Should Hip-Hop culture have been suppressed?

dear thats really really stupid. Hip hop encourages race issues and is often outright racist so could not in a million years rersult in zero racism!!

Do you understand??
Obviously you dont understand Skippy. I even posted one of the many hip hop songs that is meant to bring the races together in this very thread.

dear, you posted an exception. If a hip hop artist goes soft or anti thug he goes bankrupt!

No it wasnt an exception Skippy. You just havent listened to all hip hop enough to have a clue regarding what you are speaking about. You dont have to be soft to encourage togetherness. Sounds like you have a perception problem with reality there Skippy.

Yeah, that's why Common and Kendrick Lamar are huge failures :rofl:
I think edward is a victim to the version of rap marketed for white suburban youth. The more blood and guts, the scarier it makes them feel. Thats where all the money is due to white record label owners.
yes, of course, any loving parent would want their child exposed to blood and guts rather than I love you ya ya ya from the Beatles!!

See why we are 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
Braided hair doesnt make you a thug nor does baggy clothes."

dear, baggy clothes that don't fit are prison clothes. Its designed to glorify the thug/prison life.

Do you understand now??
No actually they are not Skippy. Michael Jordan never went to jail. He wore baggy shorts all the time. I've never been to jail and wear baggy clothes outside of the business environment. Black guys dont like wear tight stuff. It restricts us. We dont want to walk around looking like this.

Obviously you dont understand Skippy. I even posted one of the many hip hop songs that is meant to bring the races together in this very thread.

dear, you posted an exception. If a hip hop artist goes soft or anti thug he goes bankrupt!

No it wasnt an exception Skippy. You just havent listened to all hip hop enough to have a clue regarding what you are speaking about. You dont have to be soft to encourage togetherness. Sounds like you have a perception problem with reality there Skippy.

Yeah, that's why Common and Kendrick Lamar are huge failures :rofl:
I think edward is a victim to the version of rap marketed for white suburban youth. The more blood and guts, the scarier it makes them feel. Thats where all the money is due to white record label owners.
yes, of course, any loving parent would want their child exposed to blood and guts rather than I love you ya ya ya from the Beatles!!

See why we are 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

It would be 100% ignorance is only it wasn't 100% fact that white people buy up more hip hop than anyone else.

Of course when you seek to have it stamped out you're referring to "in the white community" aren't ya?
No that only started with the governments concerted effort to lock up young Black men..

dear blacks were making huge progress in America until they came under the influence of liberal communist leadership in the 1960's. Thats when their behavior declined and they started going to prison in large numbers. Thats when the black family came apart too.

Now do you understand?
This is an interesting question in my opinion.

I often here, particularly from older generations, that hip-hop culture is "disgusting" or something to that effect.

For those that would say yes; how would you feel if a culture you identified with was suppressed? what about freedom of speech?

For those that would say no; do you think it's worth advocating a culture that some would find dangerous in the name of freedom of speech?

Nope. We live in a free society. Criminal behavior is the only thing that should be suppressed.
No that only started with the governments concerted effort to lock up young Black men..

dear blacks were making huge progress in America until they came under the influence of liberal communist leadership in the 1960's. Thats when their behavior declined and they started going to prison in large numbers. Thats when the black family came apart too.

Now do you understand?
Sorry Skippy. I disagree because you dont have a clue as to what you are talking about. The advent of Civil Rights ushered in an era where the legal control whites had over Blacks was goine. The answer to controlling the Black population was increased police prescience. We have already seen captured on video lately the brutality of that policy. Does that make sense to you?
No that only started with the governments concerted effort to lock up young Black men..

dear blacks were making huge progress in America until they came under the influence of liberal communist leadership in the 1960's. Thats when their behavior declined and they started going to prison in large numbers. Thats when the black family came apart too.

Now do you understand?
Sorry Skippy. I disagree because you dont have a clue as to what you are talking about.

