Should Thanksgiving even be a holiday?

I'm sure that Christmas and the Forth of July will be on the hit list if it's not already...
You guys can always create a national abortion day to take the place of Christmas... :(
If Obama Care is still around we can have abortions for girls under 13, 50% off.
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How the hell is my getting Christmas off taking advantage of someone else? My employer signed a contract with me that compensates me for my hard work. Part of that compensation includes paid time off, some of which is on days like Christmas when the office is closed anyway, and some of which is days I can choose.

If anything, I'm being a really nice guy by taking Jesus' birthday with everyone else and not insisting that I get Carl Sagan's birthday instead.

Please explain how atheists are disadvantaging anyone by simply going with the flow and not being the self-righteous pricks we have every right to be on this issue.

This should be good.

Christmas is a Christian holiday. He is only giving it to you because of the Christian tradition. He, himself, may even be a Christian and is giving you, one of his servants, the day off according to HIS convictions. I can't imagine why you would want a Christian holiday, given how much Christianity is maligned and hated on this forum. You could insist on Carl Sagan's birthday and work on Christmas. You could even insist on Darwin's birthday instead of Thanksgiving. Now, that might reflect one of those many ethics that atheists claim to have, but in fact do not.


Christianity is neither ‘maligned’ nor ‘hated’ on this forum. What you incorrectly perceive to be ‘malice’ or ‘hate’ is in fact a response by persons of faith and free from faith to those few arrogant Christians who exhibit either ignorance of, or contempt for, the First Amendment and its case law and seek to violate the Constitution’s requirement that church and state remain separate.
Lincoln in his Thanksgiving proclamation stated: "The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God."

Thanksgiving Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln

FDR changed the days to accommodate business, "In 1939, however, the last Thursday in November fell on the last day of the month. Concerned that the shortened Christmas shopping season might dampen the economic recovery, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued a Presidential Proclamation moving Thanksgiving to the second to last Thursday of November."

Congress Establishes Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving to me is about how I live the rest of the year and the gratitude I feel is a state of being, not just about a turkey and whatever else the day represents.

:eusa_eh: Freedom for every American to be thankful in their own way?

I like it!! :party:

Sure seems that way, at least that's what my view is....and I am a hardass.

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Based on principles argued by the left on this forum, how is it that Thanksgiving is a legal American holiday? Yes it is based on a supposed historical event, but its underpinnings are entirely religious. Both he pilgrims AND the Indians believed there was a deity to be thanked for the abundant harvest. That is the traditional belief. Only two religious foundations there.

So, doesn't giving Thanksgiving day off to federal workers underpin a preference by the government for the two religions represented there?

I post this because the left is so classically atheist and yet they have gone to the mat over Walmart and other places staying open on Thanksgiving day. What's so special about that day other than the religious connotation. And I don't want to hear anything about family and other blah blah blah. I am a nurse and I learned years ago that it still feels like Thanksgiving on the Saturday after. You can get together with family and eat turkey and pray any day of the year.

And if the store owner happens to be atheist, then shouldn't his lack of religion be respected in regard to his store? Why should he have to close on Thanksgiving because his employees want to pray that day? Doesn't that violate his rights as a non believer?



I am amazed you don't know the history of thanksgiving....

it is NOT about religion.... or the stupid Pilgrims.

It was about healing the country after the civil war..... some common grounds for both sides.

God was thrown in becasue at the time.... it was how orators worked the crowds..

How the hell is my getting Christmas off taking advantage of someone else? My employer signed a contract with me that compensates me for my hard work. Part of that compensation includes paid time off, some of which is on days like Christmas when the office is closed anyway, and some of which is days I can choose.

If anything, I'm being a really nice guy by taking Jesus' birthday with everyone else and not insisting that I get Carl Sagan's birthday instead.

Please explain how atheists are disadvantaging anyone by simply going with the flow and not being the self-righteous pricks we have every right to be on this issue.

This should be good.

Christmas is a Christian holiday. He is only giving it to you because of the Christian tradition. He, himself, may even be a Christian and is giving you, one of his servants, the day off according to HIS convictions. I can't imagine why you would want a Christian holiday, given how much Christianity is maligned and hated on this forum. You could insist on Carl Sagan's birthday and work on Christmas. You could even insist on Darwin's birthday instead of Thanksgiving. Now, that might reflect one of those many ethics that atheists claim to have, but in fact do not.

christmas is a pagan holiday usurped by christians to make their religion more palatable to the pagans.
Based on principles argued by the left on this forum, how is it that Thanksgiving is a legal American holiday? Yes it is based on a supposed historical event, but its underpinnings are entirely religious. Both he pilgrims AND the Indians believed there was a deity to be thanked for the abundant harvest. That is the traditional belief. Only two religious foundations there.

So, doesn't giving Thanksgiving day off to federal workers underpin a preference by the government for the two religions represented there?

