Should Muller's investigation include Trump's financial history?

If we were following the constitution barack obama, his tranny husband mike, his lover eric holder and their granny loretta lynch would all be hanging from a tall oak tree.

I don't recall lynching government officials being written into the Constitution of the United States. You must be referring to the Constitution of the KKK. It doesn't apply.

One would think with all of the Republican investigations of all things Obama and Clinton, they would have come up with some actual crimes that the administration committed but 8 years, countless investigations and NOTHING.

You've been drunk so long you've lost touch with reality.
Ohhhh MORE substantive liberalism.

Democrats are the enemies of the Constitution, and of freedom all over the world.

This entire little flatulent exercise is because democrats didn't like the results of the election. That's all it is.

They are human stains and their champions are, ARE, stains, and need to be scrubbed away.
Would it be impolite to point out that the writers of the Constitution were liberals? Even radicals?
Not at all. Of course they were Liberals, perhaps even "radicals" but I think that's a stretch. The better question is "Do you consider today's Democrats to be the same as the 'Liberals' as our Founders?" I do not. I believe that what passes for "Liberalism" today is a far cry from what our Founders believed since they believed in individuality and Democrats believe in Elitist Authoritarianism.

If it makes you feel better, what passes for "Conservatism" today is a far cry from what Barry Goldwater believed since it, too, is very authoritarian and less about individual liberty.

They were not liberals in the modern sense of the term. To equate the two defies logic. A big government socialist is not the same thing as a small government capitalist, but you're claiming they are the same. Bullshit.
Russia has been trying to influence our elections since the communists came to power. All you scumbag leftwingers thought we should be buddies with them in those days.

Do you have examples of the russians trying to influence our election?
I'm including on this thread the letter that appointed Muller as special counsel and the scope of Mueller directives stated in that letter.....mindful that Rosenstein IS a Trump appointee.....

The investigation is now leading into Trump's financial's. After finding out that there was an 8th person (not 4) in Trump jr.'s meeting that he has lied through his teeth about--it was determined that the 8th person is a Russian lobbyist--that was investigated several years ago for money laundering--and opening up over 2000 U.S. Bank accounts for Russian entities.

"A U.S.-based employee of a Russian real estate company took part in a June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between a Russian lawyer and Donald Trump Jr., bringing to eight the number of known participants at the session that has emerged as a key focus of the investigation of the Trump campaign's interactions with Russians. Ike Kaveladze attended the meeting as a representative of Aras and Emin Agalarov, the father-and-son Russian developers who hosted the Trump-owned Miss Universe pageant in Moscow in 2013, according to Scott Balber, an attorney for the Agalarovs who said he also represents Kaveladze.Balber said Tuesday that he had received a phone call over the weekend from a representative of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III asking if Kaveladze would agree to be interviewed. Balber said his client would cooperate."
The presence of Kaveladze at the Trump Tower meeting introduces a new and intriguing figure into the increasingly complex Trump-Russia drama. A native of the Soviet republic of Georgia who came to the United States in 1991, Kaveladze was the subject nearly two decades ago of a congressional inquiry into Russian money laundering in U.S. banks.
8th person at meeting with Trump Jr. was Russian developer's employee linked to money laundering

So basically if Trump tries to STOP Robert Mueller from looking into his financials it will most certainly be considered OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE--something Trump is already being investigated for over firing FBI Director James Comey.
Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice, officials say
Actually it means that Trump illegal russian ties go back decades.

He has no Russian ties, let alone illegal ones. Podesta, Hillary and Slick, on the other hand, have plenty of shady Russian ties.

Really, Trump didn't hold the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow?
with the assistance of the russians.

Oh, puhleeze. You snowflakes are getting so desparate.

You are the one who pulled "He has no russian ties" out of your ass. Knowing Trump held a major event in Moscow.
If we were following the constitution barack obama, his tranny husband mike, his lover eric holder and their granny loretta lynch would all be hanging from a tall oak tree.

I don't recall lynching government officials being written into the Constitution of the United States. You must be referring to the Constitution of the KKK. It doesn't apply.

One would think with all of the Republican investigations of all things Obama and Clinton, they would have come up with some actual crimes that the administration committed but 8 years, countless investigations and NOTHING.

You've been drunk so long you've lost touch with reality.
Ohhhh MORE substantive liberalism.

Democrats are the enemies of the Constitution, and of freedom all over the world.

This entire little flatulent exercise is because democrats didn't like the results of the election. That's all it is.

They are human stains and their champions are, ARE, stains, and need to be scrubbed away.
Would it be impolite to point out that the writers of the Constitution were liberals? Even radicals?
Not at all. Of course they were Liberals, perhaps even "radicals" but I think that's a stretch. The better question is "Do you consider today's Democrats to be the same as the 'Liberals' as our Founders?" I do not. I believe that what passes for "Liberalism" today is a far cry from what our Founders believed since they believed in individuality and Democrats believe in Elitist Authoritarianism.

If it makes you feel better, what passes for "Conservatism" today is a far cry from what Barry Goldwater believed since it, too, is very authoritarian and less about individual liberty.

