Should our laws allow authorities to charge this woman?

We're talking about the law.

I thought you people were all about being a nation of laws?

North Carolina favors victims of crime with some pretty lenient castle doctrine laws and such

which is a law in a nation of laws
Sure. A castle doctrine states that you do not have a duty to retreat in the face of harm or property. She was in the right to protect property when she gave initial chase. Who wouldn't?

When she could not catch she then had a duty to call the authorities. Castle doctrine does not mean you can go down the street, around the corner, into the neighborhood bar and shoot the guy/girl.

The moment she chose to get in her care, she made a concious choice not to recover her property, but to do harm to the perp. She was no longer in fear of bodily harm and therefore had no right to escalate the conflict.
Citizen's Arrest!
A private person may stop and detain another person when the private person has probable cause to believe that the other person has committed in his presence a (1) felony, (2) a breach of the peace, (3) a crime involving physical injury to another person, or (4) a crime involving theft or destruction of property.
By using deadly force? I'd like to see that code.

was it deadly
The use of the vehicle constitutes an attack with a deadly weapon.

Look. You people asked how we would rule. This is how I would rule. I'm not interested in the semantic word games. Wait for the trail and lets see what happens.
Revenge isn't legal. She seems to be outraged that he broke the law but she wants no consequences when she broke the law.

She attempted to kill him and I would guess she'll get 3-5 years in prison minimum or more. It's the same if she had a gun in her purse and chased the guy down and shot him in the back. Angry revenge is not legal. If he attacks her and she pulls out a gun and kills him, self defense and case closed. If she pulls out the gun and he immediately runs and she chases him and shoots him in the back, attempted murder and if he dies 2nd degree murder.

People get this weird idea that if they are wronged and angry about it they have cart blanche to then do whatever they like.

Don't like the law, change it.
ASHEVILLE, N.C. -- When Christine Braswell found a man breaking into her SUV in a Walmart parking lot in North Carolina, she chased him. When the 26-year-old couldn't catch him, she jumped behind the wheel -- and what happened next is scary and disturbing to watch.

Editor's note: Video contains graphic content.

"She slammed on her brakes, crammed it in reverse, and ran over the median there in between and hit him in the back. I mean she, just he was running and she just flat hit him," said witness Janice Kelley.

Witnesses told WLOS the man who was hit was allegedly going through Braswell's belongings in her red-orange Ford Explorer.

"When I walked out of Walmart, he had her purse and was pulling all of her stuff out then me and my friend told him to put it down and what are you doing. She stopped and he ran off and then she came up behind him and hit him with her car," said witness Blake Bennett.

Asheville police told WLOS the man escaped with minor injuries. Police are charging Robert Raines with breaking and entering, larceny, and damage to property.

Braswell is facing an assault with a deadly weapon charge.

Pregnant woman runs over suspected purse thief in Walmart parking lot

Yes, it contains a video of the guy getting run over.

Now that Republicans have the power, perhaps it's time they write more laws for victims of crime. Much like they did with Concealed Carry laws in various states, law abiding citizens should have more rights than criminals.

This pregnant woman took off after a guy that robbed her of her purse. IMO, she had every right to stop him no matter how. Now she's being charged with assault with a deadly weapon.

If you were on a jury, how would you vote on this case, guilty or not guilty?

There was no imminent threat, she should have let to police handle it.

He would have gotten away.....but may have visited her late that night, raped her then slit her throat to shut her up.
We're talking about the law.

I thought you people were all about being a nation of laws?

North Carolina favors victims of crime with some pretty lenient castle doctrine laws and such

which is a law in a nation of laws
Sure. A castle doctrine states that you do not have a duty to retreat in the face of harm or property. She was in the right to protect property when she gave initial chase. Who wouldn't?

When she could not catch she then had a duty to call the authorities. Castle doctrine does not mean you can go down the street, around the corner, into the neighborhood bar and shoot the guy/girl.

