Should Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi resign from Congress over False Impeachment?

Should Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi be forced to resign for their role in false Impeachment Charges?

  • Yes

    Votes: 42 64.6%
  • No

    Votes: 13 20.0%
  • Nadler and Schiff only should resign

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • Pelosi and Nadler only should resign

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Schiff and Pelosi should resign

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • I'd prefer they be censured for ignoring the AG's findings

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • The Leftist Press who printed the lies should be held accountable with 6-month printing suspension

    Votes: 9 13.8%
  • My explanation in post below because None of the answers would fit what I think

    Votes: 5 7.7%
  • Cannot answer with available information

    Votes: 3 4.6%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 1 1.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
/—-/ Saying Trump is delusional and self absorbed is clearly a message to discourage Trump supporters - which won’t work BTW.

So do the terms of the treaty include the right of an American President to hold aid over a leaders head to solicit phony investigations against a political enemies of the American President?
/——/ You mean like Joe Biden did? You mean like that?

No matter how hard you and your Rumpsters try, that's already been disproven. NO matter how many times you say your lie, it doesn't make any less of a lie. I'll bet you are still pushing for the Birther routine as well.
/——-/ Disproven by whom? Where is the proof? Are you saying Joe B was lying when he bragged about it? Post the link.

Cite, Cite, Cite. It's been cited to death. Just because you won't accept the truth because it gets in the way of your Rumpster diving doesn't make it any less the truth. And me citing or quoting it one more time won't change a thing.
You Democratic/Scocialists (Communists) wouldn't know the truth if it walked up and kicked you in your GLASNOST.
Anyone listen to the Trump presser today?

He has a new play on what the f he is doing leveraging relations with foreign countries to get them to investigate his political opponents -

I'M A CORRUPTION FIGHTER! I don't care about politics! I'm just out there fighting corruption!"

When asked who except his political opponents Trump wanted investigated..he couldn't say, deffering to "my people will have to look into it" and how he was wronged by the Obama administration and Russia investigation.

TA DA! The corruption fighter.


This would be funny if it wasn't so damn sad for this country. This crazy toad is 100% getting impeached in the House and the only question left is how much heat Republicans are willing to take for their enabling of this swamp.

Trump owns a huge Trump Tower in your empty head, Antosha. You have your Liz Warren number sticker on your car?

What does he have in your head for you to say that all this crazy shit our POTUS is doing is ok?

Whatever it is, seem to be badly displacing grey matter and cognitive centers responsible for feeling embarrassment.

I am selfish. He helps my wallet. Antosha, do you have a job?

So the logic goes like this - I have more money in my wallet, therefore Trump can do no wrong.

Aside from questionable logic, honesty about your very narrow self-interest is much apreciated. But if you are thinking about tax-cuts, they probably do not really help your wallet.

I don't know how old you are but the short-to-medium term stimulative Trillion dollar deficit we are now running during "good times" of economic explantion will at some point have a reverse effect with interest. Generally speaking, the money going into your wallet now comes with an I-O-U note that will come due when our national credit is shot and taxes have to be raised for our country to not default itself into economic oblivion.

P.S. I have a very well paying job, thank you for your concern.
/—-/ Regarding the deficit, where is the democRATs balanced budget?

I’m sorry, were you going to refute something or do you just want to make this thread about anything and everything under the sun?
"it always seems impossible until it is done" - Nelson Mandela

brothers and sisters: impeachment seems impossible, but it will be done, my friends!
Trump owns a huge Trump Tower in your empty head, Antosha. You have your Liz Warren number sticker on your car?

What does he have in your head for you to say that all this crazy shit our POTUS is doing is ok?

Whatever it is, seem to be badly displacing grey matter and cognitive centers responsible for feeling embarrassment.

I am selfish. He helps my wallet. Antosha, do you have a job?

So the logic goes like this - I have more money in my wallet, therefore Trump can do no wrong.

