Should The Media Expose Legal Gun Owners' Names And Addresses?

How about you take into account the FACT that there are many retired police out there who may have criminal fuckwits with an axe to grind, who would love to know where they may live......And then there are those women out there carrying for the sole reason that they have restraining/protection orders against some freak who would love to know where they live

And those are just two reasons out of many as to why it's friggin' ridiculous, you far left wing moron.

Again, all that information is easily assessable as it's public records you radical right wing, ass licking bitch.

And if something about you was "accessible public record" was revealed in the newspapers, how would you feel?

It was, and I was proud to be a new home owner :D :clap2:
I think the people who should be concerned in the two countries are those who don't have guns. The paper just kindly alerted criminals to which homes are safe to enter to rape or rob without fear of meeting deadly resistance. The paper listed legal gun owners names and addresses, which is a violation of their privacy. I like the fact the one woman thought it was a good idea, though wouldn't want names and addresses of welfare recipients listed. Do we all have a right to privacy or not? We all have the same rights- or not. If gun owners don't have a right to privacy, then no one does.

This was a completely shitty thing to do, but typical of brainless idiots who think their opinion trumps everyone elses'.

Should The Media Expose Legal Gun Owners' Names And Addresses?

MRCTV took to the streets to see if we could find anyone who supported the actions taken by the Journal News last week when it printed the names and addresses of 16 thousand legal gun owners in two New York counties.

It is difficult to imagine that any American would be okay with the idea of invading the privacy of law-abiding citizens in this fashion. Particularly, since the exposure of this personal information serves no discernable purpose other than to shame gun owners - and could even be used by criminals researching potential victims.

But, some people did like the concept of publishing the names of legal gun owners.
One lady who signed off on the idea changed her tune when asked if it'd be okay to publish the names of everyone on food stamps or receiving government money.

"Now, I sound hypocritical, because I don't think that's right," she admitted.

Should The Media Expose Legal Gun Owners' Names And Addresses? | CNS News


They should not.

But I have no problem with medial cross checking gun ownership databases with criminal databases and passing those names on to police.
While gun registration is a matter of public record, getting that information isn't easy. There are forms to be filled out and identification to be given. Once the paper published that information the ability of the government to gather information as to who was making the inquiry was taken away.

Did they break any laws in the publication?

I would personally only find a list of those with concealed carry permits useful to me. Ordinary gun owners aren't usually wackos. They're generally hunters, or folks who have inherited weapons, or they have just had a gun for protection and its no big deal. Its the ones that carry around loaded weapons in public that I want to avoid. THose guys are wackos.

Do you have any idea of how many people you come in contact with on a daily basis that are carrying a concealed weapon?
The ones with a concealed carry permit aren't the ones you need to be worried about.
I have no problem with publishing the names of gun owners.
And you would feel the same if you were some woman who may have a restraining/protection order against some whackjob who is intent on doing her harm, and requires that gun for added protection?......Or, how about a cop or retired cop who may have criminal scum with axes to grind, who would love to know where they and their family live?.....How about a witness in a jury trial who testifed against some evil fuck who is now seeking revenge?......How about Judges, D.A.'s, Prison Guards, and on, and on, and on?

Think about it hard, before answering.

Fact of the matter is, that newspaper did nothing to ensure that any people in the above situations were not identified......They compiled the list of names, and simply published it to suit their left wing agenda.....It's disgusting, and just one more reason why it should not be a matter of public record, either.
Why do you continually refuse to answer this question, Lactater?
Let's publish the names and address of every Gay in the country even if they haven't come out of the closet.
As Lakhota says, let's make them the same as drug-dealers.
Let's publish the names and address of every Gay in the country even if they haven't come out of the closet.
As Lakhota says, let's make them the same as drug-dealers.

"As Lakhota says, let's make them the same as drug-dealers." Really? When and where did I say that? Lie much...?

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