Should our Constitution's 2nd Amendment be amended ... ?

There's no such thing as a "private dealer".
A 'dealer' by definition is selling guns as a business in order to make a profit.
Read the law!
The gun show loophole is a fucking myth.
MILLER: The gun-show loophole myth - Washington Times

As I previously mentioned. My friend that took me to the show is a liberal and strong gun supporter that totally disagree with you. I told him before we went to the show that I do not believe this loophole. He proved me wrong but I proved it to myself that loophole does exist. So how can I deny that?
I asked one private dealer....if I buy any gun with cash....Do I need to fill up paper works and background check? His answer was NO.
You only believe this because you are ignorant of the law and the definition of "loophole".
As this has been explained to you numerous times, this ignorance can only be considered willful.
Explained to me a couple of times. Like what from gun nuts? Do you expect me to believe what you gun nuts are telling me?
Only mindless bigots weigh arguments based on who makes them; fact of the matter is you choose to be wrong.
Tell me where did I go wrong? For not listening to your asshole comments?
Listening to democratic presidential debate even Sanders mentioned "close the loophole at gun shows"....exact words. Maybe it's time for you to update your ignorance.
The "Gun Show Loophole" is superstition.

Just because the superstitious sincerely believe that their mythological beasts are real, and are willing to discuss them as real things, it does not follow that their superstitions are valid.

Superstitious? LOL.
You only believe this because you are ignorant of the law and the definition of "loophole".
As this has been explained to you numerous times, this ignorance can only be considered willful.
Explained to me a couple of times. Like what from gun nuts? Do you expect me to believe what you gun nuts are telling me?
Only mindless bigots weigh arguments based on who makes them; fact of the matter is you choose to be wrong.
Tell me where did I go wrong? For not listening to your asshole comments?
Listening to democratic presidential debate even Sanders mentioned "close the loophole at gun shows"....exact words. Maybe it's time for you to update your ignorance.
The "Gun Show Loophole" is superstition.

Just because the superstitious sincerely believe that their mythological beasts are real, and are willing to discuss them as real things, it does not follow that their superstitions are valid.

Superstitious? LOL.
MILLER: The gun-show loophole myth

Beware of anyone who want to modify the Constitution in an attempt to take away or restrict protected Rights.
Amend it?


Remove the line about 'well regulated militia', unnecessary since the creation of the National Guard.

and has nothing to do with the Right of the People to keep and bear arms
since the creation of the National Guard.

it is the right of the people to keep and bear arms
The NG is 100% owned and operated and controlled by government officials.
The NG has ZERO resemblance to a "well regulated militia". When someone like Bonobo decides to remove all the guns in private hands it will be the NG that gets sent to do the job.
The NG is 100% owned and operated and controlled by government officials.
The NG has ZERO resemblance to a "well regulated militia". When someone like Bonobo decides to remove all the guns in private hands it will be the NG that gets sent to do the job.

The NG has ZERO resemblance to a "well regulated militia".


What do you consider the main differences between a 'well regulated militia' and the NG?
The NG is 100% owned and operated and controlled by government officials.
The NG has ZERO resemblance to a "well regulated militia". When someone like Bonobo decides to remove all the guns in private hands it will be the NG that gets sent to do the job.

The NG has ZERO resemblance to a "well regulated militia".


What do you consider the main differences between a 'well regulated militia' and the NG?
I am quite aware of the 'legal' definition of a 'militia' visa vi the NG.
I don't think the original intent was to have a militia owned and operated by State and Federal governments.
Quite the opposite IMO.
The second amendment was passed to help protect the population from governments who are acting like dictators. Just like the one being run from the White house currently.
The only reason the current federal government is unable to completely turn the US into a Socialist country is b/c 'Bonobo' understands the population would rise up and stop him...............using their guns if need be.
Private sellers are exempt--by law--from the requirement to perform background checks in most states. They still are in compliance with those laws though--they are still obeying those laws.

