Should SCOTUS be increased to 13?

Both sides would do the same, if they got the chance. The Democrats are also not pushing for Proportional Representation even though the system doesn't benefit them as much.

You think I'm making saying this because I'm a Democrat? I'm not. I don't like either part.

Why am I singling out the Republicans?

Because since 1990 they've won the popular vote for the President ONCE, and that came in Dubya's second term.

In that time they've had FIVE Supreme Court picks. Is that because the people want this? No, it's because the system gave it to them.

The Senate hasn't had a majority of Republican votes over the previous three elections since like 2004. And yet they still end up with the Senate half the time.

Name a Democratic president who got in without winning the popular vote. A Democrat needs to win more of the vote to get in than a Republican does. It benefits the Republicans way more.

Because since 1990 they've won the popular vote for the President ONCE, and that came in Dubya's second term.

We don't elect the president by popular vote.

The Senate hasn't had a majority of Republican votes over the previous three elections since like 2004. And yet they still end up with the Senate half the time.

Now subtract California.
Because since 1990 they've won the popular vote for the President ONCE, and that came in Dubya's second term.

We don't elect the president by popular vote.

The Senate hasn't had a majority of Republican votes over the previous three elections since like 2004. And yet they still end up with the Senate half the time.

Now subtract California.
Popular vote is not how we elect a President but it certainly tells you where the country stands. And it’s NOT with the GOP

And if you subtract Cali, then subtract Texas
The Supreme Court should stay the way it is but if there's any change it should be cut down to one - me alone.
I don't have a problem increasing the number of Justices based on increased work load. We've had the same 9 Justice court since 1869 while the country has grown immensely.

Increasing the number of Justices based on desire for political outcomes? No.
So increase the Court to 13 Justices is fine with (IMHO) the following stipulations:
  • No President may select more than 1 Justice. (If a President is a single term President they get 1, if they are a 2 term President they still only get one They do not get a second choice for the second term.)
  • The first additional Justice is nominated the Presidential cycle after the current Presidents term ends.
  • The President is still free to make nominations for vacancies (retirement, death, impeachment) as normal.
  • At a minimum then (if each following President is single term) it would take 16 years to increase the size of the court to 13. Up to 32 years if each President is a 2 term President.

I would even recommend keeping the number of Justices assigned to hear a case at 9 even though there would 13 Justices available. Balance would be maintained through round robin randomized selection of which Justices hear any one case.

Both sides would do the same, if they got the chance. The Democrats are also not pushing for Proportional Representation even though the system doesn't benefit them as much.

You think I'm making saying this because I'm a Democrat? I'm not. I don't like either part.

Why am I singling out the Republicans?

Because since 1990 they've won the popular vote for the President ONCE, and that came in Dubya's second term.

In that time they've had FIVE Supreme Court picks. Is that because the people want this? No, it's because the system gave it to them.

The Senate hasn't had a majority of Republican votes over the previous three elections since like 2004. And yet they still end up with the Senate half the time.

Name a Democratic president who got in without winning the popular vote. A Democrat needs to win more of the vote to get in than a Republican does. It benefits the Republicans way more.

Because since 1990 they've won the popular vote for the President ONCE, and that came in Dubya's second term.

Ok, so first, why blame the republicans for that? That’s just how the system works. If you have a gripe, then gripe at the system, and push for a change.

But, this is the system we have because the founders didn’t want a majority rule. They wanted each state to have a say in things.

A Democrat needs to win more of the vote to get in than a Republican does.

No they don’t, they need to win exactly what the system say they need to. Just because they win the popular vote doesn’t mean they HAVE to win the popular vote. The system would work the same if it were the other way around.

You would be fine with allowing the democrats to completely control the country though. They would win every presidency, have a permanent majority in both houses, and a permanent majority in the scotus. This would work fine for you, but what about those people in other states who don’t want to live under the rules dictated by the majority of people in New York or LA? You’d be giving 80% of the country no voice.

I mean, if you look at the political map of the country, most of the US is red, it’s just the densely populated cities in some states that make up the majority of the democrat voter base. In your scenario, it would be those spots who could control the rest of the country.

Isn’t really what you want?
I mean, if you look at the political map of the country, most of the US is red, it’s just the densely populated cities in some states that make up the majority of the democrat voter base.
We count votes, not square miles.

Most of the country is not red. Most of the country is blue. And democrats will once again get more votes than republicans do in 2024.

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