Should people who use the term "bigot" be thrown in jail?

When I hear buzzwords like "ban", all I see is another statist. They exist on the left and right of the spectrum.
Those of use with thick skin are not offended by idiotic labels. Sticks and stones are the concern, not words.
The state's a viable weapon in ideological warfare as far as I'm concerned.

If we can use it or amend it to shut down leftists while not running afoul of the law's letter, it's fair game.

Well if you think like that then you're a bigger part of the nutcases on the left than you imagine, dumbass.
It's probably a good idea to remember that one of the definitions of the word "discrimination", is the ability to recognize and understand the difference between one thing and another.

Those who are lacking in discrimination don't understand that there are actually differences between the sexes, and they readily accept destructive ideologies like socialism or communism.

So of course I'm a bigot, as opposed to those who lacking in discrimination, who tolerate anything and everything under the sun.
"Bigot" just a buzzword used by anarchists, traitors, and rabble rousers to misinform idiots and perpetuate subversiveness against society, law, government, and our nations' institutions (e.x. it's very popular to assert and slander that all who work in the industry of law enforcement are "bigots", for example).

I'd argue that any media, radio, social media, television that uses this term, perhaps the term "racist" as is used by other Neanderthals in a simplar way should be shut down, with those idiots using said terms charged with crime, "freez peach" shouldn't give idiotic Neanderthals the right to stir up anarchy and dissention, against the better will of civilized men and women).

Federal and state law enforcement could very easily monitor those who use the term online, and confiscating their IP address as a means of profiling potential anarchists, terrorists, traitors, and whatever minority subculture they consist of, at the expense of more educated and socially valuable men and women in a civilized society.

In answer to the title no only no but hell no. Read the first amendment, dumbass.
Amend it, problem solved.

Actually we'd all be better off locking up assholes like you. Any nut house will do.
I'm actually tired of it, and think we should just amend it in order to eliminate the radical left, once they're gone then we can have something resembling a 'serious' discussion about it.

As far as originalism, per Scalia, for example, the 1st Amendment doesn't technically give one a right to use "fighting words", including on the internet, so I think we could use this to shut down left-wing media outlets, such as Colbert, Maher, John Stuart. Young Turks who intentionally use "fighting" words to drum up radical left-wing, anarchist sentiment - nothing of value would be lost, except to the anarchists, and potential terrorists or traitors who listen to that dreck to begin with.
"Bigot" just a buzzword used by anarchists, traitors, and rabble rousers to misinform idiots and perpetuate subversiveness against society, law, government, and our nations' institutions (e.x. it's very popular to assert and slander that all who work in the industry of law enforcement are "bigots", for example).

I'd argue that any media, radio, social media, television that uses this term, perhaps the term "racist" as is used by other Neanderthals in a simplar way should be shut down, with those idiots using said terms charged with crime, "freez peach" shouldn't give idiotic Neanderthals the right to stir up anarchy and dissention, against the better will of civilized men and women).

Federal and state law enforcement could very easily monitor those who use the term online, and confiscating their IP address as a means of profiling potential anarchists, terrorists, traitors, and whatever minority subculture they consist of, at the expense of more educated and socially valuable men and women in a civilized society.
Only if you also include who freely use the terms leftard and commie.
Nah, my end is really just to shut down the radical left, so I would gladly allow those terms, just not "bigot", I think they should be actively discriminated against and denied any and all rights by whatever means are legally viable and necessary, but that's just me.
Says a foreigner trying to troll.
"Bigot" just a buzzword used by anarchists, traitors, and rabble rousers to misinform idiots and perpetuate subversiveness against society, law, government, and our nations' institutions (e.x. it's very popular to assert and slander that all who work in the industry of law enforcement are "bigots", for example).

I'd argue that any media, radio, social media, television that uses this term, perhaps the term "racist" as is used by other Neanderthals in a simplar way should be shut down, with those idiots using said terms charged with crime, "freez peach" shouldn't give idiotic Neanderthals the right to stir up anarchy and dissention, against the better will of civilized men and women).

