexual is born a homosexual, none, nada, zilch. I don't want to hear about "scientist's consensus" or "peer reviewed studies" I want solid scientific proof and to date none has been offered up.

As for me being "insulted" at your jab at Catholics? I'm not a thin skinned cry baby, it's YOUR opinion, nothing more and nothing less.
And you're entitled to your opinion, with the understanding that it's legally irrelevant.

Whether homosexuality manifest as a consequence of birth or choice, it makes no difference, as gay Americans are entitled to the protected liberty to make that choice absent unwarranted interference by the state – and denying same-sex couples access to marriage law is unwarranted, un-Constitutional interference.

Thank you- you expressed so much better than I did what I was trying to say that I will repost your post

And you're entitled to your opinion, with the understanding that it's legally irrelevant.

Whether homosexuality manifest as a consequence of birth or choice, it makes no difference, as gay Americans are entitled to the protected liberty to make that choice absent unwarranted interference by the state – and denying same-sex couples access to marriage law is unwarranted, un-Constitutional interference
You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

I could say the same thing about Catholics.

You Catholics let your choice of worship define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really, but all part of the disease.

But since I want to keep this thread on track- Catholics have every right to discriminate against homosexuals and women in their religion and church.

Well I am a Catholic and I take my faith very serious, with that said at least I didn't call you a bigoted religiphobe and demand you tolerate me or I will have the Catholicstapo come after you, eh?

And I didn't call you a bigoted homophobe, and demand that you 'tolerate' homosexuals, or I will have the 'homostap' come after you eh?

Here is what you did:
  • You jumped into a discussion about discrimination of homosexuals to complain that race is not the same thing as homosexuality- something no one ever claimed.
  • You base this upon your conviction that homosexuality is a 'choice' rather than genetic.
  • You then insulted all homosexuals with this comment
You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

And yes- I then threw a parody of your insult back at you- showing what it would be like for a group that was discriminated against for something that we know for certain is a personal choice.

I have nothing against Catholics- nor do I think its is okay to rationalize discriminating against Catholics or Jews or Buddhists etc because religion is a choice- not genetic.

I stated my opinion, if you don't like it then it's really too bad for you isn't it? Once again, there is NO scientific proof a homosexual is born a homosexual, none, nada, zilch. I don't want to hear about "scientist's consensus" or "peer reviewed studies" I want solid scientific proof and to date none has been offered up.

As for me being "insulted" at your jab at Catholics? I'm not a thin skinned cry baby, it's YOUR opinion, nothing more and nothing less.
And you're entitled to your opinion, with the understanding that it's legally irrelevant.

Whether homosexuality manifest as a consequence of birth or choice, it makes no difference, as gay Americans are entitled to the protected liberty to make that choice absent unwarranted interference by the state – and denying same-sex couples access to marriage law is unwarranted, un-Constitutional interference.

The thread is about Gays getting married in the Church, no? Even the Constitution can't force that to happen, in fact it prevents it from happening. I could really care less if two misguided and confused people get pretend married and want to appear normal and mainstream as long as they keep it away from my Church and the very most important thing, far, far, far away from our children.
You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

I could say the same thing about Catholics.

You Catholics let your choice of worship define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really, but all part of the disease.

But since I want to keep this thread on track- Catholics have every right to discriminate against homosexuals and women in their religion and church.

Well I am a Catholic and I take my faith very serious, with that said at least I didn't call you a bigoted religiphobe and demand you tolerate me or I will have the Catholicstapo come after you, eh?

And I didn't call you a bigoted homophobe, and demand that you 'tolerate' homosexuals, or I will have the 'homostap' come after you eh?

Here is what you did:
  • You jumped into a discussion about discrimination of homosexuals to complain that race is not the same thing as homosexuality- something no one ever claimed.
  • You base this upon your conviction that homosexuality is a 'choice' rather than genetic.
  • You then insulted all homosexuals with this comment
You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

And yes- I then threw a parody of your insult back at you- showing what it would be like for a group that was discriminated against for something that we know for certain is a personal choice.

I have nothing against Catholics- nor do I think its is okay to rationalize discriminating against Catholics or Jews or Buddhists etc because religion is a choice- not genetic.

