Should OJ Simpson be paroled?

should Simpson be given parole

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lets be clear, there's no shadow of a doubt in my mind that he's a murder. Having said I don't think it's right that he be punished by our justice system for that when he was already cleared in court of the muders. As much as he deserves to be in prision the rest of his life I don't want the integrity of the system compromised. I vote yes.

The system failed. We all know that.

He should die in prison.
lets be clear, there's no shadow of a doubt in my mind that he's a murder. Having said I don't think it's right that he be punished by our justice system for that when he was already cleared in court of the muders. As much as he deserves to be in prision the rest of his life I don't want the integrity of the system compromised. I vote yes.
He's a murder.....Oh murderer, yeah, where's your proof?
Not an iota of doubt in my mind that he killed Nicole and Ron, but a brain-dead jury let him walk, and nothing can be done about that, unfortunately.

He was convicted of other crimes and sentenced to, I think, 9 to thirty-something years, meaning earliest parole possible after 9 or anytime thereafter up until the end of the sentence. From what I've read, his parole eligibility will be based on how he's acted while incarcerated regarding the various prison rules he, like all others, is supposed to abide by, and all reports are that he's been a model prisoner with zero rules infractions so thus likely assured of being paroled at this time.

I don't like it but the rules are the rules and this sentence has nothing to do with the fact that he was lucky as hell to walk from his double murder trial. Them's the breaks.
Brain-dead jury?? They followed the law which instructed them to acquit him if there was doubt based on the evidence presented; and there was.
Not an iota of doubt in my mind that he killed Nicole and Ron, but a brain-dead jury let him walk, and nothing can be done about that, unfortunately.

He was convicted of other crimes and sentenced to, I think, 9 to thirty-something years, meaning earliest parole possible after 9 or anytime thereafter up until the end of the sentence. From what I've read, his parole eligibility will be based on how he's acted while incarcerated regarding the various prison rules he, like all others, is supposed to abide by, and all reports are that he's been a model prisoner with zero rules infractions so thus likely assured of being paroled at this time.

I don't like it but the rules are the rules and this sentence has nothing to do with the fact that he was lucky as hell to walk from his double murder trial. Them's the breaks.
Brain-dead jury?? They followed the law which instructed them to acquit him if there was doubt based on the evidence presented; and there was.
If you say so. I'll stick with brain dead though.
Not an iota of doubt in my mind that he killed Nicole and Ron, but a brain-dead jury let him walk, and nothing can be done about that, unfortunately.

He was convicted of other crimes and sentenced to, I think, 9 to thirty-something years, meaning earliest parole possible after 9 or anytime thereafter up until the end of the sentence. From what I've read, his parole eligibility will be based on how he's acted while incarcerated regarding the various prison rules he, like all others, is supposed to abide by, and all reports are that he's been a model prisoner with zero rules infractions so thus likely assured of being paroled at this time.

I don't like it but the rules are the rules and this sentence has nothing to do with the fact that he was lucky as hell to walk from his double murder trial. Them's the breaks.
I also think he killed those folks, but I think the jury reached the right verdict. When the lead detective ona case pleads to fifth when asked if he planted evidence, that pretty much insures reasonable doubt
OJ never should have been jailed for so long in the first place. That was a draconian sentence that was clearly intended to "get it right this time."

I do not think OJ murdered Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman. I think the case against him implodes when you examine it logically and objectively. I would recommend two books: Donald Freed and Raymond Briggs' book Killing Time: The First Full Investigation into the Unsolved Murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman and investigative journalist Joseph Bosco's book A Problem of Evidence: How the Prosecution Freed O.J. Simpson.

Every single piece of the supposed "mountain of evidence" against OJ is open to serious doubt about its validity, especially the blood evidence.

