Should only taxpayers be allowed to vote?

A terrible idea:
A disable veteran who has given everything for his country shouldn't have a voice in selecting it's leaders? An elderly person who has worked all their life and paid taxes is now to be denied the right to vote? A mother with 4 kids who has been abandoned by her husband is to have no voice in how her country is run because she doesn't make enough a money.

Your veteran and elderly would be judged on a long term basis as would all citizens. They would retain a vote.

Your abandoned wife is able to chase her husband for support and would likely vote.

An unwed mother living on the dole with her kids would not make the grade.

why? what's your purpose of taking her vote away? What will it do that makes you so happy? why would you even think about discriminating against her....? Honestly, why??? you want to punish her? She's broken no laws? you hate her??? why??? you are jealous? why???
Define tax payer. When someone in China orders a book from Amazon, they pay US taxes. Do we want all 1.4 billion Chinese voting for Dick Durban?
the government doesn't ONLY make us pay or not pay 'taxes'....they can take our rights away, they can send our sons and daughters to war, they can decide on amnesty for illegals...they can draft us, they can make alcohol illegal again, they can legalize heroin if they felt like it.... they can take our guns....not everything is all about ''your precious money''.....that's soooo ignorant!!!!

what our government does affects every living soul on USA ground, with or without spending any money.

EVERY CITIZEN should always have the right to vote unless imprisoned.

"your precious money"...Ahh yes. The old class envy crowd.
Hey jungle bitch, it is MY PRECIOUS MONEY....I FUCKING EARNED IT..
The last thing i want is government taking what I earn and doing what it does best. That is to throw it down a rat hole.
You go ahead and "care 4 all"...You do it with YOUR money.
A terrible idea:
A disable veteran who has given everything for his country shouldn't have a voice in selecting it's leaders? An elderly person who has worked all their life and paid taxes is now to be denied the right to vote? A mother with 4 kids who has been abandoned by her husband is to have no voice in how her country is run because she doesn't make enough a money.

Your veteran and elderly would be judged on a long term basis as would all citizens. They would retain a vote.

Your abandoned wife is able to chase her husband for support and would likely vote.

An unwed mother living on the dole with her kids would not make the grade.

why? what's your purpose of taking her vote away? What will it do that makes you so happy? why would you even think about discriminating against her....? Honestly, why??? you want to punish her? She's broken no laws? you hate her??? why??? you are jealous? why???

You are asking for the impossible.
"why"... Was beaten out of them, when they were toddlers.
A terrible idea:
A disable veteran who has given everything for his country shouldn't have a voice in selecting it's leaders? An elderly person who has worked all their life and paid taxes is now to be denied the right to vote? A mother with 4 kids who has been abandoned by her husband is to have no voice in how her country is run because she doesn't make enough a money.

Your veteran and elderly would be judged on a long term basis as would all citizens. They would retain a vote.

Your abandoned wife is able to chase her husband for support and would likely vote.

An unwed mother living on the dole with her kids would not make the grade.

why? what's your purpose of taking her vote away? What will it do that makes you so happy? why would you even think about discriminating against her....? Honestly, why??? you want to punish her? She's broken no laws? you hate her??? why??? you are jealous? why???
"HAppy"? What it is with you libs and "happy"?. Who told you that you were supposed to be happy?
Let's see, why would we rather not see a person have the right to voter her or himself favorable goodies courtesy of state and federal government when that person has ZERO responsibility in funding those goodies...Is this a trick question?
It has nothing to do with personal feelings or emotion. It's business and logic. There is no "hate"..There is not even "dislike". This is about protecting assets from those whose perception of compassion starts with other people's money.
Few of us would mind paying taxes if government was required to be good stewards of our money. It isn't.
Look, if your heart bleeds for the welfare mothers who have 6 kids with 6 different men and who have chosen to make babies instead of a living, YOU write a check to pay them their dowry. Don't demand I do it as well.
Your veteran and elderly would be judged on a long term basis as would all citizens. They would retain a vote.

Your abandoned wife is able to chase her husband for support and would likely vote.

An unwed mother living on the dole with her kids would not make the grade.

why? what's your purpose of taking her vote away? What will it do that makes you so happy? why would you even think about discriminating against her....? Honestly, why??? you want to punish her? She's broken no laws? you hate her??? why??? you are jealous? why???
"HAppy"? What it is with you libs and "happy"?. Who told you that you were supposed to be happy?
Let's see, why would we rather not see a person have the right to voter her or himself favorable goodies courtesy of state and federal government when that person has ZERO responsibility in funding those goodies...Is this a trick question?
It has nothing to do with personal feelings or emotion. It's business and logic. There is no "hate"..There is not even "dislike". This is about protecting assets from those whose perception of compassion starts with other people's money.
Few of us would mind paying taxes if government was required to be good stewards of our money. It isn't.
Look, if your heart bleeds for the welfare mothers who have 6 kids with 6 different men and who have chosen to make babies instead of a living, YOU write a check to pay them their dowry. Don't demand I do it as well.

I'm not going to mention 2 unfunded wars. Not going to mention hundreds of useless deployment /outposts. Not going to mention the largest defense budget in the history of the world. Not going to mention the lowest tax rates, for the wealthy, in many decades.

And you're worried about a mother, playing not only the system, but decency as well.

