Should SCOTUS be increased to 13?


Certainly the most corrupt SCOTUS in my lifetime so far. They also seem ethically challenged. Several of them even lied during their confirmation hearings.
I think that justices shouldn't be involved in politics at all, federal judges too.

Until the electoral system changes, nothing will change.

The Republicans have no reason to change a system they benefit from massively. So, it'll never change.

Both parties are more interested in milking the cow than actually having a country that works.

The Republicans have no reason to change a system they benefit from massively. So, it'll never change.

See, I was with you right up til this quote. The left use the scotus in the same way. Why is it so hard to admit that, and apply your criticism to both sides, instead of just singling out “republicans”? They’re both playing the same game.
See, I was with you right up til this quote. The left use the scotus in the same way. Why is it so hard to admit that, and apply your criticism to both sides, instead of just singling out “republicans”? They’re both playing the same game.

Both sides would do the same, if they got the chance. The Democrats are also not pushing for Proportional Representation even though the system doesn't benefit them as much.

You think I'm making saying this because I'm a Democrat? I'm not. I don't like either part.

Why am I singling out the Republicans?

Because since 1990 they've won the popular vote for the President ONCE, and that came in Dubya's second term.

In that time they've had FIVE Supreme Court picks. Is that because the people want this? No, it's because the system gave it to them.

The Senate hasn't had a majority of Republican votes over the previous three elections since like 2004. And yet they still end up with the Senate half the time.

Name a Democratic president who got in without winning the popular vote. A Democrat needs to win more of the vote to get in than a Republican does. It benefits the Republicans way more.
It would make perfect sense to reduce it to ONE.

One eminent Constitutional scholar, with no political agenda or affiliation, would be preferable.

Put an end to activism from the bench.
Ever notice it’s only republicans who tend to get disappointed by their picks when they get on the bench? The dem appointed justices tend to vote their political lean 99% of the time, while the republican appointed one’s waffle and give in more often.

What Lakota is offering, with his one sided, extremist sourcing, and view is tyranny from a handful of unelected people in robes…All because he doesn’t like decisions coming from the current makeup of the court.

Yet, somehow we’re the fascists…what a joke, from a very unserious, partisan hack.
Why should we assume that nine Supreme Court justices understand the United States Constitution better than elected officials, or the electorate? Supreme Court justices are appointed for life. They sometimes change their opinions dramatically after they join the Supreme Court. Supreme Court decisions sometimes overturn popular legislation that has been in effect for a long time.

I favor keeping the number of Supreme Court justices to nine. I would also like to require a two thirds vote for any Supreme Court decision, and enable a Supreme Court decision to be overturned by a two thirds vote in each house of Congress, and a presidential signature.
We have had majority conservative and majority courts in the past.

What we haven’t had in recent memory is a jury rigged ULTRA right wing politicized Court like this one.

And it needs to be fixed
Republicans know elections are rigged. In fact, in many areas, it is about 4% spouted from those who know. A loose confederation of states may solve a lot of problems.

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