Should only taxpayers be allowed to vote?

Should only taxpayers be allowed to vote?

When Socrates and his friends were talking of voters, they were talking of land owners. In today’s terms, that means, ---- taxpayer. The core of democracy.

There are two types of citizens. The taxpayer and the taxtaker.

Once the taxpayer hands over his wealth, he loses control of where it is spent.

This is counter to the taxpayer’s wishes.

Why do taxpayers allow this situation and defer their right to spend their wealth to others?

If taxtakers had done a good job with that wealth, I do not think any would complain. That is not the case.

Should those who pay the way of our society be the ones who decide where our wealth is spent?

Since the right to do so is tied to our vote, should only taxpayers be allowed to vote on spending issues?


Surely someone has pointed out that "tax payers" is damn everyone. If you buy something, you're a tax payer.

If you mean only those who pay income taxes, OMG, there is so much wrong with that, I don't know where to start.

But, surely others have pointed out that, in spite of the election rigging on the part of the right, this is still the US and you don't have be rich in order to get a vote. But, if the GObP gets their way, our votes won't be counted next time.
Who said anything about being rich to have a vote?
So is it your assertion that only rich people pay income taxes?
With that statement( have to be RICH in order to get a vote) you contradict the current liberal narrative of the wealthy not paying their so called fair share.
So which is it?
And no, paying sales taxes on purchasers is NOT the definition of a "taxpayer"...That term is reserved for those who pay income, real or personal property taxes.
Watch this....Here it comes.
Luddy's gonna blow a head gasket.
Sean Hannitty is not an objective true-to-America source. It is a good propaganda source for an isolated minority on the reactionary far right.

You claim you are conservative.....yet it's obvious you're not. Anyone who goes against the liberal agenda, you rail against....doesn't that seem strange to you???? Hannity IS a true conservative. I don't particulary care for him, but he IS conservative. What the hell are you???? You claim you are conservative, yet you push the liberal agenda. What the hell is wrong with that picture???? I are full of shit...from the tip of your head to the tip of your toes. You are like the Colin claim to be part of a particular party, but then you do nothing but try to tear that party down claiming that they are a bunch of assholes. Just do everyone a favor and switch sides......we ALL know which side you are really on. For God's sake, man, just make the move!!! LMAO!!!

jake is a card carrying liberal. Period

Any right of center American would look liberal to reactionaries on the far spectrum like thereisspoon and gwennie. No one cares what weirdos think. They certainly don't think their beliefs mean anything, if they have brains in their heads.
Should only taxpayers be allowed to vote?

When Socrates and his friends were talking of voters, they were talking of land owners. In today’s terms, that means, ---- taxpayer. The core of democracy.

There are two types of citizens. The taxpayer and the taxtaker.

Once the taxpayer hands over his wealth, he loses control of where it is spent.

This is counter to the taxpayer’s wishes.

Why do taxpayers allow this situation and defer their right to spend their wealth to others?

If taxtakers had done a good job with that wealth, I do not think any would complain. That is not the case.

Should those who pay the way of our society be the ones who decide where our wealth is spent?

Since the right to do so is tied to our vote, should only taxpayers be allowed to vote on spending issues?


Surely someone has pointed out that "tax payers" is damn everyone. If you buy something, you're a tax payer.

If you mean only those who pay income taxes, OMG, there is so much wrong with that, I don't know where to start.

But, surely others have pointed out that, in spite of the election rigging on the part of the right, this is still the US and you don't have be rich in order to get a vote. But, if the GObP gets their way, our votes won't be counted next time.
Who said anything about being rich to have a vote?
So is it your assertion that only rich people pay income taxes?
With that statement( have to be RICH in order to get a vote) you contradict the current liberal narrative of the wealthy not paying their so called fair share.
So which is it?
And no, paying sales taxes on purchasers is NOT the definition of a "taxpayer"...That term is reserved for those who pay income, real or personal property taxes.
Watch this....Here it comes.
Luddy's gonna blow a head gasket.
Taxes are taxes, period. there is NOTHING special about income taxes verses social security taxes or sales taxes or corporate taxes or fuel taxes.....ALL TAXES pay the bills, and all people pay taxes in one form or another in this country...AND if citizens, deserve the right to representation...."No taxation without representation" wasn't about an ''income'' tax....

And all who are citizens in this nation have the right to vote, without any hindrance FROM any taxation to have that right, because that would be in essence a "poll Tax"....any tax that is mandatory to pay in order to be able to go to the Poll and a poll tax...and requiring that a person has to contribute to an income tax in order to be eligible to vote, would be breaking the constitution,
signed sealed and delivered in our constitution's amendments...the 24th amendment...and parts of the 14th I believe....

End of Story.