Federal and state law enforcement could very easily monitor those who use the term online, and confiscating their IP address as a means of profiling potential anarchists, terrorists, traitors, and whatever minority subculture they consist of, at the expense of more educated and socially valuable men and women in a civilized society.

Good idea. Let's lock 'em up.
Also people who call other people racists: especially them.

I like your "freez peach." :)
"Bigot" just a buzzword used by anarchists, traitors, and rabble rousers to misinform idiots and perpetuate subversiveness against society, law, government, and our nations' institutions (e.x. it's very popular to assert and slander that all who work in the industry of law enforcement are "bigots", for example).

I'd argue that any media, radio, social media, television that uses this term, perhaps the term "racist" as is used by other Neanderthals in a simplar way should be shut down, with those idiots using said terms charged with crime, "freez peach" shouldn't give idiotic Neanderthals the right to stir up anarchy and dissention, against the better will of civilized men and women).

Federal and state law enforcement could very easily monitor those who use the term online, and confiscating their IP address as a means of profiling potential anarchists, terrorists, traitors, and whatever minority subculture they consist of, at the expense of more educated and socially valuable men and women in a civilized society.
Only if you also include who freely use the terms leftard and commie.
Nah, my end is really just to shut down the radical left, so I would gladly allow those terms, just not "bigot", I think they should be actively discriminated against and denied any and all rights by whatever means are legally viable and necessary, but that's just me.
Says a foreigner trying to troll.

"Feez peach" doesn't give you the right to use fighting words to incite riots, or make credible threats of violence and terror.

Just enforce the laws on it as strictly as possible - shut down all left wing pundits, celebrities, university personal and media anytime it's remotely possible that they're using "fighting" words to drum up violence, and have the federal government charge them.

Use existing libel laws as strictly as possible to censor criticism of the POTUS and the current Administration, essentially blackball the entire left-wing propaganda machine without breaking any laws. Have local and federal police forces use lethal force against any and all anti-Trump protestors at the first sign or hint that they aren't "peacefully" assembling, and have the DEAs delay any potential charges against the police forces as long as possible. Have anyone using common terms used by the left-wing media to incite violence (e.x. bigot, fascist, Nazi, white, etc) monitored online by the FBI Interpol, and MI5 for potential terrorism charges, and lock them up at the first sign a potential arrest can be made.

Once the left-wing media is effectively run underground, and the only remains "factions" are the "center-right" (e.x. Republican, UK Conservative), and the "nationalist", or "far-right", we can have an open discourse, but the left needs to denyed any and all "rights", "freedoms", etc as much as possible, effectively reducing them to the states of "third party" with no potential electoral viability whatsoever for America's foreseeable future.

The end should justify any and all means in eliminating the modern left as far as the law allows, and as far as I'm concerned. They can cry about their mythical "rights" all they want, but when it's them up against the barrel of a SWAT or Spetznaz team's guns, it's not going to do them much good.
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"Bigot" just a buzzword used by anarchists, traitors, and rabble rousers to misinform idiots and perpetuate subversiveness against society, law, government, and our nations' institutions (e.x. it's very popular to assert and slander that all who work in the industry of law enforcement are "bigots", for example).

I'd argue that any media, radio, social media, television that uses this term, perhaps the term "racist" as is used by other Neanderthals in a simplar way should be shut down, with those idiots using said terms charged with crime, "freez peach" shouldn't give idiotic Neanderthals the right to stir up anarchy and dissention, against the better will of civilized men and women).

Federal and state law enforcement could very easily monitor those who use the term online, and confiscating their IP address as a means of profiling potential anarchists, terrorists, traitors, and whatever minority subculture they consist of, at the expense of more educated and socially valuable men and women in a civilized society.
Only if you also include who freely use the terms leftard and commie.
Nah, my end is really just to shut down the radical left, so I would gladly allow those terms, just not "bigot", I think they should be actively discriminated against and denied any and all rights by whatever means are legally viable and necessary, but that's just me.
Says a foreigner trying to troll.

