Should Obama be included on Mt. Rushmore?


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
He's one of the best presidents we've had in decades.

Under his leadership we've recovered from the worst recession of all time and he avoided a depression despite a worldwide financial meltdown. In that, he is right up there with FDR, who got us out of the depression.

Under his leadership the terrorist that was responsible for the worst terrorist attack on the US was brought to justice.

His calm leadership on the recent Ebola crisis was a refreshing breath of fresh air compared to hysterical calls from the right to take excessive and authoritarian control of the country.

There are more accomplishments and examples of leadership but these things alone make him eligible to take a place of honor in American history.
None of those men on mount Rushmore deserve or would appreciate being turned into idols eternally defacing nature.
No. No recent President should go on Mt. Rushmore. Only Presidents in the far past, so that Mt. Rushmore doesn't turn into some billboard.
He's one of the best presidents we've had in decades.

Under his leadership we've recovered from the worst recession of all time and he avoided a depression despite a worldwide financial meltdown. In that, he is right up there with FDR, who got us out of the depression.

Under his leadership the terrorist that was responsible for the worst terrorist attack on the US was brought to justice.

His calm leadership on the recent Ebola crisis was a refreshing breath of fresh air compared to hysterical calls from the right to take excessive and authoritarian control of the country.

There are more accomplishments and examples of leadership but these things alone make him eligible to take a place of honor in American history.
Just shear off one wall and leave it blank...that would be obama.
A butter sculpture at the State Fair would probably be more appropriate.

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Neither Obama nor Reagan nor Clinton belong on Rushmore.

Let's not even mention Bush the Younger.
We have a mountain for winners. Can't we have a canyon for losers and put him there.

obola has snatched the title of worst president ever from Jimmy Carter, who will be eternally grateful.
mt. rushmore should be left alone. Not obama... not bush..not harry reid.....not jesus...just leave the damned sculpture alone.
this thread is just trolling.
On second thought let's not rock causes ricochet some innocent hiker might be hit by a stray bullet that ricocheted off his face.
Removing Jefferson and Washington and replacing them with Obama and Bush or Reagan would make far more sense, frankly. Make it a government shrine to sociopathic warmongers.

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