Should Democrats be given 30 million new voters ?

Why are you afraid of new voters? Afraid your past will catch up with you?

Because "new voters" who are older whites, evangelical, gun-loving, women-subjugating, gay-bashing, unions'-hating, etc....are just hard to come by, "they just don't make them anymore"........LOL
Nothing is stopping them from voting since there little or no safeguards.

Well, since most of those "illegals" would-be voters reside in southern red states, are you implying that those little old men and women at the polling venues are all in on the scam?
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about two thirds of the 'brown persons' coming here get welfare of one form or another....some work hard but lots of them don't....and voting for goodies will supercede social issures...

And where is your evidence of that?

Asians have a totally different culture than the 'brown persons'......which is why so many of them succeed in America.....

So they don't need the welfare handouts and the freebies you keep claiming immigrants are coming here for and yet they still don't vote for you. Kind of shoots down your whole argument, doesn't it.

as of 2010 it was closer to 60% but that is still a majority of our welfare going to foreigners.....

Thirteen years after welfare reform, the share of immigrant-headed households (legal and illegal) with a child (under age 18) using at least one welfare program continues to be very high. This is partly due to the large share of immigrants with low levels of education and their resulting low incomes — not their legal status or an unwillingness to work. The major welfare programs examined in this report include cash assistance, food assistance, Medicaid, and public and subsidized housing.

Among the findings:

  • In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.
  • Immigrant households’ use of welfare tends to be much higher than natives for food assistance programs and Medicaid. Their use of cash and housing programs tends to be similar to native households.
  • A large share of the welfare used by immigrant households with children is received on behalf of their U.S.-born children, who are American citizens. But even households with children comprisedentirely of immigrants (no U.S.-born children) still had a welfare use rate of 56 percent in 2009.
  • Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children Center for Immigration Studies
Asians come from socialist countries....but more and more are turning Republican....the GOP won 50% of the Asian vote in the 2014 midterms....
Asian vote breaks for Republicans in midterms - Washington Times


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This isn’t a single issue. It’s every issue.

Presidential elections are decided by a few million votes. Giving the Democrats 30 million new voters means Republicans lose on everything — Obamacare, public sector unions, big government, abortion, gay marriage, racial preferences, and on and on and on.

In another few years, the whole country will be California and no Republican will win another national election.

Coulter I Got 30 Million Reasons Human Events

Which GOP candidate will actually solve this problem before it's too late.....?

Does Coulter not realize that the RWnuts have already lost on abortion and same sex marriage?

that article was written before the Supremes ruled on gay marriage.....nevertheless if it came down to a vote regarding those issues instead of activist judges ruling....they would not support those things....if goodies weren't being offered....

Judicial review is how the Constitution works.

Without judicial review states could ban gun ownership. Is that what you want?

it's amazing how much those activist judges 'find' in the 14th....
You want to hear something funny?

A far right Republican could still win, even with this imaginary extra 30 million votes(damn, that number just keep rising! I thought it was 10 mill. Oh well)

That Republican needs is class, some connection to the every day joe, honest, stays away from nutdaily talking points, and knows when and when not to compromise.

However, I think I just described a mythic creature. A siren or beautiful nymph. A Matador with cunning. Surely we won't see one of those in our lifetime!!
about two thirds of the 'brown persons' coming here get welfare of one form or another....some work hard but lots of them don't....and voting for goodies will supercede social issures...

And where is your evidence of that?

Asians have a totally different culture than the 'brown persons'......which is why so many of them succeed in America.....

So they don't need the welfare handouts and the freebies you keep claiming immigrants are coming here for and yet they still don't vote for you. Kind of shoots down your whole argument, doesn't it.

as of 2010 it was closer to 60% but that is still a majority of our welfare going to foreigners.....

Thirteen years after welfare reform, the share of immigrant-headed households (legal and illegal) with a child (under age 18) using at least one welfare program continues to be very high. This is partly due to the large share of immigrants with low levels of education and their resulting low incomes — not their legal status or an unwillingness to work. The major welfare programs examined in this report include cash assistance, food assistance, Medicaid, and public and subsidized housing.

