Should mental and physical exams be required for presidents?

When your argument relies on the parsing of the common definition of words I would expect such a vacuous response.
"Monday on MSNBC’s “The Beat,” actor and director Rob Reiner said during the 2016 presidential campaign when news reports came out about President Donald Trump using an alias when calling reporters, he knew Trump was “certifiably insane.”

Reiner said, “OK, so first of all, it was him on the phone. When I heard this, this was during the campaign. I learned about this, this habit that he has of going on and talking as this guy John Barron, or one of these other characters, I thought to myself, this guy is certifiably insane. Because think about this for a second. Who do you know that gets on the phone and pretends to be somebody else on this kind of level and talks to a journalist to get information out? That’s insane. That’s insanity.”

I thought when I heard that, how can that guy be president? How are we going to allow a person who does a thing like that become president of the United States? And, you know, it happened. But that’s as crazy — that’s kind of beyond pathological. There’s some kind of mental illness that allows for something like that to happen.”

Rob Reiner: I've Known Since 2016 Campaign Trump Is 'Certifiably Insane' | Breitbart
"Monday on MSNBC’s “The Beat,” actor and director Rob Reiner said during the 2016 presidential campaign when news reports came out about President Donald Trump using an alias when calling reporters, he knew Trump was “certifiably insane.”

Reiner said, “OK, so first of all, it was him on the phone. When I heard this, this was during the campaign. I learned about this, this habit that he has of going on and talking as this guy John Barron, or one of these other characters, I thought to myself, this guy is certifiably insane. Because think about this for a second. Who do you know that gets on the phone and pretends to be somebody else on this kind of level and talks to a journalist to get information out? That’s insane. That’s insanity.”

I thought when I heard that, how can that guy be president? How are we going to allow a person who does a thing like that become president of the United States? And, you know, it happened. But that’s as crazy — that’s kind of beyond pathological. There’s some kind of mental illness that allows for something like that to happen.”

Rob Reiner: I've Known Since 2016 Campaign Trump Is 'Certifiably Insane' | Breitbart

I agree with Reiner. I watch "The Beat" each weekday. Ari Melber is brilliant - except for his interruptions and childish humor.
i heard 'reiner' the other day on Lar Larson. 'reiner' sounded frantic to me as he tried to convince people that WE are all Americans that should stick together and go after the Russians . It was funny hearing him beg . I'm thinking that he realizes that he and his people are losing the fight against Real Americans BBro .
"Monday on MSNBC’s “The Beat,” actor and director Rob Reiner said during the 2016 presidential campaign when news reports came out about President Donald Trump using an alias when calling reporters, he knew Trump was “certifiably insane.”

Reiner said, “OK, so first of all, it was him on the phone. When I heard this, this was during the campaign. I learned about this, this habit that he has of going on and talking as this guy John Barron, or one of these other characters, I thought to myself, this guy is certifiably insane. Because think about this for a second. Who do you know that gets on the phone and pretends to be somebody else on this kind of level and talks to a journalist to get information out? That’s insane. That’s insanity.”

I thought when I heard that, how can that guy be president? How are we going to allow a person who does a thing like that become president of the United States? And, you know, it happened. But that’s as crazy — that’s kind of beyond pathological. There’s some kind of mental illness that allows for something like that to happen.”

Rob Reiner: I've Known Since 2016 Campaign Trump Is 'Certifiably Insane' | Breitbart
---------------------------------------------------- as far as this article , i like it . Best i have heard though is The TRUMP writing or dictating his personal and excellent Health report and results of a physical exam to his Doctor BBro .
i heard 'reiner' the other day on Lar Larson. 'reiner' sounded frantic to me as he tried to convince people that WE are all Americans that should stick together and go after the Russians . It was funny hearing him beg . I'm thinking that he realizes that he and his people are losing the fight against Real Americans BBro .
It's like he doesn't realize that a number of Americans prefer Russians over democrats.
Trump's hypomanic temperament generates whirlwinds of activity and a constant need for stimulation.

someone who cons others and manipulates to get what he wants and who doesnt care who he hurts, is not just repetitively immoral but also severely impaired. sociopaths like Trump lack a central human characteristic: empathy.
Trump is PRESIDENT and you and others decrees and silly diagnosis of his mental health means nothing . Trump is doing a good job as President until you lefties get rid of him , if you ever do BBro .
Trump's hypomanic temperament generates whirlwinds of activity and a constant need for stimulation.

