Should the parents be charged in bullying suicide?

Should the parents of the bully be charged?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • No

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Not sure/don't know

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 2 10.5%

  • Total voters
Yes, words are deadly, and they can kill.

The 12 year old who took her own life must have felt so desperate to get away from the bullying, and her parents should have known what was going on, but you are right, they have suffered enough, having lost their little girl.

The parents of those who bullied her should be made to answer, though, and their children should be punished, although I am not sure what kind of punishment would be suitable for children like that. You could expel them but that won't solve anything.

Most schools these days have an anti bullying policy in place, so it is sad that things like this still happen - makes me wonder whether these bullying policies are actually enforce, or there just for show.

If words could kill you would have been dead. The fact that, despite the bullying, you aren't, proves that it wasn't words that killed that girl. She was crazy, and killed herself.

True, but I was older than this girl and perhaps better able to cope - she wasn't. Not everyone can cope.
This is completely the mistake of the girl's parents who committed suicide , not others .
Yes, words are deadly, and they can kill.

The 12 year old who took her own life must have felt so desperate to get away from the bullying, and her parents should have known what was going on, but you are right, they have suffered enough, having lost their little girl.

The parents of those who bullied her should be made to answer, though, and their children should be punished, although I am not sure what kind of punishment would be suitable for children like that. You could expel them but that won't solve anything.

Most schools these days have an anti bullying policy in place, so it is sad that things like this still happen - makes me wonder whether these bullying policies are actually enforce, or there just for show.

If words could kill you would have been dead. The fact that, despite the bullying, you aren't, proves that it wasn't words that killed that girl. She was crazy, and killed herself.

Your words remind me of the proverb where the prostitute wipes her mouth and says, I've done nothing wrong. I don't know which proverb it is off hand but let me tell you the story behind it.. a woman who was married to a very wealthy man was given the news one day that he was divorcing her for a seductress ( who later will steal all his money and move onto her next victim without mercy ) and she tried to commit suicide over the news. Her son was a friend of my sons and this woman survived. Thank God. I think it was the incredible act of cold hearted behavior from both the husband and the seductress who "thinks she has done nothing wrong"... of course when she is in hell she will find out differently and whatever money she has stolen from men to make herself rich here will not be going with her although the souls of the men she took will be there to join her for all eternity.... still ... on the matter of this 12 yr old girl? Crazy? I think not. What we have here is a sociopath ( much like the seductress who cares for no one but herself ) who feeds like a parasite off of another persons misery and cannot rest until they receive the ultimate reward which is the total destruction of their victim. ( mind, body and spirit )

If you will pay attention to the story you will notice that the one girl who is being detained is completely unrepentant and has a cold heart. Her response was something along the line of who cares? So what? A 12 yr old girl is dead, what is that to her? Again, it is the attitude of "I've done nothing wrong"... On the matter of the other girl and her parents belief that her account must have been hacked? I beg to differ. It is more likely it was the mind and heart of the girl that had been hacked - by a sociopath who sought someone to join her in bringing about the death of an innocent girl who the sociopath identified as an easy mark. Much the way a seductress finds very wealthy men who are "an easy mark"... Now this girl who the parents cannot even believe would do such a thing is going to live with this on her conscience for the rest of her life. Words do not kill? Think again. This girl who kept company with a sociopath and accepted her friendship, though she is alive, has indeed had something die within her. Bad company corrupts. If your children are keeping bad company? Make it your priority to get those people out of your childs life immediately. Then pray God will bring them the right friends so He can fulfill the plans and purposes He has for their lives. Words do harm and destroy children and they can kill them as well.

There are a lot of lessons in this story and the first one out of the gate would be guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flow the issues of life ( another proverb which I do not have chapter and verse for at the moment ) and in this case guard the heart of your child with all diligence for out of it will flow the issues not only of their life but your life as well. There are alot of very cruel, heartless people in this world and parents have a responsibility to look after their childrens hearts and protect them because if they don't, it could result in this sort of tragedy. My heart goes out to the victims parents. The death of a child by suicide is something no parent should ever have to experience. I've seen women drive men to suicide as well. It is utterly evil. Again, I must tell you that when there is no sign or trace of a conscience within them? That is the heart of a Jezebel Spirit and a sociopath. Don't walk away. RUN!
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The 'pushing somebody to kill themselves' is an interesting one. I have an online acquaintance whose husband laid out in great detail, in his suicide note, why she was responsible.