Aside from questionable logic, honesty about your very narrow self-interest is much apreciated. But if you are thinking about tax-cuts, they probably do not really help your wallet.

I don't know how old you are but the short-to-medium term stimulative Trillion dollar deficit we are now running during "good times" of economic explantion will at some point have a reverse effect with interest. Generally speaking, the money going into your wallet now comes with an I-O-U note that will come due when our national credit is shot and taxes have to be raised for our country to not default itself into economic oblivion.

P.S. I have a very well paying job, thank you for your concern.
/—-/ Regarding the deficit, where is the democRATs balanced budget?

I’m sorry, were you going to refute something or do you just want to make this thread about anything and everything under the sun?

I agree with Antosha. He is sorry.
Guy, when a couple of guys with broken noses walk into your store and say,"Nice store you have here, it would be a shame if something were to happen to it", there was no QPQ, but anyone with a lick of sense knows what is going on.

Trump held up aid. Then he said, "Do me a favor, look into Biden". Come on, any sensible person would realize what was going on.

Oh, BTW, DershaSHITZ also said Clinton was innocent.

“He doesn’t give you questions, he doesn’t give you orders, he speaks in a code. And I understand the code, because I’ve been around him for a decade,” testified Cohen, Trump’s former longtime personal attorney.

Cohen? The guy in prison? Again QPQ has to be overt. If you don’t like the law then change it.

your excuses are pathetic.... but please keep trying. oh, & the texts that the ukraine envoy coughed up that came out overnight says otherwise.
READ: Text messages between US diplomats and Ukrainians released by House Democrats

Updated 10:57 PM ET, Thu October 3, 2019

(CNN)Three House committees released documents and text messages provided by former American Special Envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker on Thursday.

Read the full document and text exchanges here:

READ: Text messages between US diplomats and Ukrainians released by House Democrats - CNNPolitics

read the messages from Volker. If you’re so confident then why won’t the Democrats allow the GOP to bring in witnesses and CNN is Fake News.

uh-huh. why won't pompeo allow his peeps to be disposed? why won't pompeo show up himself? why did pompeo act like he didn't know wtf was going on re: that phone call when he himself was listening in? why did he circulate a manilla envelope with all kindsa cray cray bullshit propaganda from rotten rudy that was tearing down the ambassador of ukraine?

haaaaaaaaaaaa.................. are you kidding me?
Not one single Executive Branch Officer goes in front of Congress until Pelosi makes the impeachment official.
I am selfish. He helps my wallet. Antosha, do you have a job?

So the logic goes like this - I have more money in my wallet, therefore Trump can do no wrong.

Aside from questionable logic, honesty about your very narrow self-interest is much apreciated. But if you are thinking about tax-cuts, they probably do not really help your wallet.

I don't know how old you are but the short-to-medium term stimulative Trillion dollar deficit we are now running during "good times" of economic explantion will at some point have a reverse effect with interest. Generally speaking, the money going into your wallet now comes with an I-O-U note that will come due when our national credit is shot and taxes have to be raised for our country to not default itself into economic oblivion.

P.S. I have a very well paying job, thank you for your concern.

explain how the tax cuts didn’t help my wallet or the investment in the military that directly impacts my wallet. Yes, I am selfish. And? Me and my family come first. What is your job? This should be rich. Antosha, how much do you want to raise taxes and what proof do you have that the Govt will spend it wisely?

I suggest you read my post again and respond with something that doesn't make me think you skipped most of it.

I explained exactly why tax-cuts in good times financed by deficits does not help you or your family in the long run.

Going on shopping sprees with a shiny new credit card does not make you richer.

