Should Snowden be left in the dirt....with bullets in him?

Republican Comrades,

We must protect the power of Big Government to spy on its own citizens. Government loves us and it only trying to protect. Government is competent and must be trusted.

The power of government must never be questioned or exposed.

We must bring Snowden to justice.

Remember: we are Republicans and we always stand with the power of government over the people.

Join the fight fellow Republicans!

Join the fight!

oh, just STFU.

More leftards condemn Snowden than conservatives do.
Edward Snowden is a genuine American hero the like of which we haven't seen for centuries. He was right to leave or he would have ended up dead like the others, like Aaron Swarz, Michael Hastings, Andrew Breitbart and Tom Clancy.

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I understand that leftards almost UNANIMOUSLY would crucify him for exposing their idol, but I am amazed that some conservatives consider the defense of this despicable government machine more important than our own rights.
Yeah, it's better to keep Obama's Domestic spying a secret

That darn Snowden

The National Security Archives have files on The Beatles, Jane Fonda, John Lennon, and a multitude of others. Communism or Socialism were once the big threat$. Now Terrori$m is the big threat to American "Freedoms". Freedoms for whom?

No one denies that Socialism existed/exists, and the same goes for acts of terrorism.

The most dangerous disclosure, would be NAMES. Think about Iran Air-flight 655. Look at what happened to the captain's wife's minivan, in the aftermath. Whether this was done by a foreign or domestic terrorist, is irrelevant. But this is a good example of why names don't need to be exposed.
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"More than 500 of the world's leading authors, including five Nobel prize winners, have condemned the scale of state surveillance revealed by the whistleblower Edward Snowden and warned that spy agencies are undermining democracy and must be curbed by a new international charter.

The signatories, who come from 81 different countries and include Margaret Atwood, Don DeLillo, Orhan Pamuk, Günter Grass and Arundhati Roy, say the capacity of intelligence agencies to spy on millions of people's digital communications is turning everyone into potential suspects, with worrying implications for the way societies work."

World's leading authors: state surveillance of personal data is theft | World news | The Guardian

If you think he should be left in the dirt with bullets in him, then you should be left in the dirt, with bullets in you.
Should Snowden be left in the dirt....with bullets in him?


He should be returned to the United States to stand trial.

Though Tuesday's statement does not mention these programmes by name, it says the extent of surveillance revealed by Snowden has challenged and undermined the right of all humans to "remain unobserved and unmolested" in their thoughts, personal environments and communications. "This fundamental human right has been rendered null and void through abuse of technological developments by states and corporations for mass surveillance purposes," the statement adds.

"A person under surveillance is no longer free; a society under surveillance is no longer a democracy. To maintain any validity, our democratic rights must apply in virtual as in real space."

This is in essence meaningless hyperbole, at least as far as the United States is concerned.

4th Amendment protections are predicated on the doctrine of a reasonable expectation of privacy, where no such expectation exists when one willingly provides personal information to an private third party, such as an ISP or wireless company.

If the American people wish the surveillance programs to end, they’ll instruct their elected representatives to repeal the laws authorizing those programs.

Wrong, the Fed. Gov needs a warrant to the private info from ISP's.
Yeah snowden should have alerted Eric Holder about the spying before going to the media.

To what end?

The surveillance programs are both legal and Constitutional.

What Snowden allegedly did is not.

No they aren't. Warrantless Surveillance is a violation of the 4th Amendment.

Blowing the whistle on illegal government activities is no illegal or unconstitutional, it is patriotic.

Case closed.
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Killing Snowden would be a DANGEROUS move. By all accounts, he has some very damning evidence in his possession. Some speculate, that he has given copies of the intelligence to several people, who've been instructed (by Snowden) to expose the entire content, if he is assassinated.

If what we know is only the "tip of the iceberg", one can only imagine what the hell else is in those files. Those companies contracted to carry out these unscrupulous acts, I hope, have a day of reckoning.

Also, lives of innocent family members could be in danger, if all is brought to light. There are living relatives, who probably have no knowledge of their spouses having been involved in clandestine activities. Opening this "Pandora's Box" would have repercussions extending beyond our lifetimes.

So we allow him to slow leak the info every time he feels neglected? I say put him in the dirt and send that message to his cronies.

Snowden has already leaked everything. It's Greenwald and other journalists slowly reporting on it now.
Killing Snowden would be a DANGEROUS move. By all accounts, he has some very damning evidence in his possession. Some speculate, that he has given copies of the intelligence to several people, who've been instructed (by Snowden) to expose the entire content, if he is assassinated.

If what we know is only the "tip of the iceberg", one can only imagine what the hell else is in those files. Those companies contracted to carry out these unscrupulous acts, I hope, have a day of reckoning.

Also, lives of innocent family members could be in danger, if all is brought to light. There are living relatives, who probably have no knowledge of their spouses having been involved in clandestine activities. Opening this "Pandora's Box" would have repercussions extending beyond our lifetimes.

So we allow him to slow leak the info every time he feels neglected? I say put him in the dirt and send that message to his cronies.

Snowden has already leaked everything. It's Greenwald and other journalists slowly reporting on it now.

From what I have read there is 90% yet to be revealed.
So we allow him to slow leak the info every time he feels neglected? I say put him in the dirt and send that message to his cronies.

Snowden has already leaked everything. It's Greenwald and other journalists slowly reporting on it now.

From what I have read there is 90% yet to be revealed.

I'm guessing that's just a made up statistic, but yes they've revealed that there is more to be reported on. But, again, it's the journalists who are methodically releasing the information. Snowden has nothing to do with the actual reporting beyond his initial contact with the reporters.
There is a right way and a wrong way for government malfeasance to be exposed.

Snowden did it the wrong way. He did not even try to do it the right way.
I don't see any difference between him and Daniel Elsberg.

Both are true American patriots.

People against Snowden, are the kind of people who wouldn't report the Holocaust.

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