Should Sara Murnaghan have died in favor of the person before her?

Did little Sarah deserve to die?

  • Yes, she should have waited in line like everyone else, I feel sorry for the guy who got bumped.

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • No, she deserved to live

    Votes: 5 38.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
I hear a lot of debates going on about how this little girl displaced other "more needing patients" when she was admitted to an adult donors list by a judge's order. So would you have rather she died instead? We can play the "who's life is more important game" all we want, but this exercise is foolish. I feel sorry for those who didn't get those lungs, and for the ones who died in donating them. But why take it out on her?
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I hear a lot of debates going on about how this little girl displaced other "more needing patients" when she was admitted to an adult donors list by a judge's order. So would you have rather she died instead? We can play the "who's life is more important game" all we want, but this exercise is foolish. I feel sorry for those who didn't get those lungs, and for the ones who died in donating them. But why take it out on her?

Reverse the situation. How would you feel if a judge decided that an adult go before a child on the donor list?

Do I rather she died instead? Do YOU rather that an adult died so she could live? If so, please walk up to the parents and family of that adult and explain to them that the life of their loved one is worth nothing compared to the life of an 11 year old girl.
I hear a lot of debates going on about how this little girl displaced other "more needing patients" when she was admitted to an adult donors list by a judge's order. So would you have rather she died instead? We can play the "who's life is more important game" all we want, but this exercise is foolish. I feel sorry for those who didn't get those lungs, and for the ones who died in donating them. But why take it out on her?

Reverse the situation. How would you feel if a judge decided that an adult go before a child on the donor list?

Do I rather she died instead? Do YOU rather that an adult died so she could live? If so, please walk up to the parents and family of that adult and explain to them that the life of their loved one is worth nothing compared to the life of an 11 year old girl.

Answer the fucking question Noomi. Don't evade me. Don't lecture me. Don't question me. What do you have against children? So she should have died, no questions asked? Why? Who or what taught you not to have any compassion for youngest amongst us?

I would assume that there was a separate list for children. Unfortunately there isn't, Noomi, I would see that as a tragedy in and of itself.
Easy for you to admit that you would prefer the adult die instead?

You would rather kill the child, make the poor little girl "mind her manners" as the life slowly vacated her body. Yes, kill the girl, let her die. How barbaric!

You would rather let the adult die, then?

You would rather let the child die then? She was in the top tier of dire cases. She was on the verge of death, and you care more for those who were lucky enough to survive their childhood and grow into adults? Does she not get the same right to experience life as the adult did?
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You would rather kill the child, make the poor little girl "mind her manners" as the life slowly vacated her body. Yes, kill the girl, let her die. How barbaric!

You would rather let the adult die, then?

You would rather let the child die then? She was in the top tier of dire cases. She was on the verge of death, and you care more for those who were lucky enough to survive their childhood and grow into adults? Does she not get the same right to experience life as the adult did?

You expect a yes or no answer for your question, yet you refuse to even acknowledge the rights of the adult to live.

What if it were your father on that list? Your father, next on the adult donor list, and some stranger comes along and takes your fathers place on that list.

Would you tell your father that a stranger has more right to live than he does?

I BET you will not answer the question.
You would rather let the adult die, then?

You would rather let the child die then? She was in the top tier of dire cases. She was on the verge of death, and you care more for those who were lucky enough to survive their childhood and grow into adults? Does she not get the same right to experience life as the adult did?

You expect a yes or no answer for your question, yet you refuse to even acknowledge the rights of the adult to live.

What if it were your father on that list? Your father, next on the adult donor list, and some stranger comes along and takes your fathers place on that list.

Would you tell your father that a stranger has more right to live than he does?

I BET you will not answer the question.

Nor you for the child. Hey, I can't assume the circumstances behind the adult that was moved behind her, but obviously doctors had enough confidence that they would live longer than Sarah, thus able to survive the wait. But oh hey, lets kill the child. Screw children they're absolutely worthless to mankind.

Do not dare bring my father into this. Being the soldier that he was, he would gladly give his live to save another. That's who he is.
They could just have one list for all in need, rather than separating it into adults and children. That way, whoever is next in line gets dibs.
Wow, this is kind of tough. When I saw she got the transplant, I instantly rejoiced.

I hadn't even thought about the person that was bumped out of the way!

They could just have one list for all in need, rather than separating it into adults and children. That way, whoever is next in line gets dibs.

Why? Instead of having to compete against adults, they could compete against similar age groups. But then again, we have this little dilemma.

Wow, this is kind of tough. When I saw she got the transplant, I instantly rejoiced.

I hadn't even thought about the person that was bumped out of the way!


Question. What would your reaction have been had she died waiting for that transplant?

"Oh goody, someone got the lungs they needed, at least nobody was shoved out of the way, by golly, that was fair! Thank the lucky stars!"
Enough of this. I now know where everyone stands. I will gladly take up the banner as the minority opinion in this issue. Men have their advocates, and children should have theirs also. So be it.
I don't know. See, I'm an adult. If it were between an adult or a child....I kind of think it would be fair for the child to at least experience some of the things of life that an adult already has.
They could just have one list for all in need, rather than separating it into adults and children. That way, whoever is next in line gets dibs.

Why? Instead of having to compete against adults, they could compete against similar age groups. But then again, we have this little dilemma.


She was on the children's list. I don't believe there are as many children donors or available organs for children as there are for adults and that's why they bumped her to the adult list. That was my understanding anyway.
They could just have one list for all in need, rather than separating it into adults and children. That way, whoever is next in line gets dibs.

Why? Instead of having to compete against adults, they could compete against similar age groups. But then again, we have this little dilemma.


She was on the children's list. I don't believe there are as many children donors or available organs for children as there are for adults and that's why they bumped her to the adult list. That was my understanding anyway.

That might have been it. There are hardly any donors around, too scarce. Its a dog eat dog world.
I hear a lot of debates going on about how this little girl displaced other "more needing patients" when she was admitted to an adult donors list by a judge's order. So would you have rather she died instead? We can play the "who's life is more important game" all we want, but this exercise is foolish. I feel sorry for those who didn't get those lungs, and for the ones who died in donating them. But why take it out on her?

That wasn't the point, dumbass.

The point was she bumped an adult who was just as needy and had a better prognosis.

To fit an adult lung into a child, they have to chop the lung down to size. Which makes an already difficult operation very unlikely to work.
Enough of this. I now know where everyone stands. I will gladly take up the banner as the minority opinion in this issue. Men have their advocates, and children should have theirs also. So be it.

the person who was the best match should have gotten the cannot do this by public opinion

i take it templar you are NOT a doctor but do enjoy running your mouth....

so be it? lol think you are now a childrens advocate....what else do you do for the children?

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