I stated my opinion, if you don't like it then it's really too bad for you isn't it? Once again, there is NO scientific proof a homosexual is born a homosexual, none, nada, zilch. I don't want to hear about "scientist's consensus" or "peer reviewed studies" I want solid scientific proof and to date none has been offered up.

As for me being "insulted" at your jab at Catholics? I'm not a thin skinned cry baby, it's YOUR opinion, nothing more and nothing less.
And you're entitled to your opinion, with the understanding that it's legally irrelevant.

Whether homosexuality manifest as a consequence of birth or choice, it makes no difference, as gay Americans are entitled to the protected liberty to make that choice absent unwarranted interference by the state – and denying same-sex couples access to marriage law is unwarranted, un-Constitutional interference.
Same sex couples demanding to be opposite sex couples is unwarranted and illogical. They are different and should get equal rights by different means.
I could say the same thing about Catholics.

You Catholics let your choice of worship define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really, but all part of the disease.

But since I want to keep this thread on track- Catholics have every right to discriminate against homosexuals and women in their religion and church.

Well I am a Catholic and I take my faith very serious, with that said at least I didn't call you a bigoted religiphobe and demand you tolerate me or I will have the Catholicstapo come after you, eh?

And I didn't call you a bigoted homophobe, and demand that you 'tolerate' homosexuals, or I will have the 'homostap' come after you eh?

Here is what you did:
  • You jumped into a discussion about discrimination of homosexuals to complain that race is not the same thing as homosexuality- something no one ever claimed.
  • You base this upon your conviction that homosexuality is a 'choice' rather than genetic.
  • You then insulted all homosexuals with this comment
You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

And yes- I then threw a parody of your insult back at you- showing what it would be like for a group that was discriminated against for something that we know for certain is a personal choice.

I have nothing against Catholics- nor do I think its is okay to rationalize discriminating against Catholics or Jews or Buddhists etc because religion is a choice- not genetic.

I stated my opinion, if you don't like it then it's really too bad for you isn't it? Once again, there is NO scientific proof a homosexual is born a homosexual, none, nada, zilch. I don't want to hear about "scientist's consensus" or "peer reviewed studies" I want solid scientific proof and to date none has been offered up.

As for me being "insulted" at your jab at Catholics? I'm not a thin skinned cry baby, it's YOUR opinion, nothing more and nothing less.
And you're entitled to your opinion, with the understanding that it's legally irrelevant.

Whether homosexuality manifest as a consequence of birth or choice, it makes no difference, as gay Americans are entitled to the protected liberty to make that choice absent unwarranted interference by the state – and denying same-sex couples access to marriage law is unwarranted, un-Constitutional interference.
Same sex couples demanding to be opposite sex couples is unwarranted and illogical. They are different and should get equal rights by different means.

They aren't demanding to be opposite gender couples- they are saying that they should be treated exactly the same as my wife and I agree- I think that is logical, warranted, and Constitutional.
I could say the same thing about Catholics.

You Catholics let your choice of worship define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really, but all part of the disease.

But since I want to keep this thread on track- Catholics have every right to discriminate against homosexuals and women in their religion and church.

Well I am a Catholic and I take my faith very serious, with that said at least I didn't call you a bigoted religiphobe and demand you tolerate me or I will have the Catholicstapo come after you, eh?

And I didn't call you a bigoted homophobe, and demand that you 'tolerate' homosexuals, or I will have the 'homostap' come after you eh?

Here is what you did:
  • You jumped into a discussion about discrimination of homosexuals to complain that race is not the same thing as homosexuality- something no one ever claimed.
  • You base this upon your conviction that homosexuality is a 'choice' rather than genetic.
  • You then insulted all homosexuals with this comment
You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

And yes- I then threw a parody of your insult back at you- showing what it would be like for a group that was discriminated against for something that we know for certain is a personal choice.

I have nothing against Catholics- nor do I think its is okay to rationalize discriminating against Catholics or Jews or Buddhists etc because religion is a choice- not genetic.

I stated my opinion, if you don't like it then it's really too bad for you isn't it? Once again, there is NO scientific proof a homosexual is born a homosexual, none, nada, zilch. I don't want to hear about "scientist's consensus" or "peer reviewed studies" I want solid scientific proof and to date none has been offered up.

