Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Focus on your own sinning and don't get your panties in a twist about someone else's. That's between them and God. Your responsibility is to Love God and to Love your neighbor.

Not to punish your neighbor because you don't think he's doing what God told him to do. If there's punishment to met out, God will do it. Take the beam out of your own eye.
Focus on your own cake making and etc. then, and don't get your panties in a twist when a Christian doesn't want to allow you to make them bake a cake for your gay wedding & etc.

If your religion makes it impossible for you to do your job, find another job. Its not our responsibility to adapt society to match your religion. Its your responsibility to match your job to your religion.

Take some personal responsibility for your own faith.

But that's not really what PA laws require, is it? They're demanding that he adapt his job to the mandates of government.

We've done this dance before, Dblack. You're trying to riding the issue to push libertarianism. You don't debate the authority of the States to regulate commerce in this fashion. Only any application of constitutionally granted authority that contradicts your libertarian beliefs.

And I've already given you my opinion on why libertarianism is an awful idea. And you've accepted it as legitimate political advocacy. I'm not interested in playing the proxy game again where you try to make this issue about your favored political ideology.

If you want to discuss libertarianism, start a thread on the topic.

I don't care about your opinion of libertarianism. I'm calling you out an inconsistent claim. You're saying that their religion makes it impossible for them to do their job and that's simply not the case. The demands of new laws are what's interfering. They were doing their jobs before government got involved.

Its relevant when you're once again using the issue as a proxy for libertarianism.

And we've done this exact dance.

* You question the legitimacy of PA laws.

* I demonstrate their authority through intrastate commerce.

* You insist that they're invalid because they could be abused (your 'what if you don't agree with the majority' position).

* I argue for how PA laws are rational and reasonable as they facilitate commerce an practical freedom.

* You insist that they're invalid because they protect only certain groups and insist that there should be no such restrictions against discrimination. And then expand to how libertarianism insists there should be no such restrictions across the board.

* And then I tell you why libertarianism is a horrible idea.

This issue is nothing but a horse for you to ride. How do I know? I've ridden with you. We've done this entire dance before. On this exact issue. I'm literally describing our previous conversations. I'm not interested in turning every conversation and every topic into a proxy for your libertarian narrative.

If you want to talk libertarianism, start a thread. But we're not dismantling all discrimination laws and all PA laws because you think libertarianism is the way to go.
Should Churches be forced to accommodate for homosexual weddings?

YES! Furthermore the church members must participate in homosexual acts after the ceremonies. With no Vaseline! Till their butt holes run with blood and turd chunks. Then lick each others dicks clean.


Fair is fair!
Focus on your own cake making and etc. then, and don't get your panties in a twist when a Christian doesn't want to allow you to make them bake a cake for your gay wedding & etc.

If your religion makes it impossible for you to do your job, find another job. Its not our responsibility to adapt society to match your religion. Its your responsibility to match your job to your religion.

Take some personal responsibility for your own faith.

But that's not really what PA laws require, is it? They're demanding that he adapt his job to the mandates of government.

We've done this dance before, Dblack. You're trying to riding the issue to push libertarianism. You don't debate the authority of the States to regulate commerce in this fashion. Only any application of constitutionally granted authority that contradicts your libertarian beliefs.

And I've already given you my opinion on why libertarianism is an awful idea. And you've accepted it as legitimate political advocacy. I'm not interested in playing the proxy game again where you try to make this issue about your favored political ideology.

If you want to discuss libertarianism, start a thread on the topic.

I don't care about your opinion of libertarianism. I'm calling you out an inconsistent claim. You're saying that their religion makes it impossible for them to do their job and that's simply not the case. The demands of new laws are what's interfering. They were doing their jobs before government got involved.

Its relevant when you're once again using the issue as a proxy for libertarianism.

And we've done this exact dance.

* You question the legitimacy of PA laws.

* I demonstrate their authority through intrastate commerce.

* You insist that they're invalid because they could be abused (your 'what if you don't agree with the majority' position).

* I argue for how PA laws are rational and reasonable as they facilitate commerce an practical freedom.

* You insist that they're invalid because they protect only certain groups and insist that there should be no such restrictions against discrimination. And then expand to how libertarianism insists there should be no such restrictions across the board.

* And then I tell you why libertarianism is a horrible idea.

This issue is nothing but a horse for you to ride. How do I know? I've ridden with you. We've done this entire dance before. On this exact issue. I'm literally describing our previous conversations. I'm not interested in turning every conversation and every topic into a proxy for your libertarian narrative.

If you want to talk libertarianism, start a thread. But we're not dismantling all discrimination laws and all PA laws because you think libertarianism is the way to go.
Care to address my point?
If your religion makes it impossible for you to do your job, find another job. Its not our responsibility to adapt society to match your religion. Its your responsibility to match your job to your religion.

Take some personal responsibility for your own faith.

But that's not really what PA laws require, is it? They're demanding that he adapt his job to the mandates of government.

