Should Prostitution Be Legal In America?

Your obsession with Hell is odd and irrelevant to the topic, fool.

Try to answer a question related to the actual topic of the thread: Do you support rape and other violence, addiction, abuse, and trafficking in women and girls? Is that the position you are trying to defend here?
I find it odd that some fool thought that human trafficking and prostitution have a one-to-one correlation. Human trafficking has way more components to it than prostitution. I guess i'm not one-dimensional stupid like the author of that article.

"Some fool," "one-dimensional stupid"?

You mean Seo-Yeong Cho of the German Institute for Economic Research, Axel Dreher of the University of Heidelberg and Eric Neumayer of the London School of Economics and Political Science?

And your credentials on the other hand would be...?
The article was written by Carol Tan using cherry-picked pieces from the people you name.

About Carol Tan, from her own twitter feed,
Carol Tan said:
Strategist by day, political economist by training, humanitarian at heart.
Well golly gee, she's a self-proclaimed humanitarian. I'm not impressed by her ego.
I find it odd that some fool thought that human trafficking and prostitution have a one-to-one correlation. Human trafficking has way more components to it than prostitution. I guess i'm not one-dimensional stupid like the author of that article.

"Some fool," "one-dimensional stupid"?

You mean Seo-Yeong Cho of the German Institute for Economic Research, Axel Dreher of the University of Heidelberg and Eric Neumayer of the London School of Economics and Political Science?

And your credentials on the other hand would be...?
The article was written by Carol Tan using cherry-picked pieces from the people you name.

About Carol Tan, from her own twitter feed,
Carol Tan said:
Strategist by day, political economist by training, humanitarian at heart.
Well golly gee, she's a self-proclaimed humanitarian. I'm not impressed by her ego.

That was a very weak attempt on your part to attack a source in the hopes of deflecting attention from the substance. Very weak. It would be a lot easier and more dignified for you to admit your position is indefensible.
Yes why not, and while were at it lets legalize pedophilia, rape, the sex trade industry, lets all go back to being flying monkeys from one tree limb to another. Lets get rid of clothes, all go naked, have sex in the street while we smoke pot and drink ourselves into oblivion. Lets all quit work as we don't have time for sex, porn and work, so work has to go, we will live off the government. Hell were just animals, lets act like them.
Can you say "Jumping to extreme conclusions"?
Last I looked, nobody in this thread was advocating for pedophilia or rape or the other ridiculous stuff you spewed.
Last I looked, nobody in this thread was advocating for pedophilia or rape or the other ridiculous stuff you spewed.

Those things come along with prostitution whether you want to admit it or not.
Last I looked, nobody in this thread was advocating for pedophilia or rape or the other ridiculous stuff you spewed.

Those things come along with prostitution whether you want to admit it or not.

The same claim could be made of just about anything though

A local plumber was convicted of sexually abusing children.

I in no way advocate making plumbers illegal
Your obsession with Hell is odd and irrelevant to the topic, fool.

Try to answer a question related to the actual topic of the thread: Do you support rape and other violence, addiction, abuse, and trafficking in women and girls? Is that the position you are trying to defend here?

Lolol. Look man, like I said, knowing how scholars can treat topics I don't trust all scholarship to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth; so, you are going to have to prove your allegations to me some other way; I'm NOT a believer in Elijah Muhammad and Louis Farrakhan but I know how people can not tell the whole truth when writing/speaking about them.

Now, you said that prostitution ALWAYS leads to those negatives...if that is the case, why didn't the Biblical God outlaw prostitution, instead allowing it as shown in the book of Genesis in the Bible? Gen. 38:15-18, NIV:

"(15)When Judah saw her, he thought she was a prostitute, for she had covered her face. (16)Not realizing that she was his daughter-in-law, he went over to her by the roadside and said, 'Come now, let me sleep with you.' 'And what will you give me to sleep with you?' she asked. (17)'I’ll send you a young goat from my flock,' he said. 'Will you give me something as a pledge until you send it?' she asked. (18)He said, 'What pledge should I give you?' 'Your seal and its cord, and the staff in your hand,' she answered. So he gave them to her and slept with her, and she became pregnant by him."
Last I looked, nobody in this thread was advocating for pedophilia or rape or the other ridiculous stuff you spewed.

Those things come along with prostitution whether you want to admit it or not.

The same claim could be made of just about anything though

A local plumber was convicted of sexually abusing children.

I in no way advocate making plumbers illegal

Fabricating then denying an illogical conclusion does not change the fact that rape and trafficking in children are direct accompaniments to prostitution, legal or not (perhaps even more when legalized). Some people on this thread are so eager to defend some libertarian theory that they are shamelessly ignoring or denying a very serious reality.
Last I looked, nobody in this thread was advocating for pedophilia or rape or the other ridiculous stuff you spewed.