Unless of course you would have the votes to Amend the Constitution, 2/3's in the House and 2/3's in the Senate and 2/3'rds of the States supporting it....saying YEA, for an amendment to pass....
I'm not against people who pay taxes voting, but I don't think those that pay income taxes should be allowed to vote.
You claim you are conservative.....yet it's obvious you're not. Anyone who goes against the liberal agenda, you rail against....doesn't that seem strange to you???? Hannity IS a true conservative. I don't particulary care for him, but he IS conservative. What the hell are you???? You claim you are conservative, yet you push the liberal agenda. What the hell is wrong with that picture???? I are full of shit...from the tip of your head to the tip of your toes. You are like the Colin claim to be part of a particular party, but then you do nothing but try to tear that party down claiming that they are a bunch of assholes. Just do everyone a favor and switch sides......we ALL know which side you are really on. For God's sake, man, just make the move!!! LMAO!!!

jake is a card carrying liberal. Period

Any right of center American would look liberal to reactionaries on the far spectrum like thereisspoon and gwennie. No one cares what weirdos think. They certainly don't think their beliefs mean anything, if they have brains in their heads.

If you do not care what I think, then why do you insist on replying to my every post?
I believe I can answer this for you.
You are a liberal. And liberals cannot stand not having the last word. Nor can liberal tolerate even the appearance of someone beside themselves correct.
You do not have the facts on your side. You do not have credibility in your favor. Therefore your only remaining choice of response is limited to insult impugn and silence.
Surely someone has pointed out that "tax payers" is damn everyone. If you buy something, you're a tax payer.

If you mean only those who pay income taxes, OMG, there is so much wrong with that, I don't know where to start.

But, surely others have pointed out that, in spite of the election rigging on the part of the right, this is still the US and you don't have be rich in order to get a vote. But, if the GObP gets their way, our votes won't be counted next time.
Who said anything about being rich to have a vote?
So is it your assertion that only rich people pay income taxes?
With that statement( have to be RICH in order to get a vote) you contradict the current liberal narrative of the wealthy not paying their so called fair share.
So which is it?
And no, paying sales taxes on purchasers is NOT the definition of a "taxpayer"...That term is reserved for those who pay income, real or personal property taxes.
Watch this....Here it comes.
Luddy's gonna blow a head gasket.
Taxes are taxes, period. there is NOTHING special about income taxes verses social security taxes or sales taxes or corporate taxes or fuel taxes.....ALL TAXES pay the bills, and all people pay taxes in one form or another in this country...AND if citizens, deserve the right to representation...."No taxation without representation" wasn't about an ''income'' tax....

And all who are citizens in this nation have the right to vote, without any hindrance FROM any taxation to have that right, because that would be in essence a "poll Tax"....any tax that is mandatory to pay in order to be able to go to the Poll and a poll tax...and requiring that a person has to contribute to an income tax in order to be eligible to vote, would be breaking the constitution,
signed sealed and delivered in our constitution's amendments...the 24th amendment...and parts of the 14th I believe....

End of Story.

Unless of course you would have the votes to Amend the Constitution, 2/3's in the House and 2/3's in the Senate and 2/3'rds of the States supporting it....saying YEA, for an amendment to pass....

Ok...Back to knitting for you.
This is no place for ye of limited intelligence.
jake is a card carrying liberal. Period

Any right of center American would look liberal to reactionaries on the far spectrum like thereisspoon and gwennie. No one cares what weirdos think. They certainly don't think their beliefs mean anything, if they have brains in their heads.

If you do not care what I think, then why do you insist on replying to my every post?
I believe I can answer this for you.
You are a liberal. And liberals cannot stand not having the last word. Nor can liberal tolerate even the appearance of someone beside themselves correct.
You do not have the facts on your side. You do not have credibility in your favor. Therefore your only remaining choice of response is limited to insult impugn and silence.

Because you think you mean something when in fact you are all bluff and bluster. You are not a conservative, a mere wack reactionary who can't stand being to look as little as you truly are. The facts betray your limited thinking. You have no credibility at all. So you try to insult and fall flat on your face.

The sooner you mucks are out of the party the better for the GOP and all of us true Republicans. You RINOs are tearing the party apart and that is going to stop.
And all who are citizens in this nation have the right to vote, without any hindrance FROM any taxation to have that right, because that would be in essence a "poll Tax".....

The purpose of suffrage is to elect an official or representative. That's is it.

In our Constitutional Republic the people have 100% of the rights , so the people do not vote to acquire rights.

Unfortunately, however, the US became a "democracy" in the early 1900's .

So now the FASCISTS AND PARASITIC FACTIONS use voting as a tool to - acquire additional "rights " which consist of depriving producers of their wealth and other Constitutional rights.

Taxpayers must now work until July to pay for the welfare/warfare state.

And if a retard murders 26 people, then my right to defend my life using an AK47 and a High Capacity Magazine is suddenly threatened.

So I fully understand why "voting" , when you guys constitute over 51% of the electorate, is important .

Any right of center American would look liberal to reactionaries on the far spectrum like thereisspoon and gwennie. No one cares what weirdos think. They certainly don't think their beliefs mean anything, if they have brains in their heads.

If you do not care what I think, then why do you insist on replying to my every post?
I believe I can answer this for you.
You are a liberal. And liberals cannot stand not having the last word. Nor can liberal tolerate even the appearance of someone beside themselves correct.
You do not have the facts on your side. You do not have credibility in your favor. Therefore your only remaining choice of response is limited to insult impugn and silence.

