Should Snowden be left in the dirt....with bullets in him?

Executed for whistle-blowing? Are you fucking serious? And how do you figure him to be a traitor? Because he told the American people about the unethical actions of the American government? That doesn't even make sense, asshole.
Executed for treason, not whistle blowing.

Perhaps if you learned the fucking difference between the two?

One can blow the whistle on government wrong-doing and get legal recourse to stop it, WITHOUT having to give away top secret national security information to our enemies and the world at large.

He did NOT do that, he IS currently doing great damage to legitimate intelligence operations against our enemies.

In other words, he is a traitor and needs to stand trial as a traitor.

What he gets if convicted matters little to Me, but for the crime he has committed, hanging would be appropriate.

Waiting for specifics rather than talking points.

Treason against who? Treason is the act of betraying one's country, NOT one's government. Perhaps if you learned the fucking difference between THOSE two.
What are you saying, Plasma? I'm confused. :confused:

This Boston Bombing, an attempt at terrorism; which failed miserably. Rather, it was a tragedy. Chechnya? Seriously? That clandestine planner had a major brain fart.


According to one former nsa agent we collect so much data per day that we cant sift through it all. Hence why you've gotten these attacks on Us soil.

There is no need to collect this and its basically illegal, yet people rather just roll over and take it.

I see. Well, follow the money trail, and you'll find the pile of crap at the end of it. Who is benefitting from this spying? No one works for free. No one gives away their hardware and software, for free.

The government has been doing this for decades.
Executed for treason, not whistle blowing.

Perhaps if you learned the fucking difference between the two?

One can blow the whistle on government wrong-doing and get legal recourse to stop it, WITHOUT having to give away top secret national security information to our enemies and the world at large.

He did NOT do that, he IS currently doing great damage to legitimate intelligence operations against our enemies.

In other words, he is a traitor and needs to stand trial as a traitor.

What he gets if convicted matters little to Me, but for the crime he has committed, hanging would be appropriate.

Waiting for specifics rather than talking points.

Treason against who? Treason is the act of betraying one's country, NOT one's government. Perhaps if you learned the fucking difference between THOSE two.

The definition of treason in the United States:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." - Article 3, Section 3, U.S. Constitution

In other words, treason only consists of attacking the individual states. Snowden, obviously, did nothing of the sort.

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