Should The Media Expose Legal Gun Owners' Names And Addresses?

Aren't gun owner records in the public domain? NaziCons have no hesitation publishing the names, addresses and pictures of abortion providers.
Aren't gun owner records in the public domain? NaziCons have no hesitation publishing the names, addresses and pictures of abortion providers.

You would be the first biatch to cry like a baby if we expose who you are here, name-address- phone number.. It's ok so long as it's not you, right?
How about you take into account the FACT that there are many retired police out there who may have criminal fuckwits with an axe to grind, who would love to know where they may live......And then there are those women out there carrying for the sole reason that they have restraining/protection orders against some freak who would love to know where they live

And those are just two reasons out of many as to why it's friggin' ridiculous, you far left wing moron.

Again, all that information is easily assessable as it's public records you radical right wing, ass licking bitch.

It's quite possible that the idiots who would use this information were either ignorant or just too stupid to know they could get the information and maybe didn't know how to go about it. It is irresponsible of the paper to compile a list and present it to the public. They saved some psychopaths a lot of time. Good job.

Is it public information when people apply for welfare? Should they list those people?

It's just plain stupid, in the midst of a heated debate on guns, to tell the whackos where these people live. I believe the intent of publishing the list was to encourage whackos to harass these people or hold them out as some kind of extremists. It was done in a manner to rile people in an already hostile climate. Of course, some criminals will use the list to target homes not listed because they will feel more confident breaking in if they think the people won't defend themselves.

It all depends on how you look at it. Would it make people more susceptible for crime because it lists firearm owners? Would it make them less likely as crooks know which homes have guns to avoid them? Could the NRA nutcases start harassing the non-gun owners?
This is the point, the right wing propaganda machine is going absoutly insane for a laughable at best issue as yet another excuse to trash "da libs"
Before long, gun nuts will be about as popular and drug dealers.
Well, you stated in another thread that you support the right to bear arms........therefore, you're a "gun nut".

Correct, Tonto?

I know you won't answer, 'cause you're a cowardly lil' troll....but I figured I'd ask anyway.
Aren't gun owner records in the public domain? NaziCons have no hesitation publishing the names, addresses and pictures of abortion providers.

You would be the first biatch to cry like a baby if we expose who you are here, name-address- phone number.. It's ok so long as it's not you, right?

Duh, aren't we talking about gun owners? In the state I live in, it would be hard to find a name who didn't own a gun.
Aren't gun owner records in the public domain? NaziCons have no hesitation publishing the names, addresses and pictures of abortion providers.

You would be the first biatch to cry like a baby if we expose who you are here, name-address- phone number.. It's ok so long as it's not you, right?

Duh, aren't we talking about gun owners? In the state I live in, it would be hard to find a name who didn't own a gun.

You're not very bright, are you? Your identity can be published as easily as theirs..I could start publishing your information on facebook right now and my blogs.. with links to here. :) Gee, what a great idea!- YouTube would go viral in hours..All i have to do is show just how insanely moronic you are with your posts.. You'd get MAD attention. How would you like it?
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You would be the first biatch to cry like a baby if we expose who you are here, name-address- phone number.. It's ok so long as it's not you, right?

Duh, aren't we talking about gun owners? In the state I live in, it would be hard to find a name who didn't own a gun.

You're not very bright, are you? Your identity can be published as easily as theirs..

Duh, did I say it couldn't? My name would just be one in millions in my state. BTW, dumbass, millions of people own guns that are legally not registered. I doubt my grandfather's old Texas Ranger 12-gauge will show up on any gun registration.
Let's have the Washington Times investigate and post every liberal Senator and House member's personal email, phone numbers, address.. where their kids attend school.. See how this works?
Let's have the Washington Times investigate and post every liberal Senator and House member's personal email, phone numbers, address.. where their kids attend school.. See how this works?

Why did you choose the Moonie Times?
Aren't gun owner records in the public domain? NaziCons have no hesitation publishing the names, addresses and pictures of abortion providers.
Uh, excuse me Sitting Bull, er, Lil' Bear Turd......those abortion providers advertise themselves, it's how they make their money ripping innocent life screaming from the womb....After all, they wouldn't get rich from ripping innocent life screaming from the womb unless they put themselves out there....Seriously, it's not like it's a word of mouth vocation.

Now, Squirrel Dung Stuck In A Tree....please give us one example of a retired cop, or woman with a protection/restraining order who actively and knowingly is out there advertising their name and adresses, and the fact that they're registered to own firearms.

Come on, Tonto.....just one example to back up your argument.
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Jester is funny. Simple and racist, but funny...
Racist?' your chain?....Most definitely.....No doubt I have an ancestor or two from the past who had to duck arrows flung from you drunken, feather lickin' lil' brown bastards.:mad::cool:

Now, Bull Penis Stuck In Your Ass......Are ya' gonna provide just one example I requested?.....'cause you're starting to really piss me off!:doubt:
Jester is funny. Simple and racist, but funny...
Racist?' your chain?....Most definitely.....No doubt I have an ancestor or two from the past who had to duck arrows flung from you drunken, feather lickin' lil' brown bastards.:mad::cool:

Now, Bull Penis Stuck In Your Ass......Are ya' gonna provide just one example I requested?.....'cause you're starting to really piss me off!:doubt:


Jester 10
Shitting Bull 0
No they shouldn't.

But if the laws and the Constitution give them the RIGHT to do it,

it's makes the gun RIGHTS people look rather foolish complaining about it.
The problem is consistency.

As one of the ones whose gun will be pried from his cold, dead fingers, I have no problem with my interfaces with government being published. And those who do, disgust me.

Still, drivers' licenses are not published and so on.

Consistency may well be the hobgoblin of small minds, but this small mind believes there is a lot to be said for consistency. Especially from a government whose most delusional pretense is to treat all citizens equally.
Aren't gun owner records in the public domain? NaziCons have no hesitation publishing the names, addresses and pictures of abortion providers.

You would be the first biatch to cry like a baby if we expose who you are here, name-address- phone number.. It's ok so long as it's not you, right?

Duh, aren't we talking about gun owners? In the state I live in, it would be hard to find a name who didn't own a gun.

Good then you're all agreed. Lakhota has no problem with it.

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