Because you think you mean something when in fact you are all bluff and bluster. You are not a conservative, a mere wack reactionary who can't stand being to look as little as you truly are. The facts betray your limited thinking. You have no credibility at all. So you try to insult and fall flat on your face.

The sooner you mucks are out of the party the better for the GOP and all of us true Republicans. You RINOs are tearing the party apart and that is going to stop.
You know shit about me pal.
BTW, nice try. You had fun repeating back what I posted to you.
"can't stand being to look as little as you truly are."....HUH?...In English please..
Oh no. I do not try to insult...If I insult you, you'll God Damned know it.
Let me know if you want to be insulted. You're easy.
Let me know if you want to be insulted. You're easy.

I've come to the conclusion that's all Starkey wants - or, more to the point, to derail threads by channeling them into personal tit-for-tat sessions rather than on-topic discussion. Let's not indulge him, eh?
Everyone pays taxes, even people who can't vote.

Your point?

His point is that the theme of the thread, that only "taxpayers" be allowed to vote is ludicrous since everyone pays some form of taxes even people who are not US Citizens.

Non US Citizens pay taxes, but should not be allowed to vote. See how stupid the premise is?
Everyone pays taxes, even people who can't vote.

Your point?

His point is that the theme of the thread, that only "taxpayers" be allowed to vote is ludicrous since everyone pays some form of taxes even people who are not US Citizens.

Non US Citizens pay taxes, but should not be allowed to vote. See how stupid the premise is?

WHile I agree as stated in my first post in this thread that we have the right to vote regardless of our status as taxpayer( or not), I have reservations with the perception by some as to what is the definition of "taxpayer"..
For example, I do not consider a person who goes out and buys a candy bar a "taxpayer"..
My definition would be a person who either or both owns real property. Owns taxable personal property( vehicles, water craft, RV, Aircraft) and pays income taxes.
Those who pay one or more of the above taxes, are what most consider taxpayers. These are the people who have a stake in the game, if you will.
As opposed to someone who rents his home and has no ties to the community, has low enough wages so that his income tax burden is zero, does not own any of the above mentioned taxable personal property, etc.
Aside from the voting issue which is set in virtual stone, my premise is that those who benefit from the system should be required to pay towards the system.
In other words ALL should have skin in the game. That no one be permitted to experience a zero income tax burden.
I will not field "but, what about" questions..Bottom line, if one wants to be served by the system, they must bear some responsibility for funding the system.
If you do not care what I think, then why do you insist on replying to my every post?
I believe I can answer this for you.
You are a liberal. And liberals cannot stand not having the last word. Nor can liberal tolerate even the appearance of someone beside themselves correct.
You do not have the facts on your side. You do not have credibility in your favor. Therefore your only remaining choice of response is limited to insult impugn and silence.

Because you think you mean something when in fact you are all bluff and bluster. You are not a conservative, a mere wack reactionary who can't stand being to look as little as you truly are. The facts betray your limited thinking. You have no credibility at all. So you try to insult and fall flat on your face.

The sooner you mucks are out of the party the better for the GOP and all of us true Republicans. You RINOs are tearing the party apart and that is going to stop.
You know shit about me pal.
BTW, nice try. You had fun repeating back what I posted to you.
"can't stand being to look as little as you truly are."....HUH?...In English please..
Oh no. I do not try to insult...If I insult you, you'll God Damned know it.
Let me know if you want to be insulted. You're easy.

You try to talk as if you know me, which you don't, but your personality is easily discerned by the wackiness and silliness of your posting. You are a simple little punk of whom no one worries. You are simply unable to insult anyone. :lol:
Your point?

His point is that the theme of the thread, that only "taxpayers" be allowed to vote is ludicrous since everyone pays some form of taxes even people who are not US Citizens.

Non US Citizens pay taxes, but should not be allowed to vote. See how stupid the premise is?

WHile I agree as stated in my first post in this thread that we have the right to vote regardless of our status as taxpayer( or not), I have reservations with the perception by some as to what is the definition of "taxpayer"..
For example, I do not consider a person who goes out and buys a candy bar a "taxpayer"..
My definition would be a person who either or both owns real property. Owns taxable personal property( vehicles, water craft, RV, Aircraft) and pays income taxes.
Those who pay one or more of the above taxes, are what most consider taxpayers. These are the people who have a stake in the game, if you will.
As opposed to someone who rents his home and has no ties to the community, has low enough wages so that his income tax burden is zero, does not own any of the above mentioned taxable personal property, etc.
Aside from the voting issue which is set in virtual stone, my premise is that those who benefit from the system should be required to pay towards the system.
In other words ALL should have skin in the game. That no one be permitted to experience a zero income tax burden.
I will not field "but, what about" questions..Bottom line, if one wants to be served by the system, they must bear some responsibility for funding the system.

Then yes, all citizens should be allowed to vote.

Regressing to a 19th century concept of democracy is a bad way to run a country, especially one that claims to be exceptional and a beacon of freedom.
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