So here is where things get fuzzy for me. Do some get to be just total shit on wheels? Horrible, shiteous people who can do so much damage that someone would take their own life? And then it's just "Oh well, she was weak, fuck her if she can't take a little ribbing."

Or, yes. Do they need to accept responsibility that the things we say and do have consequences??

BD, anyone who refuses to take responsibility for their own selfishness & disregard for the emotional damage they cause to people who come into contact with them is not going to ever admit anything that which would remotely force them into accountibility. They will blame the victim every time because to do otherwise would be to admit their own guilt. It is just that simple.

The truth is some people are never going to admit they are responsible for causing others to commit suicide, for breaking up marriages, for the suicides of children who were the results of those broken marriages - even after they have moved onto their next "victim"... I have seen and heard far too much to think this is some sort of "coincidence".. it isn't.. these people are walking sociopaths and should be avoided at all costs. They have no remorse for their actions because they have no conscience. There is no medicine to cure that individual. They are utterly demon possessed and without God there is no hope for them. It is best to keep them out of your life and out of your children's life. Pray for them and write God have mercy over their doors. Nothing else you can do for them.
I'm in agreement with Noomi on this.

Young people, children, teenagers do not have the ability to think as adults. I'd bet the parents of the bullies abused their kids and I wonder why one of them is so completely shut down as to be described as "very cold" by the law enforcement.

As Noomi said, not every one can handle bullying well enough to survive it. There are no winners in this. Three children have lost their lives and the responsibility falls squarely on the shoulders of all of the adults - parents and teachers as well as others who might have seen signs of what was happening.

Another point - parents are not taught how to parent. Its all OJT. I think that's why some parents believe hitting is okay. Its not but we've seen people here post that they were hit as children and so they hit their own children.

Truly tragic, all the way around.
I'm in agreement with Noomi on this.

Young people, children, teenagers do not have the ability to think as adults. I'd bet the parents of the bullies abused their kids and I wonder why one of them is so completely shut down as to be described as "very cold" by the law enforcement.

As Noomi said, not every one can handle bullying well enough to survive it. There are no winners in this. Three children have lost their lives and the responsibility falls squarely on the shoulders of all of the adults - parents and teachers as well as others who might have seen signs of what was happening.

Another point - parents are not taught how to parent. Its all OJT. I think that's why some parents believe hitting is okay. Its not but we've seen people here post that they were hit as children and so they hit their own children.

Truly tragic, all the way around.

Said child could have same mental illness as parent(s). I have a sister who ... I mean, from the time she could talk, she was lying. Drove my parents the rest of the way mad. She was out of the house at 14, we haven't seen her since 1987.
^do you know what became of her?

Nope. Allegedly, she's still alive. Either that or somebody took out an ID in her name as recently as 2008. The address listed is my sister's from the mid-80's, combined with my grandmother's city and state.

She has a daughter she has not seen since A was five. K said "Next time I see you, we'll go out to eat." That was the last time they spoke.
The current law does not hold the parents responsible for the acts of their children. However they can face other charges and even a wrongful death civil lawsuit.

The underlying cause that needs to be addressed is bullying. Colombine was the result of bullying. At some point society needs to come to grips with this abhorrent deviant anti-social behavior and outlaw it. That won't happen while it persists in homes and schools and is considered "normal" by those that engage and/or condone it.

What we have right now is another unfortunate victim who died because we adults failed to do what was right. Yes, I assume my own share of the guilt for her death because we haven't done enough to stop this from happening.
Bullies, children and their parents, will always blame the victims.

That's what bullies do.

