Should only taxpayers be allowed to vote?

Voting is a fundamental right, period. Try having better ideas instead of taking away fundamental rights.

Strange then that religions would deny women that right just because they are women. He will rule over you was used to deny women the vote for hundreds of years.

You might remember what the sufferance movement had to say about Religions. Nothing good.

Voting is a fundamental right, period. Try having better ideas instead of taking away fundamental rights.

Strange then that religions would deny women that right just because they are women. He will rule over you was used to deny women the vote for hundreds of years.

You might remember what the sufferance movement had to say about Religions. Nothing good.


Religion has what to do with the subject or my statement?

As long as we define taxpayers as anyone who pays at least $1 into the system. There are tons of people who file tax returns who not only DO NOT pay into the system, they extract taxpayer funds without making one dime of contribution.

+ 1


If they take money out of your paycheck - you've contributed. You may get 100% of that money back, but the government got to hold and use your money without paying you any interest.
So are you "conservatives" who endorse this idea also supporting an increase in taxes as well in order to get more people eligible to vote?

I am liberal and do not believe in passing on my debts to my children so yes, I would suffer a tax increase to pay down the debt regardless of the numbers of voters.

Strange that some see this O P as right wing while I see it as promoting stopping the abuse of the taxpayer and returning to him his power to decide what to spend his money on. To some extent.

Problem is that with our current tax code, it's difficult to tell who is actually paying taxes and who isn't. And which taxes are we talking about? Income taxes? State taxes?

I've always said that if "No taxation without representation" is true, that "No representation without taxation" would likewise be true. Mainly because the two are intimately connected.

However, the solution to remedy that is not denying people the right to vote, but rather requiring everyone to pay taxes.

Impossible as we will always have some in our welfare safety net. I do not mind this but just do not think they should be powerful enough to vote their raises.

Stay at home moms claimed as dependents on their husband's taxes would lose their right to vote.

Conservative family values.

Not in any legislation I would vote for.
They contribute more to society than long term welfare recipients.

Most men I know recognize that most women are worth two men.
And I come from a mining town.

We force people to take and pass an exam to paint toe nails or cut hair, yet we allow any dumbass who can make it to 18 without getting a felony conviction to vote. Prior to being issued a voter ID card a peson should have to pass exams in Civics, 20th century World History, Reading Comprehension and American History. If you cannot score at least a 75% on all these exams, you're too stupid to be trusted to pick the leader of the free world, as we have just seen twice in the past 5yrs.
Problem is that with our current tax code, it's difficult to tell who is actually paying taxes and who isn't. And which taxes are we talking about? Income taxes? State taxes?

I've always said that if "No taxation without representation" is true, that "No representation without taxation" would likewise be true. Mainly because the two are intimately connected.

However, the solution to remedy that is not denying people the right to vote, but rather requiring everyone to pay taxes.

Impossible as we will always have some in our welfare safety net. I do not mind this but just do not think they should be powerful enough to vote their raises.


But unlimited and anonymous buckets of cash from corporations are just dandy. Let's let them keep buying legislators, but stop some "welfare queen" from exercising their right to vote. Sounds perfect.
We force people to take and pass an exam to paint toe nails or cut hair, yet we allow any dumbass who can make it to 18 without getting a felony conviction to vote. Prior to being issued a voter ID card a peson should have to pass exams in Civics, 20th century World History, Reading Comprehension and American History. If you cannot score at least a 75% on all these exams, you're too stupid to be trusted to pick the leader of the free world, as we have just seen twice in the past 5yrs.

There was a time in my life when I believed that only those who served in a branch of the military should be allowed to vote. I have, since maturing, come to realize that our system of governing, and our founding Fathers would (quite literally) spin in their graves. This was NOT the intention of a free ballot system.

Every CITIZEN should have the ability to cast a vote for the candidate of their choice. Unfortunately, from it's inception forward, politicians have used the vote as a means of corrupting the very system that they claim to be working for. Remember the old saying "Vote early and vote often" and voter rolls in Chicago that had thousands of "eligible" dead people voting,year after year.

Now, these same corrupt politicians, and the people that support them, work daily to "destroy from within" our most sacred of rights in America by allowing unfettered and unchecked access to polling places with no requirement (in many states) for proof of residency or even citizenship.

