Should doctors operate on intersex babies?

Somebody needs to do a little research. Transgendered and hermophodites aren't the same thing.
Who said that it was? Actualy, hermaphrodites do not exist. They are mythical creatures that have all of the attributes of both male and female. That is not the case with intersexual people. Now, intersexual is also different than transgender, and transsexual but some transgender people are also intersexual which underlies their gender dysphoria .
Intersex, is a birth defect and is exceedingly rare.

I've heard some horror stories of these surgeries damaging what little sexual organs the person in question might have.

I am suspicious of the ability of modern medicine to craft such organs.

Might be better to wait.
For anyone who wants to learn more about this. I especially urge the perpetrator of the OP as well as tipscatlady to read this:

The Intersex Society of North America (ISNA) is devoted to systemic change to end shame, secrecy, and unwanted genital surgeries for people born with an anatomy that someone decided is not standard for male or female.

We have learned from listening to individuals and families dealing with intersex that:

Click here to learn more about our agenda. With your help, we can make the world a safer place for families dealing with intersex conditions. Intersex Society of North America A world free of shame secrecy and unwanted genital surgery
Intersex, is a birth defect and is exceedingly rare.
Yeah it used to be rare until those tolertards took up the reins and said that each perversion or a deviance from a norm must be taken seriously. Cause it's a human being or whatsoever...
Intersex, is a birth defect and is exceedingly rare.
Yeah it used to be rare until those tolertards took up the reins and said that each perversion or a deviance from a norm must be taken seriously. Cause it's a human being or whatsoever...
After reading your OP which I commented on, I suspected that you were a fucking idiot. However, thought that I would give you the benefit of the doubt and a chance to explain and clarify you position. You have clearly blown that chance. It's apparent that you are here only to disparage and ridicule fun those who are different. All human beings are valuable and should be taken seriously. Are you saying that intersexuality is something that was invented? I don't think that you even know what you believe or are trying to convey here.

Thank you for confirming my worst impression of you.
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Intersex, is a birth defect and is exceedingly rare.
Yeah it used to be rare until those tolertards took up the reins and said that each perversion or a deviance from a norm must be taken seriously. Cause it's a human being or whatsoever...
After reading your OP which I commented on, I suspected that you were a fucking idiot. However, thought that I would give you the benefit of the doubt and a chance to explain and clarify you position. You have clearly blown that chance. It's apparent that you are here only to disparage and ridicule fun those who are different. All human beings are valuable and should be taken seriously. Are you saying that intersexuality is something that was invented? I don't think that you even know what you believe or are trying to convey here.

Thank you for confirming my worst impression of you.

Oh dear, you're so wrong!
Each human being is valuable for sure. But when a human being thinks that he's not who he is he must be healed. Of course the doctors must take his treatment seriously.
Please don't let them foolish you!
Intersex, is a birth defect and is exceedingly rare.
Yeah it used to be rare until those tolertards took up the reins and said that each perversion or a deviance from a norm must be taken seriously. Cause it's a human being or whatsoever...
After reading your OP which I commented on, I suspected that you were a fucking idiot. However, thought that I would give you the benefit of the doubt and a chance to explain and clarify you position. You have clearly blown that chance. It's apparent that you are here only to disparage and ridicule fun those who are different. All human beings are valuable and should be taken seriously. Are you saying that intersexuality is something that was invented? I don't think that you even know what you believe or are trying to convey here.

Thank you for confirming my worst impression of you.

Oh dear, you're so wrong!
Each human being is valuable for sure. But when a human being thinks that he's not who he is he must be healed. Of course the doctors must take his treatment seriously.
Please don't let them foolish you!
And I provided information on what the best science now says that healing should look like and how the wrong approach can cause irreparable damage. The article that you posted, apparently without reading or understanding it, bears that out. Yet you want to take the expedient approach by hasty surgery and make "the problem" go away and damned the consequences. That is just stupid.
do you feel this way about people with birth defects....should they be treated differently...

is this the compassion so called conservatives show the fetus once it is born?
M.C. was born with ambiguous genitalia, a rare condition that doctors addressed with surgery. Now, in a landmark lawsuit, M.C.’s parents are challenging the medical mainstream: Why does a surgeon decide what sex a child should be?
Born In Between When A Newborn s Sex Is In Question Why Do Doctors Get To Decide

My opinion is that a surgeon has a right to decide a sex for a child. Cause the doctor is a scientist who rests on the biological facts about the physical qualities and the genes of a child. So he can choose better.
I'm sure that the humanity will realize soon that the transgenders must be healed, not accepted. Cause a human must have that gender which his biology tells him to have. It's not the society, it's mother nature to decide.

