Should SCOTUS be increased to 13?

I would be in favor of a retirement “red zone” of sorts for all federal employees including elected officials. Call it 77.5 or 80 or 83.5 or whatever. Lets say 80 y/o just for the sake of argument. By “red zone” I mean that if you’re a senator and you win another six year term at the age of 78, you can serve until you are 84 but you can’t run again because you’re over 80. If a judge or justice turns 80 on day one of the new term, they see the rest of their term. If the Judge has any cases before her or him; they finish hearing the case.
Seems reasonable to me.
I know but now both sides have that segment who think anytime they don't get what they want it's a travesty of justice.
So? It is tough being a hardcore partisan, waffling between elation and total despair, weakly if not daily. Screw them. Let them grow up.
No and if this was a liberal majority court no one on the left would be talking about increasing the number of justices. To be fair some on right would though.
We have had majority conservative and majority courts in the past.

What we haven’t had in recent memory is a jury rigged ULTRA right wing politicized Court like this one.

And it needs to be fixed
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We have had majority conservative and majority courts on the past.

What we haven’t had in recent memory is a jury rigged ULTRA right wing politicized Court like this one.

And it needs to be fixed
then have 10 year terms and they are out of there...
We have had majority conservative and majority courts on the past.

What we haven’t had in recent memory is a jury rigged ULTRA right wing politicized Court like this one.

And it needs to be fixed
would you be for increasing the size of the court if Trump was currently President?

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