I post this because the left is so classically atheist and yet they have gone to the mat over Walmart and other places staying open on Thanksgiving day. What's so special about that day other than the religious connotation. And I don't want to hear anything about family and other blah blah blah. I am a nurse and I learned years ago that it still feels like Thanksgiving on the Saturday after. You can get together with family and eat turkey and pray any day of the year.

And if the store owner happens to be atheist, then shouldn't his lack of religion be respected in regard to his store? Why should he have to close on Thanksgiving because his employees want to pray that day? Doesn't that violate his rights as a non believer?

geesh, you're nuts. The celebration. The celebration and observation: Thanksgiving (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I thought wiki was beneath you.

how about the history channel?

Thanksgiving Facts Video ?
Lincoln in his Thanksgiving proclamation stated: "The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God."

Thanksgiving Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln

FDR changed the days to accommodate business, "In 1939, however, the last Thursday in November fell on the last day of the month. Concerned that the shortened Christmas shopping season might dampen the economic recovery, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued a Presidential Proclamation moving Thanksgiving to the second to last Thursday of November."

Congress Establishes Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving to me is about how I live the rest of the year and the gratitude I feel is a state of being, not just about a turkey and whatever else the day represents.

:eusa_eh: Freedom for every American to be thankful in their own way?

I like it!! :party:

Sure seems that way, at least that's what my view is....and I am a hardass.
"Clowns to the left of me...
Jokers to the right... here I am,
[ame=]Stealers Wheel - Stuck In The Middle With You {hq} Audio - YouTube[/ame]
To hardass Mods! :beer:
Thanksgiving is a holiday because Abraham Lincoln said so. We could easily get rid of nonsense holidays starting with MLK day.
Thanksgiving is a holiday because Abraham Lincoln said so. We could easily get rid of nonsense holidays starting with MLK day.

Try it and someone with chase you with a turkey leg....

Based on principles argued by the left on this forum, how is it that Thanksgiving is a legal American holiday? Yes it is based on a supposed historical event, but its underpinnings are entirely religious. Both he pilgrims AND the Indians believed there was a deity to be thanked for the abundant harvest. That is the traditional belief. Only two religious foundations there.

So, doesn't giving Thanksgiving day off to federal workers underpin a preference by the government for the two religions represented there?

I post this because the left is so classically atheist and yet they have gone to the mat over Walmart and other places staying open on Thanksgiving day. What's so special about that day other than the religious connotation. And I don't want to hear anything about family and other blah blah blah. I am a nurse and I learned years ago that it still feels like Thanksgiving on the Saturday after. You can get together with family and eat turkey and pray any day of the year.

And if the store owner happens to be atheist, then shouldn't his lack of religion be respected in regard to his store? Why should he have to close on Thanksgiving because his employees want to pray that day? Doesn't that violate his rights as a non believer?



I am amazed you don't know the history of thanksgiving....

it is NOT about religion.... or the stupid Pilgrims.

It was about healing the country after the civil war..... some common grounds for both sides.

God was thrown in becasue at the time.... it was how orators worked the crowds..

I think it's about gratitude but then it's different things to different people. I'm all for God being thrown in to make it more palatable for whoever needs it to be that way but then I don't care if the stores are open either.
Based on principles argued by the left on this forum, how is it that Thanksgiving is a legal American holiday? Yes it is based on a supposed historical event, but its underpinnings are entirely religious. Both he pilgrims AND the Indians believed there was a deity to be thanked for the abundant harvest. That is the traditional belief. Only two religious foundations there.

So, doesn't giving Thanksgiving day off to federal workers underpin a preference by the government for the two religions represented there?

I post this because the left is so classically atheist and yet they have gone to the mat over Walmart and other places staying open on Thanksgiving day. What's so special about that day other than the religious connotation. And I don't want to hear anything about family and other blah blah blah. I am a nurse and I learned years ago that it still feels like Thanksgiving on the Saturday after. You can get together with family and eat turkey and pray any day of the year.

And if the store owner happens to be atheist, then shouldn't his lack of religion be respected in regard to his store? Why should he have to close on Thanksgiving because his employees want to pray that day? Doesn't that violate his rights as a non believer?



I am amazed you don't know the history of thanksgiving....

it is NOT about religion.... or the stupid Pilgrims.

It was about healing the country after the civil war..... some common grounds for both sides.

God was thrown in becasue at the time.... it was how orators worked the crowds..

I think it's about gratitude but then it's different things to different people. I'm all for God being thrown in to make it more palatable for whoever needs it to be that way but then I don't care if the stores are open either.


If Christians want to perceive Thanksgiving in some religious context that's fine, who cares.

Whether Thanksgiving is of Christian origin or not, the OP’s premise is still idiocy.
geesh, you're nuts. The celebration. The celebration and observation: Thanksgiving (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I thought wiki was beneath you.

how about the history channel?

Thanksgiving Facts Video ?

The History Channel does some good stuff, but I put more faith in the Smithsonian Institution when it comes to American History.

