Should Texas remove Biden from presidential ballot?

Should Texas remove Biden from presidential ballot?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 84.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 15.8%

  • Total voters
Yup, that Biden. The fake 81 million votes who now has a 37% approval rating :auiqs.jpg: .

Like I said, it's just the warmongering white boomers like you who are still in that cult. And you're all dying off.

So, if the Dems could "steal" the election right under you retard's nose, what makes you think we won't do it again?

You guys really are morons, aren't you? :itsok:
Yup, that Biden. The fake 81 million votes who now has a 37% approval rating :auiqs.jpg: .

Like I said, it's just the warmongering white boomers like you who are still in that cult. And you're all dying off.

U think Trump has any alure for progs? lol
Why are you leaving out the part that says Congress has the power to enforce through legislation. That means they can make laws to define how the amendment is used. They haven’t made any laws from what I’ve seen except for when the granted amnesty to the confederates following the war.

But let’s play this out…. How exactly would you expect Congress to declare the insurrection? What kind of process makes it official in your mind?
I'm not leaving anything out. Congress not the states determines an insurrection. Congress has the sole authority to enforce the 14 amendment.
There's a legal definition of an insurrection.
I'm not leaving anything out. Congress not the states determines an insurrection. Congress has the sole authority to enforce the 14 amendment.
There's a legal definition of an insurrection.
Again I’ll ask. What does congressional enforcement look like?
How would they use it to disqualify Biden?

Well, I’m not a lawyer, so I’m not sure how they could work it, but, I suspect it would have something to do with an insurrection against the constitution by allowing our borders to be invaded by illegals, not knowing if there are people coming through who are intent on harm to the country, the harm is has on cities (New York is showing us this right now), and the people. Then there is the potential for possible criminal actions with Biden taking money from the Chinese government. That could be looked at as bribery, selling out our country and its secrets. The documents found at Chinese funded penn Biden center could be the medium for access to classified information in exchange for money. All of those could be viewed as a way to harm (rebel) or run afoul of our constitution (insurrection).

There are a few things that a court, lawyers, a Secretary of State, or an attorney general could work into a case for disqualification. Again, I’m not a lawyer, but I’m sure any savvy lawyer can make a case for insurrection based on those things..

Again, you all wanted the states to be able to determine these things, without trump ever being charged with insurrection, just that someone deemed it so, so, let’s just go ahead and play that game. 26 Republican controlled state legislatures that leverage over 270 electoral votes. Let’s get Biden tossed off the ballots in all of those states…republicans automatically win….unless you find another candidate to replace Biden, because he would be absent from all of those states.
This whole removing people from ballots is absurd, and shows that Progs are at least as demented as Maga, but if Biden and Trump are the two nominees .... Biden's going to be humiliated by the shallacking that's coming.
Not with millions of new illegal democrats flown into the swing State on the taxpayers nickel. Absolutely no reason to allow any democrat to run for reelection

We can handle it peacefully now by removing democrats from the ballots or it will be much worse later
Should Texas remove Biden from presidential ballot? Biden is committing treason by encouraging the invasion at the Southern border. How are single men coming over from Africa?

Only remedy is to remove Biden, amiright?

Should Texas remove Biden from the ballot? NO, it is my opinion that if a person meets the qualifications to be president and has not been convicted of insurrection or rebellion that no state should deny that person the right to run for office, up to and including the presidency. The democrats are trying to remove Trump from the ballots in some states, and I think that is wrong. Doing the same thing to Biden is just as wrong.

Biden is committing treason by encouraging the invasion at the Southern border.

Not in my opinion.

Only remedy is to remove Biden, amiright?

That is what the Impeachment process is for, in cases of treason.
Not with millions of new illegal democrats flown into the swing State on the taxpayers nickel. Absolutely no reason to allow any democrat to run for reelection

We can handle it peacefully now by removing democrats from the ballots or it will be much worse later
I had no doubt you are a traitor
Well, I’m not a lawyer, so I’m not sure how they could work it, but, I suspect it would have something to do with an insurrection against the constitution by allowing our borders to be invaded by illegals, not knowing if there are people coming through who are intent on harm to the country, the harm is has on cities (New York is showing us this right now), and the people. Then there is the potential for possible criminal actions with Biden taking money from the Chinese government. That could be looked at as bribery, selling out our country and its secrets. The documents found at Chinese funded penn Biden center could be the medium for access to classified information in exchange for money. All of those could be viewed as a way to harm (rebel) or run afoul of our constitution (insurrection).