They were not liberals in the modern sense of the term. To equate the two defies logic. A big government socialist is not the same thing as a small government capitalist, but you're claiming they are the same. Bullshit.
Go back to your grade school English teacher and report her for shorting you on an education on how to read English.
...well, here's just ONE example as an answer to the thread's title

Just….OBJECTIVELY… these THREE statements.

The first is from Donald himself:

Donald Trump was asked by Lester Holt, about whether he or his family “have any accepted investments, any loans” from Russia.

Trump responded, “I have no investments in Russia, none whatsoever. I don’t have property in Russia…. I built a great company, but I’m not involved with Russia.”
(Note the disconnect between the question and the answer. Holt asked about money he may have received from Russia, not investments Trump has made in Russia.

So, then we go to what Trump’s sons have stated:

Donald Trump Jr. has already admitted the importance of Russian money to their business ventures. He said publicly in 2008 that "Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia."

Finally the more spacey son, Eric…….

Question: ‘Eric, who’s funding? I know no [U.S.] banks — because of the recession……. have touched a golf course. You know, no one’s funding any kind of golf construction. It’s dead in the water the last four or five years.’

This is how Eric responded, ‘Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.’

Eric Trump reportedly bragged about Russian funding streams
The Russian mind ray is not to be underestimated
My anonymous sources state it was applied to almost 14 million voters and had they effect of causing 11 million to pull the lever for Trump instead of Hillary, all of which were in the key swing states
Then the mind ray was applied to females who suddenly thought marching with pussies on their heads was a meaningful display of advocating serious social changes
...well, here's just ONE example as an answer to the thread's title

Just….OBJECTIVELY… these THREE statements.

The first is from Donald himself:

Donald Trump was asked by Lester Holt, about whether he or his family “have any accepted investments, any loans” from Russia.

Trump responded, “I have no investments in Russia, none whatsoever. I don’t have property in Russia…. I built a great company, but I’m not involved with Russia.”
(Note the disconnect between the question and the answer. Holt asked about money he may have received from Russia, not investments Trump has made in Russia.

So, then we go to what Trump’s sons have stated:

Donald Trump Jr. has already admitted the importance of Russian money to their business ventures. He said publicly in 2008 that "Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia."

Finally the more spacey son, Eric…….

Question: ‘Eric, who’s funding? I know no [U.S.] banks — because of the recession……. have touched a golf course. You know, no one’s funding any kind of golf construction. It’s dead in the water the last four or five years.’

This is how Eric responded, ‘Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.’

Eric Trump reportedly bragged about Russian funding streams

And somehow you think something is wrong with that.
Prove that was part of Comey's original investigation into Russian influence in the election. Trump Jr made that statement more than 9 years ago.

And somehow you think something is wrong with that.

No, no.....not to morons like you......Didn't mean to test your half brain too much; just go back to sleep and all will be better in the morning..
Trump Jr made that statement more than 9 years ago.

Oh, you're "correct"......I forgot that the orange clown stated......

"....well my family DID have Russian money pouring in to our businesses.....but that was 9 years ago..."

Yes, Tex I forgot that little Trumpster statement, right?
The Russian mind ray is not to be underestimated
My anonymous sources state it was applied to almost 14 million voters and had they effect of causing 11 million to pull the lever for Trump instead of Hillary, all of which were in the key swing states
Then the mind ray was applied to females who suddenly thought marching with pussies on their heads was a meaningful display of advocating serious social changes
You forgot to quote your source. Here, let me help: Daily Kos ;)

Let's consider the reality; Most Americans do not agree with the direction our country has been moving for the past several years. When given only two viable choices; "more of the same" or "outside the box", they chose "outside the box". Even if it blows up (politically-speaking) it's enough of a shake-up, maybe Washington will start paying attention to the nation itself and not just party special interests.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Direction of Country

Satisfaction With the United States
Hate to break it to you......but your "nothing burger" is actually a shit sandwich
LOL. Excellent and funny turn of phrase. Still, this is a political "shit sandwich", not necessarily a crime. Heck, even if it is a crime, it's more likely to be one involving a fine and censure, not an orange jumpsuit.
It remains to be seen whether it constitutes a crime or not and if anything implicates Trump
Even under ideal circumstances, it is still a shit sandwich
Key Trump aides and family members are implicated

The STINK of Russian intervention still permiates the Trump White House
Agreed. Politically, this looks bad. Whether or not it's criminal remains to be seen. It could be criminal, but may not be. Even if it is, it could only implicate Jr and not Daddy.
Any intelligent leader knows to maintain plausible deniability. Let your underlings do the illegal act with no records implicating the boss. Works for the mob, works in politics

I would be surprised if Trump is directly implicated. I would also be surprised if close associates and family members do not have questionable dealings with Russia

I think the real scandal will work out to be Trumps financial dealings with Russia
Funny. You're already getting your excuses prepared for when Mewler coughs up a big nothing burger. You're also showing us how Democrats operate. Your error is in believing that everyone thinks like you.
Looks like a Shit Sandwich for Trump

His Presidency reeks of the Stink of Russian intervention
Is it just wrong in your mind, or do you think it's illegal?

Well, 2/3 of Americans will judge what was posted one way....and the 1/3 within your ilk, another......

We are by your tacit admission.....BEYOND whether Trump's lies are "wrong" you're asking if he broke any laws....and THAT is not my job to judge.....Maybe Mueller's ???

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