Throw the book at parents and kids. No mercy.
We have bullying today the same as we have always had it. We just don't deal with it the same way. It used to be that the person who was bullied, or even some other child acting on their behalf would get the bully and beat the crap out of them. Then the bullying stopped. The natural containments of offensive conduct have been taken away leaving the conduct free to grow.
We have bullying today the same as we have always had it. We just don't deal with it the same way. It used to be that the person who was bullied, or even some other child acting on their behalf would get the bully and beat the crap out of them. Then the bullying stopped. The natural containments of offensive conduct have been taken away leaving the conduct free to grow.

You are talking about physical bullying. What happened in this instance is psychological bullying and it is running rampant via the internet. There are no "natural containments" for cyber bulling because there is no physical contact.
We have bullying today the same as we have always had it. We just don't deal with it the same way. It used to be that the person who was bullied, or even some other child acting on their behalf would get the bully and beat the crap out of them. Then the bullying stopped. The natural containments of offensive conduct have been taken away leaving the conduct free to grow.

You are talking about physical bullying. What happened in this instance is psychological bullying and it is running rampant via the internet. There are no "natural containments" for cyber bulling because there is no physical contact.

There's no difference. The bullies always know the victim. They usually go to the same school, just as in this case. Get the little miscreant alone and put her or him in the hospital. Bullying stops.

It's really impossible for pure cyber bullying to have any effect. Stop going to the social media sites where the bullying is taking place. In THIS case, where the girl committed suicide, she was being bullied both on social media and with physical confrontation at school.
We have bullying today the same as we have always had it. We just don't deal with it the same way. It used to be that the person who was bullied, or even some other child acting on their behalf would get the bully and beat the crap out of them. Then the bullying stopped. The natural containments of offensive conduct have been taken away leaving the conduct free to grow.

You are talking about physical bullying. What happened in this instance is psychological bullying and it is running rampant via the internet. There are no "natural containments" for cyber bulling because there is no physical contact.

There's no difference. The bullies always know the victim. They usually go to the same school, just as in this case. Get the little miscreant alone and put her or him in the hospital. Bullying stops.

It's really impossible for pure cyber bullying to have any effect. Stop going to the social media sites where the bullying is taking place. In THIS case, where the girl committed suicide, she was being bullied both on social media and with physical confrontation at school.

Since your "solution" is to advocate illegal physical violence it is apparent that you don't really understand the dynamics and motivations involved or how to deal with them in a manner that does not perpetuate the cycle.
You are talking about physical bullying. What happened in this instance is psychological bullying and it is running rampant via the internet. There are no "natural containments" for cyber bulling because there is no physical contact.

There's no difference. The bullies always know the victim. They usually go to the same school, just as in this case. Get the little miscreant alone and put her or him in the hospital. Bullying stops.

It's really impossible for pure cyber bullying to have any effect. Stop going to the social media sites where the bullying is taking place. In THIS case, where the girl committed suicide, she was being bullied both on social media and with physical confrontation at school.

Since your "solution" is to advocate illegal physical violence it is apparent that you don't really understand the dynamics and motivations involved or how to deal with them in a manner that does not perpetuate the cycle.

I understand, quite well, that physical violence stops bullying. It always has. These alternative measures haven't worked and they won't. The problem of bullying has gotten worse, the more "understanding" has been applied. Lifelong friendships have been formed once a bully got his ass handed to him by a possible victim. They resolve differences and find common ground. Understanding dynamics and motivations simply perpetuates the bully's sense of self aggrandizement making the bullying worse.

When a bully gets the beating they so richly deserve, they invariably think twice about bullying someone else. For one thing, they can never trust that they won't be humiliated in public again. It is part of the process of civilizing these little brats.

Children are not so different than puppies. Sometimes one puppy in a litter might be bigger and stronger or think they are and will bully one or more of the other puppies. He chases them away from the nipple, then the food bowl, takes their toys. Hides all the cookies. Eventually the other puppies gang up on the bully, bite his tail, nip his ear, hold him down until the pup submits and the bullying behavior disappears. He can't get away with it any more. It's a natural and necessary part of the socialization process.

In humans, we interfered in that socialization process by imposing artificial constraints. If the owner of the litter "understood" the bullying behavior and didn't allow the other pups to administer a little litter justice, that dog would grow up to be too aggressive to be a pet dog. That bullying behavior would extend to everyone.