Perhaps one day the Brown family will agree to authorize the release of their original GTE phone records for the night of the murders, June 12, 1994, to settle once and for all the crucial issue of when Juditha Brown last spoke with Nicole on the phone that night. Mrs. Brown repeatedly insisted to the coroner and then to attorneys that she called Nicole at "shortly before 11:00." The coroner documented this in the autopsy report, and Mrs. Brown repeated her account in a TV interview shortly after the murders. Lou Brown originally said he thought his wife called Nicole at "closer to 10:00"--between 10:00 and 10:30.

Of course, even if Juditha called Nicole at 10:00 on the dot, that absolutely would rule out OJ as the killer. It would also explain why so many witnesses originally put the time of their observations at around 11:00, and why the first cop to enter Nicole's house saw a cup of ice cream that was still partially frozen.

But, much later, the Browns changed their story, as did so many witnesses (not all, but many). Months later, the Browns decided that Juditha called Nicole at 9:40 and that, therefore, they had left the Mezzaluna restaurant at least 15 minutes earlier than they had originally stated.

However, in order to Mrs. Brown to call Nicole at 9:40, the Browns would have had to make the 70-mile drive to their house in just 66 minutes, a drive that included 14 traffic lights, two 90-degree turns, and a security gate at their subdivision that had to be buzzed open. Moreover, we know from California state traffic records that traffic on their route was very heavy between 8:00 and 9:00 that night, and that for 8 of the 70 miles, traffic was moving at an average speed of only about 29 mph. So it is very unlikely that the Browns could have been home in time for Juditha to call Nicole at 9:40. A call time of at least 10:00 is far more plausible.

This matter could be settled if the Browns would agree to authorize the release of the original GTE phone records--not xerox copies, but the original--for the night of the murders. When OJ tried to get those phone records released in 2000, the Browns refused to authorize their release; the LADA's office opposed their release; and a federal judge refused to order their release.
If he dies in prison, then there is justice for him, and Nicole and Goldman.

You really should read the other side of the story. The case against OJ is not only doubtful but downright absurd. The myth that OJ is not only guilty but obviously guilty is the modern version of The Emperor's New Clothes tale: it falls apart when you analyze at it in a rational, logical manner.

Evidence that O.J. Simpson Is Innocent
Evidence of Innocence

Where Did "All that Blood" Come From? Problems with the Blood Evidence Against O.J. Simpson
Whence Came "All that Blood"?

Joseph Bosco and 10 Myths About the O.J. Simpson Case

The O.J. Simpson Case: O.J. Is Innocent
The O.J. Simpson Case
OJ Simpson should cut his own head off with a dull butter knife. Then the Dept of Corrections should use his head to start their own prison soccer league.
If he dies in prison, then there is justice for him, and Nicole and Goldman.

You really should read the other side of the story. The case against OJ is not only doubtful but downright absurd. The myth that OJ is not only guilty but obviously guilty is the modern version of The Emperor's New Clothes tale: it falls apart when you analyze at it in a rational, logical manner.

Evidence that O.J. Simpson Is Innocent
Evidence of Innocence

Where Did "All that Blood" Come From? Problems with the Blood Evidence Against O.J. Simpson
Whence Came "All that Blood"?

Joseph Bosco and 10 Myths About the O.J. Simpson Case

The O.J. Simpson Case: O.J. Is Innocent
The O.J. Simpson Case

So, why the long car chase? He was a man on the run with a gun to his head immediately following the slaughter. He just didn't have the testicular fortitude to pull the trigger.
lets be clear, there's no shadow of a doubt in my mind that he's a murder. Having said I don't think it's right that he be punished by our justice system for that when he was already cleared in court of the muders. As much as he deserves to be in prision the rest of his life I don't want the integrity of the system compromised. I vote yes.

OJ justly deserves life in prison where he can rot.
You can't blame this all on OJ, a white woman marrying a black man is premeditated suicide. Have you ever known a black who hasn't tried to rape and murder a white woman? I didn't think so!
Yes, let OJ out of jail.

Then make him trump's personal valet for as long as it takes...for him to..get his life back on track. Lol...

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