Among the findings:

  • In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.
  • Immigrant households’ use of welfare tends to be much higher than natives for food assistance programs and Medicaid. Their use of cash and housing programs tends to be similar to native households.
  • A large share of the welfare used by immigrant households with children is received on behalf of their U.S.-born children, who are American citizens. But even households with children comprisedentirely of immigrants (no U.S.-born children) still had a welfare use rate of 56 percent in 2009.
  • Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children Center for Immigration Studies
Asians come from socialist countries....but more and more are turning Republican....the GOP won 50% of the Asian vote in the 2014 midterms....
Asian vote breaks for Republicans in midterms - Washington Times

What should be noted by you conservatives, is that the states whose population receives the MOST welfare payments, are virtually ALL red states.....LA, TN, MS, NM, WV, etc.
Now, one would think that an illegal Mexican who is here looking for the "handouts", would stay well clear from those mentioned states and their gun-toting, brown-skin-haters, don't you think?
This maybe the last chance the Republicans can win the White House before some serious overhaul is needed to revitalize it.

Lose here, the Republicans may have to divide their house in order to regroup.
In other words, the wackobirds will get there own party!!
This maybe the last chance the Republicans can win the White House before some serious overhaul is needed to revitalize it.

Lose here, the Republicans may have to divide their house in order to regroup.
In other words, the wackobirds will get there own party!!

Very true.....In a strange way, the GOP is turning toward a parliamentary system trying to gain a majority by combining moderates with the fringe, ultra conservatives; however, in the ensuing intra-mural battles, nothing is done by republicans and that inefficiency and the constant pandering to the fringe, will make the WH a "bridge too far" for today's GOP.
If people migrating to this country are so turned off by your party maybe you should as yourselves why.

Democrats.....the Party of Handouts......what poor person wouldn't vote for them.....?
How conservative of you.

how liberal of you.......those votes won't come cheap.....but you libs just love to spend and spend and spend.....hey! here comes BANKRUPTCY...!
Really the shit we'er in is 99% republican owned
It's probably TOO late. Obama and the Traitors backing him is still filling us up with Illegal immigrants and calling them REFUGEES. how else was he going to TRANSFORM your country. the sad is a lot of you voted for it

there may still be a window of opportunity......but we need to stop immigration now cold turkey.....put up that fence, kick out as many illegals as possible, and demand assimilation of legals.....

which candidate do you think could accomplish that....?
A fence built by Mexican day labor for the lowest bid?
Yeah that will do it!
If people migrating to this country are so turned off by your party maybe you should as yourselves why.

When one side says come on in we'll give you free everything to the detriment of the country and the other side bitches you scream racism.
Fuck you and the sorry mother fuckers who'd give away my country for votes.
Like ted cruz?
When it comes to the budget, we do need a budget hawk. Maybe the Republicans can do us a favor and nominate one?

Ah, who am I kidding!! The Republicans are too busy scouting the biggest ass to piss liberals off. They can't recognize when they can be helpful! So who is it going to be? Trump? Cruz? Walker? Christie?
When it comes to the budget, we do need a budget hawk. Maybe the Republicans can do us a favor and nominate one?

Ah, who am I kidding!! The Republicans are too busy scouting the biggest ass to piss liberals off. They can't recognize when they can be helpful! So who is it going to be? Trump? Cruz? Walker? Christie?

When are Democrats ever helpful?
If people migrating to this country are so turned off by your party maybe you should as yourselves why.

When one side says come on in we'll give you free everything to the detriment of the country and the other side bitches you scream racism.
Fuck you and the sorry mother fuckers who'd give away my country for votes.
Like ted cruz?

Dont give a shit about ted.
Really he's a "real" Republican.
This isn’t a single issue. It’s every issue.

Presidential elections are decided by a few million votes. Giving the Democrats 30 million new voters means Republicans lose on everything — Obamacare, public sector unions, big government, abortion, gay marriage, racial preferences, and on and on and on.

In another few years, the whole country will be California and no Republican will win another national election.

Coulter I Got 30 Million Reasons Human Events

Which GOP candidate will actually solve this problem before it's too late.....?
Republicans lose on everything because they're wrong on the issues.

Republicans are wrong about taxes, healthcare, education, and foreign policy in general – and the social right manages to alienate Hispanics, blacks, women, gay Americans, and young voters, even young republicans.

There are enough weak democrats and democratic-leaning independents willing to abandon the Democratic Party to vote for a republican for president; the problem is republicans are doing everything possible to keep those weak democrats and independents voting democratic.

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