Which may explain why we have young people today who behave worse than packs of wild animals. Whey they think they have a right to beat people up, steal from them. Drag people out of their cars and bash their heads in. We just understood civilization completely out of them.
There's no difference. The bullies always know the victim. They usually go to the same school, just as in this case. Get the little miscreant alone and put her or him in the hospital. Bullying stops.

It's really impossible for pure cyber bullying to have any effect. Stop going to the social media sites where the bullying is taking place. In THIS case, where the girl committed suicide, she was being bullied both on social media and with physical confrontation at school.

Since your "solution" is to advocate illegal physical violence it is apparent that you don't really understand the dynamics and motivations involved or how to deal with them in a manner that does not perpetuate the cycle.

I understand, quite well, that physical violence stops bullying. It always has. These alternative measures haven't worked and they won't. The problem of bullying has gotten worse, the more "understanding" has been applied. Lifelong friendships have been formed once a bully got his ass handed to him by a possible victim. They resolve differences and find common ground. Understanding dynamics and motivations simply perpetuates the bully's sense of self aggrandizement making the bullying worse.

When a bully gets the beating they so richly deserve, they invariably think twice about bullying someone else. For one thing, they can never trust that they won't be humiliated in public again. It is part of the process of civilizing these little brats.

Children are not so different than puppies. Sometimes one puppy in a litter might be bigger and stronger or think they are and will bully one or more of the other puppies. He chases them away from the nipple, then the food bowl, takes their toys. Hides all the cookies. Eventually the other puppies gang up on the bully, bite his tail, nip his ear, hold him down until the pup submits and the bullying behavior disappears. He can't get away with it any more. It's a natural and necessary part of the socialization process.

In humans, we interfered in that socialization process by imposing artificial constraints. If the owner of the litter "understood" the bullying behavior and didn't allow the other pups to administer a little litter justice, that dog would grow up to be too aggressive to be a pet dog. That bullying behavior would extend to everyone.

Which may explain why we have young people today who behave worse than packs of wild animals. Whey they think they have a right to beat people up, steal from them. Drag people out of their cars and bash their heads in. We just understood civilization completely out of them.

When all you have is a hammer every problem looks like a nail! Unfortunately there are no "virtual hammers".

Thanks for trying but you are part of the problem and not part of the solution. Have a nice day.
The current law does not hold the parents responsible for the acts of their children. However they can face other charges and even a wrongful death civil lawsuit.

The underlying cause that needs to be addressed is bullying. Colombine was the result of bullying. At some point society needs to come to grips with this abhorrent deviant anti-social behavior and outlaw it. That won't happen while it persists in homes and schools and is considered "normal" by those that engage and/or condone it.

What we have right now is another unfortunate victim who died because we adults failed to do what was right. Yes, I assume my own share of the guilt for her death because we haven't done enough to stop this from happening.

Why don't you just get the government to wave a magic wand and change human nature?

Alternatively, you could stop acting like kids being kids is the reason people go crazy. Of course, that would require the ability to stop thinking that the answers to every problem is a simple matter of blaming someone else.
Bullies, children and their parents, will always blame the victims.

That's what bullies do.

Throw the book at parents and kids. No mercy.

That was incredibly non insightful, just like everything else you post, I honestly don't understand why you aren't running the entire universe.
We have bullying today the same as we have always had it. We just don't deal with it the same way. It used to be that the person who was bullied, or even some other child acting on their behalf would get the bully and beat the crap out of them. Then the bullying stopped. The natural containments of offensive conduct have been taken away leaving the conduct free to grow.

You are talking about physical bullying. What happened in this instance is psychological bullying and it is running rampant via the internet. There are no "natural containments" for cyber bulling because there is no physical contact.

You think it is impossible to beat the crap out of someone who uses words?

By the way, other than the single post that was allegedly made to one of the girl's Facebook accounts, what evidence do you have that they were bullied? Why do you automatically assume that they are guilty simply because some asshole in law enforcement said they bullied another child to her death?

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