The first Thanksgiving in North America was in New Foundland in 1578. “In the same year, Jamestown colonists gave thanks for their safe arrival, and another service was held in 1610 when a supply ship arrived after a harsh winter… Thus British colonists held several Thanksgiving services in America before the Pilgrim's celebration in 1621.”

“The Pilgrims, with a puritanical rejection of public religious display, held a non-religious Thanksgiving feast, aside from saying grace. In fact, they seem to have used the three days for feasting, playing games, and even drinking liquor.”

“In 1623, the Pilgrims at Plymouth Plantation, Massachusetts, held another day of Thanksgiving… This 1623 festival appears to have been the origin of our Thanksgiving Day because it combined a religious and social celebration”

“Festivals of Thanksgiving were observed sporadically on a local level for more than 150 years. They tended to be autumn harvest celebrations. But in 1789, Elias Boudinot, Massachusetts, member of the House of Representatives, moved that a day of Thanksgiving be held to thank God for giving the American people the opportunity to create a Constitution to preserve their hard won freedoms. A Congressional Joint Committee approved the motion, and informed President George Washington. On October 3, 1789, the President proclaimed that the people of the United States observe "a day of public thanksgiving and prayer" on Thursday, the 26th of November.”

“The next three Presidents proclaimed, at most, two days of thanksgiving sometime during their terms of office, either on their own initiative or at the request of a joint Resolution of Congress. One exception was Thomas Jefferson, who believed it was a conflict of church and state to require the American people hold a day of prayer and thanksgiving. President James Madison proclaimed a day of Thanksgiving to be held on April 13, 1815, the last such proclamation issued by a President until Abraham Lincoln did so in 1862.”

Thanksgiving was not created by Lincoln to heal the country after the Civil War. The first Thanksgiving was, indeed, something the Pilgrams did in 1622/3. George Washington made is a formal day for the whole country in 1789. Lincoln was the 5th President to proclaim it a national holiday, which he did in 1862, 3 years before the end of the civil war, so it wasn't to heal the country after the war.
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Based on principles argued by the left on this forum, how is it that Thanksgiving is a legal American holiday? Yes it is based on a supposed historical event, but its underpinnings are entirely religious. Both he pilgrims AND the Indians believed there was a deity to be thanked for the abundant harvest. That is the traditional belief. Only two religious foundations there.

So is Christmas but they were declared holidays before people were offended at the drop of a hat. And Thanksgiving was celebrated before it was declared a legal holiday. In fact it was celebrated for almost 200 years before it became a legal holiday.

It was more a nod to tradition than to religion. Just like Christmas.

I post this because the left is so classically atheist and yet they have gone to the mat over Walmart and other places staying open on Thanksgiving day. What's so special about that day other than the religious connotation. And I don't want to hear anything about family and other blah blah blah. I am a nurse and I learned years ago that it still feels like Thanksgiving on the Saturday after. You can get together with family and eat turkey and pray any day of the year.

And if the store owner happens to be atheist, then shouldn't his lack of religion be respected in regard to his store? Why should he have to close on Thanksgiving because his employees want to pray that day? Doesn't that violate his rights as a non believer?

Yes I know it's Wikipedia but here you go.

Public holidays in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Most retail stores are open every other holiday except Christmas and Thanksgiving so I don't see the big deal if they're open.

If people really don't want stores to be open then they shouldn't go shopping on thanksgiving. Believe me if stores don't get a turnout they won't be open in the future.
Feel free. It's the same principle. Should an atheist or a Jew be forced to be off on those very Christian holidays? Or be forced to close their stores on those days?

It's up to the business owner when he or she is open or closed. If an employee doesn't like it they can find another job or just deal with it. Where are there laws that say a business is not allowed to be open on Thanksgiving or Christmas? Nobody is forcing anyone to be open or closed, or to work on a day they don't want to. Are there still places in this country that require business to be closed on Sunday?

The point is that every liberal on here, on another thread, is sorely indignant that some stores stay open on Thanksgiving depriving people of that day off.

I'm just playing along. People who don't believe in God to give thanks to should not be forced to be off work. And if they work for the government they ARE forced to be off those days. Unless it is something like the military, government agencies close that day.

Make up your mind. One second you're pissed because someone is off. Then you're pissed because someone has to work.
I'll be a little more mundane. It's nice wen people think of "thanking others and being grateful for what we have. I used to have a Thanksgiving tree ( a small, modest tree0 in the children's bedroom where the children made paper ornaments and wrote what the were grateful for leading up to Thanksgiving and it was up until Christmas.

Nice little tradition.
The thing about atheists is that not only do they not have any songs, they also don't have any holidays. They have to ride the coat tails of Christians on that one! And they do it shamelessly.

Bullshit. I have holidays because they're in my contract. The religious tradition behind them is quite irrelevant to me at this moment in history.

You should not accept 'holidays' (holy days). You should insist on your contract being entirely without any religious connotation whatsoever. You might ask for April 1, though.

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