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Should Israel have been created?

SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Oh yes, I understand the words are used.

THEY have a right of self determination in the land under intl law and the UN has recognized that right for over 65 years. COUNTLESS UN documents on UNISPAL WEBSITE ADDRESS THIS RIGHT OF THE Palestinian people in the land of Palestine. INTL LAW is what it is, noones dreams of Empire will change any of that!

What is it?
  • Where is the right of self determination defined?
  • Where is sovereignty defined?

Are they related and how?

Who gave the Palestinians these undefined things and when?

How does what the Palestinians have today differ from what the people of any of the adjacent countries have? Do the Palestinians that live in Jordan, Lebanon, or Saudi Arabia have these same rights? Exactly what is it that those people can do that the people in Palestine cannot do?

Most Respectfully,

How does what the Palestinians have today differ from what the people of any of the adjacent countries have?

Well let's see.

They were thrown off their land and live under foreign military occupation.
Why don't you QUOTE the 'Nakba Law' , Loinie - since you brought it up?
And note that it was passed WHEN?
The Nakba Law discriminates against Palestinian's.

Chilling effect of the Nakba Law on Israel's human rights

"Nakba" ("catastrophe" in Arabic ), is a term used to describe the suffering of Palestinians, including the 700,000 who lost their homes, in the war that led to the establishment of the State of Israel. The short decision, just 19 pages, not only failed to address arguments that the Nakba Law infringes on the Palestinian Arab minority's right to free speech and equality with regard to its historical memory; it also refrained from dealing with the important argument raised by the petitioners: the chilling effect of the law on carrying out various activities for fear of financial sanctions.
It was passed on March 23, 2011.

On 23 March 2011, the Knesset approved, by a vote of 37 to 25, a change to the budget, giving the Israeli Finance Minister the discretion to reduce government funding to any non-governmental organization (NGO) that organizes Nakba commemoration events.
Next question?

So what you're screaming about is a law which permits the POSSIBILITY of reducing government funding to NGO's which organize 'Nakba' commemoration events........

This is like, what? The US Government reserving the right to pull funding from PBS for organizing a 'Day of Mourning' for Native Americans on Columbus Day or Thanksgiving?

ALL the Israeli government is doing there, is reserving the right to decline to fund 'events' which characterize the founding of the State of Israel as a 'catastrophe'.....

And some people accuse Jewish Americans of 'dual loyalty' - well, how would you look at people publically MOURNING on the Fourth?
So what you're screaming about is a law which permits the POSSIBILITY of reducing government funding to NGO's which organize 'Nakba' commemoration events........

This is like, what? The US Government reserving the right to pull funding from PBS for organizing a 'Day of Mourning' for Native Americans on Columbus Day or Thanksgiving?

ALL the Israeli government is doing there, is reserving the right to decline to fund 'events' which characterize the founding of the State of Israel as a 'catastrophe'.....

And some people accuse Jewish Americans of 'dual loyalty' - well, how would you look at people publically MOURNING on the Fourth?
What they're doing, is criminalizing dissent.

Making it illegal to protest government policies.

And THAT, is fascism.
So what you're screaming about is a law which permits the POSSIBILITY of reducing government funding to NGO's which organize 'Nakba' commemoration events........

This is like, what? The US Government reserving the right to pull funding from PBS for organizing a 'Day of Mourning' for Native Americans on Columbus Day or Thanksgiving?

ALL the Israeli government is doing there, is reserving the right to decline to fund 'events' which characterize the founding of the State of Israel as a 'catastrophe'.....

And some people accuse Jewish Americans of 'dual loyalty' - well, how would you look at people publically MOURNING on the Fourth?
What they're doing, is criminalizing dissent.

Making it illegal to protest government policies.

And THAT, is fascism.

Moderator Edit.

"Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking threads.
Please don't be so obtuse. There is nothing making organizing 'Nakba Day' observances *illegal* - the law doesn't prohibit such events. It doesn't even revoke funding for NGO's which organize such events.

ALL it does is give the appropriate government office the OPTION of reducing funding to such groups. That's akin at worst to removing the tax-exempt status of 'churches' which get too involved in specific politics (ie, directing voting from the pulpit, as opposed to simply saying 'Vote').

If you want to call it 'dissent' for a group to set up with, I don't know - coffins and blood and 'skeleton masks' to UN-celebrate on the Fourth, fine. It's perfectly legal. It's also in bad taste, to say the least, and why should a government fund groups which regard that government's ESTABLISHMENT as a CATASTROPHE?

