Should Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi resign from Congress over False Impeachment?

Should Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi be forced to resign for their role in false Impeachment Charges?

  • Yes

    Votes: 42 64.6%
  • No

    Votes: 13 20.0%
  • Nadler and Schiff only should resign

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • Pelosi and Nadler only should resign

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Schiff and Pelosi should resign

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • I'd prefer they be censured for ignoring the AG's findings

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • The Leftist Press who printed the lies should be held accountable with 6-month printing suspension

    Votes: 9 13.8%
  • My explanation in post below because None of the answers would fit what I think

    Votes: 5 7.7%
  • Cannot answer with available information

    Votes: 3 4.6%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 1 1.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
read the messages from Volker. If you’re so confident then why won’t the Democrats allow the GOP to bring in witnesses and CNN is Fake News.

uh-huh. why won't pompeo allow his peeps to be disposed? why won't pompeo show up himself? why did pompeo act like he didn't know wtf was going on re: that phone call when he himself was listening in? why did he circulate a manilla envelope with all kindsa cray cray bullshit propaganda from rotten rudy that was tearing down the ambassador of ukraine?

haaaaaaaaaaaa.................. are you kidding me?

why won’t the Democrats allow Republicans to bring in witnesses? It’s all about politics.

because we are only at an inquiry. & the time for witness' would be at trial - which hasn't started yet. keep trying.....
So only the Democrats are part of the inquiry?

they are allowed to ask questions of whomever is in front of any given committee. i suppose the majority party gets the subpoena power & has the majority of questions allowed due to the number of members... but the senate has (R) majority & are no doubt doing investigations of their own where the (R) have subpoena power, etc.

So elections have consequences? Thanks for making my point. You’re fat, stop eating those chips.
LOL yet you won’t state your credentials. Antosha the traitorous loon. Keep being sorry.

Dick waving moron, my "credentials", just as your credentials is the substance (or nonsense) you post.

You say you got MBA in finance, but can't hold even a basic conversation about macroeconomic effects and Federal budget. So obviously you can take your piece of paper and shove it up your ass in this meritocracy. Welcome to the internetz.

Finance and economics are disparate

So why are you pleading about your credentials in a conversation about effects of policies on economy?

Another thing your education obviously did not bestow on you is a reasoned thought process.

Pleading? You mean stating. Because I know what I am talking about unlike you. You’re an uneducated buffoon or as your country calls it, doorak.

You plead you know, but then you post and it's clear you do not know much of anything.

You definetly know nothing about my education and are just posting bullshit and slander - it's all you got in the absense of fact based substance.

You mean don’t know anything? You’re an idiot, Antosha. And a loser
So now we are in the 1980s Mafia? Your equivalencies are comical. Will you be here all week. What part of it has to be overt do you not understand?

Sounded pretty overt to me. And any sensible person.



lol.... why was trump called 'the don' ? huh.... what a quizzer.

You’re a partisan hack and an anti Trump loon. Your opinion is meaningless.

you're a partisan hack & a basket dwelling deplorable trumpanzee. YOUR opinion is amusing.

I would vote for Tulsi Gabbard if she received the Democrat party nomination. You’re a leftist fat and ugly pig and a parasite.

tulsi gabbard = jill stein 2.0

& you forgot to add 'witch'.......................:spinner:
Sounded pretty overt to me. And any sensible person.



lol.... why was trump called 'the don' ? huh.... what a quizzer.

You’re a partisan hack and an anti Trump loon. Your opinion is meaningless.

you're a partisan hack & a basket dwelling deplorable trumpanzee. YOUR opinion is amusing.

I would vote for Tulsi Gabbard if she received the Democrat party nomination. You’re a leftist fat and ugly pig and a parasite.

tulsi gabbard = jill stein 2.0

& you forgot to add 'witch'.......................:spinner:

Really? List Jill Steins military credentials. Stein and Tulsi could not be more disparate and stop trying to flirt with me. I am all set with leftist livestock.
Should Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi resign from Congress over False Impeachment?

