Should the GOP tell blacks that Mexicans are screwing them over?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Mexicans have driven up rents and ran blacks out of most of the ghettos here in Mexifornia, they dominate the education system, they hoard public and social services and rob blacks of a more expansive more robust welfare system. Mexicans have become the Dems future and the paramount faction for the party.
Does this piss of any blacks?
Mexicans have driven up rents and ran blacks out of most of the ghettos here in Mexifornia, they dominate the education system, they hoard public and social services and rob blacks of a more expansive more robust welfare system. Mexicans have become the Dems future and the paramount faction for the party.
Does this piss of any blacks?

But for the moment, at least, MLDM (Mexican Lives Don't Matter). The democrats are too busy butchering their black cash cows to feed them through the 2020 election to worry about their other whipping boys.
Black minorities are yesterdays news, Dems see Latino minorities as the future of the Dem party.
Blacks are getting it....more and more African Americans are switching parties over the preferential treatment Hispanic illegals are receiving in blue cities....
Trying to decide who is more out-of-their-mind loony about skin color: The PC/Identity Politics-consumed Regressive Left or the paranoid Trumpster snowflakes.

Holy crap, this is close! I bet they get trained at the same place!

Do you guys get group discounts at the hotel?


It's not very hard at all, if you look at the actions rather than obsessing about alternate reality.

Obviously you never do that though. You just bitch and moan about words and never have a problem with any actions. It's a total bitches way to live - and one reason why you are almost always wrong.

The democrats are encouraging race riots and big corporations donate have donated BLM - a black death organization billions. I suppose you see this as a good thing though as you know that the money goes in a feeble attempt to defeat president Trump - the big nemesis.

Of course, Americans can see right through this bullshit and know very well that this party that is willing to do anything for power can not be allowed to have power for some good time.
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Mexicans have driven up rents and ran blacks out of most of the ghettos here in Mexifornia, they dominate the education system, they hoard public and social services and rob blacks of a more expansive more robust welfare system. Mexicans have become the Dems future and the paramount faction for the party.
Does this piss of any blacks?
If your skidmark would have jailed employers that knowingly hired illegals your argument would be moot. skidmark failure.
Blacks are getting it....more and more African Americans are switching parties over the preferential treatment Hispanic illegals are receiving in blue cities....
Got some numbers that prove your "switching parties" claim?
Yeah but I'm having a cold beer with my feet up in my man cave watching classic baseball and I'm too tired to search for it for if you are a Biden the finger voter I don't really mind if you stay in denial.....
Blacks are getting it....more and more African Americans are switching parties over the preferential treatment Hispanic illegals are receiving in blue cities....
Got some numbers that prove your "switching parties" claim?
Yeah but I'm having a cold beer with my feet up in my man cave watching classic baseball and I'm too tired to search for it for if you are a Biden the finger voter I don't really mind if you stay in denial.....
Got it! You're a liar!
Mexicans have driven up rents and ran blacks out of most of the ghettos here in Mexifornia, they dominate the education system, they hoard public and social services and rob blacks of a more expansive more robust welfare system. Mexicans have become the Dems future and the paramount faction for the party.
Does this piss of any blacks?
If you actually knew any blacks maybe you could actually try to sell your drivel to them.

Right after you tell them that all blacks are racists.
Black minorities are yesterdays news, Dems see Latino minorities as the future of the Dem party.
Republicans see White minorities as the future of the Republican Party.

Which is why the Republican Party is the party of the lily white.
I don't know about telling them because I think Blacks will be able to see that for themselves.
Mexicans have driven up rents and ran blacks out of most of the ghettos here in Mexifornia, they dominate the education system, they hoard public and social services and rob blacks of a more expansive more robust welfare system. Mexicans have become the Dems future and the paramount faction for the party.
Does this piss of any blacks?
If you actually knew any blacks maybe you could actually try to sell your drivel to them.

Right after you tell them that all blacks are racists.

What group do Mexicans fuck over more so than blacks?
Don't be afraid to attack this one.
Mexicans have driven up rents and ran blacks out of most of the ghettos here in Mexifornia, they dominate the education system, they hoard public and social services and rob blacks of a more expansive more robust welfare system. Mexicans have become the Dems future and the paramount faction for the party.
Does this piss of any blacks?

You live in California and have to ask this? Beaners and jiggaboos have been beefing in the hood since the 70's. When I was in Jr. highschool I watched 4 illegal Mexicans beat the shit out of a black dude for calling him a cholo.
The facts are "Mexicans" and "Latinos" were extremely cruel to African slaves. They basically slaughtered them when they could no longer do work which was a very short window. Again, the South before the Civil War was the safest place for an imported African. Southerners taught them everything and taught them to have European style families.
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Democrats have been busy ignoring blacks and focussing on Latinos for a long time now - the massive numbers by which they were crossing the border - millions of illegal future votes in the US waiting to be officially added as members of the Democrat Party voting 'economic slave plantation'. This had made Latinos the Democrats' new favorite minority...

But blacks just proved their worth to Democrats by demonstrating how easily they can still be manipulated and divided, whipped into an angry mob....

Unfortunately the Democrats have idiots who have moments of accidental honesty when hot mics are around - like the racist moron who said about Floyd's death, "If it were not for my Primary I wouldn't care about any of this' ... And they have old, rich, elitist, white racists who believes he OWN blacks and their vote - -If you don't vote for me you ain't black!'

The only time black lives matter to Democrats is at election time

When was the last time Democrats (pretended to) gave a damn about Black Lives Mattering?

When was the last time blacks were whipped up into such racial division and violence...

Gee...that was 2015 - 2016.

What was so special about that time?

Oh yeah, it was an ELECTION coming up.

Russians paid Antifa, BLM, & The Black Fist leaders to incite and spread racial division and violence.

Hillary's campaign paid thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at his rallies.

Democrats worked on whipping up the blacks to try to ensure they remained on the plantation and voted for Hillary...

Then they were ignored as the rich, white Socialists focused on coup attempt after coup attempt...meanwhile Trump delivered the lowest minority unemployment rate in US history, more jobs, higher pay, raises, and bonuses.

Now that all the coup attempts have failed the Democrats turn back to blacks in the last half of the election year for help defeating Trump. .

And "If it wasn't for the election, we wouldn't care about any of THIS' - Floyd, Woods, the plight is plantation-abandoning blacks...

Black lives - and only the ones killed by whites in an election year - matter....

Mexicans have driven up rents and ran blacks out of most of the ghettos here in Mexifornia, they dominate the education system, they hoard public and social services and rob blacks of a more expansive more robust welfare system. Mexicans have become the Dems future and the paramount faction for the party.
Does this piss of any blacks?
You pull no punches, do you?

I bet you quit elementary school because they had recess---you do not play.

Mexicans have driven up rents and ran blacks out of most of the ghettos here in Mexifornia, they dominate the education system, they hoard public and social services and rob blacks of a more expansive more robust welfare system. Mexicans have become the Dems future and the paramount faction for the party.
Does this piss of any blacks?

I bet you quit elementary school because they had recess---you do not play.

When the race war starts...I'm hiding behind BrokeLoser.


I just don’t see the point in sugar-coating shit and playing nice anymore. IT’S ON!

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