I think in some states like New York even private sales have to have back ground checks, and the federal laws have no prevention for state laws to go further in the 'gun control' agenda than the feds care to.
Yes. The 2nd amendment needs a tweaking, but should not be completely thrown overboard. "St #10

Thanks St.
Precisely what wording would you substitute, for the current Article Two?

You really should use the quote function in order to keep stuff from getting mixed up.

The original idea for the 2nd Amendment was to make sure that the fledgling Republic could muster together an army as quickly as possible, were the British to come back, and come back they did. For this reason, the inclusion of "well regulated militia" in the text of the amendment. It's also based on British Common Law of the day, which also allowed for gun ownership, but again, at the behest of the then royal army and navy.

I am not opposed to gun ownership. In fact, I have owned a gun in the past. But uniform security and background checks, including psych tests, should be mandatory.

I had a gun stolen from my LOCKED vehicle. What form of background check and psych test would you propose be done on the thief?

And apparently the gun grabbing fascists think that you should be held liable for any crimes committed with that gun and the dealer that sold you the gun also. This is judging from their applause for the recent Milwaukee decision.
Yes. The 2nd amendment needs a tweaking, but should not be completely thrown overboard. "St #10

Thanks St.
Precisely what wording would you substitute, for the current Article Two?

You really should use the quote function in order to keep stuff from getting mixed up.

The original idea for the 2nd Amendment was to make sure that the fledgling Republic could muster together an army as quickly as possible, were the British to come back, and come back they did. For this reason, the inclusion of "well regulated militia" in the text of the amendment. It's also based on British Common Law of the day, which also allowed for gun ownership, but again, at the behest of the then royal army and navy.

I am not opposed to gun ownership. In fact, I have owned a gun in the past. But uniform security and background checks, including psych tests, should be mandatory.

I had a gun stolen from my LOCKED vehicle. What form of background check and psych test would you propose be done on the thief?

And apparently the gun grabbing fascists think that you should be held liable for any crimes committed with that gun and the dealer that sold you the gun also. This is judging from their applause for the recent Milwaukee decision.

While saying nothing about the one that actually stole the gun.

I'm waiting for a response saying I should have done more to secure the gun.
Should our Constitution's 2nd Amendment be amended to promote gun control?

Moderation Note:
Quote Removed because it's from another Message Board. Check the rules.

Automobiles may kill more humans than guns kill in the U.S.
But we already regulate them. To operate them on public roadways:
- the driver must be licensed
- the vehicle must meet legal standards
- obeying motor-vehicle & traffic laws is required
- cars are being built safer and "better" all the time. Most of a century ago, there were cars on the road with 2 wheel brakes. Today there are cars on our public roadways with:
4 wheel power disc brakes
anti-lock brakes
air bags (front & side)
crumple-zone crash-energy absorption design
collapsible steering column
and much, much more.

So since their proliferation, cars have gotten safer, and better.
In vivid contrast, since the U.S. Founding, guns have gotten vastly more lethal.

Should the United States Constitution's Second Amendment which acknowledges the People's "right to keep and bear arms" be amended to compensate for this divergent technological trend? Safer cars, and ever more deadly guns?

While saying nothing about the one that actually stole the gun.

I'm waiting for a response saying I should have done more to secure the gun.
This is another artifact of the Democrats using a materialistic deterministic view of human behavior. That was a disproven theory long ago, but Dems still go by it. It is the tool maker that is responsible for the bad things and not the person doing the crime when it comes to guns as far as they are concerned.
Yes. The 2nd amendment needs a tweaking, but should not be completely thrown overboard. "St #10

Thanks St.
Precisely what wording would you substitute, for the current Article Two?

You really should use the quote function in order to keep stuff from getting mixed up.