The moment she chose to get in her care, she made a concious choice not to recover her property, but to do harm to the perp. She was no longer in fear of bodily harm and therefore had no right to escalate the conflict.
Citizen's Arrest!
A private person may stop and detain another person when the private person has probable cause to believe that the other person has committed in his presence a (1) felony, (2) a breach of the peace, (3) a crime involving physical injury to another person, or (4) a crime involving theft or destruction of property.
By using deadly force? I'd like to see that code.
Have someone show you how to click on a link.
Please. Have someone teach you how to think.
posed no immediate threat,

of course he did

he posed a threat to her income

and perhaps credit

plus other things

she stopped it
We're talking about the law.

I thought you people were all about being a nation of laws?

North Carolina favors victims of crime with some pretty lenient castle doctrine laws and such

which is a law in a nation of laws
Sure. A castle doctrine states that you do not have a duty to retreat in the face of harm or property. She was in the right to protect property when she gave initial chase. Who wouldn't?

When she could not catch she then had a duty to call the authorities. Castle doctrine does not mean you can go down the street, around the corner, into the neighborhood bar and shoot the guy/girl.

The moment she chose to get in her care, she made a concious choice not to recover her property, but to do harm to the perp. She was no longer in fear of bodily harm and therefore had no right to escalate the conflict.

When she could not catch she then had a duty to call the authorities. Castle doctrine does not mean you can go down the street, around the corner, into the neighborhood bar and shoot the guy/girl.

she didnt do that now did she
In fact, when she abandoned the foot chase and opted for the car, she metaphorically did exactly that.

that is correct she had the right to use reasonable force to stop the fleeing felon

it will be up to the courts to determine if it was excessive
ASHEVILLE, N.C. -- When Christine Braswell found a man breaking into her SUV in a Walmart parking lot in North Carolina, she chased him. When the 26-year-old couldn't catch him, she jumped behind the wheel -- and what happened next is scary and disturbing to watch.

Editor's note: Video contains graphic content.

"She slammed on her brakes, crammed it in reverse, and ran over the median there in between and hit him in the back. I mean she, just he was running and she just flat hit him," said witness Janice Kelley.

Witnesses told WLOS the man who was hit was allegedly going through Braswell's belongings in her red-orange Ford Explorer.

"When I walked out of Walmart, he had her purse and was pulling all of her stuff out then me and my friend told him to put it down and what are you doing. She stopped and he ran off and then she came up behind him and hit him with her car," said witness Blake Bennett.

Asheville police told WLOS the man escaped with minor injuries. Police are charging Robert Raines with breaking and entering, larceny, and damage to property.

Braswell is facing an assault with a deadly weapon charge.

Pregnant woman runs over suspected purse thief in Walmart parking lot

Yes, it contains a video of the guy getting run over.

Now that Republicans have the power, perhaps it's time they write more laws for victims of crime. Much like they did with Concealed Carry laws in various states, law abiding citizens should have more rights than criminals.

This pregnant woman took off after a guy that robbed her of her purse. IMO, she had every right to stop him no matter how. Now she's being charged with assault with a deadly weapon.

If you were on a jury, how would you vote on this case, guilty or not guilty?

This is a tough one. She is going to be hormonal due to the pregnancy so that is a mitigating factor, also you can see where she hits the brakes just before impact so she wasn't trying to kill him. I would find her guilty of whatever lesser included charge they will have, but not ADW.
The use of the vehicle constitutes an attack with a deadly weapon....

Yeah, I know, I know. Next we'll see the Democrats move to ban cars since it's a deadly weapon and we have over 30,000 deaths per year.
He was running away, posed no immediate threat, guilty. Of course that is dependent on the pertinent laws of the state...

Seriously, does what he did warrant death? Because she could have easily killed the little shit stain. He definitely deserves a serious beat down, but not with the front bumper of an SUV...

posed no immediate threat,

of course he did

he posed a threat to her income

and perhaps credit

plus other things

she stopped it

For all we know (and all that the piece of subhuman filth who robbed her knew), she may have even has some serious medical condition, for which she required medicine or equipment that was in her stolen purse, and without which her life might have been in danger.
ASHEVILLE, N.C. -- When Christine Braswell found a man breaking into her SUV in a Walmart parking lot in North Carolina, she chased him. When the 26-year-old couldn't catch him, she jumped behind the wheel -- and what happened next is scary and disturbing to watch.

