Should Democrats be given 30 million new voters ?

This isn’t a single issue. It’s every issue.

Presidential elections are decided by a few million votes. Giving the Democrats 30 million new voters means Republicans lose on everything — Obamacare, public sector unions, big government, abortion, gay marriage, racial preferences, and on and on and on.

In another few years, the whole country will be California and no Republican will win another national election.

Coulter I Got 30 Million Reasons Human Events

Which GOP candidate will actually solve this problem before it's too late.....?

Does Coulter not realize that the RWnuts have already lost on abortion and same sex marriage?
i agree with Jindal......the GOP must stop catering to the companies that want cheap labor.....otherwise they will no longer be in any position to cater anything ever again....

Well, bear in mind that those companies, more likely than not, are donors to the GOP.

Oh that they are. Its a trade off. Notice when the Dems had their hammer lock on Congress and the White House 09-11 they did NOTHING for those cheap laborers.
If people migrating to this country are so turned off by your party maybe you should as yourselves why.

Democrats.....the Party of Handouts......what poor person wouldn't vote for them.....?

And maybe those kinds of comments are exactly why you don't get them. You think every brown person that comes here is some poor schmo who doesn't want to work. Most Hispanics, legal or not, that I've known are pretty hard fucking workers, more so than most native born Americans. They also tend to be social conservatives, yet, 3/4 of them won't vote for you.

How about the Asians? They aren't poor. Most of them are highly educated, highly productive, and live in some pretty nice neighborhoods and yet, they don't vote for you either. Explain that one away.

about two thirds of the 'brown persons' coming here get welfare of one form or another....many work hard but lots of them don't....and voting for goodies will supercede social issures....most do not have the skills to get good paying jobs which is why most get goodies...

Asians have a totally different culture than the 'brown persons'......which is why so many of them succeed in America.....
Rather than asking......How can we get these people to vote for us?
Republicans ask......How can we keep them from voting?

How about how can we keep these illegals from invading our country?

Illegals can't vote
What are Republicans afraid of?

Now you have to block them from becoming citizens?

Nothing is stopping them from voting since there little or no safeguards.
More rightwing fear mongering unsupported by facts

Except for rare instances, illegals do not vote
about two thirds of the 'brown persons' coming here get welfare of one form or another....some work hard but lots of them don't....and voting for goodies will supercede social issures...

And where is your evidence of that?

Asians have a totally different culture than the 'brown persons'......which is why so many of them succeed in America.....

So they don't need the welfare handouts and the freebies you keep claiming immigrants are coming here for and yet they still don't vote for you. Kind of shoots down your whole argument, doesn't it.
If people migrating to this country are so turned off by your party maybe you should as yourselves why.

Democrats.....the Party of Handouts......what poor person wouldn't vote for them.....?

And maybe those kinds of comments are exactly why you don't get them. You think every brown person that comes here is some poor schmo who doesn't want to work. Most Hispanics, legal or not, that I've known are pretty hard fucking workers, more so than most native born Americans. They also tend to be social conservatives, yet, 3/4 of them won't vote for you.

How about the Asians? They aren't poor. Most of them are highly educated, highly productive, and live in some pretty nice neighborhoods and yet, they don't vote for you either. Explain that one away.

about two thirds of the 'brown persons' coming here get welfare of one form or another....many work hard but lots of them don't....and voting for goodies will supercede social issures....most do not have the skills to get good paying jobs which is why most get goodies...

Asians have a totally different culture than the 'brown persons'......which is why so many of them succeed in America.....
Neither one will vote Republican
This isn’t a single issue. It’s every issue.

Presidential elections are decided by a few million votes. Giving the Democrats 30 million new voters means Republicans lose on everything — Obamacare, public sector unions, big government, abortion, gay marriage, racial preferences, and on and on and on.

In another few years, the whole country will be California and no Republican will win another national election.

Coulter I Got 30 Million Reasons Human Events

Which GOP candidate will actually solve this problem before it's too late.....?

Does Coulter not realize that the RWnuts have already lost on abortion and same sex marriage?

that article was written before the Supremes ruled on gay marriage.....nevertheless if it came down to a vote regarding those issues instead of activist judges ruling....they would not support those things....if goodies weren't being offered....
30 million? 30 million who? Why does this number keep climbing? Wasn't the truth enough for the RW propaganda machine?

Will it be 50 million next year? 100 million the next?
This isn’t a single issue. It’s every issue.

Presidential elections are decided by a few million votes. Giving the Democrats 30 million new voters means Republicans lose on everything — Obamacare, public sector unions, big government, abortion, gay marriage, racial preferences, and on and on and on.

In another few years, the whole country will be California and no Republican will win another national election.

Coulter I Got 30 Million Reasons Human Events

Which GOP candidate will actually solve this problem before it's too late.....?

Does Coulter not realize that the RWnuts have already lost on abortion and same sex marriage?

that article was written before the Supremes ruled on gay marriage.....nevertheless if it came down to a vote regarding those issues instead of activist judges ruling....they would not support those things....if goodies weren't being offered....

Judicial review is how the Constitution works.

Without judicial review states could ban gun ownership. Is that what you want?
Rather than asking......How can we get these people to vote for us?
Republicans ask......How can we keep them from voting?

How about how can we keep these illegals from invading our country?

Illegals can't vote
What are Republicans afraid of?

Now you have to block them from becoming citizens?

Nothing is stopping them from voting since there little or no safeguards.
More rightwing fear mongering unsupported by facts

Except for rare instances, illegals do not vote

Obama Plans Fast Track Voting for Illegal Aliens in 2016 VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

Don't bet on it.
With all that the Republicans have to offer, why wouldn't those 30 million voters vote republican?

Jobs, religion, strong conservatism......they should be flocking to vote Republican

What happened?
Rather than asking......How can we get these people to vote for us?
Republicans ask......How can we keep them from voting?

How about how can we keep these illegals from invading our country?

Illegals can't vote
What are Republicans afraid of?

Now you have to block them from becoming citizens?

Nothing is stopping them from voting since there little or no safeguards.
More rightwing fear mongering unsupported by facts

Except for rare instances, illegals do not vote

Obama Plans Fast Track Voting for Illegal Aliens in 2016 VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

Don't bet on it.
They have to become citizens first.
Why are you afraid of new voters? Afraid your past will catch up with you?
good change isn't so hard......bad change is.....and we've had nothing but bad change since your anti-American prez took office....

bringing in 1/4 of Mexico is going to destroy America....

Two points for you to ponder, Screaming Beagle:

Your party's and ideology downfall is directly linked to your prejudices in calling Obama an "anti-American"....and

Secondly, would it be too much of a shock for you to learn that a good chuck of the conservative south was once part of Mexico?

two points for you to ponder, knat....

there is nothing wrong with the GOP ideology because it supports the Constitution...

Obama is an 'anti-American' because he defies and ignores the American Constitution.....

Really? Obamacare constitutional. Gay marriage discrimination unconstitutional.

Which side of those issues were you on?
Like the tree that will break rather than bend in the strong wind gale, conservatives must evolve beyond their jingoistic mindset (note how may conservatives emphatically state "MY country")....

Of course this change in attitude and perspective would also entail foregoing some racial biases and, as we all know about conservatives, that is a tough task.
When did conservatives turn into such pussies?

They used to run on their agenda and what they do for the country. Now they run on preventing people from voting

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