We've done this dance before, Dblack. You're trying to riding the issue to push libertarianism. You don't debate the authority of the States to regulate commerce in this fashion. Only any application of constitutionally granted authority that contradicts your libertarian beliefs.

And I've already given you my opinion on why libertarianism is an awful idea. And you've accepted it as legitimate political advocacy. I'm not interested in playing the proxy game again where you try to make this issue about your favored political ideology.

If you want to discuss libertarianism, start a thread on the topic.

I don't care about your opinion of libertarianism. I'm calling you out an inconsistent claim. You're saying that their religion makes it impossible for them to do their job and that's simply not the case. The demands of new laws are what's interfering. They were doing their jobs before government got involved.

Its relevant when you're once again using the issue as a proxy for libertarianism.

And we've done this exact dance.

* You question the legitimacy of PA laws.

* I demonstrate their authority through intrastate commerce.

* You insist that they're invalid because they could be abused (your 'what if you don't agree with the majority' position).

* I argue for how PA laws are rational and reasonable as they facilitate commerce an practical freedom.

* You insist that they're invalid because they protect only certain groups and insist that there should be no such restrictions against discrimination. And then expand to how libertarianism insists there should be no such restrictions across the board.

* And then I tell you why libertarianism is a horrible idea.

This issue is nothing but a horse for you to ride. How do I know? I've ridden with you. We've done this entire dance before. On this exact issue. I'm literally describing our previous conversations. I'm not interested in turning every conversation and every topic into a proxy for your libertarian narrative.

If you want to talk libertarianism, start a thread. But we're not dismantling all discrimination laws and all PA laws because you think libertarianism is the way to go.
Care to address my point?

We've already discussed a half dozen variants of the same point. Refer to any of my answers on the same topic. I'm not interested in having yet another proxy conversation with you about libertarianism.

At least not in this thread.
Care to address my point?

We've already discussed a half dozen variants of the same point. Refer to any of my answers on the same topic. I'm not interested in having yet another proxy conversation with you about libertarianism.

At least not in this thread.

I'm not talking about libertarianism, you are.

I'm making a specific comment about this post:

If your religion makes it impossible for you to do your job, find another job. Its not our responsibility to adapt society to match your religion. Its your responsibility to match your job to your religion.

Take some personal responsibility for your own faith.

I don't think this point of view is defensible. Frankly, I find it offensive. This is not a question of society adapting to a baker's values. It's society forcing the baker to adapt to theirs.
Forcing people to do things against their will and violating their religion is ALL freedom is about here in America.

If you don't want to sell to gays, don't engage in an job that requires it. I'd give the same advice to someone whose religion prevents them from killing any animal working at a slaughterhouse. Or someone who can't work on Sunday trying to get into the NFL.

When your religion and your job don't mesh, find a job that does.
Care to address my point?

We've already discussed a half dozen variants of the same point. Refer to any of my answers on the same topic. I'm not interested in having yet another proxy conversation with you about libertarianism.

At least not in this thread.

I'm not talking about libertarianism, you are.

We've had this discussion. I've actually answered this exact question. And yes, you're doing your libertarianism by proxy schtick again. How do I know?

I've had this conversation with you repeatedly on the issue of PA laws. Almost word for word.

I'm not interested in another 'let me promote libertarianism by proxy' argument with you. We're not dismantling all PA laws nor getting rid of all discrimination laws because you're fixated on libertarianism.

And that's my final answer.
Forcing people to do things against their will and violating their religion is ALL freedom is about here in America.

If you don't want to sell to gays, don't engage in an job that requires it. I'd give the same advice to someone whose religion prevents them from killing any animal working at a slaughterhouse. Or someone who can't work on Sunday trying to get into the NFL.

When your religion and your job don't mesh, find a job that does.

If your religion and the store you want to shop at don't mesh, find another store.
Forcing people to do things against their will and violating their religion is ALL freedom is about here in America.

If you don't want to sell to gays, don't engage in an job that requires it. I'd give the same advice to someone whose religion prevents them from killing any animal working at a slaughterhouse. Or someone who can't work on Sunday trying to get into the NFL.

When your religion and your job don't mesh, find a job that does.
I am agnostic, my job requires me to sell boring stuff to stuffed shirts that don't give a damn about anything accept their own narrow focused world they live in. Wow, Gays might spruce up the place. But, no. This is such a pathetic exaggerated topic. Homosexuals are just losers having a temper tantrum. They might not get over it, little matter. They are living a narrow focused world, too, and not all the world finds a sexual dysfunction to the same status as race, sex or religion. Nope. Poor deluded souls, they need a life and get on with it.
Forcing people to do things against their will and violating their religion is ALL freedom is about here in America.

If you don't want to sell to gays, don't engage in an job that requires it. I'd give the same advice to someone whose religion prevents them from killing any animal working at a slaughterhouse. Or someone who can't work on Sunday trying to get into the NFL.

When your religion and your job don't mesh, find a job that does.

If your religion and the store you want shop at don't mesh, find another store.