The original idea for the 2nd Amendment was to make sure that the fledgling Republic could muster together an army as quickly as possible, were the British to come back, and come back they did. For this reason, the inclusion of "well regulated militia" in the text of the amendment. It's also based on British Common Law of the day, which also allowed for gun ownership, but again, at the behest of the then royal army and navy.

I am not opposed to gun ownership. In fact, I have owned a gun in the past. But uniform security and background checks, including psych tests, should be mandatory.

The same tests should be used to determine who can vote, then. And, why should EVERYONE have freedom of speech when some are so crazy?
Last Saturday 10/10/15 I flew to Jacksonville, Tx to attend my godson wedding. Father of the bride (liberal) is a gun supporters like some of these people here with massive gun collections. It happened that there is a gun show nearby. Gun show was never in my itinerary but it's an invitation that I cannot turn down. Sunday 10/11/15 we attended a gun show in Palestine, Tx about 25 miles from Jacksonville. Inside it did take us long to find 2 private gun dealers.
I asked one private dealer....if I buy any gun with cash....Do I need to fill up paper works and background check? His answer was NO.
LOOPHOLES AT GUN SHOW EXIST. It's not a fiction it's the reality. Gun supporters can deny however or whatever but I proved it to myself it does exist. I stand there for a while observing these 2 private dealers. Shockingly and disgustingly they are getting lots of visits and sales.
Gun Show Oct. 9, 10, 11. Civic Center 1819 West Spring St. Palestine, Tx

Ah, so it was a private dealer...that's not a loophole about gun shows, it is a function of a private citizen selling HIS property to someone else. It could have just as easily been done in the guy's living room. Or, are you proposing to take away the right of a private citizen to exercise his private property rights?
The original idea for the 2nd Amendment was to make sure that the fledgling Republic could muster together an army as quickly as possible, were the British to come back, and come back they did. For this reason, the inclusion of "well regulated militia" in the text of the amendment. It's also based on British Common Law of the day, which also allowed for gun ownership, but again, at the behest of the then royal army and navy.

A 'well regulated militia' is a phrase that was used in contrast to the 'unorganized militia'. The unorganized militia was held to have the right to arm themselves by natural law, and this was a key factor in the success of the Parliamentary forces against the king in the English Civil War. Parliamentary controlled areas had a huge unorganized and armed militia to draw from while the royal areas had not so much. The mention of the 'well organized and regulated militia' is simply one of the desired results of the 2A and not the whole entirety of its purpose, not at all.

Guns were a necessity for life back then, and I think still are today since the government has case law that absolves them from blatant failures in protecting the public during periods of violence or even peaceful times.

Since people have the right to self defence, that must also include any weapons that criminals might use against them.

I am not opposed to gun ownership. In fact, I have owned a gun in the past. But uniform security and background checks, including psych tests, should be mandatory.

Basic rights can be regulated, sure, but you go way too far. A clean background check should be enough. Psych test are not accurate enough to deprive innocent people of their gun rights.
Private sellers are exempt--by law--from the requirement to perform background checks in most states. They still are in compliance with those laws though--they are still obeying those laws.

I think in some states like New York even private sales have to have back ground checks,...
In New York, private sellers are exempt from performing background checks only if the transfer is conducted between immediate family members.

... and the federal laws have no prevention for state laws to go further in the 'gun control' agenda than the feds care to.
I don't know about that. I think there may be federal recourse, but it's just not enforced.
I asked one private dealer....if I buy any gun with cash....Do I need to fill up paper works and background check? His answer was NO.
You only believe this because you are ignorant of the law and the definition of "loophole".
As this has been explained to you numerous times, this ignorance can only be considered willful.
Explained to me a couple of times. Like what from gun nuts? Do you expect me to believe what you gun nuts are telling me?
Only mindless bigots weigh arguments based on who makes them; fact of the matter is you choose to be wrong.
Tell me where did I go wrong? For not listening to your asshole comments?
You refuse to understand facts given to you because of the people that present said facts
That makes you a mindless bigot;

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