Discussion about some righties unwilling to aknowledge any wrongdoing by POTUS so long as his policies are to their liking is highly relavant here.
/——/ What wrong doings? Specifics please.
One problem. It's not a false impeachment hearing. Rump broke a number of federal laws in the last 3 years. And he broke a bunch before that but they can't impeach for what he did before he took office. This last one is pretty cut and dried. If he does weather it, it's only because he's a real live died in the wool Mob Boss and the US Federal government has become another run in the mill organized crime syndicate.
/——/ What federal laws did Trump break? If there was any proof he did, Piglosi would have had the impeachment vote already. You got nothing except fake outrage, Daryl.
Trump owns a huge Trump Tower in your empty head, Antosha. You have your Liz Warren number sticker on your car?

What does he have in your head for you to say that all this crazy shit our POTUS is doing is ok?

Whatever it is, seem to be badly displacing grey matter and cognitive centers responsible for feeling embarrassment.

I am selfish. He helps my wallet. Antosha, do you have a job?

So the logic goes like this - I have more money in my wallet, therefore Trump can do no wrong.

Aside from questionable logic, honesty about your very narrow self-interest is much apreciated. But if you are thinking about tax-cuts, they probably do not really help your wallet.

I don't know how old you are but the short-to-medium term stimulative Trillion dollar deficit we are now running during "good times" of economic explantion will at some point have a reverse effect with interest. Generally speaking, the money going into your wallet now comes with an I-O-U note that will come due when our national credit is shot and taxes have to be raised for our country to not default itself into economic oblivion.

P.S. I have a very well paying job, thank you for your concern.
/—-/ Regarding the deficit, where is the democRATs balanced budget?

I’m sorry, were you going to refute something or do you just want to make this thread about anything and everything under the sun?
/—-/ Sorry your reading comprehension is so weak. I’m responding to Azog’s comment: “I don't know how old you are but the short-to-medium term stimulative Trillion dollar deficit “
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Should Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi resign from Congress over False Impeachment?

When the Dem leaders are even nuttier than AOC well yeah, its time for them to resign.
Should Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi resign from Congress over False Impeachment?

When the Dem leaders are even nuttier than AOC well yeah, its time for them to resign.
The dem "leaders" are taking their orders from AOC and "the squad." The young, bartender, muslim, foul mouthed, radical, America hating wing of the dem party is now in control.
Should Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi resign from Congress over False Impeachment?

When the Dem leaders are even nuttier than AOC well yeah, its time for them to resign.
/----/ "AOC is totally bored with impeachment since it hasn’t happened. She’s got a typical Millennial attention span. Since it hasn’t happened, ditch it! Get rid of it. The time has passed.

She’s fed up with it. It isn’t gonna happen if it hasn’t happened by now. Let’s move on to something else. Is that not classic of the Millennial attention span? When they get their eyes or their minds set on something, it’d better happen right now — and if it doesn’t, they’re off to something else, because they need action. They need things to happen." - Rush
“He doesn’t give you questions, he doesn’t give you orders, he speaks in a code. And I understand the code, because I’ve been around him for a decade,” testified Cohen, Trump’s former longtime personal attorney.

Cohen? The guy in prison? Again QPQ has to be overt. If you don’t like the law then change it.

your excuses are pathetic.... but please keep trying. oh, & the texts that the ukraine envoy coughed up that came out overnight says otherwise.
READ: Text messages between US diplomats and Ukrainians released by House Democrats

Updated 10:57 PM ET, Thu October 3, 2019

(CNN)Three House committees released documents and text messages provided by former American Special Envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker on Thursday.

Read the full document and text exchanges here:

READ: Text messages between US diplomats and Ukrainians released by House Democrats - CNNPolitics

read the messages from Volker. If you’re so confident then why won’t the Democrats allow the GOP to bring in witnesses and CNN is Fake News.

uh-huh. why won't pompeo allow his peeps to be disposed? why won't pompeo show up himself? why did pompeo act like he didn't know wtf was going on re: that phone call when he himself was listening in? why did he circulate a manilla envelope with all kindsa cray cray bullshit propaganda from rotten rudy that was tearing down the ambassador of ukraine?

haaaaaaaaaaaa.................. are you kidding me?

why won’t the Democrats allow Republicans to bring in witnesses? It’s all about politics.

because we are only at an inquiry. & the time for witness' would be at trial - which hasn't started yet. keep trying.....
“He doesn’t give you questions, he doesn’t give you orders, he speaks in a code. And I understand the code, because I’ve been around him for a decade,” testified Cohen, Trump’s former longtime personal attorney.