Those things come along with prostitution whether you want to admit it or not.

The same claim could be made of just about anything though

A local plumber was convicted of sexually abusing children.

I in no way advocate making plumbers illegal
If we could just get a bigger discount, that would help..
Your obsession with Hell is odd and irrelevant to the topic, fool.

Try to answer a question related to the actual topic of the thread: Do you support rape and other violence, addiction, abuse, and trafficking in women and girls? Is that the position you are trying to defend here?

Lolol. Look man, like I said, knowing how scholars can treat topics I don't trust all scholarship to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth; so, you are going to have to prove your allegations to me some other way; ...

Your willful embrace of ignorance does not obligate me to 'fix' your inability to reason, you stupid shit.
I find it odd that some fool thought that human trafficking and prostitution have a one-to-one correlation. Human trafficking has way more components to it than prostitution. I guess i'm not one-dimensional stupid like the author of that article.

"Some fool," "one-dimensional stupid"?

You mean Seo-Yeong Cho of the German Institute for Economic Research, Axel Dreher of the University of Heidelberg and Eric Neumayer of the London School of Economics and Political Science?

And your credentials on the other hand would be...?
The article was written by Carol Tan using cherry-picked pieces from the people you name.

About Carol Tan, from her own twitter feed,
Carol Tan said:
Strategist by day, political economist by training, humanitarian at heart.
Well golly gee, she's a self-proclaimed humanitarian. I'm not impressed by her ego.

That was a very weak attempt on your part to attack a source in the hopes of deflecting attention from the substance. Very weak. It would be a lot easier and more dignified for you to admit your position is indefensible.
Forcible rape statistics in the USA, Forcible rape statistics - states compared - StateMaster Crime
I do notice that Nevada (while not the lowest but the only state with legalized prostitution) is far below the average. I also notice that the liberal bastion of California rates the highest for rape. Wyoming is last, must be all the free sheep.
Your obsession with Hell is odd and irrelevant to the topic, fool.

Try to answer a question related to the actual topic of the thread: Do you support rape and other violence, addiction, abuse, and trafficking in women and girls? Is that the position you are trying to defend here?

Lolol. Look man, like I said, knowing how scholars can treat topics I don't trust all scholarship to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth; so, you are going to have to prove your allegations to me some other way; ...

Your willful embrace of ignorance does not obligate me to 'fix' your inability to reason, you stupid shit.

LOLOL Right junior. Just ignore that Bible...
Your obsession with Hell is odd and irrelevant to the topic, fool.

Try to answer a question related to the actual topic of the thread: Do you support rape and other violence, addiction, abuse, and trafficking in women and girls? Is that the position you are trying to defend here?

Lolol. Look man, like I said, knowing how scholars can treat topics I don't trust all scholarship to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth; so, you are going to have to prove your allegations to me some other way; ...

Your willful embrace of ignorance does not obligate me to 'fix' your inability to reason, you stupid shit.

LOLOL Right junior. Just ignore that Bible...

You deny real data and scholarship carried out via scientific process, and demand credibility by referencing a book of faith? You honestly expect to be taken seriously that way? A fool like you does a great disservice to the Bible by such misuse. You clearly don't understand science OR faith. Go play with a ball of yarn or something.
You deny real data and scholarship carried out via scientific process, and demand credibility by referencing a book of faith? You honestly expect to be taken seriously that way? A fool like you does a great disservice to the Bible by such misuse. You clearly don't understand science OR faith. Go play with a ball of yarn or something.

LOL Sure hellboy, sure.
Yes. Regulate it, tax it, and use the money to pay off our debt.

I agree that it would make alot of money if it were taxed but what do you say to the idea of children growing up knowing that prostitution is legal?
My late wife and I successfully raised three girls. We never told them not to become prostitutes simply because it is illegal. Instead we imbued them with self-respect, which is not hard to do. If something in one's individual nature resists or overcomes that orientation there is little to nothing which is capable of preventing it.

From a purely philosophical perspective there are forms of prostitution which are more humanistically degrading than providing sexual pleasure for money -- and working as a narc or a vice cop are two examples.
Unkotare's objections stem from the fact that it is illegal in many parts of the world.

My objections stem from basic decency and a concern for women, girls, and society in general. If you're ever concerned with where my objections stem from, just ask instead of making false assumptions or misrepresenting me.

I have supported my position with fact and scientific research. The pro-prostitution wing has provided nothing but ill-considered, juvenile, pseudo-libertarian musings. Sorry, but the bumper-sticker on your car isn't right about everything.

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