Should the parents be charged in bullying suicide?

Should the parents of the bully be charged?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • No

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Not sure/don't know

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 2 10.5%

  • Total voters
Since your "solution" is to advocate illegal physical violence it is apparent that you don't really understand the dynamics and motivations involved or how to deal with them in a manner that does not perpetuate the cycle.

I understand, quite well, that physical violence stops bullying. It always has. These alternative measures haven't worked and they won't. The problem of bullying has gotten worse, the more "understanding" has been applied. Lifelong friendships have been formed once a bully got his ass handed to him by a possible victim. They resolve differences and find common ground. Understanding dynamics and motivations simply perpetuates the bully's sense of self aggrandizement making the bullying worse.

When a bully gets the beating they so richly deserve, they invariably think twice about bullying someone else. For one thing, they can never trust that they won't be humiliated in public again. It is part of the process of civilizing these little brats.

Children are not so different than puppies. Sometimes one puppy in a litter might be bigger and stronger or think they are and will bully one or more of the other puppies. He chases them away from the nipple, then the food bowl, takes their toys. Hides all the cookies. Eventually the other puppies gang up on the bully, bite his tail, nip his ear, hold him down until the pup submits and the bullying behavior disappears. He can't get away with it any more. It's a natural and necessary part of the socialization process.

In humans, we interfered in that socialization process by imposing artificial constraints. If the owner of the litter "understood" the bullying behavior and didn't allow the other pups to administer a little litter justice, that dog would grow up to be too aggressive to be a pet dog. That bullying behavior would extend to everyone.

Which may explain why we have young people today who behave worse than packs of wild animals. Whey they think they have a right to beat people up, steal from them. Drag people out of their cars and bash their heads in. We just understood civilization completely out of them.

When all you have is a hammer every problem looks like a nail! Unfortunately there are no "virtual hammers".

Thanks for trying but you are part of the problem and not part of the solution. Have a nice day.

Wanna bet?
Sheriff weighs charges for parents in bullying death

The younger suspect has shown "remorse and cooperation" over the incident and was released into her parents' custody, according to the Polk County Sheriff's Office. The older suspect, described by Judd as "very cold," is in the custody of the Department of Juvenile Justice.

The sheriff said authorities are still investigating the girls, and also trying to decide whether the parents should be charged.

"I'm aggravated that the parents aren't doing what parents should do," Judd told reporters. "Responsible parents take disciplinary action."

The kids shouldn't even be charged, words do not kill.

I agree. We have developed since the 1960's Civil rights era, this need to play fast and loose with the law when we don't like a particular outcome or are especially mortified by a tragic event, like this girl's suicide.

It's horrible, but kids taunt and emotionally torment one another as easily as eating a slice of pizza, and people need to learn to toughen up. It's not easy, but neither is the rest of life. I feel awful that this girl did this to herself, but there is far more in this pot of wretched stew than bullying, it bespeaks of a culture immersed in self-gratification, the obliteration of personal space, and lax parenting. No arrests will change any of that, nor will they bring that poor young girl back from the dead.

But I guess bogus arrests and charges will make some of us feel better, as we do nothing to really examine the worst culprit in cases like this, because then we might have to take the kid's cell phone and personal computer away, and then what the fuck will we do on those long rides in the car? Actually talk to each other?

Society is royally fucked, and I would bet my bottom dollar that most of the people chiming in on this discussion are part of the problem.
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Unfortunately children who believe their actions and words do not have consequences grow up into adults that believe that actions and words do not have consequences. It comes as quite a shock when they finally learn.
We have bullying today the same as we have always had it. We just don't deal with it the same way. It used to be that the person who was bullied, or even some other child acting on their behalf would get the bully and beat the crap out of them. Then the bullying stopped. The natural containments of offensive conduct have been taken away leaving the conduct free to grow.

Please stop the lynch mentality.

We have the Law of WoMen not the Rule of WoMen.
Bullies, children and their parents, will always blame the victims.

That's what bullies do.

Throw the book at parents and kids. No mercy.

That was incredibly non insightful, just like everything else you post, I honestly don't understand why you aren't running the entire universe.

We honestly all understand that you are a mental reject, bub.

Bullies blame their victims: " you made me hit you."

Huge fines, confiscation of social media instruments, and thousands of hours of community service will put an end to it almost immediately.
Every judge who has to handle these matters can utilize a police bond to enforce his or her decision.

Let Janie post when she is not supposed to be online, period, with a parental loss of $2,500, I guarantee you Janie will be forced to conform or go to a Psychiatric Hospital For Teenage Girls Who Just Don't Get It.
Every judge who has to handle these matters can utilize a police bond to enforce his or her decision.

Let Janie post when she is not supposed to be online, period, with a parental loss of $2,500, I guarantee you Janie will be forced to conform or go to a Psychiatric Hospital For Teenage Girls Who Just Don't Get It.