Would you be so enthusiastic about tax money paying for a group flying the Stars 'n' Bars and making a show of mourning on the 9th of April?
lionboy, et al,

181 was nothing more than a recommendation.

Call it what you will. It is Activated by either party.

When the independence of either the Arab or the Jewish State as envisaged in this plan has become effective and the declaration and undertaking, as envisaged in this plan, have been signed by either of them, sympathetic consideration should be given to its application for admission to membership in the United Nations in accordance with article 4 of the Charter of the United Nations.

But since you brought up the scope of the resolution, why did Israel choose to disregard this portion of 181?

Or do you think it's okay to pick and choose the parts of 181 you plan to follow?

I was totally unaware that Israeli Citizens (of any kind) were treated differently.

Palestinians are generally treated according to the potential security threat they represent to peace and security. Palestinians, like those in this discussion group, claim it is a right to bear arms against the Occupation Force and Israel, as an illegal state. Therefore, under the reasonable man assumption, Palestinians should be treated as a threat until proven otherwise.

Occupation law may vary.

Article 64 said:
The Occupying Power may, however, subject the population of the occupied territory to provisions which are essential to enable the Occupying Power to fulfil its obligations under the present Convention, to maintain the orderly government of the territory, and to ensure the security of the Occupying Power, of the members and property of the occupying forces or administration, and likewise of the establishments and lines of communication used by them.

SOURCE: International Humanitarian Law - Fourth 1949 Geneva Convention

Most Respectfully,

Here is a book for you to read, Palestinians in Israel: Segregation, Discrimination and Democracy, written by Ben White Published April 8, 2012.

Looking at reviews, I read a little about the discriminatory laws. I read dozens of Israeli laws discriminate in favor of the Jewish majority. The Law Of Return provides Jews anywhere can immigrate to Israel yet most Palestinians in the state cannot live in the villages of their births. 70% of Israeli towns have admission committees, which determine who can live in the communities. The Present Absentee Law, Palestinians are forced from their villages and then the state confiscates their lands on the basis they are "absent" from their property, as the persons are "present" elsewhere in Israel. There is no Constitution. Why? I think it is because Israel does not want to have to allow equal rights to all and are avoiding confronting the inherent inconsistencies between being a Jewish State (that gives special rights to Jews) and a Democracy that exists for all her people. There are many laws designed to confiscate land for Jews only, such as the Emergency Land Requisition of 1949 and Article 125 of the Emergency Regulations of 1948. Systematic discrimination is described in areas such as education, budgetary allocations to Palestinian communities in the Galilee and petty discrimination at all levels of society. Just being an Arab disqualifies a person from serving in the military, except for the Druze minority. With these disqualifications, goes priviliges granted to soldiers and veterans.

Ben White concludes there is no security basis for these widespread racist policies . Racism is racism, it cannot be white washed!

Palestinians in Israel do not have full citizenship rights, no matter how many thousands of years their ancestors may have lived in Israel, they are treated differently just because they are not Jewish! And this different treatment is the essence of what racism is!

The book can be purchased on Amazon.

lionboy, et al,

181 was nothing more than a recommendation.

Call it what you will. It is Activated by either party.


I was totally unaware that Israeli Citizens (of any kind) were treated differently.

Palestinians are generally treated according to the potential security threat they represent to peace and security. Palestinians, like those in this discussion group, claim it is a right to bear arms against the Occupation Force and Israel, as an illegal state. Therefore, under the reasonable man assumption, Palestinians should be treated as a threat until proven otherwise.

Occupation law may vary.

Article 64 said:
The Occupying Power may, however, subject the population of the occupied territory to provisions which are essential to enable the Occupying Power to fulfil its obligations under the present Convention, to maintain the orderly government of the territory, and to ensure the security of the Occupying Power, of the members and property of the occupying forces or administration, and likewise of the establishments and lines of communication used by them.

SOURCE: International Humanitarian Law - Fourth 1949 Geneva Convention

Most Respectfully,

Here is a book for you to read, Palestinians in Israel: Segregation, Discrimination and Democracy, written by Ben White Published April 8, 2012.