When the Dem leaders are even nuttier than AOC well yeah, its time for them to resign.
/----/ "AOC is totally bored with impeachment since it hasn’t happened. She’s got a typical Millennial attention span. Since it hasn’t happened, ditch it! Get rid of it. The time has passed.

She’s fed up with it. It isn’t gonna happen if it hasn’t happened by now. Let’s move on to something else. Is that not classic of the Millennial attention span? When they get their eyes or their minds set on something, it’d better happen right now — and if it doesn’t, they’re off to something else, because they need action. They need things to happen." - Rush

Now Rush is speaking for AOC. Wow, his crystal ball must have gotten back from the repair shop. Well, cupcake, he needs to send it back. It's calibration is off once again. He's a nutcase if that's what he thinks. It's not what he thinks. It sells advertisements and idjits like you buy the products.
/---/ A 2.4 second google search would have confirmed Rush's statement. But you're so intellectually lazy - you couldn't be bothered. Insults and denial is easier for you.
AOC already bored with impeachment: 'I'm over it'
“I think the whole thing is boring," Ocasio-Cortez, 29, said Thursday at the Queens Library event. "He should have been impeached a long time ago. I'm over it. And so that's how I feel about it because we've got work to do.”

I don't doubt he said it. I don't doubt a lot of what Rush says. I just find him entertaining more than anything else. In the past, he's said that he isn't a Political Genius but an Entertainer. You just take him seriously. Talk about fake news.
Should Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi resign from Congress over False Impeachment?

When the Dem leaders are even nuttier than AOC well yeah, its time for them to resign.
/----/ "AOC is totally bored with impeachment since it hasn’t happened. She’s got a typical Millennial attention span. Since it hasn’t happened, ditch it! Get rid of it. The time has passed.

She’s fed up with it. It isn’t gonna happen if it hasn’t happened by now. Let’s move on to something else. Is that not classic of the Millennial attention span? When they get their eyes or their minds set on something, it’d better happen right now — and if it doesn’t, they’re off to something else, because they need action. They need things to happen." - Rush

Now Rush is speaking for AOC. Wow, his crystal ball must have gotten back from the repair shop. Well, cupcake, he needs to send it back. It's calibration is off once again. He's a nutcase if that's what he thinks. It's not what he thinks. It sells advertisements and idjits like you buy the products.
/---/ A 2.4 second google search would have confirmed Rush's statement. But you're so intellectually lazy - you couldn't be bothered. Insults and denial is easier for you.
AOC already bored with impeachment: 'I'm over it'
“I think the whole thing is boring," Ocasio-Cortez, 29, said Thursday at the Queens Library event. "He should have been impeached a long time ago. I'm over it. And so that's how I feel about it because we've got work to do.”

I don't doubt he said it. I don't doubt a lot of what Rush says. I just find him entertaining more than anything else. In the past, he's said that he isn't a Political Genius but an Entertainer. You just take him seriously. Talk about fake news.
/——/ I listen to Rush daily and he’s never said he was an entertainer, so stop lying. And why not take him seriously, he was right about AOC as well as many other things. Nothing fake about AOC getting bored with impeachment.
When the Dem leaders are even nuttier than AOC well yeah, its time for them to resign.
/----/ "AOC is totally bored with impeachment since it hasn’t happened. She’s got a typical Millennial attention span. Since it hasn’t happened, ditch it! Get rid of it. The time has passed.

