Should holocaust deniers rename themselves holocaust truthers.?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
I think it sounds a lot better. LIkewise Waco truthers and Sandy Hook Truthers and WW2 truthers.
Nothing but namecalling. Looks like my idea scares the liberals and thus is a winner.
I had an idea once, it was to eat some cake.

Now the cake is gone and i feel bad about that :(
Looks like my idea scares the liberals and thus is a winner.

Boy are you confused ... Liberals INVENTED Holocaust denial. I'm as far from a liberal as you can get and still be a carbon-based lifeform and your idea isn't scary, it's weapon-grade stupid.
So Trump is a Holocaust Truther, not a Holocaust Denier. Got it.

Yes, lite holocaust denialism is still holocaust denialism. That's what "Well, some Jews were killed, but other groups were more important" is, lite holocaust denialism.

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