Should the Navy name ship after Kyle Rittenhouse?

Shiuld the U.S Navy name ship after Kyle Rittenhouse?

  • Yes. Rename the Harvey Milk jinx boat.

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • No. Harvey Milk is my hero.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I prefer the Rittenhouse Nuclear Submarine idea.

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
I kind of agree with you in that the person should be dead before naming stuff after him. 100 years might be a bit much though.


When they start releasing information, without redaction, in less than fifty to a hundred years I'll change my opinion.


Wait a sec. On second thought....if we are doomed to see that butt ugly criminal statue everywhere and worshipped by BLM...sure. Rittenhouse can be "honored" the same way. So...yeah.
Pity the noxious combination of minimum age requirements and actuarial tables suggest you won't be around to watch his presidential inauguration on TV.

I will be 80 years old when the 2040 presidential elections happen. If I am dead before Rittenhouse gets elected president, I will consider myself lucky.
I think its a great way to boost morale, and also pay tribute to a fine patriot.
It's time.
A while back I would have assumed that this question was asked by a 14 year old with learning difficulties.
Now it seems to be about the general level of thought coming from the Right.
Very disturbing.

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