Should people without kids pay more in Taxes?

The flat tax is a viable way to raise the revenues for government.... the ONLY thing it is not viable for is wealth redistribution and unequal treatment by government for the sake of pandering

The country was not set up for an income tax to begin with.... it certainly was NOT set up to take for the benefit of redistribution from one for the consumption by another

You forgot again to list the places where this flat tax exists.

Let me help you.

1. *fill in the blank*

Countries with a flat tax:

Hong Kong:
Czech Republic
And there it is folks. Johnny Reb's true colors and one abiding obsession: losing a war he never fought in. His emotional connection to evil and selfishness is the driving motivation in his so-called life. He's one fucked up piece of shit, but he is NOT an American.

You're the one who worships evil.

Ask your Straw Man to stop doing you from behind for a minute so you can pay attention. No one but you has mentioned "worship," douchebag. And no matter how much it bunches your undies, the Confederacy was wrong and doomed to failure. You - for some reason - can't get over the fact that selfish fools who sacrificed the lives of good men in the name of an evil institution lost their quixotic campaign. It had nothing to do with you, and none of your bitching and crying will change the fact that the traitorous dogs were brought to heel as they should have been. If that bothers you, GOOD.

The fact that you don't mention your slavish devotion to the arch-angel Lincoln doesn't mean you don't do it.

You can attack the Confederacy all you like. That doesn't alter the fact the Lincoln was a bloodthirsty tyrant who ordered the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans solely so he could impose exploitive tariffs on people for the benefit of his political cronies.

Lincoln was America's first dictator. That fact is beyond dispute, and you defend everything he did. Ney, you honor every murder, arrest, execution, rape and offense against the Constitution he committed.

You can't defend Lincoln because the facts are all running against you, so instead you try attacking the Confederacy and me personally. You're a sleazy sniveling bootlicking worm.
The flat tax is a viable way to raise the revenues for government.... the ONLY thing it is not viable for is wealth redistribution and unequal treatment by government for the sake of pandering

The country was not set up for an income tax to begin with.... it certainly was NOT set up to take for the benefit of redistribution from one for the consumption by another

You forgot again to list the places where this flat tax exists.

Let me help you.

1. *fill in the blank*

Countries with a flat tax:

Hong Kong:
Czech Republic

I knew you were lying when you didnt include any links. Thats your M.O.

Iceland introduced a flat tax on personal income in 2007, at a national rate of 22.75%. With the additional municipal rate, the total tax rate was up to 36%.[72] In 2010, Iceland replaced its flat tax system with progressive national rates of 24.1 to 33%, for a combined (national and municipal) top rate of 46.28%.[73]

Flat tax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How about Hungary:

A 400 billion forint ($1.68 billion) fallout in budget revenues due to the tax inclined the government to make experimental tax measures to fill in the gap. These steps, including significant taxes on banks and telecom companies, have been detrimental to the business environment in Hungary, a country already suffering low growth and high unemployment.
Hungary?s Flat Personal Income Tax Still Under Fire - Emerging Europe Real Time - WSJ

Sounds great. This is a winner no doubt!
You forgot again to list the places where this flat tax exists.

Let me help you.

1. *fill in the blank*

Countries with a flat tax:

Hong Kong:
Czech Republic

I knew you were lying when you didnt include any links. Thats your M.O.

Iceland introduced a flat tax on personal income in 2007, at a national rate of 22.75%. With the additional municipal rate, the total tax rate was up to 36%.[72] In 2010, Iceland replaced its flat tax system with progressive national rates of 24.1 to 33%, for a combined (national and municipal) top rate of 46.28%.[73]

Flat tax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How about Hungary:

A 400 billion forint ($1.68 billion) fallout in budget revenues due to the tax inclined the government to make experimental tax measures to fill in the gap. These steps, including significant taxes on banks and telecom companies, have been detrimental to the business environment in Hungary, a country already suffering low growth and high unemployment.
Hungary?s Flat Personal Income Tax Still Under Fire - Emerging Europe Real Time - WSJ

Sounds great. This is a winner no doubt!

So Iceland did have a flat tax, and so did Hungary. Of course increasing taxes is always detrimental to the business environment. Blaming it on the "flatness" of the tax is purely a libturd idiocy.

Of course, you haven't said a thing about the other 2 dozen countries I listed.

BTW, this country didn't have an income tax until 1913, so we had a flat tax. Our economy boomed all the way from the Civil War until the income tax was imposed.
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Countries with a flat tax:

Hong Kong:
Czech Republic

I knew you were lying when you didnt include any links. Thats your M.O.

Iceland introduced a flat tax on personal income in 2007, at a national rate of 22.75%. With the additional municipal rate, the total tax rate was up to 36%.[72] In 2010, Iceland replaced its flat tax system with progressive national rates of 24.1 to 33%, for a combined (national and municipal) top rate of 46.28%.[73]

Flat tax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How about Hungary:

A 400 billion forint ($1.68 billion) fallout in budget revenues due to the tax inclined the government to make experimental tax measures to fill in the gap. These steps, including significant taxes on banks and telecom companies, have been detrimental to the business environment in Hungary, a country already suffering low growth and high unemployment.
Hungary?s Flat Personal Income Tax Still Under Fire - Emerging Europe Real Time - WSJ

Sounds great. This is a winner no doubt!

So Iceland did have a flat tax, and so did Hungary. Of course increasing taxes is always detrimental to the business environment. Blaming it on the "flatness" of the tax is purely a libturd idiocy.