She’s fed up with it. It isn’t gonna happen if it hasn’t happened by now. Let’s move on to something else. Is that not classic of the Millennial attention span? When they get their eyes or their minds set on something, it’d better happen right now — and if it doesn’t, they’re off to something else, because they need action. They need things to happen." - Rush

Now Rush is speaking for AOC. Wow, his crystal ball must have gotten back from the repair shop. Well, cupcake, he needs to send it back. It's calibration is off once again. He's a nutcase if that's what he thinks. It's not what he thinks. It sells advertisements and idjits like you buy the products.
/---/ A 2.4 second google search would have confirmed Rush's statement. But you're so intellectually lazy - you couldn't be bothered. Insults and denial is easier for you.
AOC already bored with impeachment: 'I'm over it'
“I think the whole thing is boring," Ocasio-Cortez, 29, said Thursday at the Queens Library event. "He should have been impeached a long time ago. I'm over it. And so that's how I feel about it because we've got work to do.”

I don't doubt he said it. I don't doubt a lot of what Rush says. I just find him entertaining more than anything else. In the past, he's said that he isn't a Political Genius but an Entertainer. You just take him seriously. Talk about fake news.
/——/ I listen to Rush daily and he’s never said he was an entertainer, so stop lying. And why not take him seriously, he was right about AOC as well as many other things. Nothing fake about AOC getting bored with impeachment.

I used to tune in to him when he had his TV show. Kid, you are just too young and too stupid to know your own heroes history. He said that often on his tv program. If you take him seriously then I can see where you can believe the Orange Rump always tells the truth as well. You forget, I was once a car carrying Republican before the party went to crap in the woods and stayed there.
/----/ "AOC is totally bored with impeachment since it hasn’t happened. She’s got a typical Millennial attention span. Since it hasn’t happened, ditch it! Get rid of it. The time has passed.

She’s fed up with it. It isn’t gonna happen if it hasn’t happened by now. Let’s move on to something else. Is that not classic of the Millennial attention span? When they get their eyes or their minds set on something, it’d better happen right now — and if it doesn’t, they’re off to something else, because they need action. They need things to happen." - Rush

Now Rush is speaking for AOC. Wow, his crystal ball must have gotten back from the repair shop. Well, cupcake, he needs to send it back. It's calibration is off once again. He's a nutcase if that's what he thinks. It's not what he thinks. It sells advertisements and idjits like you buy the products.
/---/ A 2.4 second google search would have confirmed Rush's statement. But you're so intellectually lazy - you couldn't be bothered. Insults and denial is easier for you.
AOC already bored with impeachment: 'I'm over it'
“I think the whole thing is boring," Ocasio-Cortez, 29, said Thursday at the Queens Library event. "He should have been impeached a long time ago. I'm over it. And so that's how I feel about it because we've got work to do.”

I don't doubt he said it. I don't doubt a lot of what Rush says. I just find him entertaining more than anything else. In the past, he's said that he isn't a Political Genius but an Entertainer. You just take him seriously. Talk about fake news.
/——/ I listen to Rush daily and he’s never said he was an entertainer, so stop lying. And why not take him seriously, he was right about AOC as well as many other things. Nothing fake about AOC getting bored with impeachment.

I used to tune in to him when he had his TV show. Kid, you are just too young and too stupid to know your own heroes history. He said that often on his tv program. If you take him seriously then I can see where you can believe the Orange Rump always tells the truth as well. You forget, I was once a car carrying Republican before the party went to crap in the woods and stayed there.
/—-/ I’m 68, I met Rush and went to one of his TV shows. So STFU you know nothing. And I was a card carrying democRAT until Clinton disgraced the office.
Now Rush is speaking for AOC. Wow, his crystal ball must have gotten back from the repair shop. Well, cupcake, he needs to send it back. It's calibration is off once again. He's a nutcase if that's what he thinks. It's not what he thinks. It sells advertisements and idjits like you buy the products.
/---/ A 2.4 second google search would have confirmed Rush's statement. But you're so intellectually lazy - you couldn't be bothered. Insults and denial is easier for you.
AOC already bored with impeachment: 'I'm over it'
“I think the whole thing is boring," Ocasio-Cortez, 29, said Thursday at the Queens Library event. "He should have been impeached a long time ago. I'm over it. And so that's how I feel about it because we've got work to do.”