What do you think about that?

You're talking about taking that choice away from the parents.

No, and damn you for proposing it.
M.C. was born with ambiguous genitalia, a rare condition that doctors addressed with surgery. Now, in a landmark lawsuit, M.C.’s parents are challenging the medical mainstream: Why does a surgeon decide what sex a child should be?
Born In Between When A Newborn s Sex Is In Question Why Do Doctors Get To Decide

My opinion is that a surgeon has a right to decide a sex for a child. Cause the doctor is a scientist who rests on the biological facts about the physical qualities and the genes of a child. So he can choose better.
I'm sure that the humanity will realize soon that the transgenders must be healed, not accepted. Cause a human must have that gender which his biology tells him to have. It's not the society, it's mother nature to decide.

What do you think about that?

You're talking about taking that choice away from the parents.

No, and damn you for proposing it.
The parents should not be making that choice either!
Somebody needs to do a little research. Transgendered and hermophodites aren't the same thing.
Who said that it was? Actualy, hermaphrodites do not exist. They are mythical creatures that have all of the attributes of both male and female. That is not the case with intersexual people. Now, intersexual is also different than transgender, and transsexual but some transgender people are also intersexual which underlies their gender dysphoria .
Thanks for the effort but you're wrong.....

Hermaphrodite definition of hermaphrodite by Medical dictionary
an individual whose body contains tissue of both male and female gonads. The ovaries and testes may be present as separate organs, or ovarian and testicular tissue may be combined in the same organ (ovotestis). The ovarian and testicular tissues may be present at the same time (synchronous hermaphrodite) or sequentially (when the sex organs appear one after the other; protandrous when the testes come first, protogynous when the ovaries appear first) See also hermaphroditism.

As far as the OP is concerned, it should up to the parents if there is any combination of the two genders and if a gender is define, it's up to the individual only when they become an adult if they want to have themselves mutilated and can find a doctor willing to do it. I believe it was Johns Hopkins that stopped doing it because they realize the poor souls have mental issues.
M.C. was born with ambiguous genitalia, a rare condition that doctors addressed with surgery. Now, in a landmark lawsuit, M.C.’s parents are challenging the medical mainstream: Why does a surgeon decide what sex a child should be?
Born In Between When A Newborn s Sex Is In Question Why Do Doctors Get To Decide

My opinion is that a surgeon has a right to decide a sex for a child. Cause the doctor is a scientist who rests on the biological facts about the physical qualities and the genes of a child. So he can choose better.
I'm sure that the humanity will realize soon that the transgenders must be healed, not accepted. Cause a human must have that gender which his biology tells him to have. It's not the society, it's mother nature to decide.

What do you think about that?

The child knows their gender. No doctor should have the right to decide. Allow the child to grow up and decide. What happens when the doctor decides the child is a male but the child grows up expressing a desire to be female?
Somebody needs to do a little research. Transgendered and hermophodites aren't the same thing.
Who said that it was? Actualy, hermaphrodites do not exist. They are mythical creatures that have all of the attributes of both male and female. That is not the case with intersexual people. Now, intersexual is also different than transgender, and transsexual but some transgender people are also intersexual which underlies their gender dysphoria .
Thanks for the effort but you're wrong.....

Hermaphrodite definition of hermaphrodite by Medical dictionary
an individual whose body contains tissue of both male and female gonads. The ovaries and testes may be present as separate organs, or ovarian and testicular tissue may be combined in the same organ (ovotestis). The ovarian and testicular tissues may be present at the same time (synchronous hermaphrodite) or sequentially (when the sex organs appear one after the other; protandrous when the testes come first, protogynous when the ovaries appear first) See also hermaphroditism.