As for me being "insulted" at your jab at Catholics? I'm not a thin skinned cry baby, it's YOUR opinion, nothing more and nothing less.
And you're entitled to your opinion, with the understanding that it's legally irrelevant.

Whether homosexuality manifest as a consequence of birth or choice, it makes no difference, as gay Americans are entitled to the protected liberty to make that choice absent unwarranted interference by the state – and denying same-sex couples access to marriage law is unwarranted, un-Constitutional interference.

The thread is about Gays getting married in the Church, no? Even the Constitution can't force that to happen, in fact it prevents it from happening. I could really care less if two misguided and confused people get pretend married and want to appear normal and mainstream as long as they keep it away from my Church and the very most important thing, far, far, far away from our children.

You church does not and does not have to marry anyone it doesn't want to- Baptists- homosexuals- Mormons.

And the easiest way to keep your children away from the trauma of a same gender wedding is for you not to take them- no one is going to force you or your children to attend a same gender wedding.
Well I am a Catholic and I take my faith very serious, with that said at least I didn't call you a bigoted religiphobe and demand you tolerate me or I will have the Catholicstapo come after you, eh?

And I didn't call you a bigoted homophobe, and demand that you 'tolerate' homosexuals, or I will have the 'homostap' come after you eh?

Here is what you did:
  • You jumped into a discussion about discrimination of homosexuals to complain that race is not the same thing as homosexuality- something no one ever claimed.
  • You base this upon your conviction that homosexuality is a 'choice' rather than genetic.
  • You then insulted all homosexuals with this comment
You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

And yes- I then threw a parody of your insult back at you- showing what it would be like for a group that was discriminated against for something that we know for certain is a personal choice.

I have nothing against Catholics- nor do I think its is okay to rationalize discriminating against Catholics or Jews or Buddhists etc because religion is a choice- not genetic.

I stated my opinion, if you don't like it then it's really too bad for you isn't it? Once again, there is NO scientific proof a homosexual is born a homosexual, none, nada, zilch. I don't want to hear about "scientist's consensus" or "peer reviewed studies" I want solid scientific proof and to date none has been offered up.

As for me being "insulted" at your jab at Catholics? I'm not a thin skinned cry baby, it's YOUR opinion, nothing more and nothing less.
And you're entitled to your opinion, with the understanding that it's legally irrelevant.

Whether homosexuality manifest as a consequence of birth or choice, it makes no difference, as gay Americans are entitled to the protected liberty to make that choice absent unwarranted interference by the state – and denying same-sex couples access to marriage law is unwarranted, un-Constitutional interference.

The thread is about Gays getting married in the Church, no? Even the Constitution can't force that to happen, in fact it prevents it from happening. I could really care less if two misguided and confused people get pretend married and want to appear normal and mainstream as long as they keep it away from my Church and the very most important thing, far, far, far away from our children.

You church does not and does not have to marry anyone it doesn't want to- Baptists- homosexuals- Mormons.

And the easiest way to keep your children away from the trauma of a same gender wedding is for you not to take them- no one is going to force you or your children to attend a same gender wedding.

I meant homosexuals need to stay far far away from our children period. I'm well aware of the long term goals
And I didn't call you a bigoted homophobe, and demand that you 'tolerate' homosexuals, or I will have the 'homostap' come after you eh?

Here is what you did:
  • You jumped into a discussion about discrimination of homosexuals to complain that race is not the same thing as homosexuality- something no one ever claimed.
  • You base this upon your conviction that homosexuality is a 'choice' rather than genetic.
  • You then insulted all homosexuals with this comment
You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

And yes- I then threw a parody of your insult back at you- showing what it would be like for a group that was discriminated against for something that we know for certain is a personal choice.

I have nothing against Catholics- nor do I think its is okay to rationalize discriminating against Catholics or Jews or Buddhists etc because religion is a choice- not genetic.

I stated my opinion, if you don't like it then it's really too bad for you isn't it? Once again, there is NO scientific proof a homosexual is born a homosexual, none, nada, zilch. I don't want to hear about "scientist's consensus" or "peer reviewed studies" I want solid scientific proof and to date none has been offered up.

