Should the parents be charged in bullying suicide?

Should the parents of the bully be charged?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • No

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Not sure/don't know

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 2 10.5%

  • Total voters
Parents own the devices, the children don't.

Parents have a duty to protect the public from wrong doing of their offspring.

Yeah, this reeks of a multi-million damages suit that will have the parents putting others' offspring through college and not their own.

That was a stupid argument, even for you.

Indeed, your counter is very stupid, but that is you.

And the judge, in a civil suit, can order the girls' transcripts to forever tagged with the judgment of the case.
Parents own the devices, the children don't.

Parents have a duty to protect the public from wrong doing of their offspring.

Yeah, this reeks of a multi-million damages suit that will have the parents putting others' offspring through college and not their own.

That was a stupid argument, even for you.

Indeed, your counter is very stupid, but that is you.

And the judge, in a civil suit, can order the girls' transcripts to forever tagged with the judgment of the case.

I didn't try to counter it, I can't think that stupid.
Don't put yourself down, kid.

You outdo yourself every day.
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She was home schooled after she had attempted suicide. What parents in the freaking world would not be concerned enough about the mental health of a freaking 12 year old who attempted suicide to investigate the source of the problem and contact the police before it was too late? Isolation wasn't the solution as long as the electronic harassment continued and it was the responsibility of the victim's parents to monitor the source of the problems for a poor 12 year old.

Where are you seeing that they didn't.

Responsibility. The girl was 12 years old.

I'm sorry, I guess I didn't make myself clear.







Judd told NBC's Today on Wednesday that investigators so far have found no criminal charges that could be filed against the parents, "but if we can find contributing to the delinquency of a child, we would certainly bring that charge."

That would be a stretch.

The fact is there are no legitimate charges that can be brought against the parents.

What about the people in this thread thinking her parents should have salt poured in their wounds?
I would need a lot more information before I voted.
Me, too.

But generally speaking, I don't see how or why parents can be charged for something their children do if they played no contributing part in, or somehow caused the offense, or could have prevented it but didn't.
The OP brings back memories of my time in school.
I was bullied, very severely, and I wanted my bullies charged with a crime. Did I want the parents charged, too? Not back then, because that never happened. But now, if the same thing happened to me today, I would want them hauled before a judge, and would want an explanation as to how they managed to raise such useless, pathetic brats.

I would also like to have seen my own parents charged, for sending me back, time and again, even though they were fully aware of what was going on.

I vote yes.
The OP brings back memories of my time in school.
I was bullied, very severely, and I wanted my bullies charged with a crime. Did I want the parents charged, too? Not back then, because that never happened. But now, if the same thing happened to me today, I would want them hauled before a judge, and would want an explanation as to how they managed to raise such useless, pathetic brats.

I would also like to have seen my own parents charged, for sending me back, time and again, even though they were fully aware of what was going on.

I vote yes.

Noomi, I am sorry that you were put through that. I can understand why you would feel that way and quite honestly I do believe the parents of bullies are responsible for their child's behavior because they are the only ones who have the power to change that. Even if it means commiting them to a mental health facility or program to get their behavior under control.. In this case, as the parents were not aware of it ( to my understanding of this story ) they could not be criminally charged I do not believe but are parents accountable for their children? Yes. I believe they should be held accountable. Who else are we going to hold accountable for their actions if not the parents?

On the matter of the 12 yr old who took her life? I would think these parents have paid the ultimate price already in losing their child and my prayers go out to them. On the matter of your parents doing that to you, I'm sorry that happened. Bullying is one of those things that really horrifies me because of the emotional damages it inflicts on the victim. You know, adults can be bullied too. I have seen it before in families with vicious in laws, bosses at work, co - workers even and it is a terrible thing to do to someone. I have even seen it on the internet before. I don't believe there is anything more damaging, more hurtful than "words"... they are described in the bible as "darts" even "fiery darts" because spiritually there is an actual wound that takes place in the spirit of the person as these darts fly! That is the truth and in spiritual warfare one of the things a Christian uses is a "Shield of Faith" to stop those darts because Satan is not challenging believers to any mock battle. That is for sure. I pray if there is anyone reading this and you are a bully? That you will recognize your condition as a sickness and seek help. There are some who are actually sociopaths in that they feel no remorse and if that be the case they need deliverance which is going to take alot of prayer and fasting. There is no other cure for the sociopath. The medical field has admitted there is not even a medication for it. It is purely a spiritual problem.
- Jeri p.s. remember that saying, Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never harm me? That is such a lie and yet someone turned it into a childs game.. give me the sticks and stones any day. Words are deadly. Believe it, folks.
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Yes, words are deadly, and they can kill.