THAT is the sad part of it.....
Because you think you mean something when in fact you are all bluff and bluster. You are not a conservative, a mere wack reactionary who can't stand being to look as little as you truly are. The facts betray your limited thinking. You have no credibility at all. So you try to insult and fall flat on your face.

The sooner you mucks are out of the party the better for the GOP and all of us true Republicans. You RINOs are tearing the party apart and that is going to stop.
You know shit about me pal.
BTW, nice try. You had fun repeating back what I posted to you.
"can't stand being to look as little as you truly are."....HUH?...In English please..
Oh no. I do not try to insult...If I insult you, you'll God Damned know it.
Let me know if you want to be insulted. You're easy.

You try to talk as if you know me, which you don't, but your personality is easily discerned by the wackiness and silliness of your posting. You are a simple little punk of whom no one worries. You are simply unable to insult anyone. :lol:

No, I don't. I simply read your posts and reply accordingly.
You side with the libs. You post lib.

And you are a ass sucking lib who calls them self a moderate. You are a rudderless ship. A spineless waste or organic matter.
You have no core values. You seek to be with the popular people.
Test tube baby.
Oh and to further aggravate the piss out of you, you are now on ignore.
I am sick of your chain pulling bullshit. You believe in nothing. You come on here to cause trouble. You are nothing.
Problem is that with our current tax code, it's difficult to tell who is actually paying taxes and who isn't. And which taxes are we talking about? Income taxes? State taxes?

I've always said that if "No taxation without representation" is true, that "No representation without taxation" would likewise be true. Mainly because the two are intimately connected.

However, the solution to remedy that is not denying people the right to vote, but rather requiring everyone to pay taxes.

Impossible as we will always have some in our welfare safety net. I do not mind this but just do not think they should be powerful enough to vote their raises.


But unlimited and anonymous buckets of cash from corporations are just dandy. Let's let them keep buying legislators, but stop some "welfare queen" from exercising their right to vote. Sounds perfect.
The days of money flowing through the Capitol are over. All political pressure now comes from media attention. A member of Congress can have their career ruined by a single scribe with an ax to grind.
Here's the other issue. Lobby money ( what little there is)costs the taxpayer nothing. Welfare Queens are far more expensive.
And BTW, The POTUS collected over ONE BILLION dollars in campaign contributions. Most of that came from.......large corporate donors. Including the banking industry, high tech, the energy industry and of course EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL Wall Street.
Everyone is guilty. The problem is Washington knows there are gigantic problems with social entitlements, buit few are willing to do anything about it. The dems need the votes and the republicans are trying to not have the media label them as "mean spirited".

Don't complain about out of control lobbying of Congress if you are not willing to do anything about it.
the government doesn't ONLY make us pay or not pay 'taxes'....they can take our rights away, they can send our sons and daughters to war, they can decide on amnesty for illegals...they can draft us, they can make alcohol illegal again, they can legalize heroin if they felt like it.... they can take our guns....not everything is all about ''your precious money''.....that's soooo ignorant!!!!

what our government does affects every living soul on USA ground, with or without spending any money.

EVERY CITIZEN should always have the right to vote unless imprisoned.
Should only taxpayers be allowed to vote?

When Socrates and his friends were talking of voters, they were talking of land owners. In today’s terms, that means, ---- taxpayer. The core of democracy.

There are two types of citizens. The taxpayer and the taxtaker.

Once the taxpayer hands over his wealth, he loses control of where it is spent.

This is counter to the taxpayer’s wishes.

Why do taxpayers allow this situation and defer their right to spend their wealth to others?

If taxtakers had done a good job with that wealth, I do not think any would complain. That is not the case.

Should those who pay the way of our society be the ones who decide where our wealth is spent?

Since the right to do so is tied to our vote, should only taxpayers be allowed to vote on spending issues?


I'm more apt to agree with Robert Heinlien, (sp), only veterans should be allowed to vote.
What do you think about that, oh great one?
the government doesn't ONLY make us pay or not pay 'taxes'....they can take our rights away, they can send our sons and daughters to war, they can decide on amnesty for illegals...they can draft us, they can make alcohol illegal again, they can legalize heroin if they felt like it.... they can take our guns....not everything is all about ''your precious money''.....that's soooo ignorant!!!!

what our government does affects every living soul on USA ground, with or without spending any money.

EVERY CITIZEN should always have the right to vote unless imprisoned.

Love your Avatar... Xena. Used to watch it all the time.

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