Should Senate impeachment trial allow witnesses?

Because the Congress does not get to run roughshod over the Whitehouse.
They aren't. They are within their constitutional authority.

A poll released Tuesday by ABC News and The Washington Post found that about 7 in 10 Americans think the administration officials should be able to testify. In an example of bipartisan agreement, 79% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 72% of independents agree that Trump should allow them to appear in a Senate trial in the likely event that the House votes to impeach him.

Why won't he let the witnesses speak?
They are not within their Constitutional authority. That is what is being challenged in court. You know, the check on Congress is the Judiciary and the Whitehouse has every right to utilize that check.

What’s the argument that they’re not in their constitutional authority? How does Congress not have a right to subpoena the executive? They’ve been doing it since the early years of the Republic.

They do not have the right to subpoena executive branch officials who do not want to testify. How good would their advice be if it was constantly under the oversight of people less qualified than they are?

Do you often ask your Uber driver for financial advice? How about your nail techs advice on child-rearing? Wait! Change that to raising your children, We all know how you libs love child-rearing.
Let's see, why would anyone in their right mind NOT want their associates to be put under oath and grilled by a howling mob out for blood?
Your deceitful lie does not change the fact that Trump has the choice of allowing the testimony of what his claims imply are witnesses who will exonerate him.

Trump claims he didn't do anything wrong.

A poll released Tuesday by ABC News and The Washington Post found that about 7 in 10 Americans think the administration officials should be able to testify. In an example of bipartisan agreement, 79% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 72% of independents agree that Trump should allow them to appear in a Senate trial in the likely event that the House votes to impeach him.

If the witnesses will exonerate him, why won't he let the witnesses speak?

He doesn't have to prove himself innocent.
This impeachment bullshit has gone too long.
We all know that the Republicans in the Senate will vote NO, so vote asap and move on to more important shit like the economy and the trade war with china.
Bunch of incompetent retards running America like it's a banana republic.

The point is we don't want to become a banana republic where the dictators are free to roam. McConnel and others have guaranteed that they wouldn't convict trump no matter what he did. Well, if that's true, a trial in the senate will show this country, the world and future voters how corrupt the republicans have become.

Link it or you lie!
" Tonight, history was made. It was a solemn, somber evening. It was fascinating to me, that while history was being made, the president was out campaigning. That for sure is a first.

He will now be the first impeached president to seek re-election. This process now moves to the senate and will be debated in the history books for decades to come." - Marvelous Maria Shriver
You’re setting a standard whereby any request of information to the executive will take at least two years to fulfill.

Is that what you want when there’s a Democratic President?

The next democrat president will be impeached within minutes of being sworn in!

They can start as soon as the new Congress is sworn in the first week in January. The new Democrat sworn-in would be their vice presidential nominee.

Imagine if someday Biden wins before having a brain aneurysm. He will be immediately impeached for his Ukrainian fiasco, and we have all the evidence out of Biden's own mouth.
Nixon wasn't impeached
He was investigated with an impeachment inquiry and attempted to hide evidence and defy subpoenas by claiming executive privilege. He lost the case.

So maybe the Dems should have gone to Court. They didn't! They lose in the Senate!
You’re setting a standard whereby any request of information to the executive will take at least two years to fulfill.

Is that what you want when there’s a Democratic President?

I want clear lines of power and solid checks on them. Checks and Balances refer to the powers between branches of government. There are three co-equal branches.

The operative word is 'co-equal'.
Checks and balances, huh? Doesn’t seem like you want the president to have much of any check to me.

The courts can order his people to testify. Did you forget that they are the third branch?
So maybe the Dems should have gone to Court. They didn't! They lose in the Senate!
You’re setting a standard whereby any request of information to the executive will take at least two years to fulfill.

Is that what you want when there’s a Democratic President?

I want clear lines of power and solid checks on them. Checks and Balances refer to the powers between branches of government. There are three co-equal branches.

The operative word is 'co-equal'.
Checks and balances, huh? Doesn’t seem like you want the president to have much of any check to me.
Of course, he has a check. It is called the Judiciary. Congress takes the President to court and if they are in the right, the court tells the President that he cannot stop the subpoena's. Or in this case, the Congress' lawyers argue that the President does not have Exec privilege and that the subpenas will be upheld or they will be denied.