As for me being "insulted" at your jab at Catholics? I'm not a thin skinned cry baby, it's YOUR opinion, nothing more and nothing less.
And you're entitled to your opinion, with the understanding that it's legally irrelevant.

Whether homosexuality manifest as a consequence of birth or choice, it makes no difference, as gay Americans are entitled to the protected liberty to make that choice absent unwarranted interference by the state – and denying same-sex couples access to marriage law is unwarranted, un-Constitutional interference.

The thread is about Gays getting married in the Church, no? Even the Constitution can't force that to happen, in fact it prevents it from happening. I could really care less if two misguided and confused people get pretend married and want to appear normal and mainstream as long as they keep it away from my Church and the very most important thing, far, far, far away from our children.

You church does not and does not have to marry anyone it doesn't want to- Baptists- homosexuals- Mormons.

And the easiest way to keep your children away from the trauma of a same gender wedding is for you not to take them- no one is going to force you or your children to attend a same gender wedding.

I meant homosexuals need to stay far far away from our children period. I'm well aware of the long term goals

I would like to keep people like you as far away from our children period. I'm well aware of your long term goals.
Well I am a Catholic and I take my faith very serious, with that said at least I didn't call you a bigoted religiphobe and demand you tolerate me or I will have the Catholicstapo come after you, eh?

And I didn't call you a bigoted homophobe, and demand that you 'tolerate' homosexuals, or I will have the 'homostap' come after you eh?

Here is what you did:
  • You jumped into a discussion about discrimination of homosexuals to complain that race is not the same thing as homosexuality- something no one ever claimed.
  • You base this upon your conviction that homosexuality is a 'choice' rather than genetic.
  • You then insulted all homosexuals with this comment
You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

And yes- I then threw a parody of your insult back at you- showing what it would be like for a group that was discriminated against for something that we know for certain is a personal choice.

I have nothing against Catholics- nor do I think its is okay to rationalize discriminating against Catholics or Jews or Buddhists etc because religion is a choice- not genetic.

I stated my opinion, if you don't like it then it's really too bad for you isn't it? Once again, there is NO scientific proof a homosexual is born a homosexual, none, nada, zilch. I don't want to hear about "scientist's consensus" or "peer reviewed studies" I want solid scientific proof and to date none has been offered up.

As for me being "insulted" at your jab at Catholics? I'm not a thin skinned cry baby, it's YOUR opinion, nothing more and nothing less.
And you're entitled to your opinion, with the understanding that it's legally irrelevant.

Whether homosexuality manifest as a consequence of birth or choice, it makes no difference, as gay Americans are entitled to the protected liberty to make that choice absent unwarranted interference by the state – and denying same-sex couples access to marriage law is unwarranted, un-Constitutional interference.
Same sex couples demanding to be opposite sex couples is unwarranted and illogical. They are different and should get equal rights by different means.

They aren't demanding to be opposite gender couples- they are saying that they should be treated exactly the same as my wife and I agree- I think that is logical, warranted, and Constitutional.
They can be treated exactly the same under a different set of laws...because they are different.
And I didn't call you a bigoted homophobe, and demand that you 'tolerate' homosexuals, or I will have the 'homostap' come after you eh?

Here is what you did:
  • You jumped into a discussion about discrimination of homosexuals to complain that race is not the same thing as homosexuality- something no one ever claimed.
  • You base this upon your conviction that homosexuality is a 'choice' rather than genetic.
  • You then insulted all homosexuals with this comment
You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

And yes- I then threw a parody of your insult back at you- showing what it would be like for a group that was discriminated against for something that we know for certain is a personal choice.

I have nothing against Catholics- nor do I think its is okay to rationalize discriminating against Catholics or Jews or Buddhists etc because religion is a choice- not genetic.

I stated my opinion, if you don't like it then it's really too bad for you isn't it? Once again, there is NO scientific proof a homosexual is born a homosexual, none, nada, zilch. I don't want to hear about "scientist's consensus" or "peer reviewed studies" I want solid scientific proof and to date none has been offered up.

As for me being "insulted" at your jab at Catholics? I'm not a thin skinned cry baby, it's YOUR opinion, nothing more and nothing less.
And you're entitled to your opinion, with the understanding that it's legally irrelevant.