Looking at reviews, I read a little about the discriminatory laws. I read dozens of Israeli laws discriminate in favor of the Jewish majority. The Law Of Return provides Jews anywhere can immigrate to Israel yet most Palestinians in the state cannot live in the villages of their births. 70% of Israeli towns have admission committees, which determine who can live in the communities. The Present Absentee Law, Palestinians are forced from their villages and then the state confiscates their lands on the basis they are "absent" from their property, as the persons are "present" elsewhere in Israel. There is no Constitution. Why? I think it is because Israel does not want to have to allow equal rights to all and are avoiding confronting the inherent inconsistencies between being a Jewish State (that gives special rights to Jews) and a Democracy that exists for all her people. There are many laws designed to confiscate land for Jews only, such as the Emergency Land Requisition of 1949 and Article 125 of the Emergency Regulations of 1948. Systematic discrimination is described in areas such as education, budgetary allocations to Palestinian communities in the Galilee and petty discrimination at all levels of society. Just being an Arab disqualifies a person from serving in the military, except for the Druze minority. With these disqualifications, goes priviliges granted to soldiers and veterans.

Ben White concludes there is no security basis for these widespread racist policies . Racism is racism, it cannot be white washed!

Palestinians in Israel do not have full citizenship rights, no matter how many thousands of years their ancestors may have lived in Israel, they are treated differently just because they are not Jewish! And this different treatment is the essence of what racism is!

The book can be purchased on Amazon.

Last edited by a moderator:
There is no question that Israel exists as refuge for jews from
the racist oppression of filth and scum who support shariah
---a legal form oppressive to jews and responsible for gross
genocides and as a refuge from the scum who spew the
DEICIDE SHIT MYTH----a concept which has led to
gross genocides------. You made no point, sherri---other
than to present a justification of Israel's immigration and
social policies which favor jews who survived the filth you
advocate and which your kith and kin have promulgated
over the past 1700 years
Please don't be so obtuse. There is nothing making organizing 'Nakba Day' observances *illegal* - the law doesn't prohibit such events. It doesn't even revoke funding for NGO's which organize such events.

ALL it does is give the appropriate government office the OPTION of reducing funding to such groups. That's akin at worst to removing the tax-exempt status of 'churches' which get too involved in specific politics (ie, directing voting from the pulpit, as opposed to simply saying 'Vote').

If you want to call it 'dissent' for a group to set up with, I don't know - coffins and blood and 'skeleton masks' to UN-celebrate on the Fourth, fine. It's perfectly legal. It's also in bad taste, to say the least, and why should a government fund groups which regard that government's ESTABLISHMENT as a CATASTROPHE?
The "law" is directed at a certain segment of the population that is non-jewish and that is discrimination. The "law" is being used as a club against human rights groups in Israel. Citizenship is being denied to any non-jews who refuse to acknowledge Israel as a "jewish state". This "law" and others like it, are making it illegal to protest the government of Israel. It basically says, "You either goose-step in the direction of current party politics, or face retribution."

Would you be so enthusiastic about tax money paying for a group flying the Stars 'n' Bars and making a show of mourning on the 9th of April?
What happened on April 9th?
Please don't be so obtuse. There is nothing making organizing 'Nakba Day' observances *illegal* - the law doesn't prohibit such events. It doesn't even revoke funding for NGO's which organize such events.

ALL it does is give the appropriate government office the OPTION of reducing funding to such groups. That's akin at worst to removing the tax-exempt status of 'churches' which get too involved in specific politics (ie, directing voting from the pulpit, as opposed to simply saying 'Vote').

If you want to call it 'dissent' for a group to set up with, I don't know - coffins and blood and 'skeleton masks' to UN-celebrate on the Fourth, fine. It's perfectly legal. It's also in bad taste, to say the least, and why should a government fund groups which regard that government's ESTABLISHMENT as a CATASTROPHE?
The "law" is directed at a certain segment of the population that is non-jewish and that is discrimination. The "law" is being used as a club against human rights groups in Israel. Citizenship is being denied to any non-jews who refuse to acknowledge Israel as a "jewish state". This "law" and others
like it, are making it illegal to protest the government of Israel. It basically says, "You either goose-step in the direction of current party politics, or face retribution."

Would you be so enthusiastic about tax money paying for a group flying the Stars 'n' Bars and making a show of mourning on the 9th of April?
What happened on April 9th?

last I heard new citizens of the USA----are REQUIRED TO PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE
TO THE USA thus giving up the right to protest by moving to alabama
and demanding secession
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Oh yes, I understand the words are used.