Police bond? There ain't no such thing in the US.
Bullies, children and their parents, will always blame the victims.

That's what bullies do.

Throw the book at parents and kids. No mercy.

That was incredibly non insightful, just like everything else you post, I honestly don't understand why you aren't running the entire universe.

We honestly all understand that you are a mental reject, bub.

Bullies blame their victims: " you made me hit you."

Huge fines, confiscation of social media instruments, and thousands of hours of community service will put an end to it almost immediately.
Bullying won't end with big fines... Another bully will pick up the slack. What they need to do is to teach a simple rhyme on the first day of school: sticks and stone may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Seriously, killing yourself because you got bullied? On Facebook? Sheesh, that's pretty lame.
That was incredibly non insightful, just like everything else you post, I honestly don't understand why you aren't running the entire universe.

We honestly all understand that you are a mental reject, bub.

Bullies blame their victims: " you made me hit you."

Huge fines, confiscation of social media instruments, and thousands of hours of community service will put an end to it almost immediately.
Bullying won't end with big fines... Another bully will pick up the slack. What they need to do is to teach a simple rhyme on the first day of school: sticks and stone may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Seriously, killing yourself because you got bullied? On Facebook? Sheesh, that's pretty lame.

I believe Jake offered some very good ideas on how to stop it and I would add permanent expulsion from school as part of the punishment - let them attend a school that provides a type of ged education with anger management classes, group counseling sessions, the courses they need and would not get in an ordinary school. It will be provide some much needed rehabilitation to the offender and some much needed relief from students who are suffering undue stress from these type offenders. Schools have zero tolerance for other things such as weapons - let bullying be classified as such also and make a zero tolerance policy for it. Make sure zero tolerance includes school buses and the school bus stop too. - Jeri
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Every judge who has to handle these matters can utilize a police bond to enforce his or her decision.

Let Janie post when she is not supposed to be online, period, with a parental loss of $2,500, I guarantee you Janie will be forced to conform or go to a Psychiatric Hospital For Teenage Girls Who Just Don't Get It.

Police bond? There ain't no such thing in the US.

Then create one. If they can do it elsewhere? We can do it here.
Every judge who has to handle these matters can utilize a police bond to enforce his or her decision.

Let Janie post when she is not supposed to be online, period, with a parental loss of $2,500, I guarantee you Janie will be forced to conform or go to a Psychiatric Hospital For Teenage Girls Who Just Don't Get It.

Police bond? There ain't no such thing in the US.

We have been through about what you don' know about bonds before.

Look it up.
Comparing MonaGona with Jeremiah's plans leads to a no brainer solution. Jeri wins hands down.
We honestly all understand that you are a mental reject, bub.

Bullies blame their victims: " you made me hit you."

Huge fines, confiscation of social media instruments, and thousands of hours of community service will put an end to it almost immediately.
Bullying won't end with big fines... Another bully will pick up the slack. What they need to do is to teach a simple rhyme on the first day of school: sticks and stone may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Seriously, killing yourself because you got bullied? On Facebook? Sheesh, that's pretty lame.

I believe Jake offered some very good ideas on how to stop it and I would add permanent expulsion from school as part of the punishment - let them attend a school that provides a type of ged education with anger management classes, group counseling sessions, the courses they need and would not get in an ordinary school. It will be provide some much needed rehabilitation to the offender and some much needed relief from students who are suffering undue stress from these type offenders. Schools have zero tolerance for other things such as weapons - let bullying be classified as such also and make a zero tolerance policy for it. Make sure zero tolerance includes school buses and the school bus stop too. - Jeri

My daughter was getting bullied by a bigger girl and no amount of calls to the principal would do anything. So her father taught her how to throw a punch and step into it. A couple of days later I got a letter from the principal threatening to suspend my daughter if she didn't stop beating the other girl up, because the next couple of times the other girl tried something, my daughter gave her a licking. The actual bully never got any punishment of any kind from the school. Zero tolerance means not letting anyone pick on you.
Every judge who has to handle these matters can utilize a police bond to enforce his or her decision.

Let Janie post when she is not supposed to be online, period, with a parental loss of $2,500, I guarantee you Janie will be forced to conform or go to a Psychiatric Hospital For Teenage Girls Who Just Don't Get It.

Police bond? There ain't no such thing in the US.

We have been through about what you don' know about bonds before.

Look it up.

Sure we have.

Prove me wrong.
Bullying won't end with big fines... Another bully will pick up the slack. What they need to do is to teach a simple rhyme on the first day of school: sticks and stone may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Seriously, killing yourself because you got bullied? On Facebook? Sheesh, that's pretty lame.

