Should Obama nominate a justice or not?

There is nothing that says a SCOTUS judge can't be appointed during an election year. Republicans simply don't want to see the court with a Democratic majority.

Yeah, especially when the SCOTUS is suppose to be non-partisan. If it is going to be partisan they then should become elected.
No. The Senate needs to have good reason for not confirming an appointee. I saw today that Scalia was confirmed 98-0.

The idea that republican members of the Senate are right to deny a SC nominee based only on political grounds is bunk. It isn't business as usual.
when entering (or not entering) the booth? I bet it was less than 10% and I'd even say it never crossed the minds of most people at all.

The real question is if roles were reversed would Democrats wait for the election? Of course they would and we both know that to be true. It's how politics is played.

Actually many of us were thinking of the SC back in 2012 because both Ginsburg and Breyer have long been in not the best of health......

But, beside of how "politics is played" there is the element of circumstance that comes into play also......Scalia was relatively younger than other justices and the fact that he died unexpectedly places the nomination as a constitutional must-do.....

Beside it all......a nomination by the next president would place the SC without a NINTH vote until October 2017 (at least).
The idea that republican members of the Senate are right to deny a SC nominee based only on political grounds is bunk.

Yes, this is the time for a Kevin McCarthy to display his usual "honesty" and declare that stopping a vote on an Obama nominee is indeed just a politically motivated ploy.
There is nothing that says a SCOTUS judge can't be appointed during an election year. Republicans simply don't want to see the court with a Democratic majority.

Yeah, especially when the SCOTUS is suppose to be non-partisan. If it is going to be partisan they then should become elected.
"supposed to be nonpartisan" IE: Strict Constitutionally Constructed..

Personally I don't know any left wing people who acknowledge that kind of thinking.. they all think that trampling on others rights is ok for some reason..
  • Donald J. Trump Statement on Justice Scalia
    Donald J. Trump ^ | February 13, 2016 | Donald J. Trump
    I would like to offer my sincerest condolences to the Scalia family after the passing of Justice Scalia. Justice Scalia was a remarkable person and a brilliant Supreme Court Justice, one of the best of all time. His career was defined by his reverence for the Constitution and his legacy of protecting Americans' most cherished freedoms. He was a Justice who did not believe in legislating from the bench and he is a person whom I held in the highest regard and will always greatly respect his intelligence and conviction to uphold the Constitution of our country. My thoughts and...
No. The Senate needs to have good reason for not confirming an appointee. I saw today that Scalia was confirmed 98-0.

The idea that republican members of the Senate are right to deny a SC nominee based only on political grounds is bunk. It isn't business as usual.
SO your against the games that were played on Bush and his appointee's by the dem majority?
Does that mean that we can save some money on the salaries of the entire senate since (especially Rubio) this "illustrious" chamber has NO intention of doing any work for this entire year?

I can assure you that Marco Rubio will be there to help block any leftist pile of crap your messiah tries to stack the Court with.
There is nothing that says a SCOTUS judge can't be appointed during an election year. Republicans simply don't want to see the court with a Democratic majority.

Yeah, especially when the SCOTUS is suppose to be non-partisan. If it is going to be partisan they then should become elected.
"supposed to be nonpartisan" IE: Strict Constitutionally Constructed..

Personally I don't know any left wing people who acknowledge that kind of thinking.. they all think that trampling on others rights is ok for some reason..

they are not stupid, they just know so much that isn't so. (thank RR)
Ironically, Scalia was a staunch constitutionalist.....and if he were true to his ideology....he would very much approve of president Obama's nominating someone.
"Should Obama nominate a justice or not?"

Of course he should, and the Senate should confirm that nominee, in accordance with the Constitution and the will of the American people.

Hussein is about to experience the will of the American people....nothing he tries is going to succeed again...his time is thankfully O.V.E.R.
ATTENTION!! BREAKING NEWS!! The White House Press Corps has revealed that President Obama is expected to have some remarks concerning the passing of Justice Scalia just as soon as he completes three more rounds of golf.
Hussein is about to experience the will of the American people....nothing he tries is going to succeed again...his time is thankfully O.V.E.R.

Aren't you a bit late for some cross burning event on a neighbor's yard?
"Should Obama nominate a justice or not?"

Of course he should, and the Senate should confirm that nominee, in accordance with the Constitution and the will of the American people.

Hussein is about to experience the will of the American people....nothing he tries is going to succeed again...his time is thankfully O.V.E.R.

it is the rightwing crackers that time has ended in America

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