That is how all this works. None of it, though, is obstruction.

The impeachment process is the sole authority of the legislature.

No. The power of impeachment lies in the House. The power to try all impeachments lies in the Senate. The power to determine application of Executive Privilege is with the courts because it does not deal with impeachment only.
How can the prosecution or defense present their cases without witnesses?

That was the job of the house to do...the senate acts as the jury.

Trump obstructed the House impeachment process by not allowing key witnesses to testify - forcing the House into the courts that would drag out into the 2020 election season.

The person you are replying to doesn't know what they're talking about or they're lying.

The Senate is where the trial happens. Which is why the senators are the jury. The Senate isn't the jury. The senators are. The only reason to have a jury is for a trial.

A trial is where witnesses testify to the jury. The place to have witnesses is a trial.

The House tried to get those people to testify but trump ordered them not too. Which is also a crime. A subpoena is a legal document that requires people to show up and testify. Republicans don't give a damn about our process or the rule of law so we weren't able to get the testimony of all witnesses.

I find it disgusting to see a president obstruct this process with not allowing people to testify they whine and cry that the president didn't get a chance to defend himself or have due process. The president was invited twice by the House to come testify and defend himself. He said no. Then whines he didn't get a chance to defend himself.

These people are making a joke of our nation, our government and our rule of law.

It is too bad you don't have a fucking clue as to what you are prattling on about!
You’re setting a standard whereby any request of information to the executive will take at least two years to fulfill.

Is that what you want when there’s a Democratic President?

The next democrat president will be impeached within minutes of being sworn in!

Yeah! 2029 is still along way off though !

I am thinking about 2049 for the Democrats to reconstitute their party when it gets decimated in 2020.
And the jury can't do their job until the case is presented to them. I doubt the judge presiding over the case will allow that to happen.

As the leftists have been so fond of saying...this is not a court of's a political matter :auiqs.jpg:

Lefties don't like a taste of their own medicine do they? :laughing0301:

Actually the President has been impeached. Impeachment is about restoring honor and the Senate is the punishment side.

The house will go to work tomorrow with a clean slate.
79% of Democrats say YES.

72% of Independents say YES.

64% of Republicans say YES.

A poll released Tuesday by ABC News and The Washington Post found that about 7 in 10 Americans think the administration officials should be able to testify. In an example of bipartisan agreement, 79% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 72% of independents agree that Trump should allow them to appear in a Senate trial in the likely event that the House votes to impeach him.

Impeachment: Poll finds most think Trump should let aides testify in Senate

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is requesting four witnesses: acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, former national security adviser John Bolton, senior adviser to the acting White House chief of staff Robert Blair and Office of Management and Budget official Michael Duffey.

Chuck Schumer requests four witnesses in impeachment Senate trial - CNN

Chuck Schumer is only requesting four witnesses. I think this is a fair and reasonable request - especially since most Americans, most Republicans, and most Independents want witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial. What do you think?

As long as they are the witnesses the Republicans want to put forth.
Dems shouldnt get jackshit for witnesses just like they did in congress to Republicans.
Republicans didn’t request any witnesses.

Why do you lie?
79% of Democrats say YES.

72% of Independents say YES.

64% of Republicans say YES.

A poll released Tuesday by ABC News and The Washington Post found that about 7 in 10 Americans think the administration officials should be able to testify. In an example of bipartisan agreement, 79% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 72% of independents agree that Trump should allow them to appear in a Senate trial in the likely event that the House votes to impeach him.

Impeachment: Poll finds most think Trump should let aides testify in Senate

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is requesting four witnesses: acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, former national security adviser John Bolton, senior adviser to the acting White House chief of staff Robert Blair and Office of Management and Budget official Michael Duffey.

Chuck Schumer requests four witnesses in impeachment Senate trial - CNN

Chuck Schumer is only requesting four witnesses. I think this is a fair and reasonable request - especially since most Americans, most Republicans, and most Independents want witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial. What do you think?