I don't doubt he said it. I don't doubt a lot of what Rush says. I just find him entertaining more than anything else. In the past, he's said that he isn't a Political Genius but an Entertainer. You just take him seriously. Talk about fake news.
/——/ I listen to Rush daily and he’s never said he was an entertainer, so stop lying. And why not take him seriously, he was right about AOC as well as many other things. Nothing fake about AOC getting bored with impeachment.

I used to tune in to him when he had his TV show. Kid, you are just too young and too stupid to know your own heroes history. He said that often on his tv program. If you take him seriously then I can see where you can believe the Orange Rump always tells the truth as well. You forget, I was once a car carrying Republican before the party went to crap in the woods and stayed there.
/—-/ I’m 68, I met Rush and went to one of his TV shows. So STFU you know nothing. And I was a card carrying democRAT until Clinton disgraced the office.

I know that Rush is an entertainer and should not be accepted as the ultimate authority on anything outside how to sell advertisements. He's Capitalism at it's height. And there is nothing wrong with that. It get screwed up when someone like you starts believing in everything he says.

You supported dukakis? You supported McGovern? You supported Carter? You supported Mondale? That's 4 of the biggest crackpots and crazies that ever either tried to become, or in Carter case, became President, all right in a row. I'll bet you were against Nixon the first time as well. I voted both times for Nixon as his opponets were real nightmares. But you seem to vote for the nightmares. Well, cupcake, one of your nightmares finally made it. We need to stop this run of insanity.
You and your fellow Democrats can't name a law that was broken by President Trump, because President Donald Trump did not break any law, and the Attorney General's Report said so. Not one of you created an "AG Liar" thread, because the Attorney General did not lie in his report, either.

He broke campaign finance laws by soliciting foreign aid for his campaign. That's against the law. He wasn't trying to build a case against Hunter Biden, he was looking for dirt on Joe.

Since the AG was listed as a co-conspirator, nothing he says has any credibility.

Prove it.
You and your fellow Democrats can't name a law that was broken by President Trump, because President Donald Trump did not break any law, and the Attorney General's Report said so. Not one of you created an "AG Liar" thread, because the Attorney General did not lie in his report, either.

He broke campaign finance laws by soliciting foreign aid for his campaign. That's against the law. He wasn't trying to build a case against Hunter Biden, he was looking for dirt on Joe.

Since the AG was listed as a co-conspirator, nothing he says has any credibility.

Problem is the Democrats actually did what they allege Trump as doing. This whole thing is a cover up for their own activity. A continuous distraction so people wouldn't see what was actually going on. Remember when all the left was up in arms over Trump saying he wouldn't necessarily accept the outcome of the election?

What happened as soon as he was elected? The left went berserk and haven't accepted it yet. They've been working overtime to try and overturn the election.
You and your fellow Democrats can't name a law that was broken by President Trump, because President Donald Trump did not break any law, and the Attorney General's Report said so. Not one of you created an "AG Liar" thread, because the Attorney General did not lie in his report, either.

He broke campaign finance laws by soliciting foreign aid for his campaign. That's against the law. He wasn't trying to build a case against Hunter Biden, he was looking for dirt on Joe.

Since the AG was listed as a co-conspirator, nothing he says has any credibility.

Prove it.

It's already a pretty solid case. You can scream "Prove it" or "Cite, Cite" all you want. You can play the stupid village idiot that is unemployed all yo wish. But there is already a pretty solid case pending. And Proving it in a Court (in this case Congress) is exactly what they are trying to do. You opinion doesn't matter one bit on this one. The evidence has already been presented and more is on the way. But there is enough there to get the job done.
You and your fellow Democrats can't name a law that was broken by President Trump, because President Donald Trump did not break any law, and the Attorney General's Report said so. Not one of you created an "AG Liar" thread, because the Attorney General did not lie in his report, either.