The 12 year old who took her own life must have felt so desperate to get away from the bullying, and her parents should have known what was going on, but you are right, they have suffered enough, having lost their little girl.

The parents of those who bullied her should be made to answer, though, and their children should be punished, although I am not sure what kind of punishment would be suitable for children like that. You could expel them but that won't solve anything.

Most schools these days have an anti bullying policy in place, so it is sad that things like this still happen - makes me wonder whether these bullying policies are actually enforce, or there just for show.
Yes, words are deadly, and they can kill.

The 12 year old who took her own life must have felt so desperate to get away from the bullying, and her parents should have known what was going on, but you are right, they have suffered enough, having lost their little girl.

The parents of those who bullied her should be made to answer, though, and their children should be punished, although I am not sure what kind of punishment would be suitable for children like that. You could expel them but that won't solve anything.

Most schools these days have an anti bullying policy in place, so it is sad that things like this still happen - makes me wonder whether these bullying policies are actually enforce, or there just for show.

If words could kill you would have been dead. The fact that, despite the bullying, you aren't, proves that it wasn't words that killed that girl. She was crazy, and killed herself.
The 'pushing somebody to kill themselves' is an interesting one. I have an online acquaintance whose husband laid out in great detail, in his suicide note, why she was responsible.

So here is where things get fuzzy for me. Do some get to be just total shit on wheels? Horrible, shiteous people who can do so much damage that someone would take their own life? And then it's just "Oh well, she was weak, fuck her if she can't take a little ribbing."

Or, yes. Do they need to accept responsibility that the things we say and do have consequences??
The 'pushing somebody to kill themselves' is an interesting one. I have an online acquaintance whose husband laid out in great detail, in his suicide note, why she was responsible.

So here is where things get fuzzy for me. Do some get to be just total shit on wheels? Horrible, shiteous people who can do so much damage that someone would take their own life? And then it's just "Oh well, she was weak, fuck her if she can't take a little ribbing."

Or, yes. Do they need to accept responsibility that the things we say and do have consequences??

I don't know your acquaintance, but you might consider giving her the benefit of the doubt. Suicide is a pretty good way to get people to pay attention, and blaming them for it just fuels the guilt trip that comes from it. If I really hated someone, and was crazy enough to kill myself, I would invent things just to get other people to hate them too.
The 'pushing somebody to kill themselves' is an interesting one. I have an online acquaintance whose husband laid out in great detail, in his suicide note, why she was responsible.

So here is where things get fuzzy for me. Do some get to be just total shit on wheels? Horrible, shiteous people who can do so much damage that someone would take their own life? And then it's just "Oh well, she was weak, fuck her if she can't take a little ribbing."

Or, yes. Do they need to accept responsibility that the things we say and do have consequences??

I don't know your acquaintance, but you might consider giving her the benefit of the doubt. Suicide is a pretty good way to get people to pay attention, and blaming them for it just fuels the guilt trip that comes from it. If I really hated someone, and was crazy enough to kill myself, I would invent things just to get other people to hate them too.

I already did that - I never knew the man. The woman I speak of acts like KG online. But I do believe you sidestepped actually answering my question.
The 'pushing somebody to kill themselves' is an interesting one. I have an online acquaintance whose husband laid out in great detail, in his suicide note, why she was responsible.

So here is where things get fuzzy for me. Do some get to be just total shit on wheels? Horrible, shiteous people who can do so much damage that someone would take their own life? And then it's just "Oh well, she was weak, fuck her if she can't take a little ribbing."

Or, yes. Do they need to accept responsibility that the things we say and do have consequences??

I don't know your acquaintance, but you might consider giving her the benefit of the doubt. Suicide is a pretty good way to get people to pay attention, and blaming them for it just fuels the guilt trip that comes from it. If I really hated someone, and was crazy enough to kill myself, I would invent things just to get other people to hate them too.

I already did that - I never knew the man. The woman I speak of acts like KG online. But I do believe you sidestepped actually answering my question.

Didn't intend to.

I don't have a problem with individuals holding other individuals responsible for their words, I just object to the government making speech a crime. Even some people I know who think these girls should go to jail for this think the sheriff is wrong. He doesn't know enough about the law to know if they actually broke it, no one does. No one ever knows if it will hold up in court.
All liberals should be voting no, since none held Martins parents responsible at all.

aside from that

They raised hateful evil kids and didn't correct the way that they acted. So yes, they can be help accountable.

If a gun dealer or bartender can be held accountable....

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