THEY have a right of self determination in the land under intl law and the UN has recognized that right for over 65 years. COUNTLESS UN documents on UNISPAL WEBSITE ADDRESS THIS RIGHT OF THE Palestinian people in the land of Palestine. INTL LAW is what it is, noones dreams of Empire will change any of that!

What is it?
  • Where is the right of self determination defined?
  • Where is sovereignty defined?

Are they related and how?

Who gave the Palestinians these undefined things and when?

How does what the Palestinians have today differ from what the people of any of the adjacent countries have? Do the Palestinians that live in Jordan, Lebanon, or Saudi Arabia have these same rights? Exactly what is it that those people can do that the people in Palestine cannot do?

Most Respectfully,

UN Charter definition

“By virtue of the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, all peoples have the right freely to determine, without external interference, their political status and to pursue their economic, social and cultural development, and every State has the duty to respect this right in accordance with the provisions of the Charter.”

(The United Nation General Assembly Resolution 2625 (XXV): Declaration of Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation Among States in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, 24 October 1970)

In the opening chapter of the UN Charter, respect for the right to self-determination of peoples is presented as one of the purposes of the United Nations. The right to self-determination of peoples was confirmed by the United Nations General Assembly (GA) in the Declaration of Friendly Relations, which was unanimously adopted in 1970 and is considered an authoritative indication of customary international law. Article 1, common to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), reaffirms the right of all peoples to self-determination, and lays upon state parties the obligation to promote and to respect it.

The right to self-determination was first recognised in the context of decolonisation; however, numerous human rights instruments, including conventional law, such as common Article 1 of ICCPR and ICESCR, as well as several GA Resolutions coupled with state practice, have extended its application beyond the colonial context, for example to South Africans under the apartheid regime. Some scholars also affirmed its application to analogous cases, such as peoples under belligerent occupation.

Criteria for the right to self-determination

A people can be said to have realised its right to self-determination when they have either (1) established a sovereign and independent state; (2) freely associated with another state or (3) integrated with another state after freely having expressed their will to do so . The definition of realisation of self-determination was confirmed in the Declaration of Friendly Relations .

The right to self-determination - IHL

In every one of your posts you try to justify the denial of the Palestinian's rights by saying these foreigners did this and those foreigners did that. Foreigners, foreigners, foreigners!

What part of without external interference, confuses you?
EXTERNAL is defined as OUTSIDE OF......
There persons who established the state of Israel---
LIVED on the land which they established as that state.
The persons who stole east jerusalem from its
jewish inhabitants were persons who did not
LIVE in Jerusalem-----they were EXTERNAL
people. The people who took possession of
HEBRON using tinsy's favored method of slitting
the throats of babies were---in general---persons
EXTERNAL----who did not live in Hebron
EXTERNAL is defined as OUTSIDE OF......
There persons who established the state of Israel---
LIVED on the land which they established as that state.
The persons who stole east jerusalem from its
jewish inhabitants were persons who did not
LIVE in Jerusalem-----they were EXTERNAL
people. The people who took possession of
HEBRON using tinsy's favored method of slitting
the throats of babies were---in general---persons
EXTERNAL----who did not live in Hebron

Indeed, and the Zionists imported those settlers by the boatload for that purpose.
EXTERNAL is defined as OUTSIDE OF......
There persons who established the state of Israel---
LIVED on the land which they established as that state.
The persons who stole east jerusalem from its
jewish inhabitants were persons who did not
LIVE in Jerusalem-----they were EXTERNAL
people. The people who took possession of
HEBRON using tinsy's favored method of slitting
the throats of babies were---in general---persons
EXTERNAL----who did not live in Hebron

Indeed, and the Zionists imported those settlers by the boatload for that purpose.

what purpose? there were some boatloads of people who were
escaping from the filth of ISA-RESPECTING genocide ----referring
to them as 'IMPORTS' would be something like suggesting that
Israel IMPORTED ----the sudanese christians who now clog the
streets of tel aviv. ------being survivors of both genocide
by isa-respecters in sudan and in egypt. There are 100s of thousands
of BENGALIS----from EAST BENGAL----clogging the streets of
KOLKATA -----did kolkata IMPORT them or are they escapees from
ISA-RESPECTER genocide in the erstwhile EAST PAKISTAN?

as to Hebron and Jerusalem----its core population of jews were
of communities that had resided there for centuries -----before
being used to entertain you by getting their throats slit
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Oh yes, I understand the words are used.