Editor's note: Video contains graphic content.

"She slammed on her brakes, crammed it in reverse, and ran over the median there in between and hit him in the back. I mean she, just he was running and she just flat hit him," said witness Janice Kelley.

Witnesses told WLOS the man who was hit was allegedly going through Braswell's belongings in her red-orange Ford Explorer.

"When I walked out of Walmart, he had her purse and was pulling all of her stuff out then me and my friend told him to put it down and what are you doing. She stopped and he ran off and then she came up behind him and hit him with her car," said witness Blake Bennett.

Asheville police told WLOS the man escaped with minor injuries. Police are charging Robert Raines with breaking and entering, larceny, and damage to property.

Braswell is facing an assault with a deadly weapon charge.

Pregnant woman runs over suspected purse thief in Walmart parking lot

Yes, it contains a video of the guy getting run over.

Now that Republicans have the power, perhaps it's time they write more laws for victims of crime. Much like they did with Concealed Carry laws in various states, law abiding citizens should have more rights than criminals.

This pregnant woman took off after a guy that robbed her of her purse. IMO, she had every right to stop him no matter how. Now she's being charged with assault with a deadly weapon.

If you were on a jury, how would you vote on this case, guilty or not guilty?

This is a tough one. She is going to be hormonal due to the pregnancy so that is a mitigating factor, also you can see where she hits the brakes just before impact so she wasn't trying to kill him. I would find her guilty of whatever lesser included charge they will have, but not ADW.
"excessive use of force" in making a citizen's arrest dropped down to probation since she was pregnant and not exactly able to run him down on foot and tackle him?
You can't use deadly force to protect property . Only people .

Wrong answer, in TX you can shoot someone in the back, at night, if they are running away with your property. I don't think you can run them down with a truck though. From what I saw he didn't have any of her property and it was daylight.

ASHEVILLE, N.C. -- When Christine Braswell found a man breaking into her SUV in a Walmart parking lot in North Carolina, she chased him. When the 26-year-old couldn't catch him, she jumped behind the wheel -- and what happened next is scary and disturbing to watch.

Editor's note: Video contains graphic content.

"She slammed on her brakes, crammed it in reverse, and ran over the median there in between and hit him in the back. I mean she, just he was running and she just flat hit him," said witness Janice Kelley.

Witnesses told WLOS the man who was hit was allegedly going through Braswell's belongings in her red-orange Ford Explorer.

"When I walked out of Walmart, he had her purse and was pulling all of her stuff out then me and my friend told him to put it down and what are you doing. She stopped and he ran off and then she came up behind him and hit him with her car," said witness Blake Bennett.

Asheville police told WLOS the man escaped with minor injuries. Police are charging Robert Raines with breaking and entering, larceny, and damage to property.

Braswell is facing an assault with a deadly weapon charge.

Pregnant woman runs over suspected purse thief in Walmart parking lot

Yes, it contains a video of the guy getting run over.

Now that Republicans have the power, perhaps it's time they write more laws for victims of crime. Much like they did with Concealed Carry laws in various states, law abiding citizens should have more rights than criminals.

This pregnant woman took off after a guy that robbed her of her purse. IMO, she had every right to stop him no matter how. Now she's being charged with assault with a deadly weapon.

If you were on a jury, how would you vote on this case, guilty or not guilty?

This is a tough one. She is going to be hormonal due to the pregnancy so that is a mitigating factor, also you can see where she hits the brakes just before impact so she wasn't trying to kill him. I would find her guilty of whatever lesser included charge they will have, but not ADW.
"excessive use of force" in making a citizen's arrest dropped down to probation since she was pregnant and not exactly able to run him down on foot and tackle him?