Of course, you haven't said a thing about the other 2 dozen countries I listed.

BTW, this country didn't have an income tax until 1913, so we had a flat tax. Our economy boomed all the way from the Civil War until the income tax was imposed.

Why would I even bother when 2 random countries from the list either abadoned the flat tax because it wasnt working that the other is failing because of it and dont give a dam.

I thought you said the Flat tax would work, not whine about it when its shown it doesnt :lol:
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You're the one who worships evil.

Ask your Straw Man to stop doing you from behind for a minute so you can pay attention. No one but you has mentioned "worship," douchebag. And no matter how much it bunches your undies, the Confederacy was wrong and doomed to failure. You - for some reason - can't get over the fact that selfish fools who sacrificed the lives of good men in the name of an evil institution lost their quixotic campaign. It had nothing to do with you, and none of your bitching and crying will change the fact that the traitorous dogs were brought to heel as they should have been. If that bothers you, GOOD.

The fact that you don't mention your slavish devotion to the arch-angel Lincoln doesn't mean you don't do it.

You're an illogical moron, Johnny Reb.
BTW, this country didn't have an income tax until 1913, so we had a flat tax. Our economy boomed all the way from the Civil War until the income tax was imposed.

Actually, the Revenue Act of 1861 was the first tax on personal income. It was repealed ten years later. A flat tax was enacted in 1894, but was ruled unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court.
To start with it's NOT YOU. It's not some developmentally arrested halfwit who thinks crying "leave me alone!" is a political philosophy. You would last not very long at all in the world you THINK you want.

A real American is someone holding legal United States citizenship who accepts and embraces the principles upon which this country was founded and by which we became and remain the greatest country on earth. Too ignorant to know what those principles are? Consult the founding documents and try to understand them the way a rational adult would (impossible for you, I know, but you could try). It is not some twitchy-eyed nut in a bunker, it is not some imbecile trying to pretend he's the only person on earth, it is not the ignorant, selfish and irresponsible like yourself, it is not some empty-headed drone chanting about open borders or global citizens or workers of the world uniting, and it is not any manner of cowardly, racist, near-sighted douchebags dreaming of imagined racial purity or hiding from our responsibilities as the most powerful nation on the planet.

A real American wouldn't need to ask.

Fail. Propsoing to tax 'A' for the benefit of 'B' is not one of the principles this country was founded on. Yet, that's exactly what you endorse. By your own standards, you aren't a "REAL AMERICAN."

BTW, I don't hold any of the positions you attribute to me. You're basically just a lying piece of shit who isn't worth arguing with. You have nothing interesting or even true to say.

Yes it was as was every other society that ever existed throughout the history of man.

You think every culture used this form of taxation by chance. By accident none of them chose a system of a "flat tax" and you wonder why? Maybe because its not viable...or maybe because its so gosh darn awesome no culture would dare touch its awesomeness :doubt:
Wrong. Your side deems taxation as a social issue. It is not. Taxation exists to fund essential functions of government.
Fail. Propsoing to tax 'A' for the benefit of 'B' is not one of the principles this country was founded on. Yet, that's exactly what you endorse. By your own standards, you aren't a "REAL AMERICAN."

BTW, I don't hold any of the positions you attribute to me. You're basically just a lying piece of shit who isn't worth arguing with. You have nothing interesting or even true to say.

Yes it was as was every other society that ever existed throughout the history of man.

You think every culture used this form of taxation by chance. By accident none of them chose a system of a "flat tax" and you wonder why? Maybe because its not viable...or maybe because its so gosh darn awesome no culture would dare touch its awesomeness :doubt:
Wrong. Your side deems taxation as a social issue. It is not. Taxation exists to fund essential functions of government.

How does it feel to beat that strawman? Feel better?
Yes it was as was every other society that ever existed throughout the history of man.

You think every culture used this form of taxation by chance. By accident none of them chose a system of a "flat tax" and you wonder why? Maybe because its not viable...or maybe because its so gosh darn awesome no culture would dare touch its awesomeness :doubt:
Wrong. Your side deems taxation as a social issue. It is not. Taxation exists to fund essential functions of government.

How does it feel to beat that strawman? Feel better?

Taxation is indeed for the purpose of funding essential functions of government. Period.
Your insipid drive by post is dismissed.
This was the bullshit question on Fox News this morning. The "me me me" crowd was making the point that single people shouldnt have to pay "more" in taxes than people without kids. Because people with kids receive more tax breaks than those without Fox News says that that isnt fair. They say that single people are treated unfairly because they contribute to the success of the next generation. THE HORROR!

I say its bullshit. If we live in a society we all pitch in to things that we dont get to use or benefit from personally and or directly. Stop being a stingy callous fuck

Absolutely they should. Look, as you age, you will rely on the offspring of the couples to take care of you. their offspring will be paying your Medicare and social security, the opposite is not true.

Children are also the best job creators ever.

Of course you would exempt those with reproductive disabilities and those that claim reproductive privacy rights under Roe v Wade.

So yes, the freeloaders should pay more taxes. That leave same sex married couples

In the world of the ACA, this only makes sense.
BTW, this country didn't have an income tax until 1913, so we had a flat tax. Our economy boomed all the way from the Civil War until the income tax was imposed.

Actually, the Revenue Act of 1861 was the first tax on personal income. It was repealed ten years later. A flat tax was enacted in 1894, but was ruled unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court.

I said "since the Civil War," numskull. A tariff is a flat tax. Or are you stupidly arguing that no income tax means we didn't have a "flat tax?"

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