As long as they are the witnesses the Republicans want to put forth.
Dems shouldnt get jackshit for witnesses just like they did in congress to Republicans.
Republicans didn’t request any witnesses.

They weren't allowed to question the dems witnesses.
That’s false. Where do you guys come up with this?

Any time they asked a witness about something that might bear fruit, Schiif and Nadler refused to let the witnesses answer.
How can the prosecution or defense present their cases without witnesses?

Because morons, it isn't the job of the Senate to hold an all new hearing all over again and retry the president a second time, but to JUDGE the case presented them by the House!

Too bad Schiffty wouldn't allow the GOP to call Biden, Hunter and the others they wanted, then they could have gotten Mulvaney and others THEY wanted! Too late now!
Holding a trial is exactly the job of the senate. The house had hearings to determine whether to impeach Trump. Now there will be a trial to determine whether he is guilty.

There will be no trial. A motion to dismiss is what will happen and the case will be over in a matter of minutes.

And won't that be a howl. :banana:

Months, YEARS of work by the democrats, thrown out in seconds like a bad burrito breakfast.
79% of Democrats say YES.

72% of Independents say YES.

64% of Republicans say YES.

A poll released Tuesday by ABC News and The Washington Post found that about 7 in 10 Americans think the administration officials should be able to testify. In an example of bipartisan agreement, 79% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 72% of independents agree that Trump should allow them to appear in a Senate trial in the likely event that the House votes to impeach him.

Impeachment: Poll finds most think Trump should let aides testify in Senate

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is requesting four witnesses: acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, former national security adviser John Bolton, senior adviser to the acting White House chief of staff Robert Blair and Office of Management and Budget official Michael Duffey.

Chuck Schumer requests four witnesses in impeachment Senate trial - CNN

Chuck Schumer is only requesting four witnesses. I think this is a fair and reasonable request - especially since most Americans, most Republicans, and most Independents want witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial. What do you think?

As long as they are the witnesses the Republicans want to put forth.
Dems shouldnt get jackshit for witnesses just like they did in congress to Republicans.
Republicans didn’t request any witnesses.

Why do you lie?

Because Lefties are all mental cases. They cannot tell reality from the whims of their delusional fantasies, worse, their entire existence is based on pure fiction.
How can the prosecution or defense present their cases without witnesses?

Because morons, it isn't the job of the Senate to hold an all new hearing all over again and retry the president a second time, but to JUDGE the case presented them by the House!

Too bad Schiffty wouldn't allow the GOP to call Biden, Hunter and the others they wanted, then they could have gotten Mulvaney and others THEY wanted! Too late now!
Holding a trial is exactly the job of the senate. The house had hearings to determine whether to impeach Trump. Now there will be a trial to determine whether he is guilty.

There will be no trial. A motion to dismiss is what will happen and the case will be over in a matter of minutes.

And won't that be a howl. :banana:

Months, YEARS of work by the democrats, thrown out in seconds like a bad burrito breakfast.

What makes you think it will be turned over to the Senate any time soon?
So, you think the impeachment words in the Constitution are just political bullshit not to be taken seriously?

Lefties obviously think that...holding secret hearings, a nameless "whistleblower", calling witnesses who did not witness a damn thing, not allowing the other side to call witnesses.
You are another one who doesn't just drink the Kool-Aid trump TV serves up to you, you spoon it right out of the container and shovel it directly into your mouth, bypassing the water.
We all know if Ears did what Donnie did, nothing would happen. Actually, Ears did far worse multiple times, yet never faced impeachment.
That's bullshit, and you know it.
So, you think the impeachment words in the Constitution are just political bullshit not to be taken seriously?

Lefties obviously think that...holding secret hearings, a nameless "whistleblower", calling witnesses who did not witness a damn thing, not allowing the other side to call witnesses.
You are another one who doesn't just drink the Kool-Aid trump TV serves up to you, you spoon it right out of the container and shovel it directly into your mouth, bypassing the water.
We all know if Ears did what Donnie did, nothing would happen. Actually, Ears did far worse multiple times, yet never faced impeachment.
That's bullshit, and you know it.
Which part? Ears wouldn’t be impeached for what Donnie did or he did far worse than Donnie?

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