Maybe. On the other hand, if the DA continues with his over charging and doesn't include a lessor charge, I would find her not guilty.
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You can't use deadly force to protect property . Only people .

Wrong answer, in TX you can shoot someone in the back, at night, if they are running away with your property. I don't think you can run them down with a truck though. From what I saw he didn't have any of her property and it was daylight.


Yes, but she didn't know what property of hers he might still have. Exigent circumstances would cover her decision on that matter IMO.
ASHEVILLE, N.C. -- When Christine Braswell found a man breaking into her SUV in a Walmart parking lot in North Carolina, she chased him. When the 26-year-old couldn't catch him, she jumped behind the wheel -- and what happened next is scary and disturbing to watch.

Editor's note: Video contains graphic content.

"She slammed on her brakes, crammed it in reverse, and ran over the median there in between and hit him in the back. I mean she, just he was running and she just flat hit him," said witness Janice Kelley.

Witnesses told WLOS the man who was hit was allegedly going through Braswell's belongings in her red-orange Ford Explorer.

"When I walked out of Walmart, he had her purse and was pulling all of her stuff out then me and my friend told him to put it down and what are you doing. She stopped and he ran off and then she came up behind him and hit him with her car," said witness Blake Bennett.

Asheville police told WLOS the man escaped with minor injuries. Police are charging Robert Raines with breaking and entering, larceny, and damage to property.

Braswell is facing an assault with a deadly weapon charge.

Pregnant woman runs over suspected purse thief in Walmart parking lot

Yes, it contains a video of the guy getting run over.

Now that Republicans have the power, perhaps it's time they write more laws for victims of crime. Much like they did with Concealed Carry laws in various states, law abiding citizens should have more rights than criminals.

This pregnant woman took off after a guy that robbed her of her purse. IMO, she had every right to stop him no matter how. Now she's being charged with assault with a deadly weapon.

If you were on a jury, how would you vote on this case, guilty or not guilty?

Two words. Jury nullification.
ASHEVILLE, N.C. -- When Christine Braswell found a man breaking into her SUV in a Walmart parking lot in North Carolina, she chased him. When the 26-year-old couldn't catch him, she jumped behind the wheel -- and what happened next is scary and disturbing to watch.

Editor's note: Video contains graphic content.

"She slammed on her brakes, crammed it in reverse, and ran over the median there in between and hit him in the back. I mean she, just he was running and she just flat hit him," said witness Janice Kelley.

Witnesses told WLOS the man who was hit was allegedly going through Braswell's belongings in her red-orange Ford Explorer.

"When I walked out of Walmart, he had her purse and was pulling all of her stuff out then me and my friend told him to put it down and what are you doing. She stopped and he ran off and then she came up behind him and hit him with her car," said witness Blake Bennett.

Asheville police told WLOS the man escaped with minor injuries. Police are charging Robert Raines with breaking and entering, larceny, and damage to property.

Braswell is facing an assault with a deadly weapon charge.

Pregnant woman runs over suspected purse thief in Walmart parking lot

Yes, it contains a video of the guy getting run over.

Now that Republicans have the power, perhaps it's time they write more laws for victims of crime. Much like they did with Concealed Carry laws in various states, law abiding citizens should have more rights than criminals.

This pregnant woman took off after a guy that robbed her of her purse. IMO, she had every right to stop him no matter how. Now she's being charged with assault with a deadly weapon.

If you were on a jury, how would you vote on this case, guilty or not guilty?

This is a tough one. She is going to be hormonal due to the pregnancy so that is a mitigating factor, also you can see where she hits the brakes just before impact so she wasn't trying to kill him. I would find her guilty of whatever lesser included charge they will have, but not ADW.
"excessive use of force" in making a citizen's arrest dropped down to probation since she was pregnant and not exactly able to run him down on foot and tackle him?

Maybe. On the other hand, if the DA continues with his over charging and doesn't include a lessor charge, I would her not guilty.
It's just the charge. A few RW lawyers and a shitload of Soccer Moms will make a great chorus outside the courthouse.
Look. We all hate thieves . But really, leathal [sic] force ?

