Should Obama nominate a justice or not?

I always print and use to line the bottom of my parakeet's cage.

I always print and use your posts for my kittens to piss and shit on!
This might be Obama's chance to finally thwart Hillary Clinton's nominating her to the Supreme Court. :lol:
She's paid her dues, it's her time!

If Trump can be president, why not?


I always print and use to line the bottom of my parakeet's cage.

I always print and use your posts for my kittens to piss and shit on!

You know that is animal abuse, dont ya? making those poor kittens look at that kind of thing might cause mental retardation.. OR at least a major loss of brain cells..

I always print and use to line the bottom of my parakeet's cage.

Good call. :D
There is nothing that says a SCOTUS judge can't be appointed during an election year. Republicans simply don't want to see the court with a Democratic majority.

Yeah, especially when the SCOTUS is suppose to be non-partisan. If it is going to be partisan they then should become elected.
"supposed to be nonpartisan" IE: Strict Constitutionally Constructed..

Personally I don't know any left wing people who acknowledge that kind of thinking.. they all think that trampling on others rights is ok for some reason..
What you personally know or don't know is thankfully irrelevant; you obviously don't know anything about liberals.

And there is no such thing as 'strict constitutionally constructed,' it's a ridiculous fiction contrived by the partisan right hostile to settled, accepted Constitutional jurisprudence – jurisprudence that conflicts with subjective, errant, wrongheaded conservative dogma.

There is only the Constitution and its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court, authorized by the doctrine of judicial review and Articles III and VI of the Constitution - case law that liberals support, defend, and apply consistently in accordance with the rule of law.

Indeed, it's conservatives who, for the most part, trample on the rights of others, in violation of the Constitution – conservatives who seek to deny women their right to privacy, gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law, and minorities their right to vote.

Given the hostility most on the right have with regard to the protected liberties of others, it's imperative that the president nominate Scalia's replacement, and the Senate confirm that nominee.
I'm not saying that at all.

Well, let me ask I another way:

1. Was Obama re-elected for 3 or 4 years of his second term?

2. Is it the president constitutionally bound to nominate someone to a SC vacancy?

Why should the president give a shit what he is constitutionally bound to do? He never has been before. :badgrin:
Just a reminder the Cloture rules requiring 60 votes to end debate in the Senate still applies for SCOTUS nominees. Yes Harry Reid dropped the nuke for executive appointments but exempted SCOTUS nominees. If 40 GOPers stand strong the nightmare of Obama getting to replace Scalia shall not pass.
With 28 contested seats that the GOP needs to defend this year, a do-nothing senate on Obama's nominee would pretty much ensure that the chamber turns a vivid blue.
If 40 GOPers stand strong the nightmare of Obama getting to replace Scalia shall not pass.

I certainly hope so.......BTW how many of those 40 are ALSO up for re-election on a platform of doing nothing?

Just say they do lose the Senate, they can't do shit UNTIL a new president is inaugurated, and a NEW Congress goes into session!
Just say they do lose the Senate, they can't do shit UNTIL a new president is inaugurated, and a NEW Congress goes into session!

Which could lead to your WORST nightmare.....a Dem in the oval office and a Dem. led senate.

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