He broke campaign finance laws by soliciting foreign aid for his campaign. That's against the law. He wasn't trying to build a case against Hunter Biden, he was looking for dirt on Joe.

Since the AG was listed as a co-conspirator, nothing he says has any credibility.

Problem is the Democrats actually did what they allege Trump as doing. This whole thing is a cover up for their own activity. A continuous distraction so people wouldn't see what was actually going on. Remember when all the left was up in arms over Trump saying he wouldn't necessarily accept the outcome of the election?

What happened as soon as he was elected? The left went berserk and haven't accepted it yet. They've been working overtime to try and overturn the election.

Hillary accepted the outcome. She conceded. Had Trump lost he would not have conceded and he said so himself. He would have sued, tied everything up in court, made a virtual jackass of himself for years and years. What a voter says is NOT as important as what a leading Candidate or President says.

Oh, I accepted it but I want him gone as quickly as possible by any legal means. Much like you were with Obama. But I am not going to resort to the BS games that your bunch tried. Wow, the Birther routine still lingers even today. The difference here is, Obama never was caught red handed doing an Impeachable Offense. Trump has and still continues thinking he'll continue to get away with it. At what point does America just say enough?

Trump then creates a narrative where his opponent supposedly did something wrong and blows up up. It proves to be incorrect. But he keeps hammering and you keep expanding on it with him. Meanwhile, he gets caught doing the same thing a couple more times because he thinks he got away with it that one time. Enough already.
You and your fellow Democrats can't name a law that was broken by President Trump, because President Donald Trump did not break any law, and the Attorney General's Report said so. Not one of you created an "AG Liar" thread, because the Attorney General did not lie in his report, either.

He broke campaign finance laws by soliciting foreign aid for his campaign. That's against the law. He wasn't trying to build a case against Hunter Biden, he was looking for dirt on Joe.

Since the AG was listed as a co-conspirator, nothing he says has any credibility.

Problem is the Democrats actually did what they allege Trump as doing. This whole thing is a cover up for their own activity. A continuous distraction so people wouldn't see what was actually going on. Remember when all the left was up in arms over Trump saying he wouldn't necessarily accept the outcome of the election?

What happened as soon as he was elected? The left went berserk and haven't accepted it yet. They've been working overtime to try and overturn the election.

Hillary accepted the outcome. She conceded. Had Trump lost he would not have conceded and he said so himself. He would have sued, tied everything up in court, made a virtual jackass of himself for years and years. What a voter says is NOT as important as what a leading Candidate or President says.

Oh, I accepted it but I want him gone as quickly as possible by any legal means. Much like you were with Obama. But I am not going to resort to the BS games that your bunch tried. Wow, the Birther routine still lingers even today. The difference here is, Obama never was caught red handed doing an Impeachable Offense. Trump has and still continues thinking he'll continue to get away with it. At what point does America just say enough?

Trump then creates a narrative where his opponent supposedly did something wrong and blows up up. It proves to be incorrect. But he keeps hammering and you keep expanding on it with him. Meanwhile, he gets caught doing the same thing a couple more times because he thinks he got away with it that one time. Enough already.
We will never believe you again. The winds of national descent come from this. You didn't read the fine print of Prog revolutions. Your deal with the devil comes with an asterisk
You and your fellow Democrats can't name a law that was broken by President Trump, because President Donald Trump did not break any law, and the Attorney General's Report said so. Not one of you created an "AG Liar" thread, because the Attorney General did not lie in his report, either.

He broke campaign finance laws by soliciting foreign aid for his campaign. That's against the law. He wasn't trying to build a case against Hunter Biden, he was looking for dirt on Joe.

Since the AG was listed as a co-conspirator, nothing he says has any credibility.

Problem is the Democrats actually did what they allege Trump as doing. This whole thing is a cover up for their own activity. A continuous distraction so people wouldn't see what was actually going on. Remember when all the left was up in arms over Trump saying he wouldn't necessarily accept the outcome of the election?