Whether homosexuality manifest as a consequence of birth or choice, it makes no difference, as gay Americans are entitled to the protected liberty to make that choice absent unwarranted interference by the state – and denying same-sex couples access to marriage law is unwarranted, un-Constitutional interference.

The thread is about Gays getting married in the Church, no? Even the Constitution can't force that to happen, in fact it prevents it from happening. I could really care less if two misguided and confused people get pretend married and want to appear normal and mainstream as long as they keep it away from my Church and the very most important thing, far, far, far away from our children.

You church does not and does not have to marry anyone it doesn't want to- Baptists- homosexuals- Mormons.

And the easiest way to keep your children away from the trauma of a same gender wedding is for you not to take them- no one is going to force you or your children to attend a same gender wedding.

I meant homosexuals need to stay far far away from our children period. I'm well aware of the long term goals

And what, may I ask, are these long term goals you are aware of?
And I didn't call you a bigoted homophobe, and demand that you 'tolerate' homosexuals, or I will have the 'homostap' come after you eh?

Here is what you did:
  • You jumped into a discussion about discrimination of homosexuals to complain that race is not the same thing as homosexuality- something no one ever claimed.
  • You base this upon your conviction that homosexuality is a 'choice' rather than genetic.
  • You then insulted all homosexuals with this comment
You homosexuals let your choice of sexuality define you and control every aspect of your life...sad really but all part of the disease.

And yes- I then threw a parody of your insult back at you- showing what it would be like for a group that was discriminated against for something that we know for certain is a personal choice.

I have nothing against Catholics- nor do I think its is okay to rationalize discriminating against Catholics or Jews or Buddhists etc because religion is a choice- not genetic.

I stated my opinion, if you don't like it then it's really too bad for you isn't it? Once again, there is NO scientific proof a homosexual is born a homosexual, none, nada, zilch. I don't want to hear about "scientist's consensus" or "peer reviewed studies" I want solid scientific proof and to date none has been offered up.

As for me being "insulted" at your jab at Catholics? I'm not a thin skinned cry baby, it's YOUR opinion, nothing more and nothing less.
And you're entitled to your opinion, with the understanding that it's legally irrelevant.

Whether homosexuality manifest as a consequence of birth or choice, it makes no difference, as gay Americans are entitled to the protected liberty to make that choice absent unwarranted interference by the state – and denying same-sex couples access to marriage law is unwarranted, un-Constitutional interference.
Same sex couples demanding to be opposite sex couples is unwarranted and illogical. They are different and should get equal rights by different means.

They aren't demanding to be opposite gender couples- they are saying that they should be treated exactly the same as my wife and I agree- I think that is logical, warranted, and Constitutional.
They can be treated exactly the same under a different set of laws...because they are different.

Separate but equal never works out well.

I think it is logical, warranted, and Constitutional to treat same gender couples, and opposite gender couples- such as my wife and I- exactly the same legally.
I stated my opinion, if you don't like it then it's really too bad for you isn't it? Once again, there is NO scientific proof a homosexual is born a homosexual, none, nada, zilch. I don't want to hear about "scientist's consensus" or "peer reviewed studies" I want solid scientific proof and to date none has been offered up.

As for me being "insulted" at your jab at Catholics? I'm not a thin skinned cry baby, it's YOUR opinion, nothing more and nothing less.
And you're entitled to your opinion, with the understanding that it's legally irrelevant.

Whether homosexuality manifest as a consequence of birth or choice, it makes no difference, as gay Americans are entitled to the protected liberty to make that choice absent unwarranted interference by the state – and denying same-sex couples access to marriage law is unwarranted, un-Constitutional interference.
Same sex couples demanding to be opposite sex couples is unwarranted and illogical. They are different and should get equal rights by different means.

They aren't demanding to be opposite gender couples- they are saying that they should be treated exactly the same as my wife and I agree- I think that is logical, warranted, and Constitutional.
They can be treated exactly the same under a different set of laws...because they are different.

Separate but equal never works out well.

I think it is logical, warranted, and Constitutional to treat same gender couples, and opposite gender couples- such as my wife and I- exactly the same legally.
You can treat them the same legally without treating them the same ceremonially. To do that you have to take away a fundamental belief from the vast majority. Why be that stubborn?

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