Should people without kids pay more in Taxes?

But those providing that benefit to society should carry everyone else on their backs by doing the hard and expensive work of raising the next generation of citizens?

no exceptions should be made for people with kids at the expense of those other productive members of our society.

But you would essentially put an additional expense on those producing "other productive members of our society"? Doesn't add up, champ.

Nope. He isn't putting an added expense on anyone. You're the one who wants to do that for the benefit of REAL AMERICANS.
This was the bullshit question on Fox News this morning. The "me me me" crowd was making the point that single people shouldnt have to pay "more" in taxes than people without kids. Because people with kids receive more tax breaks than those without Fox News says that that isnt fair. They say that single people are treated unfairly because they contribute to the success of the next generation. THE HORROR!

I say its bullshit. If we live in a society we all pitch in to things that we dont get to use or benefit from personally and or directly. Stop being a stingy callous fuck

Some of us consider that aspect of our society to be an errant one.

Why -should- anybody be forced to pitch in on something to which they have no access?

Thats how a society / community works. I might not ever use your playground but to whine about it when we all benefit in some way is some only child shit.

Most highway funds come from taxes at the gas pump. Most of us agree that this is as it should be: people who aren't driving on the roads and creating a need for maintenance shouldn't have to pay for those roads to be maintained, right?

So if I don't have anything to do with your kids, and I certainly didn't tell you to have kids, why is it my responsibility to pay extra so that you can have the cost of raising children -you- chose to have subsidized?

Why is it anybody's responsibility to pay for someone else's shit?

You can call me stingy and callous all-the-fuck you want. I have the right to be both, and I display the fact that I'm callous proudly.

In stead of me stopping these things, why don't you stop being a power-hungry douchebag and quit trying to force your morals on everybody else's pocketbooks?

Shit, you can call me stingy all you want, I'd rather be cheap than the kinda spineless stick-up kid who has to have Uncle Sam hold the gun for him.

Ever question the answer is society. You are free to leave it or continue to complain about the reality but that doesnt get you anywhere.
"Society" is not a reason. Not any more. Your side uses that term as an excuse.
Your side's version of taxation is "to get even" with those who make you uncomfortable.
Your side says "compassion"....Yes I agree. But your side is not constructively compassionate. Your outlook is "we feel sorry"....We feel sorry so we're going to reach into....SOMEONE else's pocket.
Question....Does an entry fee to get into a US, State or County park upset you?
That is an illogical position.

Hardly. I'm part of society. How could anything benefit society without benefitting [sic] me?


You just said it yourself, moron. You are a part (a mistaken, unwelcome part at that), not the whole. You really are stupid, Johnny Reb.

If I am stupid, you certainly failed to prove it. In fact, every time you post you only prove that you're incapable of rational thought. The above response doesn't contain a single grain of logic. It's pure ad hominem.

Who says I'm "unwelcome?" Do you speak for everyone? Does the fact that I reject your schemes to loot me make me "unwelcome?" You display the mentality of a thug. That's why you're such a fan of Lincoln the tyrant, I presume.

Apparently you think benefitting society means sacrificing one part of it for the benefit of the other part. That's exactly what Adolf Hitler believed. He claimed German society would be better off if they shoved all the Jews into gas ovens. You're in good company.
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This was the bullshit question on Fox News this morning. The "me me me" crowd was making the point that single people shouldnt have to pay "more" in taxes than people without kids. Because people with kids receive more tax breaks than those without Fox News says that that isnt fair. They say that single people are treated unfairly because they contribute to the success of the next generation. THE HORROR!

I say its bullshit. If we live in a society we all pitch in to things that we dont get to use or benefit from personally and or directly. Stop being a stingy callous fuck

The problem is not everyone is pitching in. Over 40 percent takes but doesn't give back.

I've always maintained that those who ride in the boat should be required to pay something.
If those who pay little or nothing have no skin in the game, they are then encouraged to vote for those who deliver the goodies.
Can you even define what a "real American" is without being totally self-serving?

To start with it's NOT YOU. It's not some developmentally arrested halfwit who thinks crying "leave me alone!" is a political philosophy. You would last not very long at all in the world you THINK you want.

A real American is someone holding legal United States citizenship who accepts and embraces the principles upon which this country was founded and by which we became and remain the greatest country on earth. Too ignorant to know what those principles are? Consult the founding documents and try to understand them the way a rational adult would (impossible for you, I know, but you could try). It is not some twitchy-eyed nut in a bunker, it is not some imbecile trying to pretend he's the only person on earth, it is not the ignorant, selfish and irresponsible like yourself, it is not some empty-headed drone chanting about open borders or global citizens or workers of the world uniting, and it is not any manner of cowardly, racist, near-sighted douchebags dreaming of imagined racial purity or hiding from our responsibilities as the most powerful nation on the planet.

A real American wouldn't need to ask.
Maybe, instead of just complaining about parents.. you should maybe complain about those who have no career gumption and pay nothing in income tax on their earnings of a lower level... maybe you should complain about those who deduct medical expenses or COLLEGE expenses

Flat tax.. no deductions.. no exceptions.. no ceiling.. no floor.. no exemption... for every single dollar earned by every citizen
THERE is your solution

It is not a solution for their is no problem. Only greedy callous conservatives feel the need to get more at the expense of others. Raising the next generation is costly, but to put families into greater fiscal stress because others will be granted a tax benefit is myopic at best. Costs will be passed on to the parents, for the costs to educate and socialize a child does not go down.

It's too bad DD is incapable of critical thinking; fortunately others are able to see the pit falls of concrete thinkers and plan into the future.