What happened as soon as he was elected? The left went berserk and haven't accepted it yet. They've been working overtime to try and overturn the election.

Hillary accepted the outcome. She conceded. Had Trump lost he would not have conceded and he said so himself. He would have sued, tied everything up in court, made a virtual jackass of himself for years and years. What a voter says is NOT as important as what a leading Candidate or President says.

Oh, I accepted it but I want him gone as quickly as possible by any legal means. Much like you were with Obama. But I am not going to resort to the BS games that your bunch tried. Wow, the Birther routine still lingers even today. The difference here is, Obama never was caught red handed doing an Impeachable Offense. Trump has and still continues thinking he'll continue to get away with it. At what point does America just say enough?

Trump then creates a narrative where his opponent supposedly did something wrong and blows up up. It proves to be incorrect. But he keeps hammering and you keep expanding on it with him. Meanwhile, he gets caught doing the same thing a couple more times because he thinks he got away with it that one time. Enough already.
We will never believe you again. The winds of national descent come from this. You didn't read the fine print of Prog revolutions. Your deal with the devil comes with an asterisk

Considering I am not part of any Prog Revolution or even your BS Revolution either, I wouldn't subscribe to anything with the fine print like you claim. And I really don't give a rats ass if you ever believe me or not. At least we will have something in common. I don't believe you either.
The problem is that the traitor democrats require America to accept the new order that the only law in the land is obedience to the party. Trump then is guilty and Quid Pro Joe is not, the ONLY law is power to the party.
I say this: We told you so. It was only a matter of time before Trump's disregard of the law brought him to this point. I can't believe it took so long for him to fuck up in a way he can't just laugh off. You want to blame everyone in the world except the man who picked up a phone and flushed his presidency against the advice of the people who are supposed to keep him from doing impeachable acts. If you simply can't blame Trump then blame his staff for being pussies.

Comrade; for us to accept your claim we must accept the premise that there is no law other than serve the party. We must acquiesce to the notion that you have already defeated us and ended the Constitution that you so bitterly hate.

Because you traitors demand there is no law, investigating Trump for 3 years is fine, but Trump investigating Quid Pro Joe Biden is the worst thing evah. Quid Pro Joe is on YouTube bragging about how he blackmailed Ukraine to stop the investigation into his son, but that's fine - he serves the party. Trump suggests that these open crimes be investigated and you traitors demand he be impeached.

It's Orwellian, like living under Stalin, but ONLY if we let you scum get away with it.
I say this: We told you so. It was only a matter of time before Trump's disregard of the law brought him to this point. I can't believe it took so long for him to fuck up in a way he can't just laugh off. You want to blame everyone in the world except the man who picked up a phone and flushed his presidency against the advice of the people who are supposed to keep him from doing impeachable acts. If you simply can't blame Trump then blame his staff for being pussies.

Comrade; for us to accept your claim we must accept the premise that there is no law other than serve the party. We must acquiesce to the notion that you have already defeated us and ended the Constitution that you so bitterly hate.

Because you traitors demand there is no law, investigating Trump for 3 years is fine, but Trump investigating Quid Pro Joe Biden is the worst thing evah. Quid Pro Joe is on YouTube bragging about how he blackmailed Ukraine to stop the investigation into his son, but that's fine - he serves the party. Trump suggests that these open crimes be investigated and you traitors demand he be impeached.

It's Orwellian, like living under Stalin, but ONLY if we let you scum get away with it.
Why can't you understand that Trump tried to extort an investigation out of the Ukrainians and then his worried staff tried to cover up the whole thing? Their actions surrounding the phone call in question show that they know it was a bad thing and now you do too.

Trump was investigated though the proper channels according to the law and his defensive actions were those of a guilty man. In the case of the phone call he has admitted guilt and turned over the evidence of that guilt. The appropriate actions must be taken if only to keep him from further election tampering.

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