Should repubs disenfranchise people on welfare??


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
It would be good for america and certainly good for the GOP. They control both Houses of congress so they could do it, though they might have to alter the filibuster rule - something democrats also did a few years back.

Obama tried to do something comparable when he flooded the country with millions of welfare trash illegals and then told them they were free to vote.

Did Obama Encourage Illegal Immigrants to Vote? No, But YES.
IMO there should be an IQ test or just a simple, high school level test on general topics. We can assist them with food and shelter so they are not bothering people in the streets, but mental incompetents have no right voting in a civilized society.
What the hell is the connection between "disenfranchising people on welfare" and "altering the filibuster rule"?
Yeah! Screw these disabled vets pulling a check for nothin !
Does this include corporate welfare as well?
I was for extending the right of suffrage (or in other words the rights of a citizen) to all who had a permanent intention of living in the country. Take what circumstances you please as evidence of this, either the having resided a certain time, or having a family, or having property, any or all of them. Whoever intends to live in a country must wish that country well, and has a natural right of assisting in the preservation of it. I think you cannot distinguish between such a person residing in the country and having no fixed property, and one residing in a township whom you say you would admit to a vote.

Letter: From Thomas Jefferson to Edmund Pendleton, 26 August 1776
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IMO there should be an IQ test or just a simple, high school level test on general topics. We can assist them with food and shelter so they are not bothering people in the streets, but mental incompetents have no right voting in a civilized society.

Giving voters an IQ test would be expensive. Each state knows who is on its welfare rolls and it would be simple to say anyone who had an EBT card in the last 12 months can't vote.
What is to be done with this unfavoured class of the community? If it be, on one hand, unsafe to admit them to a full share of political power, it must be recollected, on the other, that it cannot be expedient to rest a republican government on a portion of the society having a numerical and physical force excluded from, and liable to be turned against it, and which would lead to a standing military force, dangerous to all parties and to liberty itself. This view of the subject makes it proper to embrace in the partnership of power every description of citizens having a sufficient stake in the public order and the stable administration of the laws, and particularly the housekeepers and heads of families, most of whom, "having given hostages to fortune," will have given them to their country also.

Property: James Madison, Note on Suffrage
IMO there should be an IQ test or just a simple, high school level test on general topics. We can assist them with food and shelter so they are not bothering people in the streets, but mental incompetents have no right voting in a civilized society.

Giving voters an IQ test would be expensive.
And unconstitutional, which is the most important thing. Funny you two forgot that.
We will be seeing more and more of the inner nazis coming out during Trump's Administration.
Does this include corporate welfare as well?

I wondered about that myself when i started this thread. Corporate welfare simply has to end. Both the feds and the states have to stop "helping" failing industries.
It would be good for america and certainly good for the GOP. They control both Houses of congress so they could do it, though they might have to alter the filibuster rule - something democrats also did a few years back.

Obama tried to do something comparable when he flooded the country with millions of welfare trash illegals and then told them they were free to vote.

Did Obama Encourage Illegal Immigrants to Vote? No, But YES.

We need cut illegal immigrants off of welfare of any kind. We tell the country straight out---------> on this day, no more benefits for illegal/undocumented/whatever you want to call them, immigrants. You give them benefits for maybe 45 days so they can devise a way to get back home, and that is it, over, done, forget about it!
And this is how Fascism starts, people.

HAHAHA. A liberal complaining about fascism???!!! You sickos are the ones who want the govt in control of everything, Hell - after 8 years of obama, fascism is already here.
We need cut illegal immigrants off of welfare of any kind. We tell the country straight out---------> on this day, no more benefits for illegal/undocumented/whatever you want to call them, immigrants. You give them benefits for maybe 45 days so they can devise a way to get back home, and that is it, over, done, forget about it!

Give them benefits for 45 days??? That's a federal felony you fool. Section 1324 of title 8 of the US code says you can't encourage illegals to live here. THINK
It's hilariously ironic to have heard the pseudocons whining about elites for years on end, and then to hear them say only a certain class of people should be allowed to vote.

Is there any area in which pseudocons are not total hypocrites? Any area at all?

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