should KBJ be removed from SCOTUS for this blatant deviation from the constitution??

She's the poster child of why affirmative action needed to be abolished
I read the obnoxiously long dissent. It condemns itself by refusing to acknowledge the disadvantages of race for any but her own. Much of it is borrowed from other past dialogue (as if it wasn't already windy enough) and is rife with the tired, old claim that the performance gaps existing in the body of current academic applicants is due to slavery. It is obvious that these people will never feel as though they are on equal footing no matter how much is done for them. Perhaps the real dirty secret here is that you can't have equal footing given to have to gain it.
She's the poster child of why affirmative action needed to be abolished
I could also thank today's Republican's, because their parents and grand parents were those very Democrats.
you do know I defended black people from a racist that said you guys have lower IQs that the rest of the world,,

with comments like yours here it makes it harder to do that,,

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