I believe Jake offered some very good ideas on how to stop it and I would add permanent expulsion from school as part of the punishment - let them attend a school that provides a type of ged education with anger management classes, group counseling sessions, the courses they need and would not get in an ordinary school. It will be provide some much needed rehabilitation to the offender and some much needed relief from students who are suffering undue stress from these type offenders. Schools have zero tolerance for other things such as weapons - let bullying be classified as such also and make a zero tolerance policy for it. Make sure zero tolerance includes school buses and the school bus stop too. - Jeri

My daughter was getting bullied by a bigger girl and no amount of calls to the principal would do anything. So her father taught her how to throw a punch and step into it. A couple of days later I got a letter from the principal threatening to suspend my daughter if she didn't stop beating the other girl up, because the next couple of times the other girl tried something, my daughter gave her a licking. The actual bully never got any punishment of any kind from the school. Zero tolerance means not letting anyone pick on you.

Your husbands solution grieves me. Girls are to be nurtured and protected, not forced into a boxing ring with the father giving tips on how to get the first punch in. I disagree with what your husband did. I would never want my daughters or my granddaughters ( when they get to that age - they are babes now & 1 more is on the way! ) to fist fight another girl! Let me ask you a question, Mona. What if the girl who you describe as bigger than your daughter had struck your daughter back and it had been a lethal blow that killed her? Would you still agree with what your husband told her to do? I'm sorry. Your husband is wrong and so are you for agreeing with him. Violence begets violence.
- Jeri
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Jeri, Mona is a troll and there is every chance she made up that scenario.
I believe Jake offered some very good ideas on how to stop it and I would add permanent expulsion from school as part of the punishment - let them attend a school that provides a type of ged education with anger management classes, group counseling sessions, the courses they need and would not get in an ordinary school. It will be provide some much needed rehabilitation to the offender and some much needed relief from students who are suffering undue stress from these type offenders. Schools have zero tolerance for other things such as weapons - let bullying be classified as such also and make a zero tolerance policy for it. Make sure zero tolerance includes school buses and the school bus stop too. - Jeri

My daughter was getting bullied by a bigger girl and no amount of calls to the principal would do anything. So her father taught her how to throw a punch and step into it. A couple of days later I got a letter from the principal threatening to suspend my daughter if she didn't stop beating the other girl up, because the next couple of times the other girl tried something, my daughter gave her a licking. The actual bully never got any punishment of any kind from the school. Zero tolerance means not letting anyone pick on you.

Your husbands solution grieves me. Girls are to be nurtured and protected, not forced into a boxing ring with the father giving tips on how to get the first punch in. I disagree with what your husband did. I would never want my daughters or my granddaughters ( when they get to that age - they are babes now & 1 more is on the way! ) to fist fight another girl! Let me ask you a question, Mona. What if the girl who you describe as bigger than your daughter had struck your daughter back and it had been a lethal blow that killed her? Would you still agree with what your husband told her to do? I'm sorry. Your husband is wrong and so are you for agreeing with him. Violence begets violence.
- Jeri
Actually boop, it's a true story. I knew the girl who was beating on my daughter, she used to come over and play when she was littler! So what should I have done? We complained to the school I don't know how many times and they never did anything, in fact, the other girl would deny it so they believed her!!!!!!! So tell me, what should we have done? And seriously, it took 2 maybe 3 punches for the other girl (who is much bigger) to show her true cowardice and stop.
And when she went to a new high school, someone else started to pick on her, but this girl was much smaller. After the bully took a few beatings I got called into the principals office with my daughter and I asked him what he planned on doing about the bullying. When he said that there was really nothing he could do because again, the other girl denied it, I told my daughter in front of him that she had my permission to pound anyone who bothers her anytime. The principal kinda seemed indifferent, even a little pleased that I said that, because his hands were tied as it was one girl's word against another's. But the bullying stopped. it was the ONLY way. Of course I would have preferred that my daughter not have to defend herself. But given no alternative... I'm proud of her. She also gained in self-confidence.

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Sheriff weighs charges for parents in bullying death

The younger suspect has shown "remorse and cooperation" over the incident and was released into her parents' custody, according to the Polk County Sheriff's Office. The older suspect, described by Judd as "very cold," is in the custody of the Department of Juvenile Justice.

The sheriff said authorities are still investigating the girls, and also trying to decide whether the parents should be charged.

"I'm aggravated that the parents aren't doing what parents should do," Judd told reporters. "Responsible parents take disciplinary action."

"Sins of the Father" or its reverse is not part of our criminal code, and for good reason. The parents would have had to have taken an active role in the harassment to even be considered liable criminally for it.

Now civil liability is another issue entirely, as the parents could be sued for wrongful death and since the perps are underage, any liability fiscally might be the parent's (not a lawyer so not 100% sure on this).

Aren't parents liable for damage their underage children do? Perhaps the parents could sue this girl's parents in civil court, the way OJ Simpson was sued in civil court for the death of his ex-wife. This would be one way to hold the parents responsible for the actions of their children.

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