"Feez peach" doesn't give you the right to use fighting words to incite riots, or make credible threats of violence and terror.

Just enforce the laws on it as strictly as possible - shut down all left wing pundits, celebrities, university personal and media anytime it's remotely possible that they're using "fighting" words to drum up violence, and have the federal government charge them.

Use existing libel laws as strictly as possible to censor criticism of the POTUS and the current Administration, essentially blackball the entire left-wing propaganda machine without breaking any laws. Have local and federal police forces use lethal force against any and all anti-Trump protestors at the first sign or hint that they aren't "peacefully" assembling, and have the DEAs delay any potential charges against the police forces as long as possible. Have anyone using common terms used by the left-wing media to incite violence (e.x. bigot, fascist, Nazi, white, etc) monitored online by the FBI Interpol, and MI5 for potential terrorism charges, and lock them up at the first sign a potential arrest can be made.

Once the left-wing media is effectively run underground, and the only remains "factions" are the "center-right" (e.x. Republican, UK Conservative), and the "nationalist", or "far-right", we can have an open discourse, but the left needs to denyed any and all "rights", "freedoms", etc as much as possible, effectively reducing them to the states of "third party" with no potential electoral viability whatsoever for America's foreseeable future.

The end should justify any and all means in eliminating the modern left as far as the law allows, and as far as I'm concerned. They can cry about their mythical "rights" all they want, but when it's them up against the barrel of a SWAT or Spetznaz team's guns, it's not going to do them much good.
You really are not very good at this. You want the right to take the bait. You aren’t Russian, even if you want some to think so. You are Euro with globalist intentions that align with the Democrats to try to convince others the Russians are trying to interfere so that if Trump comes out winning, they can once again push a false narrative. You are not good at this. I recognize you for what you are.
"Bigot" just a buzzword used by anarchists, traitors, and rabble rousers to misinform idiots and perpetuate subversiveness against society, law, government, and our nations' institutions (e.x. it's very popular to assert and slander that all who work in the industry of law enforcement are "bigots", for example).

I'd argue that any media, radio, social media, television that uses this term, perhaps the term "racist" as is used by other Neanderthals in a simplar way should be shut down, with those idiots using said terms charged with crime, "freez peach" shouldn't give idiotic Neanderthals the right to stir up anarchy and dissention, against the better will of civilized men and women).

Federal and state law enforcement could very easily monitor those who use the term online, and confiscating their IP address as a means of profiling potential anarchists, terrorists, traitors, and whatever minority subculture they consist of, at the expense of more educated and socially valuable men and women in a civilized society.

In answer to the title no only no but hell no. Read the first amendment, dumbass.
Amend it, problem solved.

Actually we'd all be better off locking up assholes like you. Any nut house will do.
I'm actually tired of it, and think we should just amend it in order to eliminate the radical left, once they're gone then we can have something resembling a 'serious' discussion about it.

As far as originalism, per Scalia, for example, the 1st Amendment doesn't technically give one a right to use "fighting words", including on the internet, so I think we could use this to shut down left-wing media outlets, such as Colbert, Maher, John Stuart. Young Turks who intentionally use "fighting" words to drum up radical left-wing, anarchist sentiment - nothing of value would be lost, except to the anarchists, and potential terrorists or traitors who listen to that dreck to begin with.

Theres an old saying that apples here. It is "throwing the baby out with the bath water."

The answer is still an emphatic NO.


"The destruction of words is a beautiful thing ... Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed, will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten."
- Syme, Nineteen Eighty-Four
Reasonably, we could just actively discriminate against leftists, for the same reason we do Nazis, pedophiles, rapists - I don't see why we couldn't discriminate against them specifically

Over speech? We could. But then we would become them.
"Bigot" just a buzzword used by anarchists, traitors, and rabble rousers to misinform idiots and perpetuate subversiveness against society, law, government, and our nations' institutions (e.x. it's very popular to assert and slander that all who work in the industry of law enforcement are "bigots", for example).