Dear if you want all the numbers read "Losing Ground" for 400 page account of what happened that destroyed the black family
This is an interesting question in my opinion.

I often here, particularly from older generations, that hip-hop culture is "disgusting" or something to that effect.

For those that would say yes; how would you feel if a culture you identified with was suppressed? what about freedom of speech?

For those that would say no; do you think it's worth advocating a culture that some would find dangerous in the name of freedom of speech?

Nope. We live in a free society. Criminal behavior is the only thing that should be suppressed.

100% stupid and liberal if you have a child that dreams of being a concentration camp guard it is your duty to suppress it.
No that only started with the governments concerted effort to lock up young Black men..

dear blacks were making huge progress in America until they came under the influence of liberal communist leadership in the 1960's. Thats when their behavior declined and they started going to prison in large numbers. Thats when the black family came apart too.

Now do you understand?

LOL...listen to this guy! Blacks were making huge progress before the Civil Rights act! LOL

Is there really any doubt this guy is off?
No that only started with the governments concerted effort to lock up young Black men..

dear blacks were making huge progress in America until they came under the influence of liberal communist leadership in the 1960's. Thats when their behavior declined and they started going to prison in large numbers. Thats when the black family came apart too.

Now do you understand?
Sorry Skippy. I disagree because you dont have a clue as to what you are talking about.

Dear if you want all the numbers read "Losing Ground" for 400 page account of what happened that destroyed the black family
I dont need to read someone else's opinion of what happened Skippy. I have my owned supplemented by my grand parents and parents experience during those times. Why do you think I would believe someone I dont know that has no clue over my own observations of history? Does that even make sense to you?
No that only started with the governments concerted effort to lock up young Black men..

dear blacks were making huge progress in America until they came under the influence of liberal communist leadership in the 1960's. Thats when their behavior declined and they started going to prison in large numbers. Thats when the black family came apart too.

Now do you understand?

LOL...listen to this guy! Blacks were making huge progress before the Civil Rights act! LOL

Is there really any doubt this guy is off?
Yeah. If it were left up to Skippy we would still be trying to get the right to vote. :laugh:
It is no worse than the jazz age inciting bombings by anarchist...

Oh yes it is, its disgusting, with songs about bitches and hos and drugs and cop killing .Jazz had nothing like that.

That being said, allowing it is just part of having the freedom of speech, no different than those pigs at Westboro having the right to spew their shit.
No that only started with the governments concerted effort to lock up young Black men..

dear blacks were making huge progress in America until they came under the influence of liberal communist leadership in the 1960's. Thats when their behavior declined and they started going to prison in large numbers. Thats when the black family came apart too.

Now do you understand?
Sorry Skippy. I disagree because you dont have a clue as to what you are talking about.

Dear if you want all the numbers read "Losing Ground" for 400 page account of what happened that destroyed the black family
I dont need to read someone else's opinion of what happened Skippy. I have my owned supplemented by my grand parents and parents experience during those times. Why do you think I would believe someone I dont know that has no clue over my own observations of history? Does that even make sense to you?
dear, your observations are less educated, less thoughtful, less literate, and less sophisticated.

who destroyed the black family and is this a good thing??
No that only started with the governments concerted effort to lock up young Black men..

dear blacks were making huge progress in America until they came under the influence of liberal communist leadership in the 1960's. Thats when their behavior declined and they started going to prison in large numbers. Thats when the black family came apart too.

Now do you understand?

LOL...listen to this guy! Blacks were making huge progress before the Civil Rights act! LOL

Is there really any doubt this guy is off?
Yeah. If it were left up to Skippy we would still be trying to get the right to vote. :laugh:

if you have evidence of that I will pay you $10,000. Bet or run away once again with your liberal tail between your legs
LOL...listen to this guy! Blacks were making huge progress before the Civil Rights act! ?

so with most young black men in the prison system and 75% of blacks kids growing up in broken or never formed homes blacks are making more progress now???

See why we are 100% positve that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?? Is any other conclusion possible???

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