THEY have a right of self determination in the land under intl law and the UN has recognized that right for over 65 years. COUNTLESS UN documents on UNISPAL WEBSITE ADDRESS THIS RIGHT OF THE Palestinian people in the land of Palestine. INTL LAW is what it is, noones dreams of Empire will change any of that!

What is it?
  • Where is the right of self determination defined?
  • Where is sovereignty defined?

Are they related and how?

Who gave the Palestinians these undefined things and when?

How does what the Palestinians have today differ from what the people of any of the adjacent countries have? Do the Palestinians that live in Jordan, Lebanon, or Saudi Arabia have these same rights? Exactly what is it that those people can do that the people in Palestine cannot do?

Most Respectfully,

UN Charter definition

“By virtue of the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, all peoples have the right freely to determine, without external interference, their political status and to pursue their economic, social and cultural development, and every State has the duty to respect this right in accordance with the provisions of the Charter.”

(The United Nation General Assembly Resolution 2625 (XXV): Declaration of Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation Among States in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, 24 October 1970)

In the opening chapter of the UN Charter, respect for the right to self-determination of peoples is presented as one of the purposes of the United Nations. The right to self-determination of peoples was confirmed by the United Nations General Assembly (GA) in the Declaration of Friendly Relations, which was unanimously adopted in 1970 and is considered an authoritative indication of customary international law. Article 1, common to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), reaffirms the right of all peoples to self-determination, and lays upon state parties the obligation to promote and to respect it.

The right to self-determination was first recognised in the context of decolonisation; however, numerous human rights instruments, including conventional law, such as common Article 1 of ICCPR and ICESCR, as well as several GA Resolutions coupled with state practice, have extended its application beyond the colonial context, for example to South Africans under the apartheid regime. Some scholars also affirmed its application to analogous cases, such as peoples under belligerent occupation.

Criteria for the right to self-determination

A people can be said to have realised its right to self-determination when they have either (1) established a sovereign and independent state; (2) freely associated with another state or (3) integrated with another state after freely having expressed their will to do so . The definition of realisation of self-determination was confirmed in the Declaration of Friendly Relations .

The right to self-determination - IHL

In every one of your posts you try to justify the denial of the Palestinian's rights by saying these foreigners did this and those foreigners did that. Foreigners, foreigners, foreigners!

What part of without external interference, confuses you?

He's giving you indisputable information with links and you're giving him 'Tinnie Jibberish'.
YOu lost the argument. Go home !!
EXTERNAL is defined as OUTSIDE OF......
There persons who established the state of Israel---
LIVED on the land which they established as that state.
The persons who stole east jerusalem from its
jewish inhabitants were persons who did not
LIVE in Jerusalem-----they were EXTERNAL
people. The people who took possession of
HEBRON using tinsy's favored method of slitting
the throats of babies were---in general---persons
EXTERNAL----who did not live in Hebron

Indeed, and the Zionists imported those settlers by the boatload for that purpose.

what purpose? there were some boatloads of people who were
escaping from the filth of ISA-RESPECTING genocide ----referring
to them as 'IMPORTS' would be something like suggesting that
Israel IMPORTED ----the sudanese christians who now clog the
streets of tel aviv. ------being survivors of both genocide
by isa-respecters in sudan and in egypt. There are 100s of thousands
of BENGALIS----from EAST BENGAL----clogging the streets of
KOLKATA -----did kolkata IMPORT them or are they escapees from
ISA-RESPECTER genocide in the erstwhile EAST PAKISTAN?

Why they left their previous homes is irrelevant to this issue.

The important part is why they were imported. They were not in Palestine to join the people and become a part of Palestine. They lived as a separate entity in settlements.

as to Hebron and Jerusalem----its core population of jews were
of communities that had resided there for centuries -----before
being used to entertain you by getting their throats slit

Many Jews in Hebron, Jerusalem, etc. were uprooted by Israel's war. They have the right to return to their homes.
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Oh yes, I understand the words are used.


What is it?
  • Where is the right of self determination defined?
  • Where is sovereignty defined?

Are they related and how?

Who gave the Palestinians these undefined things and when?

How does what the Palestinians have today differ from what the people of any of the adjacent countries have? Do the Palestinians that live in Jordan, Lebanon, or Saudi Arabia have these same rights? Exactly what is it that those people can do that the people in Palestine cannot do?