Um, gays aren't being rejected from a store because of their religion.

Try again.
Forcing people to do things against their will and violating their religion is ALL freedom is about here in America.

If you don't want to sell to gays, don't engage in an job that requires it. I'd give the same advice to someone whose religion prevents them from killing any animal working at a slaughterhouse. Or someone who can't work on Sunday trying to get into the NFL.

When your religion and your job don't mesh, find a job that does.
I am agnostic, my job requires me to sell boring stuff to stuffed shirts that don't give a damn about anything accept their own narrow focused world they live in. Wow, Gays might spruce up the place. But, no. This is such a pathetic exaggerated topic. Homosexuals are just losers having a temper tantrum. They might not get over it, little matter. They are living a narrow focused world, too, and not all the world finds a sexual dysfunction to the same status as race, sex or religion. Nope. Poor deluded souls, they need a life and get on with it.

Gays are just people. And there's nothing 'pathetic' or 'narrowly focused' about trying to buy cake.

Its just cake.
Forcing people to do things against their will and violating their religion is ALL freedom is about here in America.

If you don't want to sell to gays, don't engage in an job that requires it. I'd give the same advice to someone whose religion prevents them from killing any animal working at a slaughterhouse. Or someone who can't work on Sunday trying to get into the NFL.

When your religion and your job don't mesh, find a job that does.

If your religion and the store you want shop at don't mesh, find another store.

Um, gays aren't being rejected from a store because of their religion.

Try again.

If someone doesn't want to abide by a store owner's religious values, it's more defensible (and more humane, in my view) to ask that person to shop at another store than to force the store owner to find another job (or another religion).
Good god, another flash in the pan know it all that won't be here in ten minutes noobie want to lecture me. Sigh...

Yawning.....that's it?

Sorry, Mary but you're not offering me a reasoned argument. You're offering me a series of nested assumptions based on your personal opinion. And I genuinely don't care what your opinion is.

If you're gonna do business, make sure its a business that's compatible with your religion. But your religion is on you. Its not our responsibility to adapt society to match your beliefs.

It may have been against Steve Young's religious beliefs to work on Sunday. But we're not changing when the Superbowl is played, even when he's playing in it.
Forcing people to do things against their will and violating their religion is ALL freedom is about here in America.

If you don't want to sell to gays, don't engage in an job that requires it. I'd give the same advice to someone whose religion prevents them from killing any animal working at a slaughterhouse. Or someone who can't work on Sunday trying to get into the NFL.

When your religion and your job don't mesh, find a job that does.
I am agnostic, my job requires me to sell boring stuff to stuffed shirts that don't give a damn about anything accept their own narrow focused world they live in. Wow, Gays might spruce up the place. But, no. This is such a pathetic exaggerated topic. Homosexuals are just losers having a temper tantrum. They might not get over it, little matter. They are living a narrow focused world, too, and not all the world finds a sexual dysfunction to the same status as race, sex or religion. Nope. Poor deluded souls, they need a life and get on with it.

Gays are just people. And there's nothing 'pathetic' or 'narrowly focused' about trying to buy cake.

Its just cake.
Gays are people? I thought they were giraffes. Glad you clarified that little ditty. I can't have a cake. Weddings or otherwise, gluten will make me ill and stuff you don't want to know. This just isn't just about confections, and you damned well know it.
If you're gonna do business, make sure its a business that's compatible with your religion. But your religion is on you. Its not our responsibility to adapt society to match your beliefs.

Not if they opened their business before the law was in authorized. In that case, it's the opposite. This is society forcing the baker to adapt their views.
Forcing people to do things against their will and violating their religion is ALL freedom is about here in America.

If you don't want to sell to gays, don't engage in an job that requires it. I'd give the same advice to someone whose religion prevents them from killing any animal working at a slaughterhouse. Or someone who can't work on Sunday trying to get into the NFL.

When your religion and your job don't mesh, find a job that does.
I am agnostic, my job requires me to sell boring stuff to stuffed shirts that don't give a damn about anything accept their own narrow focused world they live in. Wow, Gays might spruce up the place. But, no. This is such a pathetic exaggerated topic. Homosexuals are just losers having a temper tantrum. They might not get over it, little matter. They are living a narrow focused world, too, and not all the world finds a sexual dysfunction to the same status as race, sex or religion. Nope. Poor deluded souls, they need a life and get on with it.

Gays are just people. And there's nothing 'pathetic' or 'narrowly focused' about trying to buy cake.

Its just cake.
Gays are people? I thought they were giraffes. Glad you clarified that little ditty. I can't have a cake. Weddings or otherwise, gluten will make me ill and stuff you don't want to know. This just isn't just about confections, and you damned well know it.

Their just folks, Mary. And when they go to buy cake, what they're ordering is cake.

Its not that complicated. All the drama, all the complication, all the angst and excuses.....are on the side of those breaking PA laws and refusing to treat gays with the same fairness and equality they would any other customer.

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