someone who cons others and manipulates to get what he wants and who doesnt care who he hurts, is not just repetitively immoral but also severely impaired. sociopaths like Trump lack a central human characteristic: empathy.
----------------- Go TRUMP . ----------- as comment , lefties attack President Trump hourly and they lie about President Trump hourly and have been attacking the President and his family since his election . All of these actions show a lack of empathy for a 72 year old Man that has a very hard and important job as President of the USA . Lefties who lie about the President all the time as lefties do are immoral BBro !!
Trump's hypomanic temperament generates whirlwinds of activity and a constant need for stimulation.

someone who cons others and manipulates to get what he wants and who doesnt care who he hurts, is not just repetitively immoral but also severely impaired. sociopaths like Trump lack a central human characteristic: empathy.
----------------- Go TRUMP . ----------- as comment , lefties attack President Trump hourly and they lie about President Trump hourly and have been attacking the President and his family since his election . All of these actions show a lack of empathy for a 72 year old Man that has a very hard and important job as President of the USA . Lefties who lie about the President all the time as lefties do are immoral BBro !!
Trump is an unbridled extreme hedonist. he is unfit for duty because of his extreme ties to the present moment, without much thought of the consequences or of the future.

narcissism happens on a scale, pathological levels in a leader can spiral into psychosis and imperil the safety of America through paranoia, impaired judgement, volatile decision making, and gaslighting.
Trump's hypomanic temperament generates whirlwinds of activity and a constant need for stimulation.

someone who cons others and manipulates to get what he wants and who doesnt care who he hurts, is not just repetitively immoral but also severely impaired. sociopaths like Trump lack a central human characteristic: empathy.
----------------- Go TRUMP . ----------- as comment , lefties attack President Trump hourly and they lie about President Trump hourly and have been attacking the President and his family since his election . All of these actions show a lack of empathy for a 72 year old Man that has a very hard and important job as President of the USA . Lefties who lie about the President all the time as lefties do are immoral BBro !!
Trump is an unbridled extreme hedonist. he is unfit for duty because of his extreme ties to the present moment, without much thought of the consequences or of the future.

narcissism happens on a scale, pathological levels in a leader can spiral into psychosis and imperil the safety of America through paranoia, impaired judgement, volatile decision making, and gaslighting.
--------------------------------------------- so , so thats YOUR Opinion Doktor but i and the Presidents Deplorables elected the President and we continue to support him . America and Americans are fine as they live in the strongest and most prosperous nation thats ever been on the face of Gods good green earth . And all under the leadership of President Trump BBro .
Trump's hypomanic temperament generates whirlwinds of activity and a constant need for stimulation.

someone who cons others and manipulates to get what he wants and who doesnt care who he hurts, is not just repetitively immoral but also severely impaired. sociopaths like Trump lack a central human characteristic: empathy.
----------------- Go TRUMP . ----------- as comment , lefties attack President Trump hourly and they lie about President Trump hourly and have been attacking the President and his family since his election . All of these actions show a lack of empathy for a 72 year old Man that has a very hard and important job as President of the USA . Lefties who lie about the President all the time as lefties do are immoral BBro !!
Trump is an unbridled extreme hedonist. he is unfit for duty because of his extreme ties to the present moment, without much thought of the consequences or of the future.

narcissism happens on a scale, pathological levels in a leader can spiral into psychosis and imperil the safety of America through paranoia, impaired judgement, volatile decision making, and gaslighting.
--------------------------------------------- so , so thats YOUR Opinion Doktor but i and the Presidents Deplorables elected the President and we continue to support him . America and Americans are fine as they live in the strongest and most prosperous nation thats ever been on the face of Gods good green earth . And all under the leadership of President Trump BBro .
is Trump simply crazy, or is he crazy like a fox? is he mentally compromised or simply vile? when he lies, does he believe it or does he know he's lying? when he makes wild accusations, is he truly paranoid, or is he cunningly trying to deflect attention from his misdeeds?
i think that he is just messing with lefties . Its fun , it makes ME smile and annoys the heck out of lefties . In todays language The TRUMP is simply 'punking' you guys . I describe it as , TRUMP is just messin with your heads . And why not you guys are constantly at his throat since the moment he was elected BBro.
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Trump seems hellbent on committing political suicide. The nation needs for him to have a thorough psychological examination ASAP. His current war on the intelligence community is yet another dangerous sign of mental instability.

Is Trump EVIL or CRAZY - or BOTH?
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I think recent events have proven that Congress should make such tests a requirement for the presidency.

I seriously believe mental and physical evaluations should be mandatory before and during one's presidency. I'm less concerned about Congress critters - because there are hundreds of them. But there is only ONE president.
Don't worry, Hillary's not running again.

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