Cohen? The guy in prison? Again QPQ has to be overt. If you don’t like the law then change it.

your excuses are pathetic.... but please keep trying. oh, & the texts that the ukraine envoy coughed up that came out overnight says otherwise.
READ: Text messages between US diplomats and Ukrainians released by House Democrats

Updated 10:57 PM ET, Thu October 3, 2019

(CNN)Three House committees released documents and text messages provided by former American Special Envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker on Thursday.

Read the full document and text exchanges here:

READ: Text messages between US diplomats and Ukrainians released by House Democrats - CNNPolitics

read the messages from Volker. If you’re so confident then why won’t the Democrats allow the GOP to bring in witnesses and CNN is Fake News.

uh-huh. why won't pompeo allow his peeps to be disposed? why won't pompeo show up himself? why did pompeo act like he didn't know wtf was going on re: that phone call when he himself was listening in? why did he circulate a manilla envelope with all kindsa cray cray bullshit propaganda from rotten rudy that was tearing down the ambassador of ukraine?

haaaaaaaaaaaa.................. are you kidding me?
Not one single Executive Branch Officer goes in front of Congress until Pelosi makes the impeachment official.

not true.

When Congress finds an inquiry blocked by the withholding of information by the executive branch, or where the traditional process of negotiation and accommodation is inappropriate or unavailing, a subpoena—either for testimony or documents—may be used to compel compliance with congressional demands. The recipient of a duly issued and valid congressional subpoena has a legal obligation to comply, absent a valid and overriding privilege or other legal justification.

donny waived all such 'privilege' (if it could even have been deemed that in the first place) when he declassified the 'phone call' in which pompeo admitted to be listening in on after he fucking lied about it. :itsok:
So now we are in the 1980s Mafia? Your equivalencies are comical. Will you be here all week. What part of it has to be overt do you not understand?

Sounded pretty overt to me. And to any sensible person.
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??? All the signs? Show some signs. I am glad you knew how to look up what a recession is on Google. Ask Apple if a recession is hitting.

Lowered manufactured growth... reduced consumer confidence...

Recession is coming, little buddy... and all your, "Trump is eating babies, but it's okay because the economy is good" will fall flat.
Cohen? The guy in prison? Again QPQ has to be overt. If you don’t like the law then change it.

your excuses are pathetic.... but please keep trying. oh, & the texts that the ukraine envoy coughed up that came out overnight says otherwise.
READ: Text messages between US diplomats and Ukrainians released by House Democrats

Updated 10:57 PM ET, Thu October 3, 2019

(CNN)Three House committees released documents and text messages provided by former American Special Envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker on Thursday.

Read the full document and text exchanges here:

READ: Text messages between US diplomats and Ukrainians released by House Democrats - CNNPolitics

read the messages from Volker. If you’re so confident then why won’t the Democrats allow the GOP to bring in witnesses and CNN is Fake News.

uh-huh. why won't pompeo allow his peeps to be disposed? why won't pompeo show up himself? why did pompeo act like he didn't know wtf was going on re: that phone call when he himself was listening in? why did he circulate a manilla envelope with all kindsa cray cray bullshit propaganda from rotten rudy that was tearing down the ambassador of ukraine?

haaaaaaaaaaaa.................. are you kidding me?

why won’t the Democrats allow Republicans to bring in witnesses? It’s all about politics.

because we are only at an inquiry. & the time for witness' would be at trial - which hasn't started yet. keep trying.....
So only the Democrats are part of the inquiry?

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