That is a well stated liberal talking point. It is dismissed as such.
Your premise presupposes the notion that money can solve all problems.
Never has. Never will.
I cite the $1 billion spent on the Kansas City., MO public school system several years ago.
The idea was that if the city taxed it's property owners a ton of money, the students would perform better. Well, the nice new shiny thingies were very nice, but graduation rates remained flat. Meanwhile people were being taxed out of their homes.
Sounds like a good idea to me.
This was the bullshit question on Fox News this morning. The "me me me" crowd was making the point that single people shouldnt have to pay "more" in taxes than people without kids. Because people with kids receive more tax breaks than those without Fox News says that that isnt fair. They say that single people are treated unfairly because they contribute to the success of the next generation. THE HORROR!

I say its bullshit. If we live in a society we all pitch in to things that we dont get to use or benefit from personally and or directly. Stop being a stingy callous fuck

The problem is not everyone is pitching in. Over 40 percent takes but doesn't give back.

Is that 40% thriving?
Define "thriving".
You know why that doesnt work? Because it has never worked anywhere ever.

So.. instead of equality in treatment.. you want fairness.. but only for things you like.. like those you wish to buy the votes from

And yes.. we have plenty of examples of equalized taxation without thought to income level, race, number of kids, etc... sales tax is flat, why not try and make it more FAIR?? Gasoline tax is FLAT, why not try and make it FAIR??... and there are p[laces going to flatter and flatter systems.. Iceland, and Ukraine for example.. not to mention flat taxes at a state level in Utah and Colorado

The reason why there is POLITICAL opposition to flat tax, not just opposition from the greedy little fuckers who want freebies from government, is because then the politicians cannot pander to their chosen groups

No I just want a system that will work. Yours doesnt because its never been used by anyone anywhere at anytime. :D
Stating some that is untrue once then repeating it does not make less untrue.
Thats how a society / community works. I might not ever use your playground but to whine about it when we all benefit in some way is some only child shit.

Ever question the answer is society. You are free to leave it or continue to complain about the reality but that doesnt get you anywhere.

That's all you got? That's how it should be because that's how it is and if you don't like it then fuck you, only child!

What a deep thinker you are.

What do you want me to do. Answer every question you asked with an explanation of what it means to live in a society? To be part of a community? Thats a waste of time because if you dont understand that simple reality then you'll forever be confused.

You can scream at the local dog park, playground, subway station, earned income credit, housing tax credit etc individually if you want. No problem. That doesnt mean I have to play this game with you where you act all confused.

Its society dude. Dont like it....Find a cave, live off the land and hopefully no one will bother you. I have no problem with people that do or go off the grid, but complainers...pbbbt :eusa_hand:

There's one more lib talking point on your plate. Spoiler alert.....
"It's for the children"....
Maybe, instead of just complaining about parents.. you should maybe complain about those who have no career gumption and pay nothing in income tax on their earnings of a lower level... maybe you should complain about those who deduct medical expenses or COLLEGE expenses

Flat tax.. no deductions.. no exceptions.. no ceiling.. no floor.. no exemption... for every single dollar earned by every citizen
THERE is your solution

Flat tax on what? The complications of the income tax system involve determining what income is subject to taxation, not on the tax rate that you pay.

It can be argued that a person working for wages does not have taxable income. He/she is simply trading one asset, their skills, talents, knowledge, and strength, for another asset, money. No profit, no taxable income.

The only logical alternative to the horrors of the income tax system is the FAIR tax. The benefits to all Americans far outweigh any negatives. American manufactured products would become markedly cheaper, and that would reinvigorate manufacturing in America, and help balance out our foreign trade deficits.

We could do away with income taxes altogether, keep the capital gains taxes, and put income taxation back to the original intent.
"It can be argued that a person working for wages does not have taxable income. He/she is simply trading one asset, their skills, talents, knowledge, and strength, for another asset, money. No profit, no taxable income."
There have been people who made quite a bit of money in fees perpetuating this theory.
Virtually all of them were exposed as scam artists.
You display the mentality of a thug. That's why you're such a fan of Lincoln the tyrant, I presume...

And there it is folks. Johnny Reb's true colors and one abiding obsession: losing a war he never fought in. His emotional connection to evil and selfishness is the driving motivation in his so-called life. He's one fucked up piece of shit, but he is NOT an American.
Can you even define what a "real American" is without being totally self-serving?

To start with it's NOT YOU. It's not some developmentally arrested halfwit who thinks crying "leave me alone!" is a political philosophy. You would last not very long at all in the world you THINK you want.

A real American is someone holding legal United States citizenship who accepts and embraces the principles upon which this country was founded and by which we became and remain the greatest country on earth. Too ignorant to know what those principles are? Consult the founding documents and try to understand them the way a rational adult would (impossible for you, I know, but you could try). It is not some twitchy-eyed nut in a bunker, it is not some imbecile trying to pretend he's the only person on earth, it is not the ignorant, selfish and irresponsible like yourself, it is not some empty-headed drone chanting about open borders or global citizens or workers of the world uniting, and it is not any manner of cowardly, racist, near-sighted douchebags dreaming of imagined racial purity or hiding from our responsibilities as the most powerful nation on the planet.

A real American wouldn't need to ask.

Fail. Propsoing to tax 'A' for the benefit of 'B' is not one of the principles this country was founded on. Yet, that's exactly what you endorse. By your own standards, you aren't a "REAL AMERICAN."

BTW, I don't hold any of the positions you attribute to me. You're basically just a lying piece of shit who isn't worth arguing with. You have nothing interesting or even true to say.
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