I'd argue that any media, radio, social media, television that uses this term, perhaps the term "racist" as is used by other Neanderthals in a simplar way should be shut down, with those idiots using said terms charged with crime, "freez peach" shouldn't give idiotic Neanderthals the right to stir up anarchy and dissention, against the better will of civilized men and women).

Federal and state law enforcement could very easily monitor those who use the term online, and confiscating their IP address as a means of profiling potential anarchists, terrorists, traitors, and whatever minority subculture they consist of, at the expense of more educated and socially valuable men and women in a civilized society.
Only if you also include who freely use the terms leftard and commie.
Nah, my end is really just to shut down the radical left, so I would gladly allow those terms, just not "bigot", I think they should be actively discriminated against and denied any and all rights by whatever means are legally viable and necessary, but that's just me.
Says a foreigner trying to troll.

"Feez peach" doesn't give you the right to use fighting words to incite riots, or make credible threats of violence and terror.

Just enforce the laws on it as strictly as possible - shut down all left wing pundits, celebrities, university personal and media anytime it's remotely possible that they're using "fighting" words to drum up violence, and have the federal government charge them.

Use existing libel laws as strictly as possible to censor criticism of the POTUS and the current Administration, essentially blackball the entire left-wing propaganda machine without breaking any laws. Have local and federal police forces use lethal force against any and all anti-Trump protestors at the first sign or hint that they aren't "peacefully" assembling, and have the DEAs delay any potential charges against the police forces as long as possible. Have anyone using common terms used by the left-wing media to incite violence (e.x. bigot, fascist, Nazi, white, etc) monitored online by the FBI Interpol, and MI5 for potential terrorism charges, and lock them up at the first sign a potential arrest can be made.

Once the left-wing media is effectively run underground, and the only remains "factions" are the "center-right" (e.x. Republican, UK Conservative), and the "nationalist", or "far-right", we can have an open discourse, but the left needs to denyed any and all "rights", "freedoms", etc as much as possible, effectively reducing them to the states of "third party" with no potential electoral viability whatsoever for America's foreseeable future.

The end should justify any and all means in eliminating the modern left as far as the law allows, and as far as I'm concerned. They can cry about their mythical "rights" all they want, but when it's them up against the barrel of a SWAT or Spetznaz team's guns, it's not going to do them much good.
You really are not very good at this. You want the right to take the bait. You aren’t Russian, even if you want some to think so. You are Euro with globalist intentions that align with the Democrats to try to convince others the Russians are trying to interfere so that if Trump comes out winning, they can once again push a false narrative. You are not good at this. I recognize you for what you are.
I'm more of a devil's advocate who likes to push logical boundaries than anything else, in all seriousness.

As far as "globalist" goes, most of the mass media, including Alex Jones reaches a bigger "global" audience today, especially on social media than it did for most of recent history, so I don't take that term seriously unless someone can define what that means.

If someone is "anti-globalist", they should probably refrain from mass media that reaches a national or international basis, and get more involved in their local governments, but that's just me.
Question, if certain person want a better caption, have they ever once thought about painting a better picture? Maybe if they did, what they want will finally be what it is that they get. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!

"Bigot" just a buzzword used by anarchists, traitors, and rabble rousers to misinform idiots and perpetuate subversiveness against society, law, government, and our nations' institutions (e.x. it's very popular to assert and slander that all who work in the industry of law enforcement are "bigots", for example).

I'd argue that any media, radio, social media, television that uses this term, perhaps the term "racist" as is used by other Neanderthals in a simplar way should be shut down, with those idiots using said terms charged with crime, "freez peach" shouldn't give idiotic Neanderthals the right to stir up anarchy and dissention, against the better will of civilized men and women).

Federal and state law enforcement could very easily monitor those who use the term online, and confiscating their IP address as a means of profiling potential anarchists, terrorists, traitors, and whatever minority subculture they consist of, at the expense of more educated and socially valuable men and women in a civilized society.
I remember old school people like Stardancer or her doppelgangers. She fell on her sword and extinguished herself, the other liberals on this board can do us the same favor.

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