As far as the OP is concerned, it should up to the parents if there is any combination of the two genders and if a gender is define, it's up to the individual only when they become an adult if they want to have themselves mutilated and can find a doctor willing to do it. I believe it was Johns Hopkins that stopped doing it because they realize the poor souls have mental issues.
You don't understand the difference between intersexual and trans gender/ you?
I read the story, and in reading about what organs the child was born with, and the hormones they had, I knew the child should be a boy. The child was given surgery to become a girl (what the hell for?) and low and behold, the child is actually a male, as I suspected he would be.

Is this child mentally ill? Does he need to be cured? I wonder if the doctor made a mistake? Perhaps the child should have been allowed to choose their gender.
Somebody needs to do a little research. Transgendered and hermophodites aren't the same thing.
Who said that it was? Actualy, hermaphrodites do not exist. They are mythical creatures that have all of the attributes of both male and female. That is not the case with intersexual people. Now, intersexual is also different than transgender, and transsexual but some transgender people are also intersexual which underlies their gender dysphoria .
Thanks for the effort but you're wrong.....

Hermaphrodite definition of hermaphrodite by Medical dictionary
an individual whose body contains tissue of both male and female gonads. The ovaries and testes may be present as separate organs, or ovarian and testicular tissue may be combined in the same organ (ovotestis). The ovarian and testicular tissues may be present at the same time (synchronous hermaphrodite) or sequentially (when the sex organs appear one after the other; protandrous when the testes come first, protogynous when the ovaries appear first) See also hermaphroditism.

As far as the OP is concerned, it should up to the parents if there is any combination of the two genders and if a gender is define, it's up to the individual only when they become an adult if they want to have themselves mutilated and can find a doctor willing to do it. I believe it was Johns Hopkins that stopped doing it because they realize the poor souls have mental issues.
You don't understand the difference between intersexual and trans gender/ you?
You don't know how to read do you? Try it slower.
Somebody needs to do a little research. Transgendered and hermophodites aren't the same thing.
Who said that it was? Actualy, hermaphrodites do not exist. They are mythical creatures that have all of the attributes of both male and female. That is not the case with intersexual people. Now, intersexual is also different than transgender, and transsexual but some transgender people are also intersexual which underlies their gender dysphoria .
Thanks for the effort but you're wrong.....

Hermaphrodite definition of hermaphrodite by Medical dictionary
an individual whose body contains tissue of both male and female gonads. The ovaries and testes may be present as separate organs, or ovarian and testicular tissue may be combined in the same organ (ovotestis). The ovarian and testicular tissues may be present at the same time (synchronous hermaphrodite) or sequentially (when the sex organs appear one after the other; protandrous when the testes come first, protogynous when the ovaries appear first) See also hermaphroditism.

As far as the OP is concerned, it should up to the parents if there is any combination of the two genders and if a gender is define, it's up to the individual only when they become an adult if they want to have themselves mutilated and can find a doctor willing to do it. I believe it was Johns Hopkins that stopped doing it because they realize the poor souls have mental issues.
You don't understand the difference between intersexual and trans gender/ you?
You don't know how to read do you? Try it slower.

This thread is about intersexuality and when and if to perform surgery to assign male or female physical attributes more clearly. The primary issue with Johns Hopkins was sexual reassignment procedures for transgender / transsexual people which is primarily psychological . You conflated the two issues in one paragraph and you are going to tell me that I can't read. You can't think. Try it again, FASTER.

There was also another similar issue at Johns Hopkins concerning another condition that was neither intersexual or transgender for which they stopped doing surgury:

Cloacal exstrophy is a severe birth defect that occurs in approximately 1 in 400,000 live births. One of the most pronounced characteristics is severe phallic inadequacy, or the complete absence of a penis in genetic males. Historically, doctors have treated cloacal exstrophy by surgically altering, or "reassigning" these babies as female. Johns Hopkins Researcher Challenges Conventional Wisdom on Gender Reassignment Surgery
the age of transgendering is beginning dropped...they are not doing things to postpone puberty....and top surgery to remove breast buds from boys etc and so forth....the hormone therapy cannot be reversed...
they remove the breast buds ....youthful trans call it top surgery...they are given drugs to postpone puberty....that is just so weird...ahh fuck they remove the breast buds from girls......i wasnt paying attention

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