There are a few things that a court, lawyers, a Secretary of State, or an attorney general could work into a case for disqualification. Again, I’m not a lawyer, but I’m sure any savvy lawyer can make a case for insurrection based on those things..

Again, you all wanted the states to be able to determine these things, without trump ever being charged with insurrection, just that someone deemed it so, so, let’s just go ahead and play that game. 26 Republican controlled state legislatures that leverage over 270 electoral votes. Let’s get Biden tossed off the ballots in all of those states…republicans automatically win….unless you find another candidate to replace Biden, because he would be absent from all of those states.
People immigrating legally and illegally has been happening since the founding of this country and has never been considered an insurrection. You don’t need to be a lawyer to know simple definitions. One would have to be a citizen of this country to be involved in an insurrection. If foreigners were invading then it would be a war or an outside violent attack.

There is zero proof that Biden is supporting violent attacks at our border or even illegal activity.
People immigrating legally and illegally has been happening since the founding of this country and has never been considered an insurrection. You don’t need to be a lawyer to know simple definitions. One would have to be a citizen of this country to be involved in an insurrection. If foreigners were invading then it would be a war or an outside violent attack.

There is zero proof that Biden is supporting violent attacks at our border or even illegal activity.

There is evidence that he is a party to not securing the border, as mandated by the constitution, allowing illegals to skirt immigration laws. It’s not the illegals who are the ones committing insurrection, it’s the president for not enforcing borders.

I’m just saying, with the way things are interpreted these days, it’s not hard to imagine that some good lawyers could make a case for Biden breaking his oath of office to defend the constitution, this creating an insurrection against it.

Also, apparently, since we can define things in so many ways, violence is not necessary for an insurrection to happen, and it doesn’t even really need to BE insurrection…just something kinda like it, and that’s good enough to disqualify him under the 14th amendment.

Again, savvy lawyers could make these connections.
There is evidence that he is a party to not securing the border, as mandated by the constitution, allowing illegals to skirt immigration laws.
Yet he still finds the border and there are still deportations. He is the president and has the power to enforce how he sees fit.

He also presented a border security plan to Congress in his first year which they didn’t act on. Are they all insurrectionists too?
I think every State needs to remove the democrat Party as long as they're encouraging the invasion at the Southern border. Clearly, they intend to cheat -- again. And next time it might not be a "peaceful" march on Washington. The democrat Party can hide behind their Sinaloa and African Corp troops
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It's up to Congress to have the remedy
You seem to not understand why the federal government created the 14th amendment.
I understand it just fine, they didn’t want traitors and friends of traitors in leadership roles.

But why do you keep dodging. What would a congressional remedy look like given the current status of our laws?
Yet he still finds the border and there are still deportations. He is the president and has the power to enforce how he sees fit.

He also presented a border security plan to Congress in his first year which they didn’t act on. Are they all insurrectionists too?

200,000 illegals crossed last month? He may be deporting a few here and there, but by not clamping down on the border, he’s allowing a multitude more in.

He is the president and has the power to enforce how he sees fit.

That sounds an awful lot like “being the president allows me to do whatever I want”…which is bad, right? The truth is, he doesn’t get to enforce the border as he sees fit, we have laws, passed by Congress, we have a constitution. What gives him the right to ignore our immigration laws, and allow it sovereign borders to be porous?

He also presented a border security plan to Congress in his first year which they didn’t act on. Are they all insurrectionists too?

You mean the bill that wouldn’t do anything to curb illegal immigration and in fact speed it up by lowering the path to citizenship from 13 years to 8 years? That would increase the number of illegal crossings by increasing the family based immigration? I can’t imagine why they didn’t pass it…

I’m curious…if immigration is so important to you…why did Biden tell all of them Cubans to go home? “There is no room in America for you!”

What was that all about??
I understand it just fine, they didn’t want traitors and friends of traitors in leadership roles.

But why do you keep dodging. What would a congressional remedy look like given the current status of our laws?
You keep dodging the fact your point is moot since Congress and only Congress has juridiction over the 14th amendment. Hell Congress has juridiction over all the amendments.
Should Texas remove Biden from presidential ballot? Biden is committing treason by encouraging the invasion at the Southern border. How are single men coming over from Africa?

Only remedy is to remove Biden, amiright?
You may throw around the term "treason", because you have no clue what the Constitutional definition of the word is.

Article III, Section 3, Clause 1: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.
I'm not leaving anything out. Congress not the states determines an insurrection. Congress has the sole authority to enforce the 14 amendment.
There's a legal definition of an insurrection.
And the states (who control over 95% of the offices that the 14th amendment addresses) are the arbiter when it comes to offices state and local.

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