Say your stupid kid steals a neighbors garden nome [sic] as a prank . The neighbor should be allowed to shoot him dead?

The thief chooses to be a thief. He chooses to take what isn't his, imposing some unknowable degree of hardship on his victim.

The victim did not choose to bear that hardship.

It is the thief who created the circumstances under which the victim has to choose to endure that unjust hardship, or else take drastic action against the thief. It is the thief who created this conflict, therefore, it is the thief who completely and solely deserved to suffer whatever adverse consequences may follow, no matter how severe.

I say good for this woman. She not only stopped herself from being robbed, but she may have helped prevent future robberies committed by this same piece of subhuman filth. She deserves a reward, not legal troubles.
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ASHEVILLE, N.C. -- When Christine Braswell found a man breaking into her SUV in a Walmart parking lot in North Carolina, she chased him. When the 26-year-old couldn't catch him, she jumped behind the wheel -- and what happened next is scary and disturbing to watch.

Editor's note: Video contains graphic content.

"She slammed on her brakes, crammed it in reverse, and ran over the median there in between and hit him in the back. I mean she, just he was running and she just flat hit him," said witness Janice Kelley.

Witnesses told WLOS the man who was hit was allegedly going through Braswell's belongings in her red-orange Ford Explorer.

"When I walked out of Walmart, he had her purse and was pulling all of her stuff out then me and my friend told him to put it down and what are you doing. She stopped and he ran off and then she came up behind him and hit him with her car," said witness Blake Bennett.

Asheville police told WLOS the man escaped with minor injuries. Police are charging Robert Raines with breaking and entering, larceny, and damage to property.

Braswell is facing an assault with a deadly weapon charge.

Pregnant woman runs over suspected purse thief in Walmart parking lot

Yes, it contains a video of the guy getting run over.

Now that Republicans have the power, perhaps it's time they write more laws for victims of crime. Much like they did with Concealed Carry laws in various states, law abiding citizens should have more rights than criminals.

This pregnant woman took off after a guy that robbed her of her purse. IMO, she had every right to stop him no matter how. Now she's being charged with assault with a deadly weapon.

If you were on a jury, how would you vote on this case, guilty or not guilty?

Common sense. Not guilty. Hope she crippled his ass up good.
North Carolina favors victims of crime with some pretty lenient castle doctrine laws and such

which is a law in a nation of laws
Sure. A castle doctrine states that you do not have a duty to retreat in the face of harm or property. She was in the right to protect property when she gave initial chase. Who wouldn't?

When she could not catch she then had a duty to call the authorities. Castle doctrine does not mean you can go down the street, around the corner, into the neighborhood bar and shoot the guy/girl.

The moment she chose to get in her care, she made a concious choice not to recover her property, but to do harm to the perp. She was no longer in fear of bodily harm and therefore had no right to escalate the conflict.
Citizen's Arrest!
A private person may stop and detain another person when the private person has probable cause to believe that the other person has committed in his presence a (1) felony, (2) a breach of the peace, (3) a crime involving physical injury to another person, or (4) a crime involving theft or destruction of property.
By using deadly force? I'd like to see that code.

was it deadly
The use of the vehicle constitutes an attack with a deadly weapon.

Look. You people asked how we would rule. This is how I would rule. I'm not interested in the semantic word games. Wait for the trail and lets see what happens.

wait a minute we hear all the time from you lefties

that a car isnt a weapon

now it is


i take that back it is off topic

North Carolina law says she has a right to detain a fleeing felon

and that she has a right to use reasonable force to do so

like i said before it will be up to the courts to decide if it was reasonable

or excessive
The moment she gave up the foot race and went for a car, she proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was no longer in fear for her safety. It then became a premeditated attack on the guy who robbed her and she did so with a deadly weapon.

A pierce of subhuman filth who doesn't want to be attacked by a victim, needs to keep his filthy paws off of other people's stuff.

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