If the government made a law to allow having only 2 children, you would probably would scream from here to heaven. And maybe... Rightfully so. But if the birth rates geometrically keep soaring... Its exactly where we are going.
One last thing, my friend... There is a very small chance that the mother you mentioned, and the fathers that bore the 6 children... Don't vote anyway.
Should only taxpayers be allowed to vote?

When Socrates and his friends were talking of voters, they were talking of land owners. In today’s terms, that means, ---- taxpayer. The core of democracy.

There are two types of citizens. The taxpayer and the taxtaker.

Once the taxpayer hands over his wealth, he loses control of where it is spent.

This is counter to the taxpayer’s wishes.

Why do taxpayers allow this situation and defer their right to spend their wealth to others?

If taxtakers had done a good job with that wealth, I do not think any would complain. That is not the case.

Should those who pay the way of our society be the ones who decide where our wealth is spent?

Since the right to do so is tied to our vote, should only taxpayers be allowed to vote on spending issues?

Socrates you are not. Everyone pays taxes. Land taxes, income taxes, gasoline taxes, food taxes, ..... get it yet?

And property taxes do not amount for huge enough maybe I agree...

tax the shit out of property.

btw, Socrates times..they had slaves to do the grunt work while people like Socrates could sit around, pay a small tax and philosophize :rofl:

True. They earned their keep.
Today we let our slaves/lowest classes do nothing and pay them anyway.

Which society was brighter? Not us.

you got problems with the Constitution???

These extensions state that voting rights cannot be denied or abridged based on the following:

  • (For federal elections) "By reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax" - (24th Amendment, 1964)

I think you can't make people pay any tax as a requirement to vote...

Your constitution, like ours in Canada, can be amended whenever the political will exists.

you got problems with the Constitution???

These extensions state that voting rights cannot be denied or abridged based on the following:

  • (For federal elections) "By reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax" - (24th Amendment, 1964)

I think you can't make people pay any tax as a requirement to vote...

Your constitution, like ours in Canada, can be amended whenever the political will exists.


And it say that you can't make people pay a tax as a requirement to vote.
A terrible idea:
A disable veteran who has given everything for his country shouldn't have a voice in selecting it's leaders? An elderly person who has worked all their life and paid taxes is now to be denied the right to vote? A mother with 4 kids who has been abandoned by her husband is to have no voice in how her country is run because she doesn't make enough a money.

Your veteran and elderly would be judged on a long term basis as would all citizens. They would retain a vote.

Your abandoned wife is able to chase her husband for support and would likely vote.

An unwed mother living on the dole with her kids would not make the grade.

why? what's your purpose of taking her vote away? What will it do that makes you so happy? why would you even think about discriminating against her....? Honestly, why??? you want to punish her? She's broken no laws? you hate her??? why??? you are jealous? why???

If you are elected to political office, you represent everyone in your district. Rich/Poor, old/young, religious/non-religious

Your decisions affect everyone and you should be accountable to everyone
Should only taxpayers be allowed to vote?

When Socrates and his friends were talking of voters, they were talking of land owners. In today’s terms, that means, ---- taxpayer. The core of democracy.

There are two types of citizens. The taxpayer and the taxtaker.

Once the taxpayer hands over his wealth, he loses control of where it is spent.

This is counter to the taxpayer’s wishes.

Why do taxpayers allow this situation and defer their right to spend their wealth to others?

If taxtakers had done a good job with that wealth, I do not think any would complain. That is not the case.

Should those who pay the way of our society be the ones who decide where our wealth is spent?

Since the right to do so is tied to our vote, should only taxpayers be allowed to vote on spending issues?



She is right. The U S has what could be called a pole tax.

A bright candidate will find a way to capitalize off this broken system.

Even someone who lives in a box under an overpass deserves a vote

Elected officials are representing him too

No taxation without representation says that if one wants representation, ---- then he must pay a tax.

It is saying, pay me and I will represent you. Do not pay and I will not.

Should only taxpayers be allowed to vote?

When Socrates and his friends were talking of voters, they were talking of land owners. In today’s terms, that means, ---- taxpayer. The core of democracy.

There are two types of citizens. The taxpayer and the taxtaker. ...
May 13, 2010
RUSH: Conservatives remember that "we, the people" are the government. ... We do not divide people by groups. We do not see groups.


Every law is permission and indeed compulsion for citizens to discriminate against a certain sub-group of our demography. This means that the governments definitely sees many divisions.

As it should. We are not equal.

Even someone who lives in a box under an overpass deserves a vote

Elected officials are representing him too

No taxation without representation says that if one wants representation, ---- then he must pay a tax.

It is saying, pay me and I will represent you. Do not pay and I will not.


Logic is not your friend
If a wealthy industrialist is trying to win a lucrative government contract, should he be allowed to vote?

He has a lot more at stake than someone on welfare

Read the letter. It will open your eyes.

I did so.

It does not speak of taking from the rich voter and just giving to the poor one ( redistribution of wealth), but does speak of the poor earning their way. Land to them was a job and jobs are what all countries are always trying to produce.

I have no problem with our welfare states. I just think that the poor should do something to pull themselves out of that position and that the state should have the programs to do just that. Having multi-generations on the dole is not healthy for individuals or the country.

I would say only taxfilers can. Meaning, if you file a tax return, whether you pay $0 or $1M, you must file and the information must be crossed checked (e.g. Soc, address, etc.) with what you have on your voter registration. This would reduce the number of dead people voting. Will be fun to watch how this would disenfranchise voters.

Welfare recipients file returns but the income on them comes out of the taxpayer's pocket.

It is free money.


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