Most Respectfully,

UN Charter definition

“By virtue of the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, all peoples have the right freely to determine, without external interference, their political status and to pursue their economic, social and cultural development, and every State has the duty to respect this right in accordance with the provisions of the Charter.”

(The United Nation General Assembly Resolution 2625 (XXV): Declaration of Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation Among States in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, 24 October 1970)

In the opening chapter of the UN Charter, respect for the right to self-determination of peoples is presented as one of the purposes of the United Nations. The right to self-determination of peoples was confirmed by the United Nations General Assembly (GA) in the Declaration of Friendly Relations, which was unanimously adopted in 1970 and is considered an authoritative indication of customary international law. Article 1, common to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), reaffirms the right of all peoples to self-determination, and lays upon state parties the obligation to promote and to respect it.

The right to self-determination was first recognised in the context of decolonisation; however, numerous human rights instruments, including conventional law, such as common Article 1 of ICCPR and ICESCR, as well as several GA Resolutions coupled with state practice, have extended its application beyond the colonial context, for example to South Africans under the apartheid regime. Some scholars also affirmed its application to analogous cases, such as peoples under belligerent occupation.

Criteria for the right to self-determination

A people can be said to have realised its right to self-determination when they have either (1) established a sovereign and independent state; (2) freely associated with another state or (3) integrated with another state after freely having expressed their will to do so . The definition of realisation of self-determination was confirmed in the Declaration of Friendly Relations .

The right to self-determination - IHL

In every one of your posts you try to justify the denial of the Palestinian's rights by saying these foreigners did this and those foreigners did that. Foreigners, foreigners, foreigners!

What part of without external interference, confuses you?

He's giving you indisputable information with links and you're giving him 'Tinnie Jibberish'.
YOu lost the argument. Go home !!

The indisputable information with links are mine.
In every one of your posts you try to justify the denial of the Palestinian's rights by saying these foreigners did this and those foreigners did that. Foreigners, foreigners, foreigners!

What part of without external interference, confuses you?

He's giving you indisputable information with links and you're giving him 'Tinnie Jibberish'.
YOu lost the argument. Go home !!

The indisputable information with links are mine.

liar !
Evidently Phillip is not keeping track of what is going on in the rest of the world. He is just consumed with Israel because it involves the Jews. Don't forget, Phillip, it is just your opinion that Americans have been duped by the Zionists since you have not spoken to all Americans to see how they feel. Maybe if you told them your opinion, they would think you are a crackpot.

You keep thinking that its a Jewish thing that motivates my posting quite often on these boards... Certainly after posting and seeing the untruthfulness by Jewish, and Right Wing Zionist posters and their Clannish behavior is revealing of their motivations...but I do understand their collective fears by their previous treatment in the war since the beginning of the Diaspora...Individually, I never met a Jew I disliked, and my relationship today with Jews is very good.

I guess I'm a Humanist at heart which inflates the emotion from injustice to people overwhelms me.

Also I am a student of political science and often post on issues that affect America directly. The Middle East is where the action is fluid and the affect is great on America...Yes Jewish power is great in America, and I don't blame them for their collective influence, but America has become an Oligarchy, and Democracy has been subjugated to campaign funds and influence and Democracy is dying.

We need Campaign Finance reform!
Regardless of what you say, Phillip, there are many posters who can pick up from what you post that it is a Jewish thing, and it is like you are trying to get the readers to hate the Jews and the Israelis because in your narrow mind they are the cause of all the problems in the world today. Why not tell us, Phillip, when you were posting on a Middle East discussion forum, you only brought up your stuff against the Jews and Israel (the same things you have dragged over to this forum), posting your silly poems (even incorporating the names of Jewish posters who were no longer posting for some time (because they had the audacity to disagree with you), and toward the end of that board fighting with a Jewish policewoman constantly?

Here we go again; Many Jews unconditionally support Israel by far. If you can't see the connection on the Cultural Form of Domination that the media posses on society to form public opinion, and who owns it, then you are a fool...Of course I've discussed this conflict with some of my Jewish friends...They respect my honesty, and I've told them what I post on these boards...In the long-run Israel can never hope to defeat the Horde of 1.4 billion and rising...its that simple...Israel needs to share Jerusalem, to which my lawyer replied: They will never give up Jerusalem...

And to your endless stupid accusations of anti-Semitism when you have nothing to add...read the words that I post